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I think Kali, Elle and Armani have that very happy, natural smile and look that I like the most. Kat has just a bit of a sly smile and I like it. Is that a headband she's wearing? I know she wears wigs, but her hair is much darker about an inch all the way around her hairline. Looks just a little different.
All of them except two, IMO. And it's not that the girls aren't pretty. It's just that their pictures are not very good. Rebecca - Not a fan of this particular picture. It's like the photographer said 'take a deep breath and hold it', and I'm waiting for her to exhale. It just doesn't flatter her. Lea...another deer-in-the-headlights pose? Why does she always look scared to death in every shot? Uh oh...now I did it. Cue all the outrage from Lea fans who insist her look is stunning and unique. Not saying she's not pretty. Just that IMO, she freezes up and can't relax in front of the camera.
I like the picture so much because it's real, sweat and all. Not a staged photo like most of the calendar pics where the girls are posed and wearing a ton of makeup.
Amy wasn't a surprise for me....Maddie was. Of the about-to-be 4-5 year vets, I could see Ashley for sure. Or Chandi. One of those two but not both. Kelsey possibly. No to Caroline. Also no to Jalyn...love her but don't see them giving it to her. I'm not even considering Kat. 3 Year - Marissa head & shoulders. The rest you could put in a paper bag and pull one out...there's no one better or worse than the next IMO. Claire could definitely be in the competition if she punched up her appearance a little bit. You know...turned up the heat. Spice up that red hair. There's only one other redhead (Jalyn) and she's got the lock on mahogany. Claire should go the other way...brighter red. Not Carrot Top, of course, but a red that screams Look At Me. 2 Year (the current Rookies) - There's no one IMO. But if I had to throw out a wildcard, I'd say Kleine, maybe.....or Tori.
OMG, I wouldn't have guessed. That's quite the outfit she's wearing. S E X Y
I was watching Wrestlemania with my sister and her husband, and when the Show Group came on, I said "there's my girl, Gina". They were shocked I could identify all the cheerleaders, but my brother-in-law said 'well she's not even the prettiest. There's prettier girls'. I said 'maybe, but she can really sell it. You never see less than 1000% from her. Every smile, every toss of the head....she always makes it look spontaneous and fresh". Later he asked me to let him know when the MTT new season comes on so he can watch, LOL.
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I love Tariq. I'm predicting next season we'll find out Tariq has become a huge hit in NYC and has his own children's show which gets monster ratings. He's on Jimmy Kimmel and all the morning shows, and Ava will continuously tell Janine what a dope she was for dumping him. Not really interested in a Janine/Gregory pairing. The actors just don't seem to have any chemistry together in that respect, and by now I think it should be evident. But...at least the writers are taking it slow and not cramming it down our throats, like most shows. I'm so impressed by the casting of the children on this show. It absolutely looks like they are not actors but actually students. I even see a few of them have that tired look like they stayed up too late the night before and just want to put their head on the desk and go to sleep. Little Kenny scratched his head a few times...did anybody else see that? It was subtle but he did it about 4 times. And then Gregory did it once...near the end of the show. I thought for sure they were going to go with the head lice thing and everybody got infected on the bus.
Thank you Holly. Who is the woman standing between Lexie and Rachel? I had no idea Taylor was so tall.
Not sure if this is the correct topic to post in, but did anybody see the DCC at Wrestlemania this weekend? It aired on Peacock Channel, I think, and they came out and performed on both days (Saturday was a pre-show, even though they did have live events). I think there was probably about 16 girls, and on Saturday Gina was point. Can't remember who it was for Sunday. I didn't see any rookie or second year girls performing, but CeCe was there, so was Maddie, Madeline, Rachel and mayyybe Amy...I wasn't sure.
S14.E12: Settling In, Or Just Settling?
