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Everything posted by Rapunzel

  1. I'm trying to give a "like" to your post, backformore, but I get an error message stating that I am "not allowed to like content from this user." I know people have been having issues with this, posting, and other things, but this message in particular just seems really rude. Did you do something to irritate a mod? :-) I'm completely kidding about irritating a mod, of course. I've seen you post on several boards and never has anything been offensive or violated any of the rules as far as I know. In any case, I agree with what you said - it is very hard to get someone to admit they may have been "wrong," or believe anything negative, about something, even small things, if they have even the slightest investment in it. ETA: Looks like my "like" of your post is showing up now. What a strange little glitch.
  2. Completely understand your point and wasn't disagreeing with you at all. I was just explaining my own experience here, though having lived in many different states myself, I know each state has their own nuances and rules regarding voting. Some states may not have the best safeguards and it may be easier to game the system while others are more rigid. I can't speak to CO personally, having never lived there. I was just describing my own experiences in CA. Also agree that of course Trump supports cheating if it helps him. Has he said anything about that woman in Iowa yet? This is the same reason he has stated that he will accept the results of the election as long as he wins. If he doesn't win, he'll throw a big hissy fit and claim it was all rigged and that Hillary had everyone cheat, despite what he has stated about voting in the last day or so. I live in Northern San Diego, so Anaheim isn't that far from me, however we were over in Europe at the time so thankfully weren't subjected to any news coverage of his visit - he didn't mean enough then for a visit to CA to make news across the Pond. You actually met him? Did you shake his tiny orange hand? Did you see him speak live and was the crowd engaged? Just curious as to how Californians reacted to him, though the Primaries seem like forever ago for some reason and I wonder how people would react if he were to visit now. Agree with you as well that CA has made progress and we're lucky the Dems are in control of our state for the moment. I wonder how that would be affected if, heaven forbid, Puffy Cheeto gets elected.
  3. In Southern CA, where I live, you can register to be a permanent mail in voter, which I am. I mailed in my ballot over a week ago now, and if I were to try to go to vote in person at a polling place, I would be unable to. They would ask for a voter registration card, which I do not have as my ballot is mailed to me (they don't send cards to mail in voters), and they would also see in their records that I was listed as a permanent mail in voter anyway. There are safeguards in place, at least where I live. I mentioned in a post several days ago that, on just one occasion, I did not receive my mail in ballot. This was for a mid-term election and not a Presidential Election, however I was still concerned. They send out a notice at least a month in advance with detailed information on the various props and measures along with a letter stating the time period you should expect to receive your official mail in ballot. They state clearly in the paperwork that if you do not receive it by a certain date, to call the voting office (they provide the number) to inform them. I did just that and they sent me a letter that I had to sign which very clearly stated that, under penalty of law, I swore that I did not receive my initial ballot, I was not voting twice, I was not committing voter fraud, etc. They also sent me a replacement ballot, and it was marked stating that it was a replacement to help remind them to check that I hadn't already sent something else in. As an attorney, the paper that I had to sign was pretty thorough and made the penalties very clear. Of course I signed it and then completed my actual ballot. I'm glad they send out the advance notice as otherwise many people may not even notice that they did not receive their ballots by mail in time. Even when you get your actual mail in ballot, there are detailed instructions, they tell you how much postage it typically takes to return (though the return address is the voting office anyway, not your own), but I bring it in to the Post Office and have it weighed and sent anyway just in case, and they also include what date you should mail it in by to ensure it makes it in time to be counted. Honestly, the most complicated thing about the process for me this year was just reading through the various props and measures and deciding how to vote on those. There were a decent amount of them, though I've seen a lot more in previous cycles. My vote for President was an absolute no brainer, of course. There is no way Trump will win CA and I don't even think he's made an appearance anywhere in this state - at least not since he won the nomination and maybe not even before then. I do travel a lot for business, however, and since I have dual citizenship, we spend about half of our time living abroad, so maybe I missed something. It's odd though that, as blue as CA is, we will, on occasion, elect a Rep Governor (apparently especially if they happen to be former actors - Arnold was elected and out of office before I ever lived here and Regan was before I was born, so I didn't have anything to do with either one), but when it comes to Presidents, it seems we're always blue. Hillary just has to win this thing. They need to get Harry Reid's letter out there and they need to start investigating both Comey and Puffy Cheeto for various crimes, including election fraud and even treason given Trump's relationship with Putin and using him (most likely with the help of Assange) to rig an election. That cannot be ignored anymore. The Press should be mentioning this far more often and questioning his integrity and his fitness to be President far more than they are now.
