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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. I am sure any guy who at this point enters into a relationship with Kail a straight famewhore looking to get on the MTV gravy train.
  2. I don't like Javi! I find his attempts to undermine Jo as Isaac's father creepy and disrespectful. I also thinks he lacks self-respect and married Kail for all the wrong reasons. I think Jo is a great dad with his priorities in order. As much as it pains him, he is willing to sacrifice his relationship with Vee in order to be there for Isaac. I also agree that is nice to see him dote on Lincoln despite everything Kail and Javi have put him through. Too bad Kail will never return the favor;she probably wouldn't spit on Jo and Vee's daughter if she were on fire.
  3. Poor Jace probably wanted to wet himself when Nipples grabbed him. Janelle, you aren't Jace's mom, you're more like his unstable older sister! Javi: Tattoo Fail Kail the Garbage Pail Kid doesn't love you and never did! In her mind, you were supposed to be deployed halfway around the world while she lived her life. Yes, Leah, Cory is plotting against you! He is plotting to make sure his girls have a safe, structured environment. He doesn't want to get a phone call that his daughters died in a fire because Gracie decided one day to stick something in the toaster besides toast while you were knocked out in bed!
  4. I shudder to think what will happen once the gravy train ends. Jenelle with her criminal record is basically unemployable and I doubt she has saved a dime of her TM salary. Then there is the certainty of Nips is going to get ghost as soon as the bank balance says zero. I doubt he'll have anything to do with Kaiser after that so it will probably be Nathan's mother who will have custody of him after Jenelle dumps him on her door step or CPS inevitably gets involved or Jenelle actually goes to prison(I can see her back on drugs and committing more serious crimes)because she can no longer afford Dustin to work his legal magic. Lol
  5. She probably uses CROSSFIT as a cover for seeing her side piece! Lol
  6. I get pissed too but then I realize that the Teen Mom gravy train will soon end and the forclosures and repossessions will soon start. Lol. Kail and Javi(if they stay together) are in for a real humbling experience when they actually have to live off and Airman's salary.
  7. I really want Eichhorst to eat that little brat. I am glad they addressed why Abe is still able to fight the vombies considering WWII was 70 years ago.
  8. No workout is going to save her from having the same shape as Pearl from SpongeBob SquarePants.
  9. "I don't want you moving to Dover!" Well tough titty you human version of a Garbage Pail Kid because it's happening whether you and your multiple chins like it or not!
  10. Jo's mom was an office manager for a company that repairs printers ( I am assuming she hooked Jo up with his job)and his father manages or owns a used car lot called Car Stop.
  11. Can i put this here? Looks like Eichorst has bills to pay just like the rest of us: https://youtu.be/5aSs-2SzvSU
  12. Ha! You beat me to it! I was like, " is that LaCroix aka Nigel Bennett?" Now I feel like breaking out my Forever Knight DVDs.
  13. I wonder if the producers suggested to Javi that he go meet up with Kail in Philly.
  14. I know people dont like to talk about this but I think Kail being white is all she needed to bring to the table as far as Javi is concerned. There a POC out there who look at having a white spouse/partner as an accomplishment and are willing to overlook whatever flaws or put up with certain behaviors that they would never put up with from someone of the same race/ethnicity as them. But then again, he could just be a labia-lipped famewhore as others have theorized.
  15. Ja I still calls himself Big Papi? More like Big Cabrón since all signs pointing to Kail cheating on him.
  16. Kail's clothing line should be called Tattooed Manatee since she looks so much like one. Javi should come out with a line of shirts too called Punching Bag.
  17. I think deep down, Kail is pissed that Javi hasn't been deployed yet. In her mind, Javi would be deployed and she could sit back in all her dependapotamous glory.
  18. I am still nauseated from the Ancient vomiting those worms on Sardu. Oh, and don't get me started on that nut sac hanging from the Ancient's throat. Creepy Teuton aka Eichorst was so over Eldrich flirting with the new girl. Once Fruit Punch mouth mentioned children and then you saw the children at school, you knew it wasn't going to end well.
  19. Money for lips but can't pay Barb child support?
  20. Javi is controlling but let's his wife beat his ass? Who knew Javi's facial features planted on Kail's big, fat head would make such a cute kid. Who wants to bet that the reason Barb doesn't see Der Kaiser is due to Nathan's mother having him most of the time? I refuse to believe that Jenelle is mothering that child full time. I can't remember, but did Barb ever mention the school taking steps to have Jace evaluated if he is having behavioral issues(can't say I am shocked) ?
  21. If my ex 2 wanted to move closer and it no longer meant 3 hour drives every weekend, I would offer to help him move.
  22. I read over at Teen Mom Junkies that Kail text a few guys from school, asking them to hang out and Javi found out. Can't say I feel sorry for him.
  23. I am all for them purchasing an expensive new home if it leaves them with no money to get more hideous and creepy tattoos.
  24. Oh Kail, you lying liar who lies: http://www.wetpaint.com/2014-04-16-recap-kailyn-lowry-admits-slap-javi/
  25. Oh when the gravy train stops and those two are going to have to actually live off of Airman and dental assistant( I don't see Kail finishing that degree) salaries.
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