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Everything posted by Rapunzel

  1. I just read on Time that Trump walked out on an interview with an Ohio journalist early when the reported asked him how he felt about being labeled a racist and a sexist. Apparently, he said he was the "least racist person you've ever met" and then just walked out. Good job controlling that great Presidential temperament Donald. The man just keeps getting worse and worse and now his monstrous sons are joining in. Wonder if their Coke supply is running low on the road and they are starting to feel the withdrawal.
  2. Thanks for that - I couldn't remember if they met face to face or not. Seems they still possibly could have, but still to much ambiguity. They just seem to talk about each other too much to not have had some kind of relationship - even if just some phone calls or something, but who knows. Would love it if Trump were somehow tied into this whole e-mail thing though. Or maybe I just need to turn my mind off for the night (1am here in CA) as I've been watching too much debate stuff and reading way too many articles. Everything is starting to run together a bit at this point. :-)
  3. I wonder if there is any way to connect Trump to Putin/Russia hacking our e-mails to help manipulate the outcome of our election. It was strange to me that, during the debate, he stated he didn't even know the guy, but didn't he actually go there to visit him in person like a month or so ago? He then stated that Putin liked him and that Putin had said some very nice things about him and, given the way he was sucking up to Putin and Russia, it seems hard to believe that the two don't have some kind of relationship. I've also read in various places that it's possible Trump borrowed money from Putin/Russia, so that is another reason Putin may want Trump in the Whitehouse - he truly would be, as Hillary said, Putin's Puppet. It would seem with all of our resources that, if Trump were involved in the e-mail hacking in some way (especially since it only seemed to affect Hillary), that we would be able to find out somehow. Our allies in Europe may even be willing to help as they don't seem to like Trump for the most part either as they know he's looney and don't know what he may do that would impact them. He's talking about making Germany and others pay us to defend them, he has these late night Twitter rants about the most absurd, childish things, he lies and lies and lies, he's a horrible diplomat, he's easily offended/agitated, etc. He is unstable all the way around. Say the wrong thing or tweet something he doesn't agree with and he'll just decide to violate whatever treaties may be in place and possibly just decide to go to war with you, maybe even launch a nuke if he felt like it. If they could find any involvement by Trump on the e-mail leaks, that is clearly a crime and he could perhaps end up being accused of things like election tampering, espionage/treason. He'd be the one going to jail, not Hillary, and I'm sure he wouldn't like prison nearly as much as Trump Tower. Maybe he's actually being truthful when he says that the election is rigged - it's just that it's being rigged by him.
  4. Looks like Pence is already screwing himself and changing the statement he made on Sunday when he stated he would accept the results of the election regardless. They just showed him being asked about what Trump said tonight and his response was that Trump was going to win anyway. Then when pushed that he didn't answer the question, he said something like "well, Donald also said he would wait and see before deciding whether or not to accept the results." The media are tearing him apart right now and he basically ended his political career when Trump loses.
  5. It also cracked me up that in the impromptu closing statement he had to make, he mentioned how women being disrespected in this country was a major problem. This from one of the biggest misogynists on the planet, caught on tape saying obscene things and about sexual assault, etc. I cannot believe he used that in his closing statement.
  6. And at a completely odd place. He talked over her while she was answering a question on entitlements, I believe. She wasn't even talking about him, just outlining her plan. This man is seriously bonkers. Many in the media seem to agree that he basically disqualified himself tonight with the nasty woman remark and, more importantly, the fact that he would "keep people in suspense" as to whether or not he would accept the election results. Also, his nuclear policy didn't do him any favors. He told Hilary to find a quote about Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia, etc. and the fact checkers on NBC rolled tape of him saying just that just a week or so ago. You can't have a President who can't even get a nuclear policy straight or keep it consistent.
  7. Kellyanne just said Trump would accept the results of the election because he's going to win it. Yeah right - not after tonight you poor, ignorant woman. I wonder how much time she spends trying to make sure she's never alone with Trump.
