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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. Bravo picks up the tab for any of these vacations to even the most luxurious ones so I think it should be in their contract that no matter who they hate, no matter who is feuding with whom that they are all obligated to go whether they like it or not. Refusing would mean removal from the series. I just don't think it's right when someone else is paying the tab for these out of town vacations like the one coming up in Mexico for any of them to lock out any other cast member whether it's by popular vote or not. Damned bitches should be made to tow the line according to the Bravo rules but it seems that Bravo isn't ready to law down some basic rules of engagement for these women yet.
  2. I have to say that I treasure Ramona for nothing else other than the pearls of wisdom she drops once in a while, like this one...
  3. Maybe the franchise name can be re-branded to 'The Ex-Real Housewives of New York'? Considering the fact that the only one actually taking care of underage children is Jules (Carole and Adam don't quite count) then the term 'housewives' doesn't make much sense anymore. Of course none of them even when married could be considered to be much of a housewife. House managers maybe. Okay, okay....'The Ex-Not-Real-Non-Housewives of New York'. Nah, too long. How about 'The Bored Older Single Rich Women of NY' ? I'll shoot Andy Cohen a memo right now. Maybe the title of the show should be what my husband says when he sees me watching this train wreck "Are you watching Those Rich Bitches of NY" again?
  4. I never noticed it either, the 'kih'en' thing. But, I found out it's because I pronounce it very much the same way. "I adopted my little kih'n because I was smih'n but her claws scratched me so now I wear a mih'n....and so, it's been wrih'n." Carole seems to imagine herself as the eternal ingenue, sophisticated and youthful. She refers to herself as a girl yet in her common sense brain she says she has only five summers to give to Adam. I don't know if Sonja's assistant Alex is transitioning or not but he's certainly dressing as a trans-gender. Sexual reassignment surgery is very expensive. I don't think Sonja pays him a salaray high enough to afford it yet. He actually does look like he and Sonja could be related, sisters even.
  5. That's not quite the definition of 'sloppy seconds'. The term refers to someone having intercourse with one person, then soon after having intercourse with another without a cleanup in between. Considering the fact that Ramona claims that Luann 'squirts' during sex then I would hope that he have been smart enough to have sex with Sonja before Luann. A new term would need to be coined such as 'super sloppy seconds' or 'immensely sloppy seconds'.
  6. http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/bethenny-frankel-mystery-surgery-95283
  7. spoken like a true baker! I didn't notice that but you're right, any other items being stored in an oven should be removed before baking especially since temperature would be affected.
  8. Wow, that is not a good sign. I hope Jules and her children don't get harmed by him in any way. My apologies to anyone in advance that has a boyfriend or husband with hair like Michael Wainstein, but I can't trust any guy that slathers that much bear grease on his hair. Can you imagine the pillow cases? Ew, just ew. Running late: Michael angered Jules because he was late for their dinner date yet still insisted on taking a shower; it has now being claimed that he was already involved in the affair which has ended their marriage
  9. I think that Michael's past is just a bit dimmer and darker than most of us know. Michael Wainstein founded Private Capital Group (PCG) in 2001. Michael Wainstein is a venture capitalist. That's a fancy term for someone that provides financing to small, early-stage, emerging firms that appear to have high growth potential. Venture capital funds such as PCG Group invest in these early-stage companies in exchange for equity (an ownership stake) in the companies they invest in. Michael has a net worth of $25 million and he and Jules own three properties, Miami, Southhampton and Manhattan. Michael made his start up capital for BCG Group with a flourishing online porn business. When I hear Jules say he only dated 'models, or tall Russian girls' I can only think of Michael's past connection with pornography and women he met in that business. I have even thought that the 'tall Russian models' might be some of those indentured Russian women who were brought to the USA being promised money for making porn in exchange for work Visas and end up enslaved in the porn industry. On her own, Jules has next to nothing monetarily, so I hope she takes Michael to the cleaners for everything she could squeeze out of that little Colombian body. Jules is still getting the shitty end of the stick because she's going to be the care giver of their children and maybe even learn how to do that all on her own instead of paying for a nanny or housekeeper. Reality check.
