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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. I think that it's human nature to overlook some of the faults and vulnerabilities of someone if you trust that their good qualities overshadow their negative ones. But truly, there needs to be some sort of judgement made between what we believe is positive and what we know is negative. I can't say that a woman is wrong or right to fall in love with a married man. People are in unhappy marriages and they stray and cheat on their spouse for many reasons. But, if they are unhappy there are alternatives to cheating that aren't immoral, like seeing a therapist, talking it out and reaching equitable decisions that work for both even if it involves becoming separated or divorcing. But for anyone to be in that cycle of dating a married man as he remains living with his wife in a marriage is just wrong in my opinion. Not that it's wrong that it happens but wrong that it happens regularly. Don't we have to at some point say to ourselves 'hey this behavior is just not right, it's immoral and it's hurtful to the spouse and children if there are any."? Do we enable this behavior by more or less condoning it with silence? A lifelong friend is just that, a friend for life. But approval or disapproval is something that true friends are privileged to be able to express with each other. Adulterous behavior is something that's generally seen as hurtful, deceptive and immoral. Whether it's a best friend or someone you don't know at all doesn't really change what it is, it's just not honorably right particularly when it's a pattern and repeated on a regular and consistent basis. Perhaps your friend needs to speak to a professional to find out why it is she seeks the companionship of men that really aren't available on a permanent basis.
  2. Ooh-emm-gee! I had to rewind to listen to Carole pronounce 'kittens' and then had to rewind again because it sounded just fine to me. Then I had to say it aloud so I could hear myself say 'kittens'. I pronounce it like a lot of Nor-Easterners do (and Carole apparently). I realized that we don't give that word a hard 'T' but sort of roll over that part of the word and say 'kih-ens'. LOL! I think I will start saying 'kitty' replacing the word 'kittens' because there's no way around not pronouncing the 'T' in the word kitty unless of course you're from Great Britain, they say 'kih-ee'. Okay now for this episode. What a bunch of morons. I was actually feeling good about RHoNY after a very long and tedious season of the RHoBH and all that Yolanda crapola. For the first two episodes I thought 'oh what a breath of fresh air' to have the NY women back. 'Honest, gritty, brash and blunt! gotta love it', I thought these were the key elements to reality television. Rather than just whispers, gossips and behind the back innuendo and accusations, the NY women brought clarity and honesty. WRONG! Boy was I so wrong. This bunch of women are just horrible. If they didn't have something to market, pander and sell to the viewing public like underwear, wine, books or jewelry then none of them would be interested in doing this show. The best of their worst is exposed as we saw in this episode. Bethenny is so insecure and defensive. Okay 'Tipsy Girl' and 'Skinny Girl' both have the word 'Girl' in the brand name, so the hell what? Relax Bethenny, your brand is wildly popular and making you millions. You already have 'Skinny Girl' cocktail mixes, 'Skinny Girl' protein shakes, 'Skinny Girl' protein bars, 'Skinny Girl' e-cards and whatever you plan on next, 'Skinny Girl' laxatives maybe, who knows? Sonja has 'Tipsy Girl' has prosecco, so what? Will you file an injunction because Sonja decorated with some red pillows in her spare bedroom? Bethenny is a uber-insecure woman and feels threatened by Sonja's Prosecco launch. There's dozens and dozens of different brands of Prosecco, most come from wineries and vineyards that are a kabillion years