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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. But my imagination just runs wild thinking about family Christmases, Birthdays, Thanksgiving and other family events. Imagine Rob and Blac Chyna (do we call her Blac?) and their new baby plus 3 year old King, the baby she has with Tyga. I can't even imagine them all mixing and having fun with Kylie, Tyga and Khloe.... who absolutely hates her? My head is spinning thinking about the possibilities. There's been countless times that I've wondered if Robert Kardashian, Sr. was still alive what kind of people they all would have grown up to be. I really can't imagine that he would have condoned the flesh peddling of his children by Kris. I think he was essentially a pretty religious man and I don't think he'd have approved of anything they've done on camera particularly the shaving of Kourtney's vaginal hair, Kim bragging about her beautiful vagina, and Khloe giving off sexual vibes to her brother. He might be rolling over in his grave right now. Rob, please don't make Kim cry, we all know that can be pretty ugly.
  2. Family vay-cays will surely be interesting if Kris intends to invite the entire family including Rob, his lovely baby-mama Blac Cyna and of course the baby Rob. Maybe Kylie will bring Tyga again. If that particular family vacation ever comes to fruition, then it will definitely be on my bucket list of things to watch before I die.
  3. I haven't heard of Beyonce, and JayZ going to Cuba but I guess I just don't give a crap about them. As far as Conan going to Cuba, he went according to the restrictions that were placed on people traveling to Cuba by the U.S. Government under the 'journalistic activity' provision for the TBS story. I haven't ever heard any rumors that there was 'something wrong' with Saint. I just don't follow them closely enough to hear every rumor out there I guess. I like the comment made by a woman Senator from Florida, "haven't the Cuban people suffered enough?"
  4. I just heard the news this morning that the Kardashians did a family vay-cay to Cuba. I had a difficult time processing this at first, then I just became angry. There's infinitely more glamorous destinations for the K's to vacation, Cuba would be just about the least glamorous destination. So basically they decided on Cuba because; a. Other than President Obama and his family, no other person of 'celebrity' has publicly visited Cuba yet. b.They assumed that they'd be a huge smash hit with Cubans and create mobs of adoring fans wherever they went. c. They needed something to bolster up the sagging ratings on their show. d. They went to impress Raul Castro enough that he would change the country's name Cuba to 'Kuba'. The Cubans have lived extremely difficult lives, I can't even stress the word 'difficult enough. In complete contrast, the Kardashians have all (and I mean ALL) been born into an extremely privileged life. There are 4 national TV networks and many local TV stations. All state-owned and operated by the Cuban Radio and Television Corporation. It would be an educated guess to say that the Kardashians or Jenners have never been seen on television by most of the population of Cuba. They don’t have reality TV in Cuba — the Kardashians aren’t a big deal. They are like, ‘Who are you, why are you filming?'” CNN says that there is hope for humanity, because there is a place where nobody knows or cares to keep up with the Kardashians, and that is Cuba. I think it's disgusting that Kris brought the cast and crew to shove in front of the poor Cubans faces. "Kimmie the Kommunist" ?
  5. While at lunch with Carole and Dorinda, Jules said in her POV "Bethenny is new money and we're old money". I don't know much about Jules and Michael except what I've been able to find by googling but from what I've read in every article, they aren't from 'old money' at all. I don't know what Jules idea of old money is but in my definition is inherited money from old established upper class families. The Vanderbilts, the Astors, Duponts, and Rockefellers are what I'd consider to be 'old money'.
  6. I had to put my hearing in high gear just to catch all the conversations. Geeze, these women can talk fast, especially Jules and Bethenny. I am a little weary of all the Jewish references that Jules makes. As Bethenny said 'just put her in a kimono carrying a matzo ball'. We get it, you're Jewish and keep a kosher table. But, we really don't care and don't need to hear it continually. It reminds me of one of my sisters, she's never easy to go out to dinner with, she has too many requests like "is there onions in that? I can't eat onion" "can I have the sauce on the side?" "Is your red sauce spicy? I can't have spicy food". It's annoying. I feel that Jules she makes it a point to let people know she keeps kosher with food in order to stand out and be unique in some way and get attention. I don't know, but it's getting annoying. Carole with her Skype call with Adam was sort of pathetic. She was trying to lift up her forehead and eyes before the call connected, she's feeling and looking her age. Adam felt forced to tell her that she looked beautiful but I saw him blink when he said it so I don't feel Adam was being genuine. I don't think their relationship will last much longer.
  7. You're absolutely right but I think that by the time the curtain fell down on the Foster marriage that Yo had already felt pretty alienated from most of them and wasn't about to open up and share anything with any of them. I think any 'connections' with them were pretty much out of the question at that point in time.