  4. I love Harry Reid. I honestly don't know too much about him, but based on his letter, if I meet him, I will give him a huge kiss - I don't care that he's 76. This man has moxy and he is completely on point here. Comey is, in all likelihood, violating the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act basically prohibits any Federal Employee (which Comey is) from using their authority to influence an election in any way. The most damming evidence against Comey is the fact that he was aware of the "new" e-mails some time ago and didn't act on them until so very close to the election and at Puffy Cheeto's urging. Also, they still have no warrant and, therefore, no idea what is actually in these e-mails. The fact that they waited so long for the "big reveal" while they could have been trying to get a warrant tells me that they most likely know there is nothing damming in them. They are likely not about Hillary at all, duplicates to what has already been released, or just more dick pics and what not from Weiner. The Russia connection is another issue and both Comey and Trump could conceivably be investigated for treason. Those two need to go down and go down hard. As I've said before, at a minimum they should be found guilty of at least election tampering. On the other end of the spectrum, they could be held accountable for treason, especially as Trump is way too cozy with Putin. Reid states the Russia issue fairly well in his letter. Prison is where these assholes belong. Stop talking about locking Hillary up for some relatively benign e-mails you Orange Piece of Shit. Worry about what you've done. Make America Russia - By Committing Treason. That should be his new campaign slogan.
  5. I thought it might be due to the meds/injection that the doctor made just for him rather than eating brains. If I remember right (and I may not be), I thought he started turning less blue when she started giving him the injections, which is before he started eating brains. Perhaps even a side effect of the injections could be part of what is making him crave brains? Also, I thought they were talking about Zs covered in spiders as well and not Z black widows, or whatever type of spider they were.
  6. Comey definitely needs to be held accountable here. I just read a brief blurb online (have to go back to see if I can find the full article) but it mentioned that he may have known about these "new" e-mails for some time and just now decided to drop the bombshell to help screw up the election for Hillary. This man is nearly as despicable as Trump and he has truly violated his duties as Director of the FBI. He is not worthy of the title and he should be forced to resign first thing tomorrow morning. He is clearly tampering with this election and is not even remotely impartial.
  7. Wow - I live in San Diego and just saw an ad for Hillary that shows the clip of Trump mocking the disabled reporter, has a recording of him stating that he "could stand in the middle of 5th Ave and shoot somebody" and that he wouldn't lose any voters, and some other more negative sound bytes from him. It shows children watching him on television and the last line in print only says "Our children are watching." Glad she's finally going a bit low and throwing his words back at him - showing the clip of him mocking the reporter is pretty powerful as there is another ad that I've seen where a Republican woman who has a disabled son states that she is voting for Hillary because of how Trump views and mocks the disabled. This was on USA and not a local station - neither campaign seems to be doing too much on the local stations in my area. However, I do know that they vary commercials and ads on the cable channels to some extent for the market they are airing in, but the cable channels are pretty much the only channels where I really see any ads for either campaign as I think they both think it's a bit pointless to spend too much on ads in this area since Hillary is very likely to win CA. I do DVR and FF through a lot of commercials, however, so I suppose they are on the local stations more often than I notice.
  8. It was Lara, who I believe is Eric's wife. She's not really "implicating" him - she's really praising Trump for, according to her, getting Comey to re-open the investigation and, therefore, helping ensure that Hillary get what she "deserves." What a despicable family.