  8. Whoa - Trump Jr. is on MSNBC right now talking a million miles a minute. Coke head just like daddy?
  9. In CA, already voted by mail for Hillary. I don't think he has a chance in hell of winning CA and we have a good amount of electoral college votes.
  10. I so wish they would get rid of the Stella character. Her refusal to press charges against her crazy ass ex and her constant enabling of him are just ridiculous. Se has to see that she isn't doing him any favors with her behavior. He needs help, but it seems she likes the attention she gets from him and almost feeds off of it. Her whole "I know him better than anyone else" and "It's complicated" is bullshit. Did she know he was going to pull a knife and basically attempt to kill her? He's physically harmed her in the past, he's certainly capable of killing her even if it isn't his specific intent at the moment. Even though she claims to be 'out for good' this time around, how many times have we heard that before? Then he sends her a text or shows up or something and suddenly she's back to enabling him. She has been an awful addition to this show and make women, especially abused women who have had to survive so much, look bad. Also don't really care for the Louie story. The kid is a cutie, and I know he has had a rough start in life, but I'm getting pretty tired of the sad eyes and constant moping - I don't think we've seen the kid smile even once, and that makes the whole story more depressing and I question whether or not Dawson is a good fit for him. He needs someone who can be around more and not away on overnight shifts. I know on her off days, she has much more time with him, but the irregularity in the schedule and having to leave him with Hermann's wife or a nanny or whomever overnight all the time has got to be tough on a kid who has been through what he has. He must wonder every time she leaves for her shift and is gone for a day or couple days if she is coming back or not. I have a hard time believing they let her be a foster parent, especially as she did it on her own and Casey was not part of it at the time (at least was not going to be helping raise the kid). They did originally deny her and she only ended up with him because the other family that had him couldn't control his behavior and had other kids in the house to think about (and then there was the little push Casey may have given). Why can't they give us a solid, well written, female character on this show? Brett annoys me to no end as well and the only others we seem to see pop up just to screw Severide for a few episodes and then leave. All of them are written horribly as well - especially that whole Vegas wedding thing and the wife of a couple weeks. What the hell was that? I miss Shay - they never should have killed her off as she, for the most part, had some good complexity and layers and never got too annoying. If she did get annoying, at least it never seemed to last long, unlike Gabby Sue who is nothing but the pure definition of annoying.
  11. I sincerely hope that nominating him comes back to bite the Republicans in the ass and their fear of losing the house happens. This is why some of them have already started abandoning ship because they are worried about the other elections. When (again, I always like to say "when" to try to stay positive and believe that the majority of those who will be voting have enough common sense, regardless of party affiliation, will not vote for that Orange Douchebag) Hillary is elected and, assuming things also have a positive outcome with the other elections, it should teach a hard lesson to the Republicans who never should have let him get this far to begin with. I think John Oliver said something to the effect that even those Republicans that are revoking their endorsement now and hope he doesn't win still have culpability in that they still allowed it to get this far. This is true, but at least some of them are admitting he is unfit and that they may have made a mistake by nominating him. I absolutely hate when they mention that Trump is part of the Republican party, just like Lincoln and so many other great Presidents to try to justify him being in the race. Presidents like Lincoln should not be mentioned in the same breath as Trump. He, and others from that party, are undeniably far better than Trump. They're trying to almost make is seem like being a "Republican" alone makes him some kind of great, honorable man, but there is no way in Hell this man will be the next Lincoln. We will be the laughing stock of the world if he wins as he was never qualified to run to begin with. He is going to tear this Country apart and will likely lead us to the brink of nuclear war, perhaps due to one of his manic, borderline psychotic, middle of the night Twitter rants, or get us into a cyber war even if he gets tossed out after 6 months to a year. It won't take him long to do so much damage. Look at how much he's caused already in his campaign. His disrespect and abuse of women is just one example of how he has damaged and disrespected the American people, not to mention alienating immigrants and wanting to build his big "Wall." He is dividing this nation, not uniting it, and working on, and promoting, unity is a fundamental ability that you need from any good President. I wouldn't be surprised, that, if he loses, he tries to create his own "Trumplican Party" and run again just because that's the kind of narcissistic egomaniac that he is.
