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Everything posted by Eeksquire

  1. She's another great aunt - listed on IMDB as Millie Mayfair (which I knew from the book as well), but it's infuriating that she never even gets a NAME in the show.
  2. Oh god, yes, this. Also: the podcast is really dreadful - from time to time I have to wonder if the host has even watched the episode in much detail.
  3. This! I keep trying to put my finger on what bothers me about this show so much (aside from the fact that it bears a very shallow resemblance to the source material), but I think it's that the showrunners are so focused on making sure that we LIKE Rowan, that they've totally missed the fact that she's not really likable for most of the book series AND THAT'S THE POINT. She's an antihero. Lean into that!
  4. I need the show to stop TELLING ME that Rowan is a brilliant doctor and SHOWING me that she's not a total dumbass. Or explain in a reasonable manner why she's making the choices she's making. As it stands, the show wants me to believe (I guess?) that she is: 1. a badass pediatric neurosurgeon; 2. a swashbuckling, devil-may-care, sleep-with-randos kind of woman; 3. kind of an alcoholic, but also: 4. someone who is constantly in terror,; 5. having hallucinations (or visions? or bad special effects?) every time she has one drink (and yet, still keeps drinking); and 6. knows that these people are scary, but is like "cool, sure I'll hang out with them alone, no problem, even though I said I wouldn't because I'm afraid." If her character was a teenager, maybe. But not a woman in her 30s who, again: is supposed to be smart. Either she believes Cip that the Mayfairs/Lasher are so dangerous she shouldn't be in the house at all OR she thinks they're just eccentric elderly southern folk with a ghost story, but you cannot have it both ways or none of the characters' actions make sense.
  5. I assume that the show is going to take a turn at some point to show Rowan "stepping into her power" as a witch, but honestly it's not going to work. We're three episodes into an eight episode season and the characters are still flailing around. Eps 2 & 3 could have (and should have) been condensed into one. On another note, this show seems to think we Cortland Mayfair is remotely interesting and he's not.
  6. I am not an expert in New Orleans, but honestly, even as someone who just loves the city, it definitely seems like the cartoon version of the city.
  7. I don't know, even in universe, it sounds like he knows the Mayfair family, so he'd know if it was Cortland. This show is bad. There's no other way to say it. AMC should probably stop the episode insiders for this one, because the showrunner explaining what just happened in the episode, like the audience needs cliff notes, makes me feel like SHE knows that the adaptation is bad.
  8. I agree, this episode was much better than the first, with one giant caveat, which is: I really, really did not need the simultaneous mother-daughter orgasms. Really really REALLY did not. I am cautiously optimistic about Ciprien's character, but I'm reserving judgment for now. I still cannot wrap my head around the simultaneous portrayal of Rowan as someone who is simultaneously able to kill at will and also so fragile that she needs to be protected by someone she doesn't know. It's a sign that the showrunners (despite being women themselves) don't totally have a grasp on how to write a complex female character.
  9. I totally agree with this - he believes his own press that he's "such a good person" and thus entitled to overcome any adversity thrown his way. He's a golden boy, so things will always bend to his will. I find Tim Riggins much more interesting, as he's a good person, but no one will give him credit for anything.
  10. That's where I am; it took me a few eps to be all in for IWTV, so I'm hoping this will improve over time. Though... they're going to have to work real hard to get me to buy this Lasher. Real hard.
  11. Did I understand correctly in the episode insider that they are going to try and cover the whole first book in Season 1? That seems like a big swing. This first episode was just ok. I really like the actress playing Rowan, in general, but the characterization here seems really off - they're trying to sell her as really unsure of herself and vulnerable, but that doesn't fit with "hot shot neurosurgeon who takes her boat out in the SCARY OCEAN* all by herself and sleeps with random dudes" that they're simultaneously pitching. It's possible that this is suffering from a comparison with IWTV, which took most of the first episode to establish Louis' backstory before jumping into the supernatural - I think a similar approach would have been better here. *I think that's how we're meant to see it, but there's no context for that at all.