  10. There's been hardly a smattering of discussion about Bethenny Frankel's fibroid tumors. Apparently these were causing her to have excessive bleeding and severe abdominal pain. It's not a rare condition and according to the National Institutes of Health, about 70 to 80 percent of women have them by the age of 50. Bethenny just happened to be in that percentile of women. But what occurs to me is that unlike most women, Bethenny doesn't have a husband, children, parents or siblings there to give her a hand while she was recovering from surgery to remove the tumors. We can justify her having to face this health scare alone believing that her very attitude and her harsh and judgmental personality has alienated anyone who would be close enough to help her out when she needed it. Nevertheless, she did blow herself into her own little bubble. She had to rely on paid staff to attend to her needs during her recovery. Now Bethenny claims to be in love again and unfortunately it's with a married man, albeit a separated one. Dennis Shields has been married to Jill Schwartzberg since 1990 and she's a woman that Bethenny went to high school with 30 years ago.
  11. I'm suspicious of Luann and Tom. I also find her 'giddiness' and over the top emotions just a little too disingenuous. Are we really expected to believe that this guy Tom actually dated Sonja after meeting and falling hopelessly in love with Luann? Sorry, I can't buy that. I have a suspicion that this is Bravo and Luann's concocted story line intended to bring more Luann drama to the plot. Imagine if 'poor Luann' gets jilted or finds out that Tom has been telling other women how much he loves them and bla-ble-blu? It's just not feeling right to me and I don't trust Luann one bit when she claims to have found her 'soulmate', how cheesy. Quoting Luann; 'Tom told me that he ''hooked up'' with Sonja, so I think it was a bit of the wham-bam-thank- you-ma'am kind of story,' Luann giggled on camera. 'Y'know - quick in and out.' Is this REALLY the man that Luann feels is her soulmate? A guy that has sex with any woman just for sex? He did that with Sonja after he met Luann. (Big red flag there) Jules and Michael.... I feel really badly for Jules because she knew during the filming of that scene with Dorinda and John that Michael was cheating on her. To add insult to injury he leaves their table and within sight pf Jules he commences texting, taking selfies and communicating with another woman. That was just down and out scumbaggery. Jules expressed her frustration and fear about her hair loss to Dorinda and pointed out the dime size bald spot on top of her head. Dorinda really sort of blew that off as though is was no big deal, but to any woman it IS a big deal! Jules credited nerves to her hair loss but usually 'alopecia areata' results in round areas of total hair loss caused by an autoimmune disorder. The immune system actually attacks hair follicles. Carole and Adam are just a creepy couple. He's using her for television exposure and she's using him for a story line for herself, she has nothing else. So, they're using each other for personal gain in some way, not unusual at all.
  12. I think that most people would be surprised at how deeply rooted they are in sleazy, underhanded, deceitful behavior. Starting with Robert Kardashian, it's a fact and was caught on news video that he took a suitcase containing the bloody clothing from the O.J. Simpson murders and concealed in a Louis Vuitton bag then secretly disposed of it all. Robert Kardashian eventually turned over the empty bag to police after a lot of pressure by police and press. He and O.J. were roommates at one time and he felt his allegiance to O.J. was more important than giving evidence to police that would surely convict this murderer. Then there's Kris, who waited almost one year before she cheated on her husband with the first affair that he discovered. There may have been others before that one, but it was the first time he found out about her affair. She had many others including one with her hairdresser Alex Roldan who Khloe coincidentally looks very much like. Then there's Todd Waterman who Kris herself admitted to on the show as being the man she had an affair with while still married to Robert Kardashian. She met Todd Waterman in one episode for lunch, but for what reason I'm not sure. Was it to make Bruce jealous? Or, was it to reignite their affair or even to satisfy her own overly bloated ego knowing he still thought she was hot? Kris is a mess, like she made her daughters. Kris is responsible for deliberately leaking and selling Kim's sex tape with Ray J. to the public, not only for the money but also to achieve fame for Kim, just as it did for Paris Hilton. There's so much dirt and trash that has been swept under the rug for the Kardashians, thanks to clever Kris who would prostitute her own daughters for fame and money. The entire bunch are definitely not icons of sophistication and certainly are not worthy of any amount of admiration. I think the term most associated with our fascination with this unseemly bunch is 'curiosity' and 'astonishment' at how they could be so successful at fooling so many.