  12. I've had that issue as well as another Padma. On a few occasions now, I've typed my response in and gone to hit the "Submit Reply" button and absolutely nothing happens. I try this a couple times, and still nothing. I end up having to cut and paste my post into Word or something to save the content, then either refresh the page or, in some cases, exit the previously.tv site altogether and then go back into the page I wanted to post on and move my content from Word back in. After I do that, then it seems to take. Also agree with the airtime issue. How can Trump claim the media is helping 'crooked Hillary' rig the election when they spend so much more time on him and his idiot minions?
  13. This man is just flat out stupid when it comes to politics, policy, diplomacy, making disgusting, derogatory statements about women without caring that he's wearing a mic or around witnesses, business, etc. The list just goes on and on as to how ignorant he is on damn near everything. How does it matter even remotely if he invites a popular President's half-brother, a President who was elected not once, but twice in this Country so therefore can't run again and that he isn't debating against, make any real impact at all on Hillary's campaign? I'm also sure Hillary could find a relative of Trump's somewhere who is for her and against him to sit in the audience as well if she really wanted, but again, what would be the point? The same basically applied when he had some of Bill's "women" in the audience at the last debate - Bill isn't running, and it didn't rattle Hillary in the least. I'm pretty sure Hillary is well aware of any affairs Bill has had over the years and they've decided to handle whatever issues they have in their marriage in their own way. Now if Hillary were to bring in every woman that Trump has assaulted or made disgusting, derogatory, insulting comments against, well, that would fill up the entire debate venue. I would love to hear the questions they would ask if this one is a Town Hall format (not sure which it is). I think the "When They Go Low, We Go High" slogan for Hillary is a good principle in life, however, I still wish they would take more advantage of some of these huge softballs just being lobed at them by the Trump campaign and really knock them out of the park. At this point, she needs to start coming down a bit harder on him on so many of these idiotic things he has said and done. She does not have to drag it to the gutter by any means, just call him out more and watch him flounder around or try to lie his way out of it and then bring up the fact that he likely has said something exactly opposite previously. Loved this from the SNL skit!
  14. I just got back from a business trip to several cities in Europe, including Berlin, Rome, Vienna and Zurich. I also stopped off at our home in London to see friends and visit my in-laws (my husband is a Brit and I have dual citizenship). Everywhere I went, and after business meetings were over and we went out to the pub/dinner, they all wanted to know about the election, particularly what people thought of Trump. I told them some very general thoughts, like many people were upset when the audio tape with him speaking about women in such a poor manner surfaced, etc. as you want to be careful in these settings about talking about politics. It turns out that, at least the groups that I was with, dislike Trump just as much as most of us do and sincerely hope he isn't elected. There were signs in the streets with Trump's face and the big red "no" symbol painted across it, there were people very insistent that no self respecting person should vote for a man like that, they have urged Americans living in their Countries to make sure they vote absentee and for Hillary, etc. They all believe that the damage he can do will cross the ocean and harm their Countries as well, especially given his special affinity towards Putin and Russia. I saw some Trump supporters as well, but they were much fewer and not very vocal at all and couldn't give any reasons for really wanting him elected and I don't really think they had much information on who he is and what he stands for (which is nothing and changes by the minute anyway). Many of them almost seemed embarrassed to admit they supported him. In any case, everyone in the places I visited is so captivated by this election. I think a part of it has to do with the fact that the US will (hopefully) get its first female President, when places in Europe most certainly have had them before, and they are curious as to how that will play out, especially as she is a former First Lady. I also think it comes from the fact that a lot of them have seen The Apprentice and can't believe that "that guy" is actually not just running for President, but won the Republican nomination. My British husband and my in-laws typically tend to be more Republican leaning when it comes to American politics, however, my in-laws made it a point to tell me to do my part to not let that "bloody wanker" into office.