  12. I'd have to rewatch to be sure, but I thought it was a white robe she was wearing while doing her makeup. I really hope they don't go there - they already did a red herring when Johnny returned from NYC and went straight to Tully's apartment instead of Kate and it's equally illogical that they'd get together now.
  13. Totally agree - had they REVERSED the accident with the birth control permission slip, THAT is something I could see Kate blowing up 30 years of friendship over. The accident was truly just that - an ACCIDENT. But if Mara went to a frat party and had to be rescued and THEN Tully gave her permission for birth control without talking to Kate, Kate and Johnny could spin that into a massive betrayal.
  14. I think one thing that the show gets right (and which irritates me to no end, IRL) is that it's very easy to eyeroll Diana's wish to go shopping, but also: it's arguably part of her royal "job". How many public events does she go to? And she is expected to look and act perfectly at every single one? In the 80s/90s, the royals may well have had "dressers" (or valets, etc.), but "stylists" were several years into the future. It is part of Diana's PR role to be fashionable, to be beautiful, to be decorative, so shopping, for her, is not necessarily a frivolous pursuit. But also: ok, so Chuck has to go home to speak at the college; why does everyone else ALSO have to leave? Makes zero sense to me. Diana and the kids had no role at that function!
  15. I also really love how much Elliott (before this season, when his whole storyline was about his father) just adores all of Nick's friends, including Jay and Andrew. Ok, on reflection, Elliott might just be my favorite character on the show.
  16. I just finished the new season last night and my overall big question is : why so much singing? That used to be an occasional feature of the show and now it felt like there was a song in every episode for no good reason. They could have done with Lola's three dads and called it a day. (And speaking of dads... could have done without Grandpa Birch entirely.) Other than that, I was sad that Jay and Matthew broke up, but it was totally in character for both of them - Jay latching on to people please anyone that shows affection and interest toward him and Matthew believing that he has way more control (and thus responsibility) than he actually does. I just hope that Jay doesn't return to Lola - I've had enough of that storyline! I do really like Jesse and Lola becoming closer - the shifting friendships are very true to middle school!
  17. I am really impressed at the way this show is portraying the characters when they shift POV - if and when they shift to Lestat's perspective, they'll have a lot to work with, even though all we've seen so far is Louis and Claudia's perspective (via the diaries).
  18. I am reserving judgment, because overall I have loved this series, but I didn't love this episode. It was simultaneously rushed and too slow as to Claudia's development as a character (though I did like the actress very much and boy, those contact lenses are really something on her in particular!). I am watching on cable, and so a week behind, but if we shift back to Louis' story for the rest of the season, I wonder whether the diaries will resurface at any point later in the series.
  19. Listen, I have not been sold on Sam Reid's Lestat until this episode and then I think I had a minor stroke of some kind when he referred to himself as "Bad Daddy". Ok, you win. I'm in. Fine.
  20. Aw, I don't find the bloody mess scary, it's the total LACK of bloody mess that I find scarier, where literally every drop is drained.
  21. Thank you - I'm so glad it's not just me! I thought the whole point was not to waste a drop, though of course that wouldn't be as cinematic. (Much scarier though, IMO)
  22. I feel like there were several instances where Trent tossed off a one-liner that demonstrated some insight. (Can I come up with an example off the top of my head? No.) But it's those things that attracted Eleanor - that, and the fact that as Paxton's friend, he was part of the cool clique. Even Ben was susceptible to wanting to hang out with them. As status obsessed as Devi and Eleanor tend to be (Fabiola less so), I'm not surprised that Eleanor would be interested in "dating up".
  23. I hope that they have sex, and then decide to be friends and NONE of these teenagers end up with each other for life! I'm definitely down to watch Season 4 and see the fallout of whatever happens here, but IMO, the series should end with everyone going to their separate ways (college or not) and moving on with their lives. They can all be [insert social media platform of the day] friends forever!
  24. Does anyone know if there is a website where they source identify clothes/housewares/stuff in GG? In particular, the bag that Anna gives to Luke to take on April's class trip (it's a blue leather bag with a red and white stripe down the middle) - does anyone know what brand that is? My grandfather had one just like it and it made me nostalgic. If anyone knows the brand name I would be grateful!
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