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Everything posted by DisneyBoy

  1. How - and when - did Roman find out Kristen had lied to him about Marlena staying loyal to him all the time he was presumed dead, back when she brought him back to end the Jarlena wedding? It seems like the ruse went on for quite a while, with Kristen and John pretending they were married all while searching for a cure for Roman's illness... when did he find out they were lying to keep him from croaking?
  2. No idea, but Paul was the one John communicated through for his brief reunion with Doc. Too long.
  3. Today was actually a pretty good episode. I liked Chloe for a change and there weren't too many scenes of Nicole overacting. Arianne must be so checked-out if this is how she's performing. Or maybe she's just cried-out. I'm really enjoying seeing Eric get the hero storyline. Everything has built up nicely these last few weeks with him gradually helping others and regaining his confidence. They could really have something interesting going here if Eric is rescuing Nicole and falling in love with her again while Jennifer is in love with Eric and Brady is in love with Nicole. Somehow I figure the show will mess it all up and make it really frustrating but this setup is pretty good. And unlike the Freaking Pentagon I actually care about all the characters involved and know who they are. I still don't understand what's going on with the Brady. Did the bullet puncture his lung and that's why it collapsed? Cuz it looked pretty much like he was shot directly in the heart... I'm starting to lose patience with John being missing. Why are they creating such a mystery around his current mission? They better think of something good to justify all of this "suspense". I don't care about Tripp or Ava so I basically ignored all of the rest of that. The worst things for me today were Victor continuing to be cordial with Deimos and Sonny pretending to be a thug just because he's grown his sideburns a little bit. Oy. Sonny can go back to Paris anytime he likes. The old Nicole would have smashed Xander over the head with the vase and then stabbed him repeatedly with a blunt object just to be sure. Briefly stunning him isn't going to buy her enough time to escape.
  4. That's a really tough question for me to answer and I was actually paying attention and watching during all of that! We know that Hope knows Deimos was behind Bo's kidnapping because Deimos showed up in prison to pay off an inmate to protect her and basically stated that it was to make up for past sins. Hope gave him the cold shoulder but has never expressed any outright anger towards him...which is unbelievable. Clearly just a case of the producers and writers trying to make Deimos viable where in reality Hope would have wanted to tear his head off the minute he came into town and she realized what he had been responsible for. So Victor and Hope know... I don't think Ciara or Shawn know. Or even John and Marlena. Is it possible the only ones who know are Victor and Hope? Wait, I think Philip also knew because Philip was in cahoots with Deimos when he first appeared because he wanted Philip to develop the drug that Bo helped find that cured Caroline's Alzheimer's and gave her visions of the future. (That is the stupidest sentence I've ever written). So that's at least three people. Honestly the show wasn't too concerned with holding Deimos accountable for Bo's death because it would basically write him into a corner right off the bat. They only made him responsible well after Bo was off the show to make him seem big and scary.... I maintain that if they had introduced Vincent as a big bad villain who was a competitor of Victor's rather than family he could have stood a chance of being an interesting character. The fact that Clyde was kind of independent from everybody else in the Salem gave him a certain viability as a villain for the few years that he was on. Shoehorning Deimos into the Kiriakas family and giving him this elaborate backstory with Nicole being the reincarnation of his dead lover blah blah blah was just too much. Heck I still don't even buy Xander as a Kiriakis. He's clearly Australian! He doesn't even look Greek! ... so if Victor was John's enemy until John fell in love with his daughter Isabella...did they just recycle that whole story by making John fall in love with Stefano's daughter Kristen?
  5. I'm pretty annoyed that they changed the setting from WWII to WWI just because the Captain America movie got there first.... We are beating that horse together. Between her boney physique and clearly Middle Eastern accent, me and all my friends are giving the casting director serious side-eye. It will be VERY hard for her performance to overcome those issues...
  6. Do you mean you want Deimos to die in a fire, right? Vincent is actually quite good. The scene where he has to lie about knowing anything about Xander proved it. You could tell he was using vocal inflections and a tone Deimos had never used before even though he was trying to sound convincing. Vincent can act, he's just been given nothing good to act. I'm also hoping he's gone in the next two weeks as a cap to this whole trip to Greece business. I'm suspecting he only gets to make an exit in June though... If he gets murdered I really hope that it's Victor to do it. I keep hearing about what a terrible person Victor is but I've never actually seen him do anything evil and sully his own hands. Why not do something now? I don't think John Aniston is going to be on the show for too too much longer, so it's not like it's going to derail his arc as a person. It would be nice to see him finally kill the guy who basically killed his son, crippled his wife, screwed up Hope, hurt Sonny and took over the Mansion. They linked Deimos to Victor at the beginning of his run and made Victor his raison d'être. Victor should off him. If he doesn't I'm never going to forgive him for looking the other way for no apparent reason these last few months as Deimos continued his reign of terror.