  8. I don't think it was Eileen that made LisaV uncomfortable about the revelation of her abusive relationship as much as it was Andy that pressed her further on that discussion. Eileen brought up the fact that she had read LisaV's own blog in which she wrote for everyone to see that she had encountered abuse herself at the hands of an ex-boyfriend years ago. This information was put out there by Lisa herself. Andy dug deeper by asking 'When were you in an abusive relationship?" and "he hurt you?" and "I think it's so interesting that you didn't share that when she was sharing that". Yolanda then explained to Lisa that she would have made a deeper connection with Eileen if she had shared the fact that she was also abused in a relationship because it's those experiences that create a deeper connection with the other women.
  9. We've become so accustomed to having our 'realty' shows scripted that we tend to forget that they're supposed to be reality. In the real world, a husband will take sides with his wife, especially if she feels she's been the victim. A logical man would be objective and see it from both points of view. But in this case, Ken only took Lisa's word without knowing or wanting to know everything. Whether there's cameras there or not, if it's 'real' then he would be unfiltered and say exactly what he felt. Ken was honest and in defense of his wife he called LisaR a 'stupid bitch and a 'wanker'. Obviously he was upset because Lisa was upset. There's many that would agree that although Lisa Rinna is definitely not a stupid person, she's actually quite intelligent, but she does say some outrageous things that in the end, turn out to be stupid. I hate to say it but in this one, I'm on Ken Todd and Lisa's side.
  10. The two Lisa's had one last chance to get it right towards the end of the reunion. Andy asks the two Lisa's "how do you think you can move forward with your friendship?" Lisa Rinna says, "I'm not somebody who holds grudges and I like to move forward in life and life is just too short. So yeah, in the bigger picture I would like to move forward because I don't like to hold grudges. I'm just disappointed and sad that it would come to this." Almost instantly Lisa Vanderpump says, "well I'm disappointed in you too." Hold on..... did I hear it right? I rewound and yep, I heard that right. Lisa Rinna did not say that she was disappointed in LisaV, she said 'disappointed that it would come to this' and immediately LisaV translated that statement into 'I'm disappointed in you'. This is where semantics come into play and affect their relationships. Lisa Rinna said and meant one thing and Lisa Vanderpump heard it but in her mind translated it to her way of thinking. It's the method that LisaV uses to either project or protect her true feelings. That's a little mind-fucking that she does constantly. She made it seem as though Lisa Rinna actually said the words "I'm disappointed in you", which she did not say.
  11. I'd like to see it go even deeper and not stop with mixing a couple of of Orange County wives with the Beverly Hills wives but add to the mix Teresa Giudice, Vicki Gunvalson, Bethenny Frankel, Lisa Vanderpump, Tamra Barney, Erika Girardi and crazy Ramona Singer. That would be an interesting season. The Real Housewives of Everywhere (or,'From Hell')
  12. The reason Bravo is pushing Brandi back in front of the camera is because their sister station E! is premiering a new series called 'Famously Single' and Brandi Glanville is a cast member. I've seen it advertised on TV and groaned when I saw Brandi. Oh no, another show I'll never watch. Looks like pure tripe. Here's the article about it. http://www.broadwayworld.com/bwwtv/article/Brandi-Glanville-More-Set-for-Es-New-Series-FAMOUSLY-SINGLE-Premiering-in-2016-20151110#
  13. Even the promo for their show is all about 'family' and how there's nothing more important. But I think they're only including all the females and have totally left Rob out to dry. Over the years, they have all been tough on Rob, including Khloe. They have all belittled him in some way or mocked whatever business he tried to get going. Essentially they destroyed his self-esteem. Even though Khloe has said that she and Rob have been the closest and probably they have been, Khloe has done a job on his head with her brother-sister sexual innuendo and teasing about her vagina or sex toys. It's just unnatural and nasty and if she's been teasing him in this same way since childhood, I'm not surprised that Rob is messed up.
  14. I thought the same thing about Caitlyn, she seems cold, selfish and hurtful. Then I remembered this is the Kardashian showcase with Kris as one of the producers and all Kardashian editors. I took Caitlyn's attitude with that in mind, but she has most certainly done her best to estrange her own biological children. Kylie and Khloe have been as thick as thieves most of their lives. How is Kylie supposed to work both sides of the fence between Khloe and Caitlyn and at the same time keep them both happy? I also thought how interesting it was that they needed a pow-wow together to talk about the fact that Rob and Chyna are together and that Scott and Tyga are best-buds. They are extremely against the friendship Scott has with Tyga and I'm sure it's because Tyga isn't going to be a good influence on a recovering alcoholic/addict. BUT, why weren't they all as concerned when Kylie and Tyga were f**k-buddies right under their noses? Is there a double standard even for their own gender? It's okay for Kylie even though they weren't thrilled about it, but it's absolutely not okay for Scott to hang with Tyga.