  13. Everyone realized a few episodes ago when the 'girls' were forced to do the show alone, (no testosterone, with the exception of Khloe) that the whole thing was an embarrassment and a dismal failure to E! and the entire franchise. They were dull and uninteresting on their own. Subsequent to this realization, they hurriedly pushed in several male figures including Tyga...who none of them like in the least, Jonathan...who is a whatever-the-heck to Kim, French Montana... who is as welcomed there as trench mouth and Scott who needs the money and television exposure for his ego. Lamar Odom who actually didn't need Khloe and her miracle family in order to be saved, is essentially gone thank goodness. Suddenly Khloe is "poor me, I need my own life". Khloe, who married this guy after knowing him for a month and latched onto him because he was semi-famous, wealthy, black and had a big dick. Plus she was still 'the chubby one' and had her own problems with self-esteem and had to prove to her sister Kim that she could get a man to marry her. This whole Kardashian family is a curse on the world not just on the men in their lives. They have accomplished more ways to erode the moral decency in society over the years than any human in history. And we've managed to make them all multimillionaires by buying their shit and watching their phony crap every week. What has any of them done, really other than 'allow' the public to watch them buy expensive, clothes, cars, estates and jewelry? They allowed us to tag along as they traveled to exotic destinations and unabashedly flaunted their wealth in our faces. What else have they done to entertain us besides allowing a boyfriend to do a vaginal shave for the camera, brag about how beautiful their vagina is, disrespect their whorish mother and make sexual remarks and innuendo to their own brother. Has there been any expressions of philanthropy for some good cause other than the Khloe cause of 'saving' Lamar Odom? Trust me, Lamar has his own family and would have survived without Khloe but she would never want anyone to know that fact. If their show stopped tomorrow and all their resources for money dried up in an instant, they would all still have enough money to shop, travel and spend to excess for the rest of their lives. They have amassed fortunes. They would never go hungry, never need a home to live in, never have to work and never have to make any lifestyle changes. I realize this was little more than a rant on my part, but with tragedies going on before our eyes in the news and people being murdered out of sheer hatred for who they are, it angers me and all I want to do is to shake my fist out of rage and think to myself, 'Shame on you Kardashians! You are not what real Americans are, we are much better than all that'. Oh, and Scott still looks like a drug addict and/or alcoholic and Jonathan looks like a mass murderer.
  14. I haven't seen this episode yet so I'm not able to comment about it but I did watch a REELZ TV channel documentary about Robert Kardashian, Sr. I'll preface my opinion by saying that I'm really tired of everything to do with O.J. Simpson but this was different because it portrayed Robert Kardashian as a conspirator, liar, and out and out criminal by withholding vital evidence. This is the website with two video clips. In the final analysis, it's speculation on the part of REELZ, but it's very compelling and totally believable. It wasn't the kind of negative portrayal of Robert Kardashian that his five children want anyone to believe because it tarnishes his reputation as a 'religious' and honorable man. http://tvruckus.com/2016/06/12/o-j-s-luggage-mystery-explored-in-kardashian-the-man-who-saved-o-j-simpson-videos/
  15. Ramona's dog Coco taking a crap outside on grass is not impressive at all. What WOULD be impressive is for Ramona to be seen with her hand inside a plastic supermarket bag picking up after her dog, like I do and like the regulations of most cities enforce. Something tells me she just left it there.
  16. I think we might be just a little hard on Carole and merely because of her last name and relationship with the Kennedy clan. Carole started her career as a journalist at ABC News working for Peter Jennings’ documentary unit, 'Peter Jennings Reporting'. While there she reported on stories in Cambodia, Haiti, India and Israel. She traveled extensively on the Thai-Cambodian border reporting and filming in refugee camps and with Khmer Rouge soldiers for the award-winning documentary titled From the Killing Fields. She was stationed in Israel during the Persian Gulf War and traveled with Israeli military personnel filming the aftermath of Saddam Hussein’s SCUD missile attacks. She also produced stories for the magazine shows 20/20, Primetime Live and DayOne including the story of Vietnam Veteran Bobby Muller’s anti-landmine campaign in Cambodia. Carole was honored with an EMMY award for the segment, She met her future husband Anthony Raziwill on assignment. They got assigned to the same story. A murder case, the Menendez brothers. Lyle and Erik Menendez were two good-looking rich kids who gunned their parents down in their Beverly Hills living room. Anthony Radziwill was an ABC producer on the story, and Carole was sent to work on the team. Her very first book was a memoir, 'What Remains' and it was on the New York TImes Bestseller List for twelve weeks. In 2012 she released her second book, I reserve judgement on Carole's writing career since I'm not qualified to judge her professionally. I can of course criticize her for her looks, her poor eating habits, and her unforgiving demeanor with Luann.
  17. I'm one that didn't like that red jumpsuit. I almost thought it would be more suitable for someone a bit younger. I have a medical mind and what jumped inside my brain at first sight of that red jumpsuit was all the blood vessels in the human body. Oh I know it was lace. Luann uses lace a lot in 'her' designs. But still, blood vessel jumpsuit in my mind.