  9. I read an article from the Business Insider online and, as I mentioned in a previous post, the FBI still has no warrant for the computer or the e-mails, yet they still took it. In addition, Comey has stated that he “has no idea what is in the content of the e-mails.” If this is the case, that should make it more difficult to get a warrant as they have no definitive proof that they contain anything nefarious or illegal. This may be why they don’t have one yet. As they don’t have one, they should not have been allowed anywhere near that computer. I’m an attorney, and any first-year law student could shoot so many holes through these allegations that it’s absurd. Apparently now the DOJ is talking with the FBI as to how exactly to proceed here, especially as the DOJ warned the FBI not to alert Congress or anyone else that there were more e-mails before they could do a proper investigation. They even warned that it could be considered as “influencing or attempting to influence” the outcome of the Presidential Election. Comey even admits that he broke protocol, however he (weakly) tries to defend his actions by stating that he felt obligated to release the information as the American people would feel mislead otherwise. How can he say that the American people would feel mislead when no one has any idea what is in those e-mails yet? Also, doesn’t it do more harm to our justice system to seize the computer/e-mails with no warrant and then basically imply that Hillary is guilty when there is no evidence as of yet, especially so close to the Election? At this point, even if they found something, they did so illegally if there was no warrant, not to mention that the DOJ told Comey not to as did his own boss, the AG. This is, at a minimum, election tampering. He's admitted he has no clue what is on those e-mails – for all he knows, it’s just more dick pics or sexts or whatever from Weiner. Trump is definitely involved in this, as his own daughter-in-law has stated. All the while she has been acting as though he is some kind of hero for getting this out in the open. Again, that idiotic woman deserves whatever she gets once she’s no longer part of the family. Given the trend and that his sons are so much like Trump, the marriage is not destined to last long and she probably won’t even get away with a million dollars like Marla did as she was likely incredibly stupid when negotiating her pre-nup. Trump bitched and moaned and got his way and now the FBI is doing his dirty work for him. This is such bullshit. I’d love to see the FBI do a full investigation into Trump’s “charity,” how it looks like he is pocketing money donated to his campaign, and his multiple other nefarious business ventures. Also, why aren’t they spending their time looking at his relationship with Putin and the fact that Puffy Cheeto is far too unstable to be anywhere near nuclear weapons or to negotiate with leaders of other countries? Why aren’t they looking into his ties with Putin/Russia/Wikileaks? Trump has a hand in all of this – he may not have been smart enough to come up with it all on his own, but, as Hillary said, he is Putin’s puppet and Putin is helping ensure Trump gets into the White House. Trump will owe him then, and who knows what top secret info he will give to Putin in exchange for the Presidency? Also, it is speculated that he owes Putin/Russia money as he borrowed from them for some of his business ventures (many of which failed). How many of our hard-earned tax dollars will he turn over to Russia to help pay off his own debt and try to play it off as if it were to help fight ISIS or for some kind of humanitarian aid? We all know, and it has been proven time and time again, that Trump is a liar and will do or say anything, at any cost, regardless of who or how many it may harm to satisfy his own, completely selfish, objectives. As long as he can continue on with his gauche, lavish, obscene, lifestyle, he doesn’t care about anything else. The man is a pig. He is a sexual predator. He refuses to recognize that the biggest thing wrong with America is pretty much him. It isn’t immigration, it isn’t gay marriage, it isn’t abortion, it isn’t people who have served our Country for over 30 years and can stand up to pressure like Hillary, it isn’t the media, it’s him and his entitled, ignorant, stupid ass. He has no knowledge of government, the Constitution, the fundamental principles that this Country was founded on, what the American people really need, want, and what they respect, how to help boost our economy, how to make our education system better, how to unify people, etc. The man has his head so far up his own ass that he can’t see anything beyond “crooked Hillary” and the “e-mails.” He is a sociopath, incappable of empathy, a pathological liar, an abuser of women, a racist, someone who wears what looks like a dead animal on his head, etc. This man cannot be our President. We have to have hope and be united, and this man does just the opposite. We need to vote now like our very lives depend upon it. We cannot let this Country be turned into a laughing stock and watch him try to become Dictator Tiny Hands and push us into wars, or the brink of war, every chance he gets. We cannot let him destroy the values that this Country was built on and fought so hard to gain and keep. We cannot disrespect those who did everything in their power to help keep us a free nation and not let us slip into tyranny. We need to be strong, we need to speak our minds, we need to vote and we need to keep him from destroying the Country we all love so much.