old and how in the world would Sonja's brand that's 10 minutes old ever compete with those? Comon' Bethenny, put on your big girl pants and show some maturity about this. Let Sonja play in your playpen for at least 30 minutes, she's not going to wreck it. Ramona, you need to get some heavier medications from you therapist honey, you're starting to sway totally off the rails. The party was hosted by John and Ramona was NOT invited and shouldn't have even been there. The obnoxious drunk guy that apparently humped on Luann was way out of line and John had every right asking him to leave. It wasn't Ramona's right to stand up and defend this idiot to John and creating a big scene. I get why John put his hand up in front of Ramona's face, to stop her mouth from creating even more of a disturbance. If it was me, I would have put my hand over her mouth but then of course have been arrested for assault and battery. It would have been tempting. But John was right insisting they leave. And kudos to Dorinda for giving the guy hell out in front on the sidewalk. "Who are you? Get outta here you piece of shit, get outta here!" Ramona is already jumping up and down on the sidewalk saying "this is not my fault!!". Yes, you psycho-bitch-from-hell, it IS your fault. Just go away. Luann is just a washed up old whore-bag. She's nasty and hangs around with nasty men like that creepy Rey from the party just so she can 'squirt' once in a while (to release her tension?). It's just sickening to even think how nasty Luann is. Now Luann is engaged to Tom D'Agostino, Jr. who used to date Ramona Singer. I guess Ramona wasn't a squirter and when he found Luann was, he decided to put a ring on it. Eww, these people.... just ewww. All this nasty talk makes me feel like I need to get to a church a.s.a.p. and make a confession to a priest. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/confidential/ramona-singer-clashes-castmate-beau-article-1.2460648
  3. Corey is the resident 'gopher'. "Corey, gopher this and gopher that"
  4. I thought the same thing, the editing must have been done by the editor's apprentices that are still learning. The Khloe short-to-long hair thing was annoying. The scene where it was supposed to be Kris's house and Kourtney and Khloe were eating some lettuce cups with ground meat in them that 'Sean' made was really NOT in Kris's house. We've seen enough of her backyard to recognize it by now. After Mason came and told them that the tooth fairy had given him "a hundred bucks" for his lost tooth (how nice), there were a few women walking in the background and unless they were walking on the water in a swimming pool in Kris's backyard, they were walking on some kind of driveway. They were probably staff but I almost thought they were going to walk up and ask for an autograph. I can't believe sometime that I watch this show, but I continue to do it, in secrecy of course. I'm too embarrassed to admit it to family or friends. I wasted a few minutes of my life listening to the opening of this conversation between Kourtney, Kim and Kris when they were eating outside. Kim: "oh my table" (noticing the fact that Kris was using her table outside) Kourtney: "I love this table" Kourtney: ''I'll tell you guys this is a non-organic banana because it's hard to open, and bananas aren't meant to be this large." Kim: "'what color is an egg yolk supposed to be" Kourtney: "orange" Kim: "good answer" Kris: "what kind of pool towels should I get, like do you just get them at BB and Beyond, or what's the...." Kourtney: ""I'm not telling you where I got mine because I don't want you to copy me" There was more than three minutes of time wasted on talking about stupid stuff. They fill up the hour with talk about dumb, stupid, selfish materialistic things. Who cares what color cups or hand towels are going in Rob's kitchen? I have a feeling that this series will suddenly become SO FUN with Rob, Blac Chyna and a new baby are moving back into the hub of their lives.