  7. I actually rather liked Eric's speech once it was finally over. It kind of felt like the show was giving him a new mission statement: to help people in his own way without having to be a doctor or a priest but while still keeping those professions in mind. I mean at least this time he gave a monologue about being better and healing...and then turned around and got a date! That's more like it, Eric! ... but yes I totally know what you mean. Shaved head big bearded Eric from January totally got me hoping Eric would have grown a backbone and start dishing out crap to the people most deserving of it.
  8. Snake and Lani sure brought the humor in today's episode didn't they? Her scream at the end was cheese-tastic. Now that Kate Mansi's hysterics have won her an Emmy, I bet Sal Stowers is slicing these clips into her Emmy consideration reel as we speak. Can we have an entire episode with nothing but Anne and Snake? I would enjoy that. And hey... It's Pop-Up Victor! I will forever love you for calling Jennifer out on having done nothing but cheerlead for Dan for several years only to now fawn over his accidental murderer. It's about time someone on the show pointed that out! Hey Marlena, here's a suggestion - if you're really grateful to Jennifer for getting Eric out of his isolation cottage in the woods, maybe don't shit on her having one date with him. You used his attraction to her to get him back to Salem and now you're expecting her to screw off? Come on. You are a therapist and Eric's mother. If you really want him to focus on his life instead of sex I'm sure you can find some clever way of dropping that suggestion to him so that he won't pin all of his hopes on Little Miss Horton over there. It's completely reasonable to be concerned about two recovering addicts getting involved after both their lives fell apart but what you did today was really ineffectual and bizarre. Jennifer took it better than I thought she would and even admitted to having her ass saved multiple times?! Wow. Color me shocked. The writing on today's show is really making up for the crap we saw on Monday. I care exactly not at all about the Hernandez Clan and Hope's involvement with them, but hey, at least we got to see some family members acting like family members. That's pretty rare on this show. Does anyone think the Hernandez Clan will be pushed deep into the background once Dena's episodes stop airing? I also don't care one wit for Lani nor do I believe the show is going to kill her off, so all of this manufactured drama did nothing for me and didn't advance the character relationships either so I don't really know what the point is. That said, I do think the pacing was good so...good on them for that, I guess. If we can see a whole bunch of scenes of Roman and Marlena talking about Eric's well-being why couldn't we have seen two or three scenes of Roman caring about Marlena going after Stefano in January? (Still bitter.)
  9. I just watched through Monday's episode and wowee did that stink. I couldn't even laugh through the corny cha-cha dance montages of our two non-couples du jour. Dario and New Abigail make me want to pass out from boredom. Why didn't they continue to have him and Nicole potentially become a couple? They at least had some slight semblance of chemistry. Gabi and Eli feel like some couple from The Bold and the Beautiful... I don't even register that I'm watching Days of Our Lives when I see them together on screen. Chad is acting like...I don't even know who at this point. If I follow everything that's happened in the last week and a half correctly, he's allowed Abigail to walk out on their marriage agreed to steal art because Kate told him to and now he's stuttering and wandering around town bumping into his two exes and acting like he doesn't know his ass from his elbow? And Sonny is pulling a gun on someone and trying to act tough, all the while looking like he's about to start crying...?! I thought at least Paul Telfer's return would boost things up a little bit but even he looks totally lost as to how to play his character. Is Xander happy to be working with a member of his family? Have he and Deimos spent time together off-screen? Is Xander really determined to murder Nicole at some point? Does he even have a conscience anymore? I have no sense of who the character is and I kind of feel like if you're going to reintroduce someone they should have a clear perspective so the audience can get excited about where they might end up. With Xander it's been so long since he actually did something truly evil that I don't even remember where his evil started. I know he tried to roast Eric and Nicole and he also was involved in the elephant mess... but other than that and trying to choke out Theresa for lying about him raping her, is he really a total psycho? I mean is that what I'm supposed to believe at this point? Whichever one of you pointed out that Brady wouldn't have been left lying in a hospital bed with a bullet in his heart while people argued around him basically made it impossible for me to watch the scene without rolling my eyes. You're completely right of course! I seriously don't even know who would have written it other than some kid in high school who really never had any life experiences. Deimos' play-acting makes no sense either considering anyone with half a brain would see he's the person who comes out smelling like roses in the event that he succeeds in rescuing Nicole from Xander. The whole thing was just embarrassing.I really feel badly for the actors involved in this because even though they're making a paycheck they have to know that they can only elevate crappy material so much.