  10. From the Business Insider, more reinforcement as to what Comey did with the e-mails is wrong: Just one more reason this whole thing appears to be orchestrated by Trump. Let's just go ahead and continue to make this situation even worse and more blatantly against Hillary by violating our own basic rules and principles of justice and the law. Puffy Cheeto's own Daughter-in-Law even mentioned that finding these "new" e-mails was due to Trump putting pressure on the FBI so that's why they re-opened the case to begin with and that Hillary would be harmed as a result, basically getting what she deserves. This from a woman who married into that wretched family. Hope her pre-nup is iron clad and she can't get a cent if she leaves her husband - that's all she deserves for marrying the son of a sociopath (who is a sociopath himself) for what are likely her own selfish reasons. How can they not investigate Trump and Comey for crimes related to this election? Clearly they are trying to rig it, with additional help from Russia and, before Assange lost his internet or whatever, his help as well. Keep on telling us how this election is rigged again, you Orange Douchebag.
  11. Has anyone sent it to Hillary's campaign people or the DNC? Maybe they can help get it out there. At a minimum, it should be on YouTube, but I would hope for a wider audience. The only semi worrisome part is that Puffy Cheeto may take being called a "Falcon" of any kind as a compliment - just like he took the fact that Michael Moore's film had his name in the title as a good thing. He's such a self-centered, egotistical moron.
  12. Wow. I love this. Is it already airing on TV in some places? I haven't seen it here in Southern CA, but given the large military presence here, it would be a good place, though I think Hillary has CA locked up pretty well anyway. This needs to get out there - it sends a very powerful message and should be shown across the Country.
  13. I so wish Vasquez would come back. When they mentioned him this episode and said that he probably walked off into a hoard of Zs, however, I had my doubts. They made it seem like his mission was done and, since his family was gone, there wasn't anything left for him. Power and this show both have fairly short seasons, so I would hope that, if he wanted to come back, filming schedules would somehow allow it, but based on the comment in this episode, I just don't see him returning. I definitely hope I'm wrong, however, especially since Power just hasn't been that great lately, at least in my opinion. This show needs another sexy man in the regular cast. 10k is nice looking, even though he needs a bath, but to me he's more cute than sexy. The Man has some nice muscles and good body definition, but otherwise he really doesn't do it for me either. Whenever I see "El Scorpion"/Hector(?), I just keep thinking of him as head of the Mayan's in Sons of Anarchy and I don't really find him attractive either. He's got a good build, but I'm not a fan of the facial hair. Citizen Z doesn't qualify either - he's cute, but thin as a rail, though I do like DJ Qualls in general (he used to be a model before he started acting - I think for Versace?), so might be part of why he's fairly thin/lanky. I'm kind of bummed that the gang reunited only to separate again right away and that just two went off in search of Lucy. I hope 10k comes back - especially as they have his booster shots that he needs to keep from being controlled by Murphy. I wish he would have trusted Warren more, but I kind of get his reaction to run given the way they confronted him, which was a little hostile, especially since he didn't know who the Asian Scientist was at all (can't remember her name). It seemed as though Roberta suspected something was off with 10k as soon as 10k and Doc returned, so she should have tried to keep him with Doc rather than risk scaring him away and having him run off, which is what happened.