  5. Corey. I love this guy. He's sweet, he's handsome, he's kind. But I think he's just a paid hand, hired to do a job. I never for a single second bought that love interest story between him and Kris. It just looks too transparent. There's no love between them as far as being a real couple in love with each other. It seems more like a boss-employee relationship but masquerading as a love match for the cameras. The whole thing about whether it's inappropriate that Corey and Kourtney spend too much time together is all hogwash just to create some small storyline. Kim Is she actually transitioning her genetic material and race into African American? It's looking more and more like Kim is morphing into Blac Chyna and Blac Chyna is morphing into a Kardashian lookalike. Why are these people so crazy and can't be who they are? It seems she lost her own identity and is creating a new one to fit in with her husband. I wish she would give up the braids, it doesn't flatter her at all. And that coat with the feathers or whatever they are on the shoulders. What the heck is with that and the other black coats she's always wearing? It's California and it's warm, it's not Chicago in January. It reminds me of the coat that Jon Snow wears in Game of Thrones as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. I've seen Kim wear that coat once or twice. Kim...give it back, Jon Snow lives and he's pissed, he wants it back. Kourtney. Can you please just get over the all organic, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free stuff for the kids just once in a while and treat them to a real pizza? I don't think that enjoying a real pizza once a month will create autism, OCD or wheezing. This entire story about Kourtney thinking she's the best designer in the universe was just bogus. This was created just to give this episode some sort of topic, otherwise it wouldn't have any other than the Rob house. Mason and the other two kids are adorable, but what was she thinking when she let Mason choose his own style of haircut? That's going to embarrass him when he gets older and sees that horrible hairdo that his mother allowed him to choose. Khloe. Yeah, you threw Rob out of your house because you caught him messing around with Blac Chyna in it while you were away. Hey, maybe she conceived his child in your bedroom, ever think of that? So Mama Kris pays for the down payment on a $2.3 million dollar home in the SAME gated community that Kourney, Khloe and Kylie live in. That's sweet. Maybe Kylie can run over and babysit for Rob and Chyna's new baby so they can go out partying once in a while. Khloe can't stand Chyna, that's obvious. She may have to get used to bumping into her at the Mercedes dealership once in a while. Kylie. Doesn't she do anything besides hang around taking selfies? Maybe she's planning a counterattack snapchat site of her own to spite Blac Chyna for the emoji Blac posted on her own snapchat. Rob. You know you agreed to come out of hibernation only because your girlfriend is preggers and the apartment mommy rented for you isn't grand enough, right? You gladly took the house in exchange for appearing on the show, didn't you. The staggeringly low ratings had to be pumped up somehow and you're the Ace in the hole that Kris was holding onto to boost those sinking ratings. So what if Mommy Dearest Kris will keep her hands on everything you put or do in that house of hers yours. Your soul is owned now. I wonder if Kylie will help with the baby shower for Blac Chyna? Oh, and Fay Resnick? ..... just get off my TV already you fame-whore washed up celebrity wannabe. I see enough of your face with Kyle Richards on Real Housewives. I don't want to see more of it here. It's just not acceptable. Summary: Kourtney and Faye decorating clash, I say FAKE. Kourtney too big for her britches, I say FAKE. Kourtney and Corey 'suspected' romance, I say FAKE. Rob willingly reappearing by his own choice, I say FAKE. Khloe hating Blac Chyna, I say FOR REAL.
  6. I sort of smiled when Claire had the precisely correct combination herbals and medicinal oils in order to replicate the symptoms of smallpox. She told Murtagh that she was 20 years old in 1939. The education to become a nurse in England was 3 years of training which would make her 17 years old when she studied to become a nurse. She must have been a brilliant student because she not only managed to become a highly skilled nurse and diagnostician, she was able to become extremely educated and proficient as a chemist, botanist and pharmacologist. Claire sipping on a glass of sherry didn't really bother me because back when I had my children the effect of wine on a growing fetus wasn't yet understood. I remember drinking wine on Friday nights during poker games with my pregnant sisters and brothers in law and I don't think my two boys brains were damaged from that wine although while they were growing up I did wonder sometime, but that was just normal teenager stupidity.
  7. The more I watch of this series, the less I like Jamie. He frequents a bar with prostitutes for what reason again? I forgot. And, he breaks his promise to Claire not to kill Randall, what's up with that? Are we to assume now that Black Jack Randall was skewered in his testicles that he won't be fathering any children in the future? I figured that Claire couldn't be having that baby because when she returns to England she's pregnant but not showing yet. If she was miscarrying at the end of that scene I think she would be far enough along to deliver a live baby.
  8. To say that Ramona grew up in a dysfunctional family would be a great understatement. I can almost understand why she's nuttier than a Snickers bar. To answer your question, Ramona and her father were estranged since she was a teenager. They eventually reconciled in December 2008, just months before his death. To the reason for the estrangement when Ramona packed up and left home at the age of 17. In excerpts from her book 'Life On The Ramona Coaster', Ramona recounts her childhood in a “war zone” with a physically and emotionally abusive, alcoholic father.
