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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. Rob is 29 years old and according to National statistics he really isn't that young to be diagnosed with diabetes. It used to be the rare case when children under the age of 12 were diagnosed with type 1 Juvenile diabetes. Due to the cultural changes in eating habits which include more high fat and sugar diets, type 2 diabetes has become increasingly prevalent. Statistics show that 1 out of 3 adults have pre-diabetes. Rob Kardashian looks horrible. Most people would have taken an emergency trip to the hospital as a wake-up call and make some lifestyle changes. Kris hired a nutritionist and a personal trainer for Rob. But as the saying goes, 'you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink'. Rob is non-compliant with his diabetic diet and has been seen eating sugary snacks and other junk foods. He's taking daily injections of insulin! When a person is injecting themselves with daily insulin, a very strict diet just has to be maintained or they're playing with a loaded gun with their health. What Rob really is.... is a young adult that just doesn't care if he lives or dies. Basically that's the truth. Rob needs the healing to happen between his ears in order to care enough about whether he lives or dies. Whoever in the Kardashian family has been told 'don't do that, don't eat this' and listened? None. Drinking, partying, eating junk food, and not losing any weight is putting a strain on his liver, kidneys and heart and at some point those organs are going to stop functioning. Sad to say but I don't have a lot of hope for Rob's rehabilitation.
  2. I think it's pretty obvious that there's no love interest there between Kris and Corey. He's a paid companion, body guard and jack of all trades. He's just going along for the ride and the paycheck.
  3. Kris made the announcement today that she's going to change her name back to Kardashian. Does that leave Kylie and Kendall with only a father named Caitlyn? But seriously, how is this going to affect Kylie and Kendall that their mother chooses the last name of their step-sisters over their last name?
  4. Maybe someone could fill me in on this. Jamie had significantly thrust his sword into the crotch of Black Jack Randall, and I wondered how he would survive such a wound in the 1700's but also how he would manager to sire any children?
  5. Rob's face particularly around his eyes looked puffy and bloated. He really doesn't look healthy at all and if he's diabetic and not following a diet for diabetics then he's going to have huge medical problems. Diabetics have to really follow a regimented lifestyle which includes following a diabetic diet, getting enough rest, and regular exercise. Sweating on a treadmill for 15 minutes one day then no exercise for days afterwards isn't going to help. It has to be a daily routine. No drugs, no alcohol. Kim suddenly seems to have taken over as mother hen and voice of reason for everyone in the family but even more-so for Rob. It's absolutely hypocritical that she sternly lectured Rob over the phone about not embarrassing the family on social media and it's important to keep things within their 'inner circle' and not made public. Wait, is this the same Kim Kardashian that made a sex video with Ray J.and intentionally sold and released it for publicity ? Is this the Kim that was paid a few million dollars to marry Kris Humphries even though she never intended to stay married? I think it's the same Kim that bragged about how beautiful her vagina is, and had to show it to her girlfriend, they both checked it out in a mirror. Kim honey, I don't know how you can possibly equate an Instagram video of Quinoa and flax seeds to the pushing of your breasts and ass to everyone in the public that chooses to see it. Kim's face is getting ugly and she doesn't even look like the person she started off being. She walks around with a fur coat over her shoulders all the time to hide her back fat and huge ass. Her better days are way behind her not only her butt. Khloe-skank has picked up the publicity whore torch and will carry it proudly until she also falls out of favor in social media. Then it will be up to Kylie to be the center of attention but she's not even a Kardashian.
  6. I've actually thought about this so many times. Khloe, Kris and Kim are exceptionally quick to mention that Rob Kardashian, Sr. would be so pleased at how successful they all became and how they always strive to be the kind of people that would make him proud. Have any of them mentioned even once that dad would be, not only disappointed, but downright angry at some of the things they've said and done. Sex tapes, dildo and vagina talk, Rob joking to Khloe that he put some sex toys in her bathtub, Khloe insinuating many times about Rob and her sexually and just being downright slutty in public. Kris's 60th birthday comes to mind when Khloe got drunk and stole the microphone. Everything she said was embarrassing to me and I wasn't even there. Robert Kardashian had his doubts that he was the father of Khloe and I still think her father is that big guy that was Kris's hair stylist that is. Robert Sr. also told his 3rd wife that Bruce was a 'cross-dresser'. The bottom line is that the Kardashians will justify their behavior whether it's positive or extremely negative because they just do whatever the hell they feel like doing and don't want to be judged for it either.
