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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Hoping all goes well for you. Regarding Kail: Glad I am not the only one who felt Kail's conversation with Isaac came off as more of an interrogation than anything.
  2. Jenelle and Lurch are irredeemable trash programmed to self-destruct. How else can you explain a guy who sought out a woman for her money and to live the high life but tries to impede her fron maintaining said money and lifestyle every chance he gets? That last segment us why I can't hate Barb. Glad she got that off of her chest and said what we've all been thinking. What school allows children to attend with open toe footwear? So Kail invested a huge chunk of her savings into something that depends on her fame to be even remotely profitable? If MTV cancels this show, no one will give a shit about Pothead. I hope Kail's sister realizes she is being used for filming because Kail basically has no one to film with. Leah's house...all I could think of is mold! What do you need a vacation from, Briana? ETA: I thought Jenelle had Nathan's number blocked and all communication went through Lurch? What changed where Jenelle attends a pick up alone and acts down right cordial to Nathan and Doris?
  3. Can we start referring to Lux as "The Unvaccinated One" or Typhoid Lux from now on? Lol
  4. Judging from the pics and video I've seen of Ensley in NYC, poor thing looked like her parents injected her with Benadryl every 6 hours. She looked way beyond her usual " The lights are on but no one is home!" look. Poor baby looked so miserable.
  5. Lol! So when Suzie was 3 hours away in Allentown, PA, it wasn't a problem, but two hours away in Maryland and she is trash for not reaching out? What a difference an hour makes!
  6. I will admit that I zoned in and out during the episode. So wait, did Kail actually get in contact with Suzie? I heard where she said she cut Suzie off but Suzie is trash for not reaching out to her. Sorry, Kail but you can't be mad at Suzie for honoring your wishes. I guess the threat of another ass-whopping is enough motivation for Jenelle to try to sell that bullshit cover story.
  7. I don't think I can take whatever Dr. Tsai has to say about Ali's condition.
  8. Jenelle's nervous laughter while trying to play off David's threats to the crew was a dead giveaway. Also, kudos to Kristen for not responding to David's text but making sure to mention the threats he made to shut down production on camera. Kail: getting rid of negative energy in your home would require you to move out! Oh, don't get me started over need to chase CL. So, none of these people need to be in the same state let alone same room to record a podcast. Leah should have been in contact with an advocate/advocacy group. Brittany in her kawaii sleep mask and BTS shirt... What kind of school allows a trashy reality show to film in the classroom especially filming that shows a student in distress?
  9. My uncle contracted polio as a child( he is in his 70's now) and had lifelong issues with his legs as a result. I don't want to speak things in to existence but if Soapy gets sick, I hope SM eviscerates the fuck out of Kail!
  10. Part of me wishes Soledad didn't lower herself to acknowledge Kail's existence but on the other hand, I appreciate her using her platform to counteract Kail's anti-vaxx foolishness.
  11. Lurch is set to appear in court today for the towing incident. Let's hope he receives jail time.
  12. I think Soapy's conception was 100% intentional on Kail's part. She wanted to be promoted from side chick to the main chick and thought a baby would ensure that. I will go as so far to say, that was the reason she attacked him and cut is hair back in early 2017 because he let her know that a baby will not change things between them.
  13. Issac is fully vaccinated, Linc has some vaccinations; it's Typhoid Lux you have to worry about. The Grace Report made a good point about how Kail stuffs her face with Botox and other fillers, takes Accutane but is anti-vaxx! lol So, apparently, Kail admitted to having sex with Mr. "won't sign the Lux's birth certificate and treated me like shit while pregnant", two weeks after giving birth to Soapy. I have no words!
  14. I didn't want to say it.... but yeah, she reeks of someone with that mentality. I think Chris Lopez initially refused to film because Kail supposed to be a jump off and had she not gotten pregnant, a distant memory.
  15. Apparently, did her research and watched Netflix documentaries.
  16. I think she has Jenelle's five head combine with moderate brachycephaly.
  17. Addie's face at the dining table was priceless. Lol I am pulling for you, Allie girl. Hopefully, there will be some sort of breakthrough in the next couple of years in regards to treatment for MD. Lauren putting the ball in Kail's court and going on about her business is the best action to take. So Isaac gets to meet and interact with Lauren but Kail can't? Lol. The only way Chris Lopez would marry Kail is if he were in desperate need of health insurance. I hope this Andrew storyline doesn't culminate with Andrew getting to see Jace. He's been MIA all this time and will go MIA again if MTV stops paying him. Also, if he wanted to see Jace for the longest time, he wouldn't go through producers, he could have contacted Barb through SM. Slide in her DM's as they say. So Lurch wants to shut down filming because he doesn't want Ensure filmed? No problem. She is just "there" anyway . Stella looked at Luis like, "who the hell is this guy?" Briana sure knows how to pick em. Paying for his ticket!!! Randalicous handled that conversation with Aubree beautifully. He didn't outright badmouth Adam and kept reassuring Aubree that none of this is her fault and that Adam is the one who is missing out.
  18. I want to see these girls quit and try to extend their 15 minutes. I want to see when they come to the realization that they are not as interesting outside of Teen Mom as they think they are. Also, if Kail and Co. Think some sort of boycott will get Jenelle fired, think again. Look at how MTV went out of their way to continue Jenelle's story after David was fired. They even dug up Andrew from whatever rock he was under.
  19. I am all for Jo pursuing support if he is entitled to it by law. Why not? Support in those cases is about maintaining a certain standard of living for the child. Also, let's be real here, you know if the shoe were on the other foot, Kail wouldn't bat an eye at filing support and would do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify it.
  20. Jo barely has a SM presence and I bet Kail tried to take advantage of that by lying to her minions but Jo came with the receipts. So Kail was completely OK with 50/50 and Jo paying her support but he can't go to court to request support from her? Typical, Hulk! I am curious what Jo's other business is?
  21. Jenelle alluded to it in a tweet from years ago( it's on reddit, i have to dig it up) which means she had this information all along and it was never a problem until now. Never a problem when she had Jace around Nathan; never a problem when Nathan was with Kai; never a problem when she chased Nathan down the highway to dump Kai off on him; never came up in court, etc. Jenelle and Lurch played themselves dropping this so-called bombshell because all it does is show that Jenelle didn't have an issue with Nathan being a child rapist until it was time to deflect from her husband's disgusting behaviour. Eta: here is a screenshot of the tweet:
  22. Those two deserve a Final Destination-style exit for sure. They had 24 hours to come up with something and that's what they came up with! Not to mention, Jenelle said the bruises were from a slip and slide but now Nathan did it? Then we have David calling Nathan a woman-beater( who didn't know that) when he is one himself.
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