  15. Blac Chyna's safe was robbed, $200,000 missing http://www.tmz.com/2016/05/02/blac-chyna-rob-house-burglary/
  16. Last season, the ratings crashed for their show and people tuned out because 'the girls' on their own were, let's face it.....boring. They realized they needed 'the guys' back. The women just couldn't keep the ratings up on their own. So Scott returns with his own huge house that he said himself, is too big for him living alone. He acted like a guy that was handed a key to a strange home that he'd never laid eyes on before. I'd bet half a month's salary that Kris set him up with that house. She either bought, rented or put the down payment on it. It just happens to be in the same gated community that Khloe, Kourtney, and Kylie live in and less than a mile from where Kris and Kim live. That's no coincidence, nothing with the Kardashians is a coincidence. Then Khloe buys Lamar his own house, which by the way, has become somewhat of a party house in the past few months and Khloe is not happy about that either since she's footing the bill for Lamar. What I see is a family that's imploding and it's happening pretty quickly. Scott looks absolutely horrible, he appears to be sedated but more than that he looks unhealthy. His eyes are sunken in their sockets, he's thin as a rake and emotionless. There's no 'old Scott' there, he's robotic. Kendall is wrong about the iPad she gave Rob. If it was a gift and he chooses to give it to anyone else, that's his prerogative. A real gift isn't given with strings and conditions attached. Blac Chyna and Caitlyn Jenner are huge thorns in the sides of the Kardashian family and we're seeing only the tip of the animosity iceberg here. I think that the pretenses that they're all happy and having a blast being their famous gadabout selves are just masks they're all wearing for public viewing. In reality, I think they're all circling the drain one after the other and it's only a matter of time before they go down it. One last thing I want to add is about something that happened towards the end of the episode. Kylie came to Kourtney's house with her new little dog, Khloe was there with her straight hair, and Kim was there in pigtails wearing all black including a black Persian lamb coat (who doesn't need one of those in hot California). It appeared that they were all gathered in Kourtney's kitchen and Mason went to the frig to look for something. I noticed his hair is still very long and uneven. I wish they'd get that boy to a real barber for a haircut. Kourtney strolls in wearing a red 'onesie' pajama and I can see two men at what looks like a center counter island bent over working on preparing food. They're both wearing black pants and a red shirt so I assumed they're hired help. But the girls are all at the table eating from those damned clear plastic takeout salad containers. What's with them and the takeout food in plastic containers? They have TWO guys right there preparing food, so why clog up the ocean with more plastics? I think I'm like Joan Crawford in Mommy Dearest, 'no plastic hangers!' only my thing is plastic salad containers.
  17. I swear that the writers closely monitor the reactions to each episode and write according to what those reactions are. It appears that it doesn't matter who dies or by what means they find their ultimate fate, if fans are disgruntled by their death, the writers will simply contrive some fantastical way for them to be resurrected even if it's as unbelievable as the resurrection of Jon Snow. All Melisandre had to do was cut off some of Jon's hair and burn it while she repeated the words she heard a guy say once and hocus-pocus, Jon lives again. Okay, so Jon lives once more but will he be the same Jon Snow that we knew? Will he be the sensitive, kind, romantic, lovable Jon or will he be some kind of cold, nasty bastard that we will regret having wished him alive again? No one in Game of Thrones has been resurrected from the dead without losing some integral part of who they once were. Khal Drago was brought back to life and he wasn't the same afterwards. Speaking of that hunk Khal, there's rumors that he will also be returning. I hope he brings their baby with him, maybe that kid will be big enough by now to pick up a sword or ride a dragon. And how about that Cersei? Are we going to be seeing a gentler, kinder, more benevolent Queen mum? I suppose it's possible that since she walked through the town naked with dirty feet that she earned absolution for being such a horrible woman and killing lots of people, but I'm not convinced yet. I think the High Septon and his sparrows have some kind of bad shit that's going to befall them.
  18. NOOOOOOOO! JUST NOOOOO! Damn that red witch!. I did not want to see Jon Snow alive again, but I KNEW they'd do it for his fans. Such a disappointment, but how marvelous that a woman could bring back a man from the dead when he's been dead for a long time. And all this time I was singing the song from the Wizard of Oz; "He's not only merely dead, he's really most sincerely dead".
