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Everything posted by Eeksquire

  1. I was pleasantly surprised by Frank's room - he can talk all he wants about Beyonce and Rihanna, but to me it looked more old Hollywood. I really liked the nightstands and the lamps - with the color blue he chose, it seemed to me almost like something out of an "I Dream of Jeannie" episode. The only thing I didn't like much was the dresser/entertainment unit. It was an ok idea, but it definitely looked like a piece of Franken-furniture when it was done. (No pun intended.)
  2. I could not believe they went there. I mean, I can, but talk about a disappointment. As I predicted, I forgot that the show was on and just discovered it on my DVR tonight. It was ... fine? I guess? It was definitely not compelling enough that I watched closely though. Definitely hit the laptop about ten minutes in and meandered around the internet while this was on in the background.
  3. I think the crux of that article is this: Elena strikes me as very real because she's sixteen. If her interest were music, and she was overly pedantic about the differences between albums or bands or whatever, she would be just as annoying, but less of a target for this kind of article. Teenagers who are REALLY INTO SOMETHING tend to be REALLY INTO IT no matter the subject. That said, if they get another season (fingers crossed), I think they'll need to allow her to grow up and relax a little. It would be interesting if they started to morph Alex into a little bit more of that, though he hasn't demonstrated any specific passionate interest in anything but sneakers.
  4. I think the show has done a good job of showing that Saul also acted as Frankie's "keeper" - his inability to let go of that role caused a lot of tension with Robert in earlier seasons. I think it would be interesting if the show 'went there' more with Frankie - of the four, it appears that she's the only one that never had her own independent source of income, for one thing, and she's shown to be bad with money. Without Grace, she really is the most vulnerable of the four for reasons that don't have anything to do with age, but would be exacerbated by it.
  5. This show is one of the refuges from tv's obsession with antiheroes - which, while I Get It, it's enough already. I keep trying to get people to watch it to no avail.
  6. YES. I think that's why I can't really get into it and I think I'm out, even though I had high hopes and like most of the actors.
  7. And... isn't California's bar exam actually *three* days instead of just two? I'm just saying. I know realism isn't this show's strong suit, but Paula's law school story is all kinds of messed up, as far as the timeline goes. I feel terrible saying this, but even though the last couple of episodes have been a return to form, as far as including songs within the episodes, it might be too late? I will keep watching until the end, but I feel like it's much more of a slog than the pleasure it once was. Last season benefitted from a binge re-watch and maybe that will be true of this season as well? Waiting more than a month for the next episode is certainly not going to help though. I DVR, so I won't miss an episode, but the likelihood that I will even remember that it's on by the middle of March seems unlikely.
  8. Are we meant to believe that Ashley is out of the picture? She flew off to Barcelona and ... poof? I could definitely see the show teasing that a character is leaving and that being it. Her storyline is over. Not to mention, with Gary AND Ashley and now the PI... it doesn't occur to any of them that a woman might do something totally radical and unheard-of like, say, get married and change her last name? The fact that it says "Nelson" on the door doesn't really mean anything. That one got all the eyerolls from me.
  9. Oh but I think we're supposed to read that he's SO IN LOVE with Delilah and CONFLICTED about Katherine and Theo and BOO HOO for how COMPLICATED Eddie's life is right now you guys! Poor man baby. I don't know. I like the characters on this show, but I'm my ability to suspend disbelief is starting to slip.
  10. Clanstarling, to be clear, my objection wasn't about the timing as much as the idea that anyone would get halfway across and then ... run back to the same side they started on. Who does that? No one. I'm firmly on the side of everyone taking as much time as they need to cross the street!
  11. I think the problem I have with the idea of Josh as endgame is this: He left Rebecca at the altar. I know in show world, they're friends again (which I find unrealistic even for this show, though I understand the impulse to keep Vincent Rodriguez around because he's great), but that's a rough thing to come back from and go back to romantically, even for Rebecca. (Maybe especially for post-recovery Rebecca who seems to be growing into her own self-worth.) Even the other characters would have to twist themselves into pretzels to not react terribly to that. (...Uh, no pretzel pun intended.) On another note, I hope we get more Heather in this last stretch of episodes, and not just her standing in the background making the odd explanatory remark here or there. I think Vella Lovell is criminally underused. And, to be honest, I'd rather see almost any of the secondary characters more than NewGreg, who I just can't warm up to, though I admit that I am never a fan of actor swapping, so it might just be me.
