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Girl in a Cardigan

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Everything posted by Girl in a Cardigan

  1. That, plus the *wink wink* mention of weed TODAY is how I know those slides were provided for her to post together in a media kit and not something that she made up herself.
  2. And the purples don't match! Ugh, I know it's not really important, but at least pick purples from the same side of the color wheel instead of a blue purple AND a red purple. Also, instead of the ill-fitting t-shirts under the bridesmaids gowns...just choose another gown that doesn't gape in the front? Or did they get them all from a wedding consignment and that's why one of them doesn't match? (But isn't the maid of honor, so it makes no sense!) But even if you HAVE to have these gowns, you can sew or even safety pin the two halves in front to be "modest" without wearing a grey t-shirt underneath.
  3. I find these matchy-matchy photos silly, but if Mr. Jonathan (no, I won't scroll up to remember his name!) came wear a pink shirt to match everyone else, why can't David? Or if he can't find a pink shirt that fits, why not choose green or whatever color he can wear? It's not like AndKaylee got to choose any of this for herself and BME is in charge of the whole photoshoot aesthetic, so why have her "hunk" be the only one who doesn't fit in?
  4. I've also wondered why they use one of the old school scales where you have to move the weights? across the bar. Why not a digital scale, so the number flashes quickly and everyone can move on?
  5. This one also makes me sad because of how long it must have taken to get the sundae held perfectly in front of his face in the right light with the portrait mode activated. I love Instagram and love taking photos (you'll definitely find me taking photos of my food at brunch, etc - and my friends are doing the same!) and it's not a quick snap for all of those elements to line up. The photos of the kids playing in the yard or whatever, it's pretty easy to snap photos of the back of their heads without interrupting their playing, but how sad and frustrating for Sam to stand in the ice cream store holding his "reward" while Jill finds the right lighting to show off the food, but not his face. If you're not wanting to show off your kids or whatever, there are better/easier ways to show off that sundae without denying your kid his treat while mommy creates content.
  6. This whole thing was Dateline: Secrets Uncovered-level crazy, but this part really struck me for two reasons. One, definitely agree that he has no idea how to interact with women he's not related to, so anyone making even direct eye contact is probably enough to make him feel like a junior high boy with no bodily control at all. But also, this feels so much like he was required to actually work with women (either they were training him or less likely, he was training them) and he just had no idea how to handle that situation. I can so easily see a female coworker asking why this door is locked or why the paperwork is filled out like this or whatever and just him having no frame of reference for how to have a conversation. And that makes me so sad because while that whole "podcast" is just a rambling mess (it almost seems like he doesn't understand that when he cuts off the camera, the audience can't see what he said next; like he almost said a Bible verse and just never returned to it!), his parents just completely set him up to fail. I mean, this kid never went to school, never did anything without his family around him when he was little, so what could he have possibly "lied a lot" about? Don't get me wrong, this family and their beliefs (and their beliefs that they should shove their beliefs on everyone else!) are awful, but I also feel terrible for this kids/kidults who never had a chance.
  7. I assumed they were visiting him on a break between classes. I’ve had my parents visit me at work (I work at a college) and I gave them a little tour, so I was dressed for work and they were dressed more casually. I would assume JereMEE wants to show off his sweet gig to his bumpkins in-laws and had to take photos with his “adoring public” along the way. 😂
  8. What a weird way of saying that! "We will not be premiering season 11..." Does that mean that season 11 was filmed, but they aren't airing it, leaving the production company free to air it elsewhere? Was it not filmed and they don't want to say, "we cancelled this show" because we're going out of the reality TV business. But whatever the reason, good. Be gone!
  9. It’s a reel, so that’s the music playing, with the lyrics “I don’t know what you heard about me” as she waves then puts on sunglasses.
  10. According to Google, TMS is in Sun Valley (and that seems familiar for some of their food recs) which is in the Valley, north of North Hollywood. So, Los Angeles, but not what you would typically think about LA. (Screenshot is small, but hopefully, you can still make "Los Angeles" and the red circle) Every time I see them getting coffee or shopping in Beverly Hills or other recognizable location, I just think about how far they drove and how much traffic they sat in to get those photo ops.
  11. My DVR cut off part of this episode because the huge Comcast outage so I missed this but that makes me laugh so hard. Puerto Rico has a huge rainforest (El Yunque) on the eastern side the island that is full of creatures. Perhaps not the same kind of woodland animals they have in Maine, but it’s pretty epic all the same.
