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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. I bet Javi's fellow Airman don't keep things separate; he is probably the laughing stock of Dover Airforce Base.
  2. The outfit was was a win for me because it covered up those shitty tats of hers!
  3. We'll just call it Resting Kail Face in her case. LOL
  4. That was my first thought as well. I mean, it is the weekend and Kail made it clear to Javi that she wants to hang out with her friends on the weekend! LOL
  5. I am shocked they actually got married and I am even more shocked Brandon, Teresa and Carly attended. What the hell is Maci wearing? How can she even sit in that outfit without flashing her hoo-ha?
  6. Best description of Kail ever!!!!! IMO, Kail's tats look even more horrendous because she tries to rock that "I wear a messy bunon my hair, drink pumpkin spice lattes, wear infinity scarves, and wear brown riding boots" look with them and it doesn't work.
  7. Why do I picture Kail trying to suppress turning into She-Hulk upon Isaac spilling the beans on Vee's pregnancy? Kail is the most busted-looking out of her crew of friends and that's really sad considering none of them are really nothing to write home about. Adam and Nathan or either or getting arrested...must be Tuesday!
  8. Who wants to bet this girl is going to try to sue Jenelle?
  9. Yeah, it's the Philly skyline. God, I hate the thought of Javi's bitch-made ass trying to rep my city!
  10. That tattoo...is that Lincoln or the kid from Pet Cemetery? You have to love how Kail thinks it is completely ok for Javi to get a tattoo of Isaac but Isaac's actual father can't move a few blocks away to be closer to him!
  11. If I were Jo and Vee, She-hulk wanting nothing to do with our baby would be more than OK! Can't risk her rattling the kid's head like she did Javi's, all for the major crime of simply existing!
  12. Are Javi's mother and sis raising the kids because those two are always going somewhere? Must be nice because I have to move heaven and earth just to be able to go to Target without having to drag my 7 year-old along! I don't want to imagine how much it cost to repair that Mercedes. It probably takes everything in Lydia not to choke the shit out of Kail!
  13. Well, we know male companionship will always be Jenelle's number 1 priority.
  14. Javi's mom probably moved in because she wanted to make sure her Jaws or in this case, Chins was keeping her hands to herself.
  15. Sterling Stryker!!!! Sounds like the name of a gay porn star! Lol Kail is getting exactly what she deserves since she married Javi for selfish reasons. My initial thought was that "friend" of Adam's who drove him and Aubree to the skating rink was some sort of sobriety coach but then I nixed the thought when I got full look at that douchy get-up he was wearing.
  16. Kail and Sterling have 4 chins between them! Speaking of Sterling, gee Kail, why don't you marry her since it's obvious she means more to you than Javi! You're totally willing to sacrifice your marriage for your girlfriends who will eventually settle down and no longer have time for you because spending time with their hubby will be more important. Jenelle, Jace doesn't act up at your house because his afraid NipplesMcRoidrage will beat the shit out of him if he does!
  17. I feel like being a troll and tweeting him that it's more like #bigpendajothursday since that tattooed beluga turn dependapotamous he married continues to make a fool out of him on national TV.
  18. She can try but if her alleged paramour is the guy from school who texted her, it would very hard to pass the baby off since Kail attends a Historically Black College or University(HBCU) making it a high probability that Mr. Side Piece is black.
  19. I think Tundra Wookie (Thanks to the lovely poster who came up with that one) is a far better description of Kail. Lol
  20. I am sure Nathan will be back in the picture once Teen Mom starts filming again.
  21. I wonder how much of Jo's dickish behavior during 16&Pregnant and earlier seasons of Teen Mom could be attributed to having to dealing with Kail and her wonderful personality day in and day out.
  22. No. The husband from the older couple got hit with a stinger. I don't understand how those people could be slaughtered on National TV and the CDC teams and US Military not be deployed. They need to show some type of response or I am out!
  23. Poor Jace. Jenelle barely has anything to do with him and the one day that is supposed to be his special day, she makes it all about herself. I bet once the party was over, she couldn't get out of there fast enough... probably left Barb to do the clean up!
  24. So there is no National Guard response, no response from other federal agencies?
  25. Barb is getting her own web series "Hanging with Babs": https://www.facebook.com/TeenMom2/photos/a.841278809217291.1073741827.189463987732113/1007469972598173/?type=1&theater
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