  15. I just saw an article by the Washington Post that reads, in part: So his whole "rigging" thing is pretty much out the window, though it is sad that his supporters still believe the Orange Douchebag and think they're votes won't be counted properly. Those will be the ones sitting outside the polling places to "watch the others" to make sure nothing strange is going on (i.e. minorities and women voting - especially women that are "unattractive" by Trump standards, since that seems be one of the biggest issues with him lately and that he has made a focal point of his). He should change his campaign slogan to "No "Fat (or ugly) Chicks," meaning no one more than 5lbs over what he thinks is their "ideal Trump determined weight" in his mind. Donald, look in the damn mirror. If you were just an average Joe, no woman would look twice at you.
  16. I saw part of an article the other day, unfortunately I can't remember where as I have been reading so many with the election coming up, where Trump Jr. stated something to the effect that, if women can't tolerate being sexually harassed, they should all become kindergarten teachers. I found this just so awful on so many levels. First, kindergarten teachers most certainly have been sexually harassed, just like those of us in other jobs. Second, teachers (of all grades/levels) are so important to this country and his statement, to me, belittles that. And of course, sexual harassment should never be acceptable. He (or maybe it was Trump himself) also said that a woman who can't tolerate sexual harassment can't negotiate multi-billion dollar deals. Bullshit. I've taken more than my fair share of sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace in the past (which I definitely should not have had to - it is appalling the things that were said and done at one of the first places I worked out of Law/Business school to the point where I would just go home and cry) and yet I still I negotiate and close huge deals every day as an attorney for a large tech company, as do many other women. I work across the globe and have good relationships with my counterparts at other companies world wide and have earned their respect and trust as they know I am very above board, ethical, and honest with them. If Trump is elected, this country will be a laughing stock as there will be constant "President Pussy Grabber" jokes, among many others, and we'll look unbelievably stupid if that Orange Walking Penis who has a dead animal on his head and knows nothing about policy or diplomacy wins this thing. He will destroy diplomacy, except maybe with Russia, though he stands of a fair chance of fucking that up and bringing us back to Cold War days, or he may just decide to sell the US to Russia, who knows? We also all know that "The Donald," sociopath, egomaniac and so easily butt hurt as he is, doesn't have the self restraint not to push that red button in the middle of one of his tweet rages in the middle of the night and has no clue what Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) even means, which helped hold off anyone launching a nuke during the Cold War - they knew that if they did, others would be a second behind and then there would be virtually nothing left. That's what a Trump Presidency would leave us with - virtually nothing. I would feel extremely sorry for the poor person who would have to follow his term in the (hopefully) very unlikely event that he wins. Hopefully he gets impeached and is forced to resign or something as no one would be able to unravel the mess he would leave us in even if they had a full 8 years to do so. I am so glad I have dual citizenship with the UK since, if that Orange POS does win, we'll likely be relocating.
  17. I'm just glad I live in a state where you can register to be a permanent mail in voter, which I am, so won't have to deal with any repercussions of him telling his "supporters" to "go watch other polling places after they are done voting " because, he implies, something unfair may occur, or something to that effect. This can come across like asking the KKK to go to polling places to prevent minorities from voting as well as women who aren't voting as their husbands tell them to from entering polling places. Trump is taking this Country back to the 50s/60s, and it is so wrong. Thankfully, as I live in CA, Trump has next to no shot at winning this state anyway, and I think his people know it as he really hasn't spent much money here at all. Also, we have a good amount of electoral college votes (though I wish they would just go off the popular vote as the electoral college is way too dated), so that hopefully will help ensure he doesn't get anywhere near the Presidency. When Trump loses (I say "when" as I really want to believe that the majority of this country will not elect a racist, misogynistic, piece of shit), he can go relocate to Russia and lick his wounds and claim how this whole campaign was rigged, since, no one on the planet is more qualified for the job than he is (according to only him - unless he believes we're all as stupid as he is). Since he and Putin are such good buddies (or at least were), they can continue to try to hack Hillary's e-mails and claim that the Country made such a horrible mistake by not putting Hillary in jail where she belongs, especially since, given all the other things she's done to offend "The Donald," she rigged the election (complete sarcasm here, by the way). I'm sorry, but if I hadn't paid my taxes in 20 years, I know I'd be in jail, which is where Trump should be. I know he exploited a loophole or something, but as an attorney myself (though I'm definitely not a tax attorney and no expert there - I'm primarily international law, but work in some other areas as well and donate as much pro-bono time as I possibly can, even on personal time, which my employer, a well known Tech Company, is very supportive of), putting the tax issues aside, there are numerous other things he could be brought up on charges on and at least be investigated. This is another reason he should run to Russia when he loses, though if he missteps with Putin, and it seems he could be getting close, he could find things worse than jail waiting for him over there.
