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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Just watched the sneak peek and because it can't be said enough, Kail's tattoos are just horrible and gross-looking! I have nothing against tattoos (I have two) but hers...I don't know if it's her Bluto-shaped arms or the artwork is just shitty.
  2. I agree it's bizarre the town's defenses haven't been fortified especially since Ubbe mentioned in the premiere that the town's prosperity made it a target and that is why he chose to stay behind.
  3. So is Floki going through the Viking version of a midlife crisis? I hope Bjorn and harem girl isn't Ragnar and Yidu part 2.
  4. I get them very well, thank you! You said Ivar didn't need a reason, we'll he gave one publicly. I am not disputing him wanting to get revenge, I am laughing at him trying to publicly shame Lagertha for doing something that is practiced and rewarded in their culture.
  5. Bjorn looking at that one particular captive from the harem...you know what that means. I had to laugh when Ivar said that Lagertha killed his mother in cold blood to serve her own ambition...yeah, that is how done, kid. If it wasn't Lagertha, Harald and Halfdan would eventually be gunning for Kattegat. Lagertha knowing she will die at the hands of one of Ragnar's sons just lessens the blow of when it does happen.
  6. Kathy Bates can play Barb. Sarah Paulson can play Jenelle's lawyer or Jessica. Lol
  7. The skydiving is nothing IMO, compared to Kail getting risky cosmetic surgery within a day or two of her son's birthday.
  8. Jo smokes but I can't blame him. I would probably smoke too if I had to put up with Kail and Javi.
  9. I would put Corey, Gary and Jo my top 3 just by virtue of what they've had to put up with over the years. Corey's had to deal with Leah becoming a damn drug addict; Gary had to deal with Amber going to jail, getting out and going back to being shitty self and on top of that, adding a con man into the mix and Jo had to deal with Kail filing false charges against him, consistent attempts at parental alienation and just having to deal with Javi in general. Taylor and Cole round out the top five, followed by the three assholes, Javi (actively going along with Kail's attempts to alienate Isaac from Jo), Tyler(likes the idea of kids, just not actively parenting them) and Ryan(Stevie Wonder can see her resents Bentley and deals with him to please his parents) AND then there is the scumbags....
  10. And let's not forget some of these girls don't have their kids full-time(Amber, Jenelle) or have split custody with the fathers. My daughter's father sees her one day a week and not at a specific time. Sometimes he shows up in the morning, sometimes the late afternoon so these girls can miss me with their stress and need for "me time".
  11. Anyone shocked that MTV cameras were allowed in the courtroom to film Jenelle's trial? Also, someone pointed out how can the glass land in Jessica's lap if she is charging toward Jenelle?
  12. Jenelle's make up is absolutely tragic. From the shitty attempt to contour her face to overly done eyebrows. Love how she pulled the mom card when her going to jail would be the best thing for her boys. Kail says she needs to find ways to stay busy...really? You have two kids, one a toddler, go to school, have regular dick appointments with guys from said school and have a huge house your soon-to-be ex MIL no longer cleans for you. Poor Issac! Seeing how hurt he was that Javi wasn't there for his graduation, I can't imagine how the divorce has affected him. Leah...is being Leah. And can she lay off the Cheeto dust-colored spray tanner.
  13. Our favorite sea creature is on Twitter, ranting about haircuts again. She wants the person who I think cut Lincoln Log's hair fired.
  14. I hate to say it but I think Amber entered into a payment agreement with the IRS otherwise wouldn't the check she received from MTV be seized to repay the debt and wouldn't the profits from her online boutique be subject to garnish from them as well?
  15. Oh, wow! I didn't know Gary Heidnik was that we'll known outside of Philly but then again, I was a kid when his house of horrors was discovered in North Philly. Why does Amber look like a mannequin in the pic? I think she means more commas as in commas between the amount of digits in her bank account. Good luck with that while trying to dodge Uncle Sam and putting everything in your grifter fiance's name.
  16. Michael Hirst confirmed in a FB chat that was indeed Odin on the boat.
  17. I think they hair department gave Sigurd Neglected-Middle-Child as I like to call him a distinct, yet disastrous-looking hair style to distinguish him for Ubbe and Hvitserk since they all three pretty much much look interchangable. I also think they gave Ubbe Ragnar's season 1 hairstyle since the actor resembles TF so much.
  18. Money that could have been used to pay back the IRS, wasted on leasing/buying a mid-life crisis-mobile for a grifter! Amber...Amber, you are the epitome of a fool!
  19. The guy on the boat at the end, was that supposed to be Odin?
  20. I remember reading somewhere that Katie Holmes had to use burner phones to contact her divorce lawyers. Now, you know it's bad when planning to file divorce from your spouse has to conducted like an episode of The Wire!
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