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Everything posted by Egg

  1. My boyfriend caught me practicing the hand movements. I'm not even ashamed.
  2. I have been repeating "come on, trees" all day. That's amazing!
  3. I'm not surprised to learn that Willam thinks he's too good for the show that's the only reason why millions of people know who he is. I found him pretty entertaining on the show, but I haven't enjoyed anything he's done since, and he comes off as a major asshole. So I won't be missing him on any future drag race shows.
  4. I heartily but respectfully disagree! I think an insistence on shaking things up is one of the things that made America's Next Top Model descend into circus territory. Some things work, and there's no reason to throw them out just for the sake of it (see the decision not to do Snatch Game in All Stars). I think what made this season lose a bit of steam in the end was: a) the fact that the first half was so deliriously good that it made some of the more mediocre later challenges just look stupid, b) the most entertaining contestants mostly chose to play it safe with their outfits, so there was no 'wow' moment on the runway once Trinity left (Courtney gave us a few 'huh, okay' moments). So I'm all for keeping the ball, snatch game, and a musical in upcoming seasons, as long as they can better distribute look challenges with performance challenges, and as long as appearance on the runway returns to having some weight. They can ditch or drastically rework the makeover challenge for all I care, though.
  5. They might as well have just called this episode "BIANCA WINS, EVERYBODY!" Seriously, the elimination of her only serious threat, and the gagging over her that the other queens did in untucked, was pretty much a giant spoiler for the finale.
  6. I just criticized Darienne in her thread, but I have to say, the fact that Darienne is the worst this season can muster (well, aside from the terrible Laganja) is really great! Darienne is tame and talented compared to bitches past (PhiPhi, Roxxy). She's like Alexis Mateo except less annoying. Really, this has been an excellent season so far. Early bootees, like April and Milk, would probably have been top contenders in past years. Even Laganja, whom I can't stand, performed well when she wasn't required to use her voice in any way (she deservedly won the first mini challenge). And unless Darienne gets much meaner real fast, none of the top 7 has caused me any seething rage. I'm thrilled! While I still think there are only two acceptable winners (Ben and Bianca), the talent level is really improved this season. I hope that the lack of tension and increased talent is a pattern for this show, and not just a Season 6 Itch, like ANTM.
  7. I've seen some comparing Darienne's brand of meanness with what Bianca does. I don't think it's an accurate comparison at all. Here's why. Bianca is aggressive about speaking her mind and calling out bullshit. If you're saying something that she doesn't like, she'll cut you off and tell you to cut the bullshit. It's enjoyable, especially to watch her do it to people who can be frustrating. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets annoying to be around 24/7, but all drag queens can get annoying in large doses. Darienne, on the other hand, is sassy to hurt people. She likes to throw jabs when Ben seems to be too pleased with him/herself. She's not calling Ben out, she's just taking an opportunity to insult her any chance she gets. That's not Bianca. Bianca's is a type of tough love, in which you tell someone to cut out the obnoxious behavior, but also let them be them, and give them encouragement when they need it. Darienne doesn't want Ben to do well. Her motivations are plainly to hurt Ben, and to make herself feel better. So Bianca's bitchiness >>>>>>>> Darienne's.
  8. I hardly think Courtney cornered an 80 year old woman with a thoughtless question. She asked a question based on an experience she knew her guest had talked about. Yes, it was probably not the best question to ask in the situation, but what Joslyn was doing was taking a risk. It didn't pay off at all, but it was better than Adore and Trinity, whose errors were not as the result of bad risks, but bad preparation. The difference is that risks will sometimes pay off. Lack of preparation never will. While a talk show host should probably neither make their guests feel uncomfortable or unimportant, the latter is more grave an error. I think the show realized it was Trinity's time to go AND that Trinity was likely to excel at the look challenges that are likely to come. We usually see the makeover in top 6, and the ball with multiple looks usually comes in the top 4. Trinity was likely to nail these, and they must not have wanted her there as a threat to the chosen finalists (especially if either Joslyn or Adore is a chosen finalist, as those two are likeliest to struggle with these challenges).
  9. Courtney still bores me, but I understand her win. Ben really pulled it together, though. Quite a quick redemption - I'd say if she is in the top next week, she's really the only credible threat to Bianca's crown. As it is, I'm bit sure there's any threat right now. I think to stir things up, we'll end up with Bianca in the bottom next week, and a Ben or Courtney win. Just to suggest that it's anyone's game. Darienne. Ugh. She has some lines that would be funny if they weren't delivered in such an aggressive way. Whenever Ben has anything positive to say, she has to jump in and point out why it's probably actually a negative. But I think she's in it for a few more episodes. Joslyn is probably bottom rung right now. I never expected to love Trinity, but she's wonderful. She can dress and lipsynch for the gods, and is quite an endearing person. It was her time to go, but I think she'll find a nice niche after the show.