  18. I wonder if any young film student or someone out there has gotten the idea to make a film about what the world would look like if Trump were to be elected President. Sort of like "Threads" did about nuclear war from back a bit before I was born but I have still seen the film, or even like the more current Amazon show "The Man in the High Castle" (actually a good title for film about Trump), which shows what the world would be like if Hitler had won the war. I'm just using these as a couple of examples of when alternate realities have been depicted. I'm sure there are many others, but my point is just that it would be interesting to see if someone could put something together about what a Trump Presidency might actually look like. It would make an interesting short film at the very least and at most, maybe help convince some people that he just is wrong for this country on so many levels. You cannot insult immigrants in a country which was basically founded on them, you cannot insult women and brag about assaulting them then try to lie about it, dismiss it, downplay it, or make it about Bill Clinton (who, by the way Trump, is not running), you cannot claim you are a competent business man when you have filed bankruptcy 6 times and wouldn't have even gotten off the ground if not for a multi-million dollar loan from your father, you cannot claim you are a patriot and will "help make American great again" when you haven't contributed anything in the form of taxes for nearly 2 decades. He just can't even see what a hypocritical, lying, racist, misogynistic bigot he is and he literally seems to think of himself as the highest power on earth. You know what, if that were even close to the case at least he'd have better hair.
  19. Actually, car phones were first used in the mid-1940s. Many movie stars started having them installed back then. Also, they were pretty big in the 80s until the big monstrous thing that we all know now as a "cell phone" first became more popular (cell phones were first commercially available in the early 80s or so). I didn't see a cord attached to the phone Donna was using, so I think she may have been calling from a cell phone rather than a car phone, especially as they were available then, given that it was 1990. My family had its first cell phone in 1991, though they were pretty expensive to buy and to use. My family intended it be used only for emergencies, but my older sister, who was 12 at the time, talked on it every chance she got. I was just 5 or so and didn't really care one way or the other. What I didn't like was Donna's whole attitude when Bos came to visit her at her new VC office to congratulate her and she kind of looked down on him and his gift of Wild Turkey a bit and she made a point to mention that she had her own personal assistant, etc. That's who it seemed she was calling with her cell/car phone and demanding that they book a flight for her to Switzerland right away after Cam told her to piss off. I used to like Donna, but her whole behavior and attitude in the season finale has really made me second guess that. She acts bossy and superior, despite the fact that she was wrong on Mutiny, and I still do not understand how, after such a big failure, she made Sr. Partner at a VC Firm so fast. Diane must really like her - if it were the real world, she would have been tossed out when Mutiny, or whatever its final name was, went completely bust. Donna is also incapable of launching this new venture on her own, which is why she had to ask for Joe's help to try to get Cam on board. I'm glad Joe didn't help her, though he was honest with Cam as to what Donna wanted. Seeing Cam give her the boot was a bit satisfying, given Donna's demeanor in the finale and the fact that