  7. I can imagine Rob and Blac Chyna having a good laugh taking a video of shelves full of Quinoa, brown rice and bags of chia seeds in their pantry as they were popping ecstasy, snorting coke and throwing down shots of Patrone. ("haha Ma thinks we're going to eat this shit?") Rob looks horrible and I don't think Blac Chyna is a great influence on him no matter what they all say. I only think she's influencing him to party with her alone and not a whole bunch of his loser friends. He almost looks a little brain damaged already. Choicest phrases of the episode; "I like cheddar, it makes me feel good" "Sauerkraut? what's sauerkraut?" All the plaster in the world can't fill the cracks in this family. We're just starting to realize how messed up they all are.
  8. I don't understand the reason for the fur coats that Kim in particular is always wearing. She's never without one and it's California, right? Isn't it warm in California compared to say, Wisconsin or North Dakota or Canada? And that coat with her face on all four sides, I almost can't get past that one. She loves herself so much that she has to wear her. It's the leopard coat she wore in this episode that is disturbing, the others that are obviously faux furs don't bother me, that one did. What's with her rope hair lately? Is she getting too lazy to sit in a chair while someone else worries about making her hair look good? Kiley making sliders, I had to laugh. She was actually video taping that like a real cooking show. Yeah take a lump of raw hamburger meat and throw it in a frying pan then put it on a bun. Can I have that recipe puleeeze? The 'girls' just don't have anything left to give to this show. I really hope and even pray a little that Blac Chyna stirs up a great big ole mess of trouble for the prima donnas. I can barely stand Khloe, she just tries way too hard to do something for the camera. I never thought I'd see someone less attractive than Kim when she cries but I think Khloe has her beat with that weird Botox'd smile of hers. Her upper lip goes up into a smile but the rest of her face doesn't so it looks like her nose is sucking in her upper lip. It's just too weird and unnatural looking. Their story lines get thinner and thinner as the weeks go by. This was Kendall's hormonal eruption night. Aw, nobody wants to hang out with Kendall when she's in town. I guess her other 252 'besties' were all busy. Now that's what I call a juicy, riveting story line. (cue dramatic music) "Will Kendall die of sadness? Will Khloe come to rescue Kendall from her poor lonely existence? Will Kanye make a song for her to heal her like he healed Lamar?" THANK GOD it ended in a good way for Kendall afterall! I was SO worried.
  9. Since Tyga and Kylie broke up it appears that Tyga is in a financial bind. He just might find it very profitable and very tempting to either write a tell-all book about the Kardashians or give an exclusive interview to a magazine for tons of money. The Kardashians would probably pay him off to keep him silent, there's no way they'd want all their secrets exposed, it would destroy them. The cracks in the family's cheerful and positive exterior veneer is all acting and promoting on their part. There's a lot of problems within this family dynamic and no matter how much they lecture about how important their close family is and how strong they are together the fact remains that they really aren't all so lovey-dovey off the set as they'd like us to believe. Rob and Blac Chyna will be just one of the things that will eventually tear this family apart.
  10. The day will come when the Kardashian empire falls, it's inevitable. When it does, you'll see all these big estates being sold or put on the auction block. Kylie turned out to be the most despicable of the whole bunch, and that's not an easy accomplishment. I really dislike over using the word 'narcissistic' since the word actually embodies all of the Kardashians and Jenners, but Kylie has to be the most self-centered, conceited little twit that every saw the light of day. She was barely 15 years old when she and Tyga began to 'date'. Come on, we know what dating means to them. Yeah, I can say it, they were having sex and it wasn't until she turned 18 that they made their relationship public because she was finally of 'legal age', the age of consent. Otherwise, Tyga could have been arrested and prosecuted for rape of a minor whether it was with consent or not. Kylie and Tyga were together all the while that Blac Chyna was pregnant then had Tyga's baby. That child is 3 years old now and Kylie knew damned well there was a child involved and didn't give a flying fig about it because she's so self-obsessed that nobody else in the entire world matters but herself. There haven't been many people in the public eye that I actually have said that I believe they are just a rotten to the core human being but Kylie Jenner is certainly one of those.
  11. Tooth grinding, or Bruxism causes those muscles to become overly exercised and they become large just like any muscle will that's exercised. These are just a few of the illustrations of people that had developed those large masseter muscles due to excessive teeth grinding. These people and Bethenny have all had Botox injections and possible a mouth guard also. Bethenny had a lot of emotional stress while growing up so it's no surprise she was a night-time tooth-grinder.