  14. After Hillary's Daytona Beach Speech was over and MSNBC brought out the requisite Dem and Rep surrogates to give their feedback, the Rep (can’t remember his name because I just didn’t care) stated that Hillary’s biggest problem is that no one trusts her and that’s why no one will vote for her. Trump tells it like it is. Really? Where are his tax returns? Why does he have so many active lawsuits? Why does he flat out lie about things that were caught on tape and/or on camera? It was a really short segment, but I wish the woman representing the Dem side had come back and mentioned that no one can trust Trump and then just start rattling off his millions of outright lies and contradictions. Also, I wish people would constantly point out Trump’s temperament and how he behaves worse than most toddlers I know. He is horrible under pressure; we’ve seen it in every debate, we’ve seen him walk out of interviews when questioned on racism and sexism, we’ve seen him throw Twitter tantrums in the middle of the night, etc. He immediately goes on the attack and stutters and stammers because he can’t handle any pressure or anything not going his way. When your best rebuttal to something in a debate is “Wrong” or “No I didn’t” or “She’s such a nasty woman,” clearly you have issues (by the way, I love Bill Maher’s idea that twice during a debate each candidate should get the chance to dispute something the other is saying by actually showing the video clip of them contradicting themselves – I would love to see the look on Trump’s face). If he wants to be President, being asked questions like this and being put under pressure is going to happen to him on a daily basis. You have to know how to maintain your composure and how to thrive, not just survive, in the pressure cooker type of environment you will be in. Hillary has shown over the last few decades that she can deal with pressure. She handles it in her personal life (which really isn’t personal, as she is a public figure) and she handles it in her professional life. The latest issue with Comey hasn’t appeared to rattle her at all. She is being very calm and rationale about how she is managing it. Trump, as we saw when Comey dropped the investigation initially, reacted by calling her names, claiming the election was rigged, etc. Now he’s doing his little happy dance because he thinks he’s won something here. However, I think Comey is going to come out of this looking like an ass and be jobless, hopefully sooner rather than later, especially as his boss and others have already stated that what he did was wrong. Trump is too stupid to realize that this is already starting to swing the other way and that, honestly, people are tired of hearing about this e-mail bullshit. If this is all they can find on Hillary, so what? Trump is a sexual predator, has several thousands of active lawsuits against him, steals from his own “charity,” is a cheapskate, is raising Hitler Jr. and Saddam Jr., has no respect for women, for minorities, for immigrants, for the LGBT community, for anyone who actually works for a living, etc. All they keep bringing up about Hillary are these damned e-mails that most people are past caring about at this point. Get over it Trump - you big, whiny, lying, deplorable, Puffy Cheeto. You are likely going to lose – to a WOMAN! Go far, far, far away and throw your cocaine fueled temper tantrum from one of your nauseatingly gauche Trump properties with your buddy Putin and quit trying to make America horrible.
  15. I just watched the last part of a speech Hillary gave in Daytona Beach. She did a pretty good job and the crowd actually looked to be a pretty decent size and they seemed enthusiastic - unlike the handful of people at the Trump events that I've seen. At the end of the speech, the MSNBC commentators revisited the opening, and she started out by discussing Comey. She handled it pretty well, she’s trying to make it clear she’s not hiding anything, and basically said he needed to release everything and that he shouldn't have released any notice without knowing what those e-mails actually contained, if they were duplicates to ones already released, etc. I know that the DNC is coming down hard on Comey, however the Attorney General, who he works for, needs to step up and do something here. What he did is, at the very least, election tampering, and possibly even fraud. The man cannot be in a position of power if he is going to abuse it in such a way, especially by defying not just his boss, but also possibly the regulations and laws we have in this country. He should be forced to resign immediately and then they should have a team assigned and those e-mails gone through in the next 48 hours or less, no longer. Comey has stated there is “no guarantee” he will have the review completed before the election, which, again, just causes more obstacles and more interference with a Presidential Election. This cannot be allowed. Some commentators are saying he had to say something now because, if he waited until after the election and she won, it would make Trump’s claims of “rigging” more valid. That’s just bullshit. The investigation was closed by him, there is no certainty that he will find anything new that is damming in this set of e-mails, especially as most aren’t hers, many of the e-mails they found before were largely between her various aids talking about appearances and message, etc. - nothing at all nefarious. The biggest issue was around the confidentiality concerns, but again, the overall content of the majority of those e-mails was pretty benign, which is why she was never charged and the investigation was closed. Is she perfect? No, who is? Has she made mistakes? Yes, who hasn't? Are they the type of mistakes that are going to turn this country into a laughing stock, possibly start a nuclear war, destroy our diplomatic relations, tear apart our economy, ruin our education system, etc? No - that would be that orange piece of shit. Is she a Puffy Cheeto who is a sexual predator? Certainly not. Is she light years better than Trump and overall a far better human being? Most definitely. Is she the most qualified of the two to run this country for at least 4 years? Without a doubt. What more does anyone need to know at this point?