  18. I'm with you on this and find it totally offensive. I'm surprised that Bravo would even allow one of the cast members to totally exclude another one from the group. Bravo had to film Sonja getting her vaginal rejuvenation just to get her in that episode from the Berkshires. She's got a contract like they all do so Bravo had to squeeze a little of Sonja into the episode somehow. I really don't feel badly for Luann because I don't think that Luann can be considered emotionally fragile by any stretch of the imagination. If most women were attacked maliciously in the way that Bethenny attacked Luann, they would have packed up and left. Boom! Out! All Luann did was complain in front of all of them how offended she is, how she can't stay and has to go but she never gets even close to the front door to leave. Look, they're all part of the franchise and collecting a paycheck for their appearances so they should all be in each episode and invited when the others are invited. Sure, they might dislike each other intensely and dread being in the same room with each other, but that's what they're paid to do and that's why the get to advertise and promote their fashion line, toaster ovens, wine and books for free.
  19. Yes Kris wanted Corey to watch Doctor Zhivago and Gone With the Wind and Corey wanted Kris to watch some movies that were filmed in this century instead.
  20. Maybe it was a piece of her mind? She likes giving out pieces of her mind even when it's unsolicited.
  21. What she means is that Red Lobster is for 'common folks' like us, not for rich bitches like her. She can shell out thousands of dollars if she wants for an Armenian meal, give me Red Lobster any day bitch.
  22. Khloe only knows how to do one accent and it's a Southern accent. I found the whole little contrived skit offensive and I live on the East coast where we're all 'so-fisticated' n' chit like dat specially when we get all gussied up for speshal occasions. I've been to New Mexico, the dramatic landscapes are incredible. That's why their license plates say 'Land of Enchantment' right on them. For Khloe, Kendall and Kylie to profile and stereotype anyone from any State is obnoxious enough but to give people from New Mexico the appearance of people that are ignorant, big-nosed, bad mannered, loud-mouthed, and pregnant is just beyond rude and stupid, it's downright insulting to any of their fans that live in that State. These self-loving ninnies think it's a joke to make fun of people and put them down like they did. I don't think it's cute or funny, it's just demeaning and insulting. I can't even imagine what they have to say about people when the cameras aren't on them recording.
  23. I heard Kris say to Lamar while they were all at their family dinner together at the Armenian restaurant that Robert Sr. loved so much, "Lamar, if you had not pulled through your 'little thing', we'd be going to the {fucking Red} Lobster once a month so thank you for saving us from that". Wow Kris, that would be pure Hell wouldn't it? Khloe has ordained herself the wise sage of the family and feels she can just dish out her advice and opinions even though they're unsolicited and expect others to follow her instructions. She's been riding on an extremely high horse for years and feels she has the right to dictate to others how they think, feel and live their lives.I'm really tired of her arrogance and air of superiority. I absolutely rejoiced when 'Kocktails with Khloe' failed miserably as it should have, it was a disastrous piece of tripe that I actually wasted about 30 minutes of my life (that I can't get back) watching. Lesson learned, shame on me then for giving it a shot.
  24. I don't know what it's like and can only imagine what it would be like to have everything I always dreamed about having, like a Mercedes SL65 hardtop convertible. If I actually had one and could still afford to buy a Lamborghini, Bugatti, and an occasional Bentley, would my little Mercedes SL65 still feel special? I think when people have everything that money can buy and also have world-wide recognition I don't know what comes next. When you really have no goals like financial security, career fulfillment, and fame then what motivates someone? These Kardashian's and Jenner's have fulfilled those ambitions merely by being born. Is there real happiness in their lives beyond the material things they have? I can't even imagine where they'll all be in 20, 30 or even 50 years.
  25. Boy was this episode stupid! Khloe has such a big mouth and has to be the center of attention. There's nobody on that tour bus that didn't know exactly who they were. If they had played it straight and if she just shut the hell up, it would have been fun. Khloe has to manage and take over every scene she's in. And none of them could part with their cell phones and selfies even when they're trying to pull off being incognito and unrecognized. What dumbasses. News flash for Khloe, she looked amazing with her hair in a ponytail and absolutely no makeup on. I see they smartened up and now they're sticking Lamar, Bruce, Scott, Corey and whatever men they can pay, blackmail or cajole in some way to become part of the episodes. The girls found out pretty quickly that with only them, the show was a total flop. I'm sick of Kylie and Kendall complaining that they can't go out without being noticed and paparazzi following them. Well hell, isn't that exactly what they wanted in the first place, the attention of the world? Now they have it and they don't want it. (Boo-hoo, don't cry for me Argentina).
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