  12. Thank you! This was my reaction as well! All the characters in all of children’s literature and they went with the mascot Daddy dressed up as? Le sigh. I knew we shouldn’t get excited about Jill’s trips to the library with the boys pre-pandemic. I feel like if Izzie was actually reading books, he’s have a fav character that he couldn’t not be. Or maybe he’s not allowed to express an opinion in his house just like all the other grandkids. 😞
  13. Finally caught up on this a month later, but I liked it. Still not sure how/why Stabler is the guy going undercover when he's got a high school kid at home (I guess he must live with one of his sisters?) and was in the front row of a high profile RICOH case just two months before, but okay. I guess the goatee must make him seem like a totally different person? It also seems odd that he's totally fine just rolling up to his old neighborhood to see his kid while he's under? Totally not interested in Bell's wife's nephew's lawsuit, but interested to see how the dirty Congressman plays into this whole thing. I have a feeling that Bell gets a divorce before this is all over because your wife's family suing your workplace has got to be a marriage killer. What happened to the dumb kid who wasn't dirty in the last operation? I guess he just goes back to being a cop? Or did I forget and he got fired or something? I still like Benson and Stabler as a couple in theory, but I feel like that ship (LOL) sailed back in season 7/8 of SVU when Stabler got Kathy pregnant with Eli and went back to her. So now it feels like 15 years too late, especially given all the shit that Olivia went through while Eliot was gone and that Kathy's been dead for like five minutes (and he's clearly still having anxiety issues given the hand thing in the car in the cold open). I get that the actors love each other and they are trying to tie the two shows together, but without a major discussion that doesn't fit within the plot of either show, I don't know how/why they are going to make their "hookup" believable.
  14. Again, not saying I'm the best Christian - but aren't the Pharisees the bad guys in the New Testament? Jesus is trying to show people that their brand of showoff religion is bad, right? So perhaps Jessa's children shouldn't be trying to emulate them??
  15. As the week goes by, I'm feeling more optimistic about the RoyxKeeley of it all, but of course, "it's the hope that kills you." My take on the scene with Roy telling Phoebe's teacher that he's not married was that he was thinking about Keeley and perhaps he'd like to be married to her. He seems to space out in that moment, so that's my shipper heart keeping me sane until Thursday. Given the literal heart eyes that Roy is making at Keeley during the first part of that photoshoot, I feel like his silent (even for Roy) reaction to the Jamie love declaration is more, he thought they were just sharing weird things that happened that day. And it kinda looked like he wanted to say something else, but then Keeley drops this thing that should also be a weird thing they may have talked about on the way home from the funeral. But she kept it from him - why did she do that? But he's also not going to fuck up her photoshoot, so he just stares and doesn't say whatever he might have. I have a feeling that those who are predicting that the team will get promoted, but everything else will be in shambles (being happy and alone also sucks) are correct. That sets up season three to fix things and then get the team to the finals or whatever success in the Premiere League is.
  16. This. When that happened, I had two sad/mad thoughts immediately: 1. How many times has Keeley been assaulted by a "friend" or a mate of her boyfriend or another person on a photoshoot? She was so quick to pass it off and do the "it happens don't worry about it" thing that made me think that this was not the first time someone she was nice to took it over the line. Even the way she played it off when telling Roy (Nate didn't "try" to kiss you, he full on kissed you for several seconds) made me think that this has happened before and I got so sad for her. 2. What is Nate's deal with Roy? I noticed that Keeley called Nate "babe" while he was trying on the second suit (which I think is just her version of "love" or "sweets" or whatever nickname she uses for everyone), but Nate has probably only heard her say it to Roy. Then he's dressed like Roy in a black on black suit (which worked for him because the pieces actually fit, not just because it was black on black) and then there's Keeley trying to be helpful with his tie/collar (the way I'm guessing he may have seen Keeley do for Roy at the funeral or press conference or whatever) and bam, he's kissing her like that would be something she would want?! I know Roy was the one who got everyone to stop picking on Nate and that doesn't mean that Nate needs or should be grateful (since it took until Ted showed up for that to happen, so god knows how long Roy watched it go on without saying something), but it's still odd. Roy's never pulled a power trip on Nate (that I can remember we've seen) about how Roy actually played the game and Nate's just watched it or whatever. Is Roy too much like his dad somehow?
  17. @SoWindsor, exactly! I’m 40 and I work with college students all the time. They are adorable sometimes and some are physically attractive but they are BABIES! I can totally see her having a good dinner date but not risking both of their careers to do more than that.