  10. Twisty! In terms of canon though, I think Sonny is the first out guy in the family. Guess a brother could be bi though.... ...with a hilarious makeup video. Seriously go watch it now... Well we knew Brady would move on at some point, what with him not knowing what really happened with Theresa. I know this SL sucks but I can understand him turning to Nicole to find purpose again. They have history. It could have been worse. He could have shacked up with Chloe for a legit relationship. This one feels more like a rescue mission with benefits - hopefully Eric's return to Salem brings it all crashing down.
  11. I've only seen her hilarious make-up instructional video. What else is she known for?
  12. From now on, let's please all refer to it as the Freaking Pentagon. LOL
  13. Apparently the Writer's Strike is all resolved. So yay! Soaps will live on...
  14. Well hopefully he'd be less passive. Hey, they're rehabilitating Abigail right now - anything is possible!
  15. I was just thinking the same thing today - no joke! He has bit of Lucas and Sami in his features....
  16. Sorry that this conversation derailed the thread but I don't think it's a problem that they decided to make Will gay. Let's face it - given the culture we live in there was no way that they knew when they created the character of Will back in the nineties that he was going to end up being gay. And I'm not surprised it took until the late 2000s for things to start heading in that direction. In a well-written book where the author has total control over every character he creates, then fine, you can plan something like that out. This is a soap with multiple writers and everything changes direction every few years or every few months. I never saw much of Will after he was born so I can't say whether this change contradicted everything we saw of him growing up. If it does and people preferred Straight Will...then I can completely sympathize with that. It sucks to see a character significantly change simply to serve some agenda. It can feel very artificial and forced. I think it became clear, though, that gay Will offered the show a chance to open up the show to different kinds of romantic storylines. The gay community faces unique challenges and it seemed for a time that they were interested in exploring that, with some characters accusing others of turning people gay and some people having issues with adjusting to Will's discoveries about himself. It just sucks that after Sonny and Will got married they lost all sense of direction and momentum with them as a couple. All they could think of to write was that Will began cheating...? Really? As many of you have pointed out, that could have been an interesting storyline with Will sowing his wild oats and realizing he might not have been prepared for a long-term commitment and marriage, having been in the closet for so long. It's just one of many storylines Days botched these last few years. The bottom line is that nobody cares about Sonny or Paul and that they're both really awkward and do nothing to represent the viewpoint that was previously represented by Will. As much as that character got trashed, I think enough time has passed that if he and Chandler Massey were to return to the show and the writers were to take a look at what worked about his character pre-marriage, they could continue the storyline that was previously abandoned and continue to bring new issues to the forefront at the same time. If they were to bring back EJ on the other hand I can't think of what else they could say about him that hasn't already been said. It would be the same old storyline of the bad boy doing bad things and being forgiven, finding love and fighting for/against his family blah blah blah etc etc etc.
  17. Oh, I agree that Guy's Will was awful, but I definitely think the show needs the character back. For one thing, it was really shameful that they killed off their most visible gay character for the 50th anniversary and in the process upset one of their most high-profile veteran actors. I'm really glad Allison Sweeney spoke out about her feelings on the matter because in addition to Days' long list of sins - including almost constant misogyny, rape as a plot point and regular character assassination - the cavalier way in which they choked out Will on screen felt completely homophobic. The show by that point had written Sonny out and basically limited Paul's homosexuality to an occasional reference every couple of months. There were no gay on-screen kisses anymore and the character of Will had been butchered and sidelined in the months prior to make him a whiny, unlikable adulterer with nothing but excuses and self pity. I realize almost all the characters on the show are or have been adulterers at some point, but the way Will was undermined following Chandler's departure from the role seemed very deliberate. They were cutting the legs off the table. There was no entertainment value in him anymore. The message was received loud and clear that gay no longer had a place in Salem. Imagine if they did that to the black characters on the show and choked Abe out on screen, while pushing Eli and Theo into the background. I'm surprised the backlash wasn't bigger. It was sizable, though, and having Sonny and Paul hug on occasion hardly undoes the message the show sent during its most high-profile month in the last few years. So if nothing else, bringing Will back would be a subtle way for the show to admit they had done wrong by a character who brought them a lot of attention. His entire coming-out storyline seemed to signal a change at Days. It felt like the show was stepping into modern times in the way Archie Comics did by introducing their Kevin Keller character. For them to backpedal and for them to do it so violently was absolutely a mistake that needs correcting. I also feel Allison Sweeney should be shown some respect. Unlike the aging veterans, she's still possibly willing to work on the series for the next decade. She's