  9. Poor Sonja, her personal masseuse can't get that placenta anymore (except for the black market) so she has to settle for a stem cell facial. (crying tears) Let me just get this out there. Luann de Lesseps looks horrible. She actually has the appearance of an alcoholic that smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day. She's even lost the shine and texture of her hair. It's dull and lifeless and the Kaley Cuoco look-alike tousled short hair style just doesn't suite her, it makes her look desperate to appear youthful. I was so disappointed in this episode. Everyone seemed to be too eager to gobble up some camera time for themselves. Carole looks horrible, like her face is made of wax and it's sitting next to a burning campfire. The editing was horrible and at times disjointed like when John and Dorinda were having dinner and she suddenly gets all bent out of shape by something he said, but who knows what that was, they didn't show that part. They're all trying way too hard. They look like a bunch of aging rich women who are being paid and are under contract to stir up some excitement for this franchise but just can't seem to get it going.
  10. I really liked seeing the older photo of Erika and Tom. This was before she had plastic surgery, Botox and had hair color that resembles something more of a human color. She's almost a doppelganger for Canadian tennis star Eugenie Bouchard.
  11. HA! guilty and I OWN it. Warren and his mother Pamela Todd Below from L to R, Warren, Pamela's mother, Sue Tanner and Warren's mom, Pamela
  12. Do normal 7 year old kids get acting lessons, private horse-riding lessons, private jets to go to Lake Tahoe, $500 shopping sprees with mom on Rodeo Drive and spa treatments? not spoiled..... much? That's it, keep her grounded Kyle.
  13. Lisa Rinna likes to 'talk the talk' you know...'been there, done that', but honestly when she told Jennie McCarthy that she has used a strap-on there's only one way that a woman can use that with a man. She cringed after she said it because they had finally squelched the gay rumors that were circulating about Harry years ago and she mistakenly put that thought in people's minds again.
  14. oh, I'm sure Portia thought that. She used it like a toy. But it's Kyle or Mauricio's responsibility to educate her that it's not a toy, it's a very sophisticated electronic item that's meant to be used by responsible adults. I honestly can't believe that Kyle would hand that over to her knowing full well that credit card information was stored in it. If she was properly 'schooled' in the use of an iPad and understood what things it can do that can possibly have serious consequences, I don't think Portia would have treated it as her own personal toy. Again, not Portia's fault, it's the parents fault. Erika had to talk him up to the women because they were all going on about how 'hot' their husbands are and let's face it, Tom Girardi may have been considered 'hot' back in the day but no more. Erika talked about his other qualities instead, she had nothing else.
  15. I think that at the age of seven my kids would have had at least some awareness of the value of money. Whether the amount was $37,000 or $37.00 is of no real consequence especially if Mauricio was able to get out of paying for it. The real issue lies with Kyle and Mauricio for not educating Portia about the importance of being responsible with an electronic device like and iPad and make her aware of what could happen if she's reckless with it. They could have easily blocked the use of the credit card before putting that device in the hands of their seven year old kid.