  12. That was my favorite part of the episode, Dorinda was like a UFC fighter on steroids. Mr. Rey-Maybe-Gay man wouldn't dare mess with that and tucked in his tail and ran. Don't mess with the angry blonde!
  13. Northerners have kih-ens, Southerners have 'ya'll', Mid-West has 'yah' and West Coast has 'uh-mayyy-zing'. But that's what makes us 'Murica.
  14. She said that she was a tooth-grinder and refused to get a retainer to stop the habit. Her masseter muscle became overly large from this continual grinding. She finally agreed to wear a retainer which prevented her from grinding her teeth and increasing the size of that muscle. Eventually she lost the muscle mass. That makes sense to me.
  15. Bethenny says she hasn't had any surgery and I believe her. I had thought she had her jaws surgically modified but watching her explanation in the accompanying video makes perfect sense. RHONY Bethenny Frankel talks Botox, denies invasive surgery http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/tvshowbiz/video-1291852/RHONY-Bethenny-Frankel-talks-Botox-denies-invasive-surgery.html
  16. Ramona has Pinot Grigio and who knows, maybe Luann will come out with her own beverage too?
  17. I think that Bethenny's 'talent' for being able to rapid fire logical thoughts one after the other is a result of her upbringing. To say she grew up in a dysfunctional family would be an understatement. I think her self-defense mechanisms were developed and fine-tuned at a very young age. At very young ages, the only thing kids have in their vault of self-defense is their ability to speak up for themselves. Going back to the 'flight or fight' response, Bethenny chose to stand up for herself and fight, not with her hands but with her words. This was a child that grew up angry, bitter, defensive and abandoned. We shouldn't wonder why or how Bethenny ended up being a driven, hardened, unyielding personality. “I never had a true childhood. There was a lot of destruction: alcohol abuse, eating disorders and violent fights" Bethenny’s father, well-known horse trainer Bobby Frankel, walked out on Bethenny and her mother, Bernadette Frankel, when the Real Housewife-to-be was just 4 years old. She moved in with Bobby in Los Angeles to escape her “extremely volatile” mother, but quickly realized it wasn’t the place for her when she saw that Bobby “lived a very hotshot life, full of drugs and young girls.” Bethenny recalls, “It wasn’t a life for a little girl. I was always at restaurants or at the racetrack.”
  18. A friend has an apartment in SoHo, Greenwich St. He's from Brazil and he and his actress wife hired a Brazilian nanny. She basically lives there all the time so when they travel, she travels. She's been to more countries and States than I'll ever get to see. It's a great gig for a young woman from another country. She's more of a mother to the two sons than the mother is since she's with them nearly all the time. I don't know how much they pay her but I'm sure she's very well taken care of. It's almost a cost savings to find a live-in nanny for two kids rather than pay for daycare for both and also have a part time nanny when they aren't in daycare or when they travel for work.
  19. I think it could be said for nearly all of the housewives in every one of the 'Real Housewives Of' that are guilty of being "con artist, narcissistic, pompous, ignorant, boastful, self important, poor impulse control". It's one of the side-effects of being wealthy I think. I don't know if even 90% of any of them could point out Belgium on a map or name at least five dead U.S. President's. In other words, they aren't in front of us on television for their intellectual prowess or dignified behavior. That night of the brawl was John's night. It was his venue, his paid workers, his paid alcohol and any other expenses involve in the announcement of the opening of his newest location. It was his party, bought and paid for with his own money. He did not invite Ramona much less expect a drunk Ramona to crash his party. And crash she did, with an agenda apparently. Basically Luann said Rey's behavior (watching her, etc.) was freaking her out, and at one point he asked her for a kiss, and she didn't want anything to do with him. She got the heck out of there, smart move. After she left, apparently because of Rey's aggressive behavior, John demanded that Rey leave his party, by which point Rey was getting all up in Sonja Morgan's face, not necessarily in an aggressive way but definitely in a violating-her-personal-bubble way. Rey got into Sonja's face so close and loud that he was making her hair blow in the wind of his alcoholic breath. At this point, Ramona Singer stepped in where she wasn't needed. The roles were reversed and John, who has been intensely disliked by most of the women this season, seemed to be doing the right thing by asking Rey to leave; while Ramona, perhaps because of her intense dislike of John, backed Rey ... and got tossed out, too. The hand in her face was nothing in my opinion after everything Ramona did to sabotage John's 'by invitation only' party.
