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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. I was thinking more like the aliens from Mars Attacks! Yep , I am going to hell fot talking about a baby that way!
  2. Of course Jenelle thinks she can go to gym with a newborn at home because she's never really had to care for one fulltime. When Jace was a newborn, she took off to do what she wanted and left Barb to care for him; with Kaiser, Nathan did most of the care and now she expects Uncle ID channel to do the same. Thing is, he expects her to do it while he is out doing God knows what because it's not like he has a job outside of MTV.
  3. Buy some damn exercise equipment, Jenelle! If you're so concerned with your body, you will find a way to get in exercise. People like Leah are why we should have apprenticeship programs like they do in Germany. Not everyone is cut out for university. Kail, your kids are gone half the week, don't put them into your school drama.
  4. Of course Kail flips off people who ask those uncomfortable questions about the hot-ass mess of a situation she created for herself and kids.
  5. Probably not. We would have seen it by now. I suspect he dropped her off home, promised he would be back to the baby and promptly went back into hiding.
  6. Lol! He won't tell her were he is? Lol! That is priceless. I agree that he hates all things Kail. I think he never intended to have anything more than a casual relationship with her, believed that story about her not being able to conceive and was pissed when that proved to be a lie. The final straw came when she attacked him and cut his hair. I cringe at the thought of Kail raising a half-black child especially if that child's black family aren't present in his life. There seems to be this misconception that just because a person dates or procreates with someone of a different race, they don't harbor prejudice/ racist views or date based off of racial fetishes. Based off past and present behavior, Kail strikes me as one of those types of people.
  7. I agree. Heck, despite everything Javi put him through ,Jo recognizes Javi is a good dad and wants Isaac to maintain a relationship with him. Good to see that Javi has taken steps regarding the paternity matter because , yes, he is an ass and we all wanted him to get his comuppence but he doesn't deserve to be on the hook for a kid isn't his.
  8. When was the divorce finalized ? I hope Javi paid a visit to his lawyer this week otherwise he might be on the hook for this kid. http://dhss.delaware.gov/dcss/estpat.html
  9. She'd go full Hulk Smash! if she knew the way she is dragged on LSA. We're utterly ruthless over there. Lol
  10. So how long before Chris says he needs to go to the store for milk and never comes back? Lol
  11. A Being Vee special? A hour of Vee looking fab and living her best life with Jo...I'll watch.
  12. So Javi had enough sense to dress appropriately for court while Kail once again shows up like she is on a Target run. I've waited for Javi to get his Kail Kong wake up call but not at the expense of his military career. It was nice to see Leah in the car not looking and sounding like a constant hot-ass mess. I love seeing Cole so enthalled with Watson.
  13. So, the PFA is for a year but Puta the whale stalks him on social media?
  14. http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/kailyn-lowry-teen-mom-welcomes-baby-boy-ex-javi-marroquin-flees-town/ Hardly the case. LOL.
  15. I don't think I can look at a bag of chicken nuggets without laughing ever again. Lol I think Roller is as good as dead because there is no way he can get away with killing the twins, plus I suspect Riva is just middle management, so if you kill her, her bosses will want retribution.
  16. I feel like they did some retconning with Roller because the flashbacks, IMO don't add up to the Roller in episode one wanted Desna to "finish him off" after she just caught him sexually assualting Virginia and casually dismissed Desna when it came to her promised bonus. Now, we're seeing a Roller who fought to get Desna her money; showed genuine romantic interest; aggressively courted her and is hurt that another man took his place so quickly.
  17. Was it established that Chris Lopez is a local? Does he have immediate family in Delaware? Will they be involved even if he suposedly wants nothing to do with No.3. I'd hate to think that Kail will pretty much be the only family(besides his half-brothers) this baby has.
  18. Yeah! A Leo baby! Congratulations.
  19. Another boy for Kail. According to Radar, number 3 arrived early this morning.
  20. Too bad...so sad! No one told him to deposit his population paste in her apparently, very functional reproductive system. If he knew he didn't want a kid, he should have done everything in his power to prevent it.
  21. Vee addressed it on Twitter. She said she only wants to see Kail succeed, spoke to Kail about what was said on camera and that Kail was not offended by it.
  22. Forget the lack of foreplay, what about all the unprotected sex? I doubt Roller was faithful prior to his dalliance with Virginia and here in the first ep, we see them go right at it and then again in this ep.
  23. I find it hilarious that MTV runs those "it's your sex life" commercials during a show where one of the stars just admitted she engaged in unprotected sex with a man she knowingly isn't in a monogamous relationship with(his "other hoes").
  24. Add to that, the possible realization that he was used and I bet he was warned by several people that she was using him. And it's not like he can completely walk away, pretend it never happened, he has to deal with her for the next 14 plus years because they share a child.
  25. Me too! It was all fun and games when she blatantly disregarded court orders to stay in PA; filed that false PFA against Jo; berated Jo in his own home over his choice of attire and moved because Jo had the audacity to move closer to his son.
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