  19. I think the best 'fix' for this show would be to sit the 3 couples on a dais in pairs, have one professional judge, preferably Dr. Pepper because she's cute and little and smart. Have the men go offstage and have Dr. Pepper ask six questions to the wives to answer. Then bring back the men and ask them those same questions to see if they line up with what their wife answered. Then do that in reverse sending the wives in seclusion and ask the husbands some new questions to be compared to the answers the new wife will give. If any couple scores lower than a 70% correct answers together, then they should be sent directly to divorce court. Oh wait, this sounds familiar. I think Bob Eubanks had this show already, yeah the Newlywed Game. But really, it was more fun, entertaining and real.
  20. Honest to goodness, that's so cute! I think that people living in current times can't imagine their parents or 'old people' actually engaging in sexual acts like '69' and many others. It's kind of an 'ew' thought when it comes to imagining parents doing the big '69'. But various and imaginative sexual positions were not magically created for our generations alone, they've been alive and well and flourishing since the first man and woman had sex. The Kama Sutra, the ancient Indian Hindu text that's widely considered to be the standard work on human sexual behavior in Sanskrit literature was written around 400 BC. Sex and sexuality throughout the generations has always been much more than 'missionary'.
  21. They kind of lost my interest the whole series in this one episode. Jamie calling Claire "Sassenach". I had to google the word and found that it's a Gaelic term used to refer to English people, or outsiders. It is often used as a derogatory term, but Jamie calls Claire affectionately by it. Truthfully, I'm a little tired of hearing it, he says it to the point of annoyance. Whatever happened to the words 'dear', 'honey', 'sweetheart'? I don't buy that whole gobble-de-gook story he fed Claire about why he went to 2nd base with a whore. I would have called bullshit on that one. When did Jamie suddenly go from a swarthy, masculine male to a complaining, bitching, mealy-mouthed, sensitive little bitch? I'm not liking the Jamie character at all this season so far. I feel that there's been way too much attention and focus on Claire's elaborate costumes and heaving breasts. Caitriona Balfe is a gorgeous woman and the Outlander writers are certain to take every opportunity to capitalize on that beauty and film more of her than anyone else. Even the lighting in a scene in which she appears with another woman. It's Claire that gets the best angle and lighting. In last week's episode she put urine to her tongue to taste. Of course, being a nurse, I knew what it was she was trying to diagnose, diabetes. The symptoms were there clear as day what was wrong with this woman, 'always hungry, always thirsty' are clear signs. But to be pregnant and put someone's urine that's been sitting in a glass bottle (how would anyone pee in that little thing?) was just something that no pregnant woman in her right mind would do. It just wasn't necessary. I'm assuming Claire is going to lose this baby since when she returns to 1948 England, she's pregnant and not showing her pregnancy yet.
  22. Welcome 'first poster' RabbiBeth. There's a great bunch of intelligent, witty and insightful forum members here. I hope you're going to enjoy slinging the shade and snarking the snark with all of us. It's always good to see someone who likes to share their point of view even though sometimes their viewpoint may be different than others and that's very often a good thing. It gives us a different perspective on the episodes. Welcome again and enjoy the forums. HumblePi
  23. New Year, microneedling by the BEST. See not so scary. Downtime is few hours. @mashell_tabe_skincare #skinmatters
  24. I'm completely agreeing with you on this one. I don't believe for a minute that Bethenny was surprised that John accompanied Dorinda to her party. John and Dorinda were house-guests of Jules and Michael and had arrived the day before the BBQ and spend that night and also the night of the BBQ as well. Was John supposed to stay alone at Jules and Michael's home while Dorinda left with them for the BBQ at Bethenny's? I think that would have been unrealistic and unreasonable to ask of Dorinda. We all watched Bethenny 'whoosh' past John on several occasions without even looking at him as though he was invisible. She didn't have to embarrass him in that way. I believe that Bethenny's entire personality is based on being argumentative, confrontative and defensive. How can anyone really tolerate being with someone like that for any length of time? There's one last thing that doesn't mean anything except that I felt a little badly for Jules when it happened. It was when Bethenny and Carole were hurriedly leaving Jules home after the brunch and apparently couldn't get out fast enough. Carole and Jules hugged and kissed on the cheek. Jules looked directly into Carole's face and smiled sweetly and said "thank you so much for coming". But, Carole was in such a rush to leave that she was already turned away and didn't bother responding. The look on Jules's face at that moment was very sad. She was trying to be gracious and sincere but those two snotty bitches couldn't appreciate a single thing Jules or Michael did for them.
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