she tried to oust Joe just like she ousted Cam years before. Guess Karma really can be a bitch. I also dislike how she has treated Gordon. Yes, as I've mentioned in previous posts, Gordon can be a pain in the ass, but the man is ill and she bullied him into investing his Cardiff money into Mutiny (I know, he had a one night stand, but he was honest about it and he had just been diagnosed with his illness - again, still not the right thing to do, but it didn't warrant Donna's reaction either) for just 10% of Mutiny. He should have gotten more than 10% especially as he bought the servers and was keeping the HW side of things together. Donna just didn't want him to have more because she was upset about the one nighter. Donna's Parents also bullied him as I mentioned in one of my other posts and made him pay them back for money that both he and Donna borrowed for the "Giant" and other things. They clearly stated that Donna and the girls would owe them nothing, but they expected Gordon to pay up, which he did with part of his Cardiff money. As previously stated, I used to really like Donna (at the very least I nearly always liked her over Cam), however the season finale and her attitude has kind of made me revisit that. I hope that the original 3 get this new venture off the ground and ensure she doesn't get a piece of it at all - especially since she probably got quite a bit off of Gordon in the divorce since he won the suit against Joe. CA is a community property state, so she probably cleaned up pretty well as Mutiny would have been bust at the time and she wasn't Sr. Partner in a VC company yet. She already took his Cardiff money, so taking anything else he had probably didn't bother her in the least. I still honestly cannot believe that the season finale caused me to change direction on Donna so much, but it has. Maybe something will help redeem her again next season, but right now she just looks like a selfish, self serving, spiteful person who only cares about herself and how she can benefit. I know others on the show have been like this as well, but they all appear to be growing, developing and maturing now whereas Donna seems to be going over to the dark side and regressing when she used to be the mature, reasonable, responsible one.
  20. Just as a side note, I watched "Our Brand Is Crisis" a couple weeks ago for the first time. I kept looking at one of the campaign guys and knew he looked familiar, but I just couldn't place him. It finally hit me that it was Gordon from H&CF with no facial hair! I was actually glad to see he had shaved it off in H&FC (wonder if he did it for the film role or if his facial hair was real to begin with). He looks younger and, in my opinion, more handsome, without it. However, given that his character is supposed to have a degenerative illness (though seemingly one that may/can degenerate fairly slowly), I wonder if they did it just to keep him looking younger for now so he can quickly grow back a beard/goatee with lots of grey in it if they do another significant time jump. Love to see that he's taken up cooking though and has hobbies beyond sitting in the closet with his Ham radio. Also curious to see what happened to the other daughter, Hayley, and why Donna came to Gordon's house wanting Hayley's retainer for Joanie as she mentioned Joanie forgot it. Maybe it's a keepsake/reminder Joanie likes to keep with her? I also wonder if the loss of Hayley (if that is what actually happened - I think the show left some ambiguity in there) could be perhaps part of why Donna and Gordon split. Something similar happened in my family, so though Donna and Gordon may have had other issues, something like this could have definitely played a role, regardless of how it may have happened.