  12. For some reason, my DVR didn't grab this on Friday, so I had to wait until today. I think it says a lot about this season that this episode was one of the highlights - and not something good. I've always like Maya, but who knew that she and Nathaniel would be so much fun together? I just wish that the songs could return to the quality of the earlier seasons - the karaoke song was good, but not strong enough to be the only song in the episode. I do think they were leaning pretty hard on Rebecca and Nathaniel at the end - Rebecca's "Uh, using pop culture to come to a conclusion about your own life? I can relate." (paraphrasing) line was a pretty big anvil in that direction.
  13. I think my biggest objection to this season was Joan Margaret - she annoyed me everytime she was on the screen. (And don't get me started on the running back and forth at the crosswalk!)
  14. This is really bugging me. I haven't done the math, but I don't believe that the whole show's timeline has taken a full three years yet.
  15. I think there was some discussion of that at some point - it was always taken as a sign of how much Morey loved Babette that he would live in that tiny house with her!
  16. Yeah, I think her house was customized to her height. Not necessarily! I knew someone who had her kitchen counters set VERY LOW because that's what was comfortable for her. (The rest of the house was standard though - no short ceilings!)
  17. I totally agree about when the show lost its oomph, but I think it's not because it needs the darkness, I think it's that the creators really didn't have as strong a post-diagnosis plan as they thought they did (or perhaps their original, Showtime plan can't be translated to the CW?). And they were given too many episodes to fill this season.
  18. Ugh. I feel like that's what every dude I've ever known would do. YES. It's terribly distracting! I'm so disappointed in this season. This was my favorite show in its first two seasons, and even last season, it was ok, but now... this is a sad end to a once-great show. I'll keep watching until the end, but... kind of sadly.
  19. I agree, but spending a whole hour with a character we've literally never seen before and only heard mentioned is not why I'm watching this show -especially in its last season. Rebecca has plenty of people that the audience has seen before that she could be dealing with. Valencia, in particular, seems to have been reduced to 'Hey! She's a lesbian now!' without anything else. If Rebecca is going to confront her past actions, why not start there instead of with a kid we've never seen before and probably will never see again? Hell, I'd take seeing Greg's dad over some random kid.
  20. Even if Rebecca wasn't, Heather was sitting right there! That they both unquestioningly accepted that a) a kid had a card with his mom's phone number on it (instead of opening his phone) and b) immediately left for the bathroom after giving the number. Yeah... that's not suspicious at all.
  21. So... is this season just all going to be filler? I hate to say it, but maybe they should only have gotten a 13 episode order.
  22. So... I know that this is just the way this show rolls, but the timeline on this episode was all kinds of messed up. First of all, Katherine goes out of town unexpectedly on the night of Eddie's gig, which: ok, I guess? But they're babysitting Theo during the day, Gary is at the bar with Eddie during soundcheck, leaves to take Delilah to her abortion while Maggie takes Theo to the park (to "TALK" to the ducks, which cracked me up), has time to go eat chicken and waffles with Delilah, return to the apartment and THEN go back to the gig? What on earth is Eddie DOING all day? Does soundcheck really take that long? And why is Theo spending the night at Gary's one bedroom apartment? Where was he sleeping BEFORE the night terrors? In Gary's bedroom? Why? And is all of this taking place on a Saturday - Theo's not in school, but then why is Katherine going away on business? And Delilah's doctor's office is open on a Saturday afternoon? I don't usually nitpick this kind of thing, but if this show is going to insist on episodes all taking place in one day, they need to get their shit together.
  23. Aw, see, I think Eddie's big flaw is that he COULD get ready for his comeback and be Theo's caregiver ... IF he was putting in the work. Songwriting, practicing, reaching out to other musicians, playing gigs. A lot of that could be done while Theo is at school or in bed (it seems like Katherine liked his music, so maybe she'd be willing to support that?), but he has no work ethic at all. Also, television divorce law is so far removed from real divorce law that it's probably not worth the comparison. Especially where the writers apparently want us to believe that a married adult woman with two children who is ALSO having an affair could "accidentally" get pregnant AND would also discover that by means of a home pregnancy test accidentally left behind conspicuously at someone else's house. (Sorry... the more I think about the absurdity of that storyline, the more it irritates me. And, unlike a lot of you, I don't even hate Delilah, I just think she's boring! But boring isn't the same as dumb.)
  24. That made me laugh immoderately, which I needed today. Thank you for that.
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