  16. Agree. The facts just don't support wide-spread voter fraud by any means. I live in CA and here you can register to be a permanent mail voter, which is what I am as are most of my friends and colleagues. Many of us travel a lot for business, so it helps with that, along with just generally being quite convenient, other than having to go to the Post Office to mail it to make sure you get the right amount of postage on it. That would be the worst thing that would happen - spend all that time filling in that card, especially with all the Props and Measures that we have - only to have it not reach the right location because of insufficient postage. I did have a ballot card not reach me via mail during the specified window for one election once (it was a mid-term and not a Presidential election), but I called the voting office and they sent me a replacement along with a legal statement that I had to sign and return, along with a copy of my license, swearing that I did not receive my original card and, therefore, was not committing any kind of voter fraud. At least they send you a notice in the mail long before the actual mail in ballots are to arrive to ensure that you are aware of the date range in which you should receive it and, that if you do not receive it by a certain date, to call so they can send you a replacement in time. This year, however, I admit that I am glad that I didn't have to deal with any Poll Watchers or deal with any potential harassment from Trump supporters, though being in Southern CA, which is largely blue and the area I live in is largely blue, I hope that those that do go in person don't have to put up with it either.
  17. I think someone may have posted a link to the article from the NY Times before about how Trump Supporters fear Hillary being elected, but when I read it, I could not believe the comments from some of these people. Some of my thoughts on it are below. Their biggest fears seem to be that Hillary will go after their guns and also that she will also worsen their “economic burdens.” They claim that there will be marches on the capitols and possible riots and maybe even a Revolutionary War if Hillary is elected over Puffy Cheeto. One man even says that “unfortunately” he’s not a man of “vigilante violence” but there are many others who will take to the streets with guns in protest. “Unfortunately” you’re not a man of vigilante violence? Really? If you feel that’s an “unfortunate” thing, then why aren’t you one? Maybe he doesn’t even know what that statement means – he is a Trump supporter, after all. The Trump supporters also say that based on the number of Trump signs they see in yards vs. Hillary signs, that Trump should definitely win and if he doesn’t, then of course it’s rigged. Yeah, because we all know that the number of signs in yards are always a true indication of the outcome an election. If you live in a private community like mine, signs aren’t allowed. Many HOAs in the area do not allow them either. And, as has been mentioned before, given the level of crazy associated with Trump and his supporters (i.e. they will march with their guns to the capitols if Hillary is elected), many people aren’t going to put signs in their yard as they do not want to be a target – regardless of who wins. They also talk about a “silent majority” of Trump supporters who are just magically going to show up on Election Day which will help ensure Trump wins and that, according to “Social Media,” Trump is beating Hillary 3 to 1. Really? Where? How many credible sites actually show this? One man, who claims to be a “Bible Christian” and owns over 30 guns even stated that “reformation often comes through blood shed” and that if she were to come after their guns, he would fire rounds if he had to. Last I checked, this was not “Christian” behavior, nor was American or civil or decent or in line with everything else this Country has fought so hard to achieve. Violence should not be advocated or treated like the only solution Trump supporters will resort to if he loses. That makes us no better than Countries that have had violent dictatorships. This isn’t what America is supposed to be about. I am embarrassed as an American that any one in our Country thinks that violence is a reasonable reaction to not having a racist, bigoted, hypocritical, lying, misogynist, abusive, entitled, man-baby, imbecile as our President. This man is the one who is going to do them the most harm from an economic, social, diplomatic, policy, etc. perspective – not Hillary. As I’ve said before, please get out and vote and do not elect this extremely dangerous man to office. He does not deserve it, he has no concept of what it means, he doesn't even know how democracy works and he will help no one but himself, and all of us, including his largely crazy, violence supporting, so called “supporters,” will suffer for it – and suffer greatly.
  18. I am. And though I've posted in the technical issues thread the Mods directed me to, none of the issues seem to be getting resolved anyway. I've had issues posting in general for at least 2 weeks (many posts just not going through and getting lost) and it hasn't been fixed and now it seems there are just more issues coming up, like the issue with "liking" a post. Anyway, I like the "Cheetos Mussolini" thing as well. If that man ever gets elected, we will be the laughing stock of the entire world and it will be unfortunate. Even if his Presidency is short lived, assuming they find a way to oust him (and quickly), he can still manage to do a considerable amount of damage in a very short period of time. Given his hypersensitivity to criticism and his bizarre, manic Twitter rants, who wants him to decide at 2am that someone, somewhere in the world has slighted him or pissed him off in some way, go on Twitter and rant about how he's going to "punch them in the face," have them hauled off to jail and then ultimately deciding to launch a nuke at someone? This is who people think should be President?