  16. Well I'll be double-danged-dipped if it didn't take an entire season of mucking through RHoBH to get to one final segment to finally find an hour of entertainment with these women. Why couldn't every episode be this entertaining? I thought it was great! There was no crying, shouting, or accusations flying all over the room like heat seeking missiles. There was reality, life as it happens. That's why I watch a 'reality show' in the first place, not for cast members to follow along a scripted thread-line topic fed to them by Bravo. I really enjoyed watching Lisa and Ken running around with the dogs and horses in their beautiful grounds overlooking the valley. I liked see Ken being humanized for a change and actually cracking jokes "Lisa would never divorce me because I'm her best friend. Lisa would never give up this". (wide toothy grin) Kudos to Ken also for allowing Lisa to talk him into getting Botox on camera. Ken was a nice looking guy 'back in the day' when he was playing professional soccer. I just wish they'd own up to the fact that his hair style went out back in the 70's and get him a new style that gets it off his forehead. I mean.....what is UP with that? Portia is the kind of kid that's very entitled and spoiled rotten for sure and Kyle is very proud of her. Portia is a miniature Paris Hilton in the making. Oh it's okay 'darling' that you spent more than $37,000 on your iPad but don't cry dearest, daddy is rich and he thinks you walk on water, you'll never get as much as a harsh word from him. But, I'm sure you've learned your lesson Princess. (groan). Erika is a lucky woman and knows it. Meeting Tom Girardi when she was a cocktail waitress and managing to hook him into marriage and hold onto him for the past 17 years is no easy feat. She looked great in the old photos they showed with her and Joe back in the early days of their relationship. Her hair looked much more realistic as a semi-natural blonde rather than the white-blonde bleached look she wears. She's a very beautiful woman and kudos to her for hooking up with a older man that takes care of her and shares the rewards of his career. Tom wasn't actually that bad looking when they met. He was younger of course, but he was heavier and his face didn't look emaciated. Lisa Rinna and her daughters.... I can't, I just can't. Lisa Rinna has horrible skin when it's sans makeup. Her girls are little Divas that are as spoiled as any other Beverly Hills entitled brats I guess but geeze, can't her daughters at least act a little nicer for cameras? I don't think a tonsillectomy entitles anyone to behave rude and bratty to their mother. I'm sure that Lisa and her eldest daughter have their minds set on a fabulous career in modeling, like Gigi Hadid. The problem there is that her daughter just doesn't have anything to offer the modeling industry other than the fact that her parent may be able to pull a few strings for her and get her a hand commercial. LisaR back-peddled on that whole strap-on thing she said with Jenny McCarthy because that got her in hot water with Harry. There were so many whispers in the past about his being gay and I'm sure he thought he was beyond that. Lisa thinks it gives her a pass to say anything she feels like saying by explaining "I have a big mouth, what can I say?" No, Lisa. You're an adult and should be responsible for what comes out of your mouth. Eileen Davidson has the body I wish I had, it's just awesome. I had mentioned on a previous post after the Erika BBQ that I had 'boob envy' because her breasts are just perfect looking but her whole figure is something women wish they had. She looked incredible in that black dress she tried on while shopping with Erika. It took an entire season for me to begin to like Kathryn, she was just too much trying to make her mark as the newbie on this show. But now, she seems to have settled down a bit and gotten less frenzied trying to contribute something new to the show. Yolanda is a very fortunate woman. She has great children and Gigi seems to be very normal for someone that's achieved tremendous fame in the modeling industry. Of course Gigi had a huge advantage having rich and influential parents like Mohamed and Yolanda. I think that's more important than just about anything else in life, that someone ends up raising kids that aren't into drugs, getting arrested for possession or hating on their parents blaming them for all of it if they are.
  17. This link is for those who are perhaps a little confused or curious about the religions of Westeros, 'Nerd School: Religions of Westeros' http://planetarbitrary.com/2012/06/nerd-school-religions-of-westeros/
  18. I don't see very much correlation between the religions of any of the kingdoms and modern day religion. The only thing that is similar to today is that they are all very different and varied. Just as we have Christian, Muslim, Judaism, Hindu, etc. They have old gods, new gods, and all kinds of gods. I don't feel the story is based on the United Kingdom at all. I feel that it's just a completely different civilization without any basis on real history or facts. The Head Sparrow appears more like a dictator to me, one that's filled with self-importance and self righteousness. He's cruel but the cruelty is hidden beneath the guise of religious justice. How else has any religion managed to control people and use them for their own benefit? Through fear of course.