probably been the face of Days of Our Lives more than anyone and championed it while pursuing other projects. For them to take away her character's first born child who was the center of so many of her storylines even in the face of her objections basically sends a message that they don't care about how happy she is to continue to play Sami. Let us not forget that they also wrote out EJ in a rather crappy way in his final few months and I'm sure Allison wasn't pleased about that either. We've seen actors leave the show because of their frustrations with how storylines are handled or how their co-stars are treated. In spite of the EJ and Will fiascos, Allison still returned and will again. I think that shows exactly how professional and loyal she is to the program and it's time that they made a gesture of Goodwill towards her. I suspect Allison would be very very happy for Will to continue to be part of the show. Lastly I know I'm not alone in finding the Paul and Sonny relationship pitiful. They have practically no chemistry, no physical contact and no future from what I can tell anyways. They could both disappear from the show tomorrow and I don't even think the most pro-LGBTQ of audience members would really care because they're such a non-entity. Will coming back to the show would not only help usher them off the canvas (one way or another) and provide some closure to the terrible storyline that was begun when Will first cheated on Sonny, but could also open the door for an important lead character with many ties to the canvas to be gay and compelling and viable again. That's what they had accomplished with Will a few years ago ...only to throw it all away. Could they accomplish this by introducing a new gay character? Sure, but there have already been too many new characters introduced to the show lately. Better to bring one back who in many ways feels like a veteran and already has a home in Salem. In short, with very little effort I think they could give us the Will that we used to know and like. He has a history. The writers don't have to think him up from scratch all over again as much as take note of what derailed him a few years ago. I'm not saying his presence would magically fix everything wrong with the show. I'm just saying that one of the best things the show could do right now to correct the mistakes it has made the last few years is bring back a character like Will because it will drum up publicity and make a statement to the audience and to the industry that maybe they were wrong and they've learned their lesson and are bringing things back on track. I can't think of any other character they could bring back to the show that would make that point as loudly or as clearly.
  18. http://cdn.skim.gs/images/c_fill,dpr_1.0,h_391,w_695/britney-spears-gif/the-best-side-eye-gifs-to-text-in-every-situation
  19. The longer we go without hearing about a new blonde male being cast in time to work with Allison Sweeney, the more I'm starting to doubt we'll see Will again. Come on show....don't waste this (last?) chance....
  20. Dan's heart is really truly kaput: Yay! Xander is a hero after all :) Some are speculating that, with Deimos due to die, Brady might get his. I really hope not. Just want him gone. Edit: More spoilers.... Shut up Nicole.
  21. I'm catching up on old episodes and just found out Andre called Kate a prostitute and kissed her after she threw a drink on him. And then they shrugged it off. WTF?!? Andre reads to me as gay or just asexual. And since he's had practically no storylines, it seemed for a moment they were finally giving him something. I'm really glad they've apparently dropped that idea as soon as they tried it, because no, but still...WTF was that?? I'm also pretty confused by the fact that Kate and Andre are apparently working together but on opposite sides of the Who Chad Should Sleep With spectrum. The show has set up Abigail as Chad's conscience and yet Andre, aka the devil, is the one pushing her as the best option. Then we have Gabi as the kind-hearted vixen and she's being pushed by the duplicitous mother figure in Chad's life, Kate. I don't know what to make of any of that. I'm getting the impression the show doesn't even care so long as it's given dialogue to all of the characters involved so they can eat up screen time. This could have been an angel/devil on your shoulder dynamic but Kate is absolutely not an angel and Andre is obviously worse. Let's say Chad does choose Gabi - what difference does that make in Kate's life? When Chad seemingly chose to stay with Abigail, how did that improve Andre's life? Another writer would have had her reasons for making the characters say and do these things but here I can't detect any reasoning at all or purpose. I once hypothesized here that Kate's irritation with Abigail goes back to how Abigail screwed up Sami's life. If Kate's loyalty to Sami is so deep then wouldn't that disqualify Kate from teaming up with Andre who kidnapped Sami and would have done God only knows what to her? And wouldn't she also have been pissed with Andre for showing up at Will's funeral to torment grieving people? Here we are almost a year-and-a-half into Andre being back on the show and all he's done that was even remotely compelling was try to expose Hope as Stefano's killer. His pushing Chase into raping Ciara was disgusting, and his cheerleading for Abigail is baffling....and there's just been nothing else. Why did they bring him back?
  22. I'm so tired of the libidinous "bad girl" and "bad boy" tropes on this show. I hope Allie comes on and...I don't know...wants to work for the UN or open a baking business. Something personal. Something human. Maybe if we thought of these folks as real people the romances would be more compelling. I hate to think of every new character as little more than "fresh meat".
  23. He would want to point out that he never raped Theresa. She lied about that and he went to jail anyways.
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