  19. At least she isn't a rapist, unlike that orange piece of shit. That really makes his supporters hypocritical though (no surprise there, however) - they defend his actions, including his remarks and actions/sexual assaults against women, so aren't they, in effect, defending a rapist?
  20. Yep - His degree was just bought and paid for. A man who is so inarticulate and sounds as though he never finished the 5th grade should have never gotten into any college, much less received a degree from an Ivy League School. We know he has this sense of entitlement, so I'm sure he felt it was his right to go to an Ivy League School. I have colleagues who are starting to look at colleges with their kids, and these kids have taken mostly AP classes, come out of high school with a GPA over 4.0 because of it, are into sports, involved in various other clubs, do volunteer work, etc. and they are having a hard time even getting accepted to a public college here in CA. The admissions criteria are so incredibly stiff these days - and many of their parents have saved and can afford to pay for a public college, but those that may not be able to afford the full cost (especially as the cost on tuition has gone up so much so fast), these gifted kids are having a very difficult time getting scholarships, grants and even loans in many cases because, on paper, their parents make too much money. Also, what is considered "too much money" is an incredibly low number, especially given the cost of living in Southern CA.
  21. I saw on some online site (I can't remember which one, but it was a credible paper or something) where someone had posted a video of one of his rallies (I believe it was in NH or ME) that they secretly took with their cell phone. From the camera viewpoint, this person was sitting in a far back corner of the room (looked like the back right corner if you were facing the stage). There were plenty of empty seats up close to the front and plenty of empty seats in, what appeared to be, a rather tiny venue. It looked like there were 15 - 20 people in attendance there at best. There was a woman at the speech/rally, whatever it was, and all you could see was the back of her head as she was sitting almost right in front of the person with the cell phone. She had long hair that was all grey, so I figured she could be in her 50s or 60s, but never saw her face. Anyway, she kept saying how much support she had for Trump and his main topic of conversation, by the way, seemed to be all about the women accusing him of sexual assault and harassment and how it wasn't true - I think he used his favorite line about the one woman basically being too ugly to warrant any attention from him anyway. This woman in attendance at the speech said something to the effect that women often say far worse things than he has ever said and that no one should be upset by any of his comments. Her constant words of encouragement and the way she put down women just made me want to vomit. How can people be so blind and so ignorant as to think that this orange asshole is going to do anything to help anyone other than himself? Again, he's making some promises right now (which people will find out very quickly are false if that bastard gets elected, which won't happen because, again, I believe most registered voters are smarter than that) that appeal to a certain mindset and to those that feel marginalized by their country because they aren't getting everything they believe they are "entitled" to and Trump is convincing them it is being stolen by immigrants and the like. If they vote for Trump, they aren't going to get these "entitlements" either. Things are, in fact, likely to get worse for them rather than better.
  22. Had a good post written about the pro bono work I do as an attorney around immigration, women's issues, humanitarian issues, etc. and how I wouldn't hesitate to take on a case against Trump or one of his companies if it had reasonable merit, but have been having major technical issues posting tonight and lost all of it. I tried to post it multiple times to no avail. Mods, I have reported this issue in the past yet it appears that it is still not fixed.