  19. Yeah but cold has a shrinkage effect so it stands to reason that being dead must have an ever greater super shrinkage effect, so it's difficult to gauge by that. It's a toss-up for me as to who has more reason to unleash revenge on Ramsay Bolton. The Starks have certainly been victims of his evilness, but losing a penis, being tortured and humiliated would, in my opinion, be more than enough to earn the right to exact more than a little revenge.
  20. I was not happy with the actor that played young Ned but I'm really prejudiced since I have so much admiration for Sean Bean and his portrayal of Ned Stark that I just can't imagine any other actor being him except him. Maybe it was the wig they put on that actor that killed it for me. I wish they could have had Sean Bean play himself and just digitally make him younger somehow. I think that if Ramsay Bolton is going to meet his end......and he will, it would be divine justice if 'Reek' Theon was the one to end his life. I think Theon deserves some kind of closure and vengeance in order to live with all that Ramsay had put him through. Theon betrayed the family that raised him and now that he and Sansa are on good terms I think it would be only fitting that Theon redeem himself by overthrowing Ramsay Bolton.
  21. In the back of my mind I'm hoping that Tommen will emerge as a strong King and annihilate the High Sparrow and his followers. There has to be some justice eventually. And Margary may get a chance to kill the woman with the bell that can only repeat 'repent, repent'. ....an afterthought, why do we get to see a lot of the women full frontal nudity, like Cersei and others yet we're denied seeing Jon Snow full frontal penis? I'll cry sexism. (Just sayin')
  22. Jon handed his black robe to Dolorous Edd who I assumed will be the new Commander of the Night's Watch. It's always been in the back of my mind when I see Dolorous Edd that I thought he was sent by Bolton as a spy to the Night's Watch. If he was, then he made a turnabout and connected with the men and became loyal to them and not to Bolton. Even though it may be fun to watch Bran walking on two legs while he revisits his 'roots' (cheap joke) I can't stop wondering if the warning that The Raven gives to Bran each time about staying too long and never returning will result in Bran somehow being caught in some era of the past forever.
  23. This is just something funny that I thought would blow everyone's mind in this story. I know, it's not happening and I haven't read the book or read comments on the book talk. But if I was a writer, I'd change the ending and produce the revelation that Claire Fraser actually began and ended her life Scotland in the times of the 18th century and not in England. It could have been shown that Claire was one of the women participating in the solstice celebration at the stones and was the last to leave. Claire was a firm believer in the power of the stones and so put her hands on the largest stone and with great surprise woke in 20th century England, circa 1942. The story in reverse would possibly have been as interesting, if not more. She could have been immersed more deeply in WW2 and have been involved in many war tribulations. She might even have been captured by Germans and put in a concentration camp and eventually freed by Frank and his battalion of British liberators. She would fall in love with Frank but also wanted to return to 1743 Scotland and her first husband Jamie. See how my mind wanders when I get tired of a series like Outlander and some of the silliness of it all?
  24. so... If Black Jack Randall was actually stampeded by a bunch of sheep or cows back at Wentworth, or if Jamie killed him in a duel, would Claire wake up in her brown Army nurse uniform back in 1942 England? (Aye, dinnae nay sense Sassenach)
  25. That's a great point you've made. Even after finding out that Jack Randall was still alive and Jamie wanted to kill him in a duel, why not let it happen if she really loves Jamie? Let Jack Randall die and allow Frank never to be born. She loves Jamie so she could then just relax and spend the rest of her life living with a hot red-headed Scot forever. Of course that could have backfired and Jamie could have been shot by Black Jack Randall and died there. Then she would have been stuck in ancient times with only Murtagh to keep her company. (ew) And another thing. I just don't get the symbolism of the 12 'spoons of the Apostles'. What's with that? Was the Last Supper in Scotland? Did they break bread and wine at the Last Supper or did they have lentil soup that required humongous silver spoons to eat it? Yeah right, like I'm going to believe all that.
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