  18. This. I know everyone loves each other and they’re all family, etc but it’s wild to me that not one person Rebecca has told has been like, “Are you out of your mind?” Keeley briefly mentioned the press (which again, I’m having a hard time believing that Rebecca can just sit outside Sam’s house and there’s no fear of photos. I know he’s not Prince William or whatever, but Britain has eleventy million tabloids and we’ve seen that Sam is the IT man right now. And given that he spent the day with a billionaire, I feel like people would notice) but no one has mentioned any of the very obvious cons in this “relationship.” Bringing Ted into it now puts him in a bad position because whatever happens with Sam and the team, Ted knows about this mess. She can’t unring the bell. I know it’s all about Tedbecca for that scene but damn, I need someone to shake Rebecca and remind her she’s the CEO of the business where Sam is an employee. If he gets a job offer somewhere else, her personal feelings CAN’T matter. That’s an actual Boss Ass Bitch. And @DEL901, as soon as I saw Trent Crimm, The Independent’s text, I immediately wondered where Nate was when Rebecca made that confession. We already know Ted’s kid heard.
  19. I'm sad they leaked the 'NSync thing ahead of the episode because it was the only thing that made me laugh the whole time. I'm done with Nate. It's hilarious he's fully grey now, but just go off with Rupert and never come back. Also - when did Ted actually take credit for Nate's idea? Isn't the whole wonderkid thing because everyone knows that NATE made the "genius" play? I know he's up his own ass and spitting at mirrors in public places and sexually assaulting women who are trying to help him, but ... okay, there's no but. Just let the door hit you on the way out and leave us alone. I need Roy and Keeley to make it, but they are making it very hard today. I really hoped Roy would react the way that one of the posters here predicted about the Jamie love confession, but I understand why he didn't. What's going on that Roy goes from "I love you Keeley" and "I don't want to waste any time" to not mentioning he has a girlfriend when Phoebe's teacher asks? Also, do I not understand British tabloids or doesn't it seem like a former model and a former footballer of Roy's status would be getting papped? (I know Roy stole the SD card on their first date, but that surely wouldn't have stopped it from happening ever again?) Shouldn't it be public knowledge that Roy and Keeley are dating? And as much time as we've seen Phoebe with Keeley (including freakin' Christmas), are we to assume that Keeley has never come up in class, at all? I definitely thought Rebecca and Sam actually broke up when she asked for the "break," but now it seems like she's in love with him or something? (Also, way to blow up Rebecca's spot, Keeley! Luckily, Ted didn't know and kept it rolling, but damn girl, shut your mouth!) I did love Ted giving Dr. Sharon an army man, even if she didn't know what it meant. I also love Mae giving the pub trio a mental health hotline when they asked for it. I'm ready to leave the dark forest now.
  20. According to Meloni's Instagram, this is another SVU crossover, so it's a three-part episode? https://www.instagram.com/p/CUdkfAljCx4/ (I'm behind as I haven't watched the premiere yet, but wanted to share in case people need to see SVU to get what's happening on OC.)
  21. In the days since, this is where I've come to. I think Jamie was telling her as a messed up "thank you" and Keeley didn't know what to do with it. But I did like the Jamie was just "saying his piece" as it were and not expecting that she'd want to leave Roy or do anything about it. I want to believe that they aren't going to do a big "Keeley has a decision to make" thing in the last couple of episodes. I'm also torn on whether this was the first time Roy told her he loves her because it didn't feel that way (and she didn't say it back), but maybe it was. I'm just nervous because we've seen everyone else in the dark forest, but so far Roy and Keeley have managed to be sunshine and light (okay, she yelled at him once, but he drew her a bath and it was fine), so I waiting for the other shoe to drop with them too. :( While I like that this show trusts its audience to fill in the blanks as it moves forward in time, I'm a little annoyed that there's not follow up on Jamie and Roy and the team in the locker room. I know this episode takes place mostly at a funeral, but even at the end of last week's episode, there's no mention of how to support Jamie or what needs to happen there. I feel like what happened after Jamie finished crying on Roy's shoulder actually plays a huge part in how we're supposed to feel about the Jamie/Keeley moment, but we don't know what that was.
  22. I'm pretty sure it was a sand flea, not a jelly fish as it was very small and not transparent. We used to call them sand crabs as a kid, so I think the not-Timothy is more correct than Timothy. This is first time I've never heard Jill speak and her voice is not at all as I thought. Also, I never knew it was Nur-EE (like Marie, but with an N). But I think Sassy!Nathan is actually talking to Nurie when he says he's taking a selfie because then she immediately grabs a hat and gets in the photo with the boys and the tiny Rodlet. And yeah, Nathan seems so "normal" compared to the other boys, who seem to be learning how to be human, which makes me so sad.
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