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Everything posted by jacehan

  1. At the time we meet Ruth - but the TARDIS has been buried for years. Even as we learn more about Ruth (having finished Series 12 - don't know if there's more in 13), we don't know how long she lived as Ruth, except that Gat says it took a long time to track down the box. (Of course from a Doylist point of view it's meant to show it's the same TARDIS, just hashing it out from a Watsonian POV.)
  2. (Note: I haven't seen past this episode, so if you're bringing in info from beyond that, I can't confirm it.) That's exactly my point, though. Ruth's TARDIS would be a police box for the same reason One's TARDIS was prior to the circuit breaking - because when you're hiding out in the UK post 1930, a police box is reasonable camouflage for it. If Ruth's chameleon circuit is functional, then it would change shape when she lands somewhere else after leaving - but we don't see that happen.
  3. This is obviously very late and I'm sure the episodes that came after this address all the speculation, but I was surprised no one commented here on the idea that the Ruth's TARDIS actually had a working chameleon circuit - it's perfectly reasonable if they've been on Earth for some time for it to turn into the police box before they buried it.
  4. The scene right after the drag queen told Benji he was like a teenage vampire, he was giving Robert Pattinson as Batman.
  5. The scene where Armando and Isabella are calling themselves such fools because they didn't find Pilar being happy to be suspicious enough was cracking me up. I liked having scenes with Benji and Rahim, especially because it was nice to see Benji without Victor.
  6. She was in, like, 6 episodes (aka more than half the season)? She broke up with Andrew in episode 5.
  7. Well, she didn't actually climb it - that was all in her head.
  8. When Clint told them that Natasha killed Ronin, my first thought was Obi-Wan telling Luke that Darth Vader killed his father. From a certain point of view....
  9. Ted Lasso got upgraded from a single thread to a full forum.
  10. I don't think that there's necessarily multiple TVAs. It's more like the TVA restarted, because the multiverse war restarted but the new HWR remains hasn't won it yet. (And maybe now he won't, since there's the one key difference of Loki knowing what happened (kinda) in the last one. This makes the ending feel kinda Dark Tower-y.)
  11. Yes! We've all been thinking they're building towards Young Avengers, but clearly it's been the Pet Avengers all along. (https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Pet_Avengers_(Earth-97161))
  12. S.W.O.R.D. is basically like S.H.I.E.L.D., but for outer space.
  13. They certainly couldn't have shown that. Deke was in a different timeline/universe - the rest of the team returned to the original one where the past hadn't been changed. It sounded to me that they had talked in smaller groups since then - they referenced things about their lives not as if they were learning them for the first time just there - but getting a group of people all together at the same time for a Zoom Call is hard even when they're not secret agents or in space!
  14. Is it just me or was Michael's home the same home as the guy from the Sophie Bishop sex tape episode?
  15. It’s not suicide, it’s nirvana. It’s what the entire show has been working towards. Things I loved: Janet's “oh dip” Jason's face when Pillboi said that ghosts are racist All of Tahani's checklist Chidi's wave speech Calendar of Chidi Jason accidentally becoming Jianyu Michael Realman
  16. Hate to break it to you all, but there'd be no children in The Good Place. You don’t just need to have a positive point value to get in; you need a relatively high value. Remember Doug Forcett? He had a high positive value in the millions, but it still wasn’t high enough. There’s no way any children earned enough points to qualify.
  17. I don't think reincarnation makes sense as a solution because nobody gets into the Good Place anymore. If there were some people still, it might make sense to let people keep trying until they are good. But if that never happens because the system is biased, another solution is needed.
  18. Would they, though? Or is the actual Good Place also broken up into neighborhoods of people from roughly the same era in time? That would alleviate conflict from changing norms. (Also, if the residents are actually good people, that would also probably.)
  19. Not true, though. While it was usually Eleanor, everyone figured it out at least once. (That's one of the best jokes of that episode, when Michael is so exasperated that even Jason figured it out.)
  20. My guess is that the 21st will be the Fall Finale, and then we'll get the final 5 episodes in January.
  21. Well, but if you have ships that can go faster than light, that would mean they would be able to escape from the event horizon, no?
  22. I was just watching the episode of Adam Ruins Everything about going green (https://www.trutv.com/full-episodes/adam-ruins-everything/2084674/index.html) and I thought Adam's arguments sounded a lot like what Michael was saying here. No matter what individual choices someone makes to try and help the planet, it will still wind up hurting, because the whole system is broken. Maybe Michael Schur watched that episode, too.
  23. But that's what most science fiction is about.
  24. IIRC, there is a scene in season 1 where a bunch of the villains were talking about how they can't hurt Luke, and Mariah says something like, "You can drown him!" So it's definitely on her mind.
  25. Plus there's the wig, and she wasn't avoiding making eye contact with Jessica during that first meeting, and it was a dark-ish bar. Added onto the fact that she was pretending to be someone else and Jessica believed her mother to be dead, it's not unreasonable for Jessica to miss it then.
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