  10. See, the individual congresspeople might not hate Obama and Holder because they're black. Just like McCain and Graham don't hate Susan Rice because she's black. They just all realize that it's super easy to rile up the base about black people. So while their own prejudice might not be anti-black, they recognize that their power relies on voters who are racist. I'm not sure which is worse: a single racist constituent, or a representative who stirs up a group of racists for the sake of power. But I don't trust Joe's judgment to answer that question.
  11. It's funny how Laganja claims people take away her moments. Girl, how many moments do you get?? It was obvious that she was trying to assert her territory, and tell all the other queens that the Alyssa Edwards video was about HER. *tongue click!* but everyone already knew that Alyssa was her drag mother. I can imagine that, when she's at home and everyone is always praising her like all the time for everything she does, she still has to single out someone and ask "why aren't you praising me harder!" These people who go on competitive reality shows and expect to get nothing but positive feedback - have they never watched reality TV before? I wish I could say that I've said all I'm gonna say about this troubled person, but I can't. She just baffles me. I thought Bianca and Adore we're being unnecessary when they piled on at the end, but I don't blame them because I bet she is just draining around. Ugh As for the rest, I love that I don't know who's going home next. All of the queens have shown strengths and weaknesses (except Bianca, although I wonder if the judges will ask her to step out of the 1960s). Trinity has risen steadily. I still love Ben and Joslyn, although I think both are at the turning point of their character arcs (both could turn it around, it crash). Adore is entertaining, likable, and she is improving. Her spongelike characteristics really impress me. The two whom I'd like to go next are Courtney and Darienne. Neither has done anything to impress me, and Darienne us extremely stank. She cannot pass up an opportunity to throw shade at Ben, and she often creates chances where there really aren't any. BUT even both of them are clearly quite talented and entertaining. All around a good season, especially now that the hyped up stoner is gone. Oh, what was her line? 'Alyssa said that I was much too talented to do drag'? God.
  12. I never got that from Ben Dela, that it was some sort of way of him hiding from himself. All drag queens have personas that are in some way distinct from their male personality. This show asks them to be themselves, the men, despite being dressed and performing as the character. I think that's something most queens are probably not used to, and it's confusing (it confuses me, and I don't even have to do it), so I understand if Ben Dela isn't sure of how much he can stay in character. I think Bianca and Joslyn also have drag personas, it's just that with them, the line is more blurred between the man and the queen, so it seems more natural. I think the difference between Ben and Laganja is a) Ben is a far better actor, and b) Ben's character is a human being, while Laganja's is a pile of catch phrases.
  13. Oh myh God, I didn't even realize, but Laganja is SO Sweet Dee! Trying way too hard, looks like a bird. Totally fits.
  14. Yeah, does anybody know the context? What Bianca said to so offend that guy?
  15. I think the show might have a Dida Ritz problem on their hands with Ms. Trinity K Bonet. She's by no means the best, and probably shouldn't last much longer, but she is a killer lip-syncher, and they can't really afford to put any of their best girls up against her. If they put any of their middling girls against her, they know she'll knock 'em down.
  16. That brief little level cleared video game-style music they play when the safe queens are sent backstage always gets the song Telephone stuck in my head all day Tuesday. Anyone else?
  17. I think Leganja actually has a lot of talent. She did moderately well in the Rusical, and I've actually liked all of her looks except her first, which I thought was terrible. I even think her butterfly headpiece outfit was the best of that week. So I wouldn't be surprised if she sticks around for a while, especially as she creates drama. However, I'd like her to be gone soon, because she's just got a really unpleasant personality, and is incredibly annoying (that first episode, where she responded "okurrrrr" and "yes mama!" to all her critiques--the worst).
  18. For those in the know (are there any Australians around here?): What is Courtney a household name for? Anything beyond singing? Is it that dead-eyed, bizarre arm movement dance she does in the intro to Untucked? Does she have another hidden talent? Because if it's just singing and looking pretty, I expect she's on her way out. I do really like that arm dance, though. I would pay her to do it at parties.
  19. See I think the thing that bothers me most about her nastiness is that she isn't willing to say it to your face. She talks all kinda of shit about any queen that happens to do well, but she saves it for the talking heads. Until her uncalled for snap at Ben this episode, she seemed like she was trying to play the 'jolly' role on the show. If you're going to be all bitter, at least a) have the nerve to tell the person why you're treating them this way, and b) make it funny!
  20. Yeah, if we could just switch Milk with Laganja (both of whom have lots of potential, but haven't really showed anything good) on that spoiler chart, it'd be exactly what I'd want.
  21. Thanks for making this exist! I am the poster in some parts known as Gregorio, but in today's hustle and bustle that's just too many characters. I am one of those who hasn't really enjoyed all the Christie coverage, BUT I think Rachel did a fantastic job in her coverage last night, and I look forward to seeing how she covers it tonight. Especially with Bridget Kelly's lawyer rightly calling the Mastro Report out for it's disgusting sexism.
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