  21. Agree with this. This was the first episode that I actually maybe started to like Cam a little bit more than I like Donna. Cam is right in that Donna casts people aside too easily and I get why that pushed Cam's buttons given their history. Part of the reason I may be finding Cam more relatable in this season finale may partly come from the fact that the 4 year time jump was a bit of a shocker and also, like Cam, I went off to live in Japan for a few years, though I went over a decade later. I do have to say, however, that the little Japanese they attempted in this episode was pretty bad. Although I suppose since Cam is a "gaijin" or "foreigner," maybe they did that intentionally. All of the main characters started out as equals nearly a decade before with the "Giant", and none of them would be where there are without the other. These are not typical employer/employee relationships. Whatever feelings Cam has towards Joe I don't think are quite as relevant here given the history with Donna. Her feelings towards Donna and the fact that Donna, once again, tried to act like the major power player and take over something that clearly needs expertise from all areas seemed to only help reminded Cam of the loss of Mutiny. At the time, however, I thought Donna was right to do with Mutiny what she did and that Cam was behaving like a petulant child. It always annoyed me that Cam always referred to it as "her company" and didn't really seem to acknowledge the others. Yes, she may have been the largest single shareholder, but that doesn't mean a thing when the others align against you. However, now 4 years later, Donna seems to be behaving more like the dominant or controlling party in this new venture they are trying to put together when, really, it stems from something Joe helped dream up and that he and Gordon were going to try to take to the next level (until Ryan happened). Yes, Donna did some additional research, but she knew she needed Joe to get Cam and no way could Donna do this on her own. Joe took it even further than that later on and also managed to eventually help bring Cam on board. Joe managed to describe this "new idea" it in a way everyone (except Tom, who became a major ass), could understand and get behind. Joe took the time to do his research and had traveled the globe to get additional information, going places and meeting people the rest of the team didn't even know existed. His explanation and knowledge got them all aligned on common ground and excited about this project (again, except for Tom). The fact that Donna said, without even batting an eye, that they could just drop Joe, was ignorant on her part, especially given her past with Cam. Until now, I really have never agreed with, nor really liked Cam, but I think she made some strong points and behaved (almost) like a grown-up. Her lying to Tom about sleeping with Joe is still wrong, however, as mentioned, Tom has become a bit of an ass anyway (not that that justifies the lying). Deep down he knows Joe and Cam have a deep connection - something he probably won't ever have with her - but he can't admit it to himself and is content to vent his frustrations on Joe and, to some extent, Cam, in the meantime. Joe didn't handle things as well as he could have with Tom either when they had their little altercation, however I think he has still shown growth where Tom has actually show regression. I really hope this new venture works out for the original three, especially as I think Gordon in particular deserves something good. Yes, he's been a whiny ass at times and has gotten on my last nerve more than once, but the man has suffered a lot as well. I always remember that Donna basically bullied him into giving all of his Cardiff settlement money to Mutiny and he slaved away on the servers/HW for only a 10% share. This especially irritates me when I remembered that Donna comes from an Upper-Middle Class Family, and, while they lent Gordon AND DONNA money when needed, the mother made it a point to tell Gordon one day when he took the kids to visit that Donna and the girls would never owe them anything but that she expected Gordon to pay them back for the money they lent them. Gordon wrote them a check then and there with a decent chunk of his Cardiff money. I can't remember if they knew Gordon was ill or not when they took his check, but either way, they handled it in a pretty shitty manner. Their attitude towards money, wealth and entitlement is coming through in Donna and it is a shame. I like it when Gordon and Joe are on good terms, like when they were planning to do business together again before Ryan died. I think those two, with Cameron as well, of course (provided she continues to show growth and keep Tom under control), could really do something amazing. It seems like Donna is going to try to give them a run for their money, especially given her little tantrum in her car (at least it was private) and, before this episode, I may have been backing her. Now, however, I hope they beat her to it and make sure they protect their development work accurately along the way. I still find it hard to believe that she is now Sr. Partner in a VC firm when she was so off on the Mutiny IPO. It seems, even if she went/was able to go into VC, it would have taken her much longer to get that far. I work for a Fortune Top 20 Tech Firm (though I'm an attorney and not an engineer), but seeing how these things play out on this show is always interesting. Even though things on this show back in Season 1 started happened starting a year or so after I was born, there are still a lot of similarities, especially regarding being first to market, IPOs, M&A, etc. That's one of the things that keeps me interested - along with Lee Pace, of course. Sorry to end on a shallow note, but I'm not complaining about the shirtless time we got with him this episode. ;-)
  22. Thanks Candall. I'll respond to you via PM as I've had some thoughts about this as well.
  23. I think Halstead and Manning should move to that other NBC medical show - The Night Shift (at least Manning should move - Halstead still has some moments for me, but I wouldn't be too sad if they both went). They could move those two over there and then bring Topher to Chicago Med. I'd so much rather see most of the whiners, irritators, bitchy, always have to be right people in the same show (The Night Shift) - that way I can either fast forward through most of it or just drop it from my DVR altogether.
  24. True - I think at this point his name should pretty much officially just be "Dog."
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