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Everything posted by h2ogirl

  1. Eh, to each their own. :) her face is not pleasing to look at. That's all I'm saying.
  2. Ally is just not attractive. She would never make the team now. Not ready for HD.
  3. Yes but your average football fan has no idea what these girls' citizenship is - it would look very odd to have a couple random girls have their hands at their sides.
  4. I liked Lacey but think she failed that question. You are supposed to be an ambassador for the team and America's sweetheart (even though yes, your job is to shake your cash and prizes for lecherous nfl fans) and to say the last books you've read were softcore porn is not going to win you any points. And then she was proud of herself? Um, no.
  5. Erica's departure is fascinating - she was just posting about the HOF game two weeks ago, so what happened after that - I hope we find out. She always seemed like a no drama girl too. Kalyssa, good grief. Maybe it's in the editing for tv but girl is far too pleased with herself and is very annoying.
  6. For some reason the first one won't work for me but the second one is priceless. It got cut off before all the children in the hospital were healed by the power of hitch kicks, yes?
  7. Erica looks gorgeous but she seems to have forgotten her pants. :)
  8. I get that, I do, but i'm also thrilled to see an ordinary looking woman get to have a romance storyline. I love British shows for this. So many American shows cast only gorgeous people, who are of course nice to look at but it gets a bit ridiculous sometimes when all cops and FBI agents and lab techs etc are totally stunning.
  9. Dot told Marine if it was a boy she was going to name him Andrew, I believe. So it was only the middle name that Marnie gave him herself. Which I do not begrudge her doing honestly.
  10. I'm just afraid he's going to find out about Capt. Novotny and he's going to kill her somehow. Love this show and so very bummed it was cancelled.
  11. I was at a baseball game Saturday night (my poor Mariners, lol) and when it looked like they might come back and win they told everyone to stand up and they played Thunderstruck. I had a hard time not doing the moves in the stands. :)
  12. Love Jenna Tatum but I think Kelsey is much prettier.
  13. Bess seems to fly under the radar but she's one of my favorites. She's absolutely stunning.
  14. To me Stephanie looks like a drag queen, sorry. As did Morgan, and Mackenzie Swicegood. Looking at them gives me the heebie jeebies.
  15. Holly looks great. Amy T looked good to me too. Stephanie's face still scares me. Bless her heart, I'm sure she's a lovely person.
  16. If you look on Simone's IG she has some amazing swimsuit photos on there. Girl is stunning. have been creeping on several of the girls' instagrams - I love the dance class videos. There was one at a Michelle Keys class with Jessica, Jen K, Caila, Jacie, some other girls, and Kat. Kat was noticeably weaker than everyone else. I like her, so I hope she has a great audition.
  17. I'm sorry, but Stephanie's face gives me the heebie jeebies. Girl is scary looking. Not sure how she made the team.
  18. Was checking out Kelsey's IG after looking at the scary tattoo - she has dance class videos like everyone does - she looks great as usual but Veronica looks AMAZING.
  19. This is the third week in a row that Mitchell has made the very worst garment (to me). Today's looked like a kids papier mâché project on the top and an old banquet tablecloth on the bottom. I can't believe he's still there. He also just seems dim witted. Give him the ax, please.
  20. I love Holly. She's cute as a button and a great dancer and I love that she doesn't look like anyone else. I'm bummed that Jacie and Kinzie and Kelsey are leaving. I think Jen K will be point with Jenna and Erica behind her. Have always loved Danielle but don't think she'll ever be up there - Judy had her in the back for like 3 years.
  21. I don't think I've ever hated a television character as much as I hate Mary Crawley. What a complete bitch. I've enjoyed this show for many years but it's worn me out. She's so so very awful. I don't even care about the Christmas special now. I wanted their car to get in a fiery crash, somehow taking Carson with them. They're both completely insufferable.
  22. This video is quite something. the costumes! There is no sound, sadly.
  23. If they bring in Tim Riggins I will watch this show forever.
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