  20. You know, this occurred to me when I read your comment because in the episode when Dorinda had her lingerie party and John came in and started immediately to challenge Bethenny on the Skinny Girl vs. Skinny Cow trade name, I had wondered why all of a sudden he had cause to do this? I was wondering at that time 'where did this suddenly come from?'. It was like just out of left field he and Bethenny are arguing about the Skinny Girl name? Then after I read this about editing I'm wondering if the confrontation between Bethenny and Sonja came before the lingerie party and not after it and maybe John was on Sonja's side in that dispute. Ramona is friends with Dorinda and Ramona is also buddies with Sonja.
  21. If Bethenny was as business savvy as she professes to be, she would have trademarked the name of her brand when she first started it. Then she'd have a legal leg to stand on to claim 'trademark infringement' and Sonja wouldn't have even considered a name even remotely close to the 'Skinny Girl' brand. "Infringement may occur when one party, the "infringer", uses a trademark which is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark owned by another party, in relation to products or services which are identical or similar to the products or services which the registration covers." I'm editing to add some information that I just found online. When this episode was filmed, Bethenny rushed out to trademark the name "Tipsygirl" (one word). According to the Daily Mail article from this past December, "She's reportedly moved quickly to trademark the name Tipsygirl after her Real Housewives Of New York co-star Sonja Morgan launched a line of liquor called Tipsy Girl. It seems Morgan's choice of name is too close for comfort to Frankel's signature brand, PageSix.com reported Sunday, and so she's filed trademark paperwork to own the name when it's spelled out as one word. It seems Morgan's choice of name is too close for comfort to Frankel's signature brand, PageSix.com reported Sunday, and so she's filed trademark paperwork to own the name when it's spelled out as one word.The gossip site says that Morgan's business partner Peter Guimaraes already trademarked the two word name Tipsy Girl seven months ago." Essentially, because Bethenny had already trademarked "Skinnygirl" as one word, she can't claim copyright infringement, but if she had trademarked 'Skinny Girl' (two words) she would certainly take Sonja to court. But now, she rushed to get the 'Tipsygirl' (one word) trademarked. But it's pointless now in regards to Sonja's brand of Tipsy Girl because there was already a trademark registered on that.
  22. John was referring to the brand of low calorie ice cream treats created by Marc Wexler and Sam Pugliese called 'Skinny Cow'. And wow, didn't Bethenny throw a fit over that? "You're a cow, I'm a girl" she said. Sonja should have said to Bethenny 'You're skinny, and I'm tipsy, so what?'
  23. The funny thing is that I just watched Andy Cohen's 'Watch What Happens Live'. It was a show with clips of every one of the previous housewives of New York since they began in 2008 as the second of its franchises. Bethenny Frankel gave 100% of the credit for the successes she's had in business to Bravo and Andy Cohen. She actually cried tears and hugged Andy saying that she had nothing when she agreed to be a cast member and she knew very well that due to the exposure the show gave to her, she would be able to showcase the start up of her business. There was a clip of her wearing an apron standing at a folding table in a local supermarket giving out samples of her food, whatever it was she was selling, to customers. Now for her to come forward all bent out of shape and go on the attack towards Sonja for using the show and the "Girl" name in her product to promote her own product is just preposterous and unfounded. I thought the name of the Prosecco product was perfect for Sonja because she's usually half in the bag at any function or vacation they're on. 'Tipsy Girl' is a good name because people that know Sonja will associate that name with her and certainly not with Bethenny. The claim by Bethenny that it's a 'cheater brand' is stupid and I hope Sonja doesn't back down and rename it just for Bethenny's sake.
  24. MEeeeeeeeeeeee TOOoooooooooooooooo!! OMG, Already I'm thinking LuEWWann de Squirteeps and thinking a lot of laundry for the housekeeper washing bed-sheets all day. And the walls! OMG, does it reach the furniture and walls?? The most nauseating thing is that all those gnarly guys sitting with the women at their table seemed to know and snicker about the fact that Luann squirts. Is she legend or do they all have first-hand knowledge? Now I gotsta' know the lowdown on the uploads of squirts. I'm grossed out, I think I'll go cook a big bowl of cream of wheat for breakfast, wait..... second thought maybe toast.
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