JapMo replied to Emma Snyder's topic in Married At First Sight
But that's the problem.....Lindsey doesn't really know what she wants. She walks out the door in frustration, in a trenchcoat over a negligee or whatever, trying to make a statement, but she really can't verbalize why she's not happy with Mark. But I know why. All Lindsay really wants is a guy who will defend her. Who will stick up for her. Who will be her tag team partner so she can "tap out" to him when she's totally pissed off the room with her obnoxious behavior and people are starting to call her out. The guy, even if he's only 5'4", that will get right in the face of the biggest guy in the room that is dressing Lindsay down and scream YOU WON'T TALK TO MY WIFE LIKE THAT. And use every trick in the book to intimidate, bully, or overpower if he must, to defend her honor. Her perfect husband would never turn to her and say "how could you say such things to total strangers?", or "please don't cause a scene". No, no matter how ignorant and rude she becomes and what godawful hurtful things come out of her mouth, he will stick up for her and defend her. Lindsay would not only love it if she had that type of husband...she would be TURNED ON by it. Doesn't matter if he was rich or poor, good looking or a troll...that's the man of her dreams. Someone who'd fight to the death (probably his) with any means possible....the dirtier the better. And if he's getting his ass kicked, Lindsay would jump in to save her mate, kicking, biting, pulling hair...whatever. Oh I can see the whole thing. When they want to get turned on, they'd go together to a corner bar and just glare at everybody, just daring someone to speak to them so they can pick a fight. -
Uhhh...I'm pretty sure she was on, actually. Definitely had one or two big scenes. I'm with you in the Dislike Chrissy Department, though. But hold on the bartender switch. I've got a better idea. The football coach! It was hilarious watching him try to pump up the team before the game and instead totally freaked out himself. High School coaches usually have lame ass classes they have to teach like Health and Driver's Ed. This Coach could teach Sex Ed, but always with a football theme to it, LOL. I'd love it if Jonathan's powers came out of dormancy because of the drug he took, and he keeps hiding it, convinced it's only because of what he was inhaling. The last possible person helps him....his uncle. I don't think the writers gave enough attention to the buildup of Jonathan feeling left out and imperfect. It came too quickly...many of us (me for sure) was expecting he was only pretending to take the drug. We actually just saw him take the drug for the first time this episode, and now he's already hooked. Him feeling it was necessary to take the enhancement in order to play better should have come a little later while the writers showed the audience in various scenes why he was starting to feel ignored. They did the exact same thing with Sarah and the Kiss that Was a Big Deal but In Just One Episode Became Not A Big Deal.
I hated that Mark apologized to Lindsay. He has nothing to apologize for. She's a brat and a bitch and a lothesome person. She keeps complaining that Mark isn't consistent. I think what she really means is that on the airplane to the honeymoon, Lindsay apparently pissed off a lot of the MAFS. Mark decided to rent a vehicle just for them so they didn't have to ride with the others so Lindsay wouldn't feel uncomfortable. Lindsay's face beemed with joy at his gesture. She wants Mark to continue to stick up for her and get into any detractor's face so she can continue to "be open and honest" and stir up as much shit as she wants and says rude, inappropriate things to near total strangers. But Mark won't do that anymore. So she whines that she's given her all to the marriage and now she's just focusing on herself, #1. Lindsay will never change. She loves everything about her and her life. Mark is already over it, and just going through the motions until DD. I think the show is becoming so hard to watch because they've had some real bad candidates the past few years...Chris, Virginia, Michaela, Johnny.
Bad....really really bad from start to finish. I kept checking the date, thinking it was April Fool's Day. Only good thing was seeing Smitty again. Love that guy. So wanted him to beat Officer Perfect Nolan in the election. My husband was a cop for 4 years and only once had to draw his gun. The amount of paperwork involved and meetings with Internal Affairs to explain why an officer feels it's necessary to draw their gun is unbelievable. But on this show they get into major shoot-outs every day.
She constantly says that, and also how hard she worked to get there. What's so hard? Filling out paperwork and having one on one meetings? Everybody else has to. You don't hear them whining. When she met with her friend and told that pack of lies, I wondered....did she really know they were lies? That shit rolled off her tongue effortlessly. Is she really that clueless as to how shallow and vain she looks? She can't even claim bad edit for a lot of it (the crew must have had a field day sifting through her scenes). This is a 30-ish woman who went on a show that has a pretty terrible success rate for marriages at first site and thought she was going to get the man of her dreams. Has that ever happened on this show? I think there's maybe one example....Bobby & Danielle. Bobby was head-over-heels for Danielle from day one. Jason & Courtney on Season 1 really meshed together well right from the start and stayed married for several years. Austin & Jessica clicked pretty quickly. But on the whole, I can only think of Bobby as the one person over the moon right away. I'm not counting Eric & Virginia cause she was plastered and he was distracted by her youth and body.