  23. It saddens me how many of us have had experiences like this and that this election and the fact that Trump is clearly a sexual predator is bringing back some pretty awful memories for many of us. I remember being in college and hearing about date rape and how it was not acceptable no matter what. If you said "No" it meant "No." It was being talked about a lot at the time, yet, still if you were a woman and went out on a date with a guy and maybe decided to invite him in afterwards (without the intention of sleeping with him, or maybe even if the thought crossed your mind, but you hadn't decided), and things progressed but you ultimately decided you didn't want to be intimate with him and said "No," and he forced himself on you anyway, you were often still blamed, at least partially. I remember even people that I thought were friends asking me why I would have put myself in that situation to begin with. If Ivana's account is true (and I don't have any reason not to believe it, especially given Trump's behavior), clearly any type of sexual assault or abuse against women is acceptable and/or justifiable to him - after all, he's famous, remember? That gives him the right to grope you automatically. It's this same mentality that Trump seems to have with everything in life. Whether he's blaming the women for the sexual assault accusations, trying to brush them off as "locker room talk," or whether he's blaming Hillary and the Media for the election being rigged or for immigrants stealing our jobs and bringing drugs and crime into our Country, etc., it's always someone else's fault in his eyes, and that is part of what makes him so incredibly dangerous. I mean, we can all hear the excuses now: "China disrespected me so they made me go to war with them," or "That woman had an abortion so she should be thrown in jail," or, one he's already used, "She's a porn star so it's not like she's not used to being grabbed." The man is a pig through and through and why any woman, Kellyanne Conway, Ann Coulter, the "Women for Trump" people, etc., would support him is just completely beyond me. He is not "Going to Make America Great Again." He is going to turn American into the Great Dictatorship and start removing rights from women and minorities the first chance he gets. He's also going to destroy our diplomatic relations, ruin our economy, our education system, etc. I hate to think who his cabinet would be made up of. I keep asking myself why this man isn't in jail. As I've mentioned in a few posts, it is a shame they can't tie him to the Putin/Russia/WikiLeaks stuff and at least get him on election fraud. Also, why can't they do something about the abuse of his charity? Do they not have enough proof yet? Can President Obama appoint a "Special Prosecutor" or something or is it too late in the game? I know some are looking into certain things at the state level, but can't it be reviewed at the Federal Level as well? It just seems like there is something we should be able to do as he is the one who belongs in jail, not Hillary. I never hear anything about Trump's mother - anybody know anything about her or his relationship with her? Just wondering if this contributes at all to his behavior towards women in particular. This man just cannot win the election. That's all there is to it. Please get out there and vote and help keep this "bad hombre" out of office.
  24. This is just so disturbing on so many levels. I have no doubt that The Orange Douchebag has been inappropriately physical with women - beyond just trying to shove his tongue down their throats, grabbing their breasts, or even "grabbing them by the pussy." My fear is that, as there have already been at least 10 or 11 (maybe more at this point) to come forward and say that Trump assaulted them or propositioned them in some way that there are so many more. I think it is likely that he has crossed the line and possibly could have even raped women (just basing this on his behavior, the story in the quote about about Ivana, his personality, his attitude towards women, his sense of entitlement, etc.). The man is incapable of hearing the word "No." Any other women out there that may have been severely assaulted or even possibly raped by this monster (and I don't care if they were/are porn stars, call girls, strippers, housewives, waitresses, accountants, teachers, CEOs or any such thing - it is irrelevant - a woman always has the right to say "No"), may have chosen to settle with him and sign an NDA/CDA, perhaps mainly so they could try to go on with their lives and probably didn't want to deal with media circus and the slut shaming that would be sure to follow. How has our Country gotten to a point where a man like this can be a step away from the Presidency? In addition to his clear issues with women, the man is a pathological liar, a sociopath, an egomaniac, a misogynist, and the list goes on and on. I am hard pressed to find any one good quality about him. The fact that his sons are being raised to be exactly like him is also appalling. Even when Trump loses this election, we have to worry that he may either try to run again for President or for some other political office, but more importantly, that one of his psycho sons may also try to get into politics. From what I've seen, they are just as bad, especially Junior, who always seems to be on Coke just like Daddy. Whenever I've seen him on TV, he talks a million words a minute, buys into every conspiracy theory, etc. Kellyanne should be ashamed of herself at this point. I hope she can't ever find another job, especially in politics, ever again. She has helped create this monstrosity. I think she made some attempts to reel him in, however she knew from the beginning that he was going to do whatever he wanted, regardless of her advice (her being a woman probably doesn't help), but she chose to take this on and she sits there and tries to justify and even support his behavior. If she had any self respect, she would have quit long ago. Guess she can't say no to the money - though with Trump's history, who knows that she'll even get paid everything she is due? I'm sure she got at least a partial upfront payment, but who knows that she'll see anymore than that, especially if the man loses? He may have even put a performance clause in her contract whereby he doesn't have to pay her a cent if he loses either by a certain margin or altogether. If so, she's an even bigger idiot for agreeing to sign something like that.
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