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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. What? Joe likes Elliott Smith? Do I reevaluate my thoughts on Elliott Smith? I suppose it's not impossible that he also likes good wine and great food, so perhaps it's ok if we share an affinity for good things?
  2. That Instagram of Mika's face SO DAMN CLOSE to her camera is bonkers. Her makeup is memorable in a bad way.
  3. Joe was out of Congress when Kerry got "Swift boated" in 2003 and 2004. Gore ran when Joe was in Congress. He had just launched "Scarborough Country" during that time period.
  4. Comey's petty tattling is going to earn my $. Bring it on, you tall drink of gossip.
  5. Did Joe just rant that the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Good god, that was a blustery rant. Economy of words, Joe. Try it. Be succinct like Steve Schmidt. It's better rhetoric and easier to follow. Did he just say that Ted Kennedy called US Troops "brownshirts?" Those rants are absurd. He's never going to goad Hannity to reply or Trump to act or me to change my mind, let alone agree with him. He's so all over the place I never know his thesis anyway.
  6. Mika mentioned the full title of Madeline Albright's book at least 4 different times this morning. Was it on MJ or Stephanie's show where they interviewed the Trump Voters In The Street? The old white guy said, "I think it's all a witch hunt. All politics is a witch hunt. Hillary. Trump. All of it. They're all [something or other]" Ok. What? O_o And then the old white lady said something less pithy but equally stupid about fake news and all journalism being a plot to keep Trump busy with bad news. Seriously, how do they find these people? Who gives 1 fuck what an ancient weirdo on the sidewalk in Nowhere, Iowa at 10:20am on a weekday thinks about anything?
  7. novhappy that was hilarious. Although I would bet she ignored a few calls and texts from her daughters during the trip. "I can't even." This also made me laugh out loud
  8. I like his jacket but the tie doesn't go with it. Ehh... don't really love the lapels. I guess I like the color and pattern of his jacket.
  9. How is it even possible that Mika got from midtown at 9am to suburban Connecticut at 11am? How does she have a job? I bet the other serious professionals at MSNBC who bust their asses all day every day resent the hell out of her. Mika thinks she's "made it," eh? She can relax now that she's gotten to the top of the heap? I can't roll my eyes enough.
  10. After Joe's prolonged rant about Trump having "Daddy's billions," I think he asked the first question of Leon Panetta, and then was he ever on the show again? Joe used the word "Daddy" about 20 times. Trump doesn't watch MJ, Joe. He watches Fox. What did Hannity do? I guess I missed that.
  11. Dammit. The day I observe they are never on other shows, he freaking goes on another show!! Ok, universe: Woe is me. I never win the lottery.
  12. It was Nicole's show, I think. It felt like he had been asleep on a sofa outside of the studio and they were a person short, so they asked him to come in. He was the worst panelist I've ever seen in any punditry show.
  13. Presumably, Willie, Barnicle, Mika, and Joe are experts on policy (at the most), and experts on current events (at the least). They are never on other shows on MSNBC as expert voices providing context or predictions or gravitas. If I were to guess, Mika thinks that doing other shows is beneath her, but wants to be offered so she can say no. Joe never gets asked because even if he could predict the future accurately, or break news, it's not worth having him on. Willie is legitimately busy, and not truly a wonk. Barnicle is an idiot. (I lie, Barnicle actually was on another show recently and he was so terrible it really stood out, but on the other hand it's the exception that proves the rule)
  14. I wonder if they'll prep for tomorrow's show and have a cogent approach to their 3 hours? There's a lot going on, and they could line up a long list of experts to explicate and predict the current state of affairs [stormy daniels pun intended]: This may very possibly be the run up to an actual, hot, shooting war in Syria where Russia is the opponent, and not even by proxy. We may be at war with them soon. Trump's tweets are unhinged and insane. That puerile douche bag Ryan is retiring. There's a special place in history saved for that sack of pus where he'll spend eternity lumped in with the Southern sabre-rattlers hoping to divide the nation in the late 1850's. Facebook isn't being questioned by old Luddites who have 0 idea of how to hold Zuckerburg accountable, let alone how to fix/regulate trolling and propaganda. There may be a trade war with China, Canada, and Mexico. For those Bernie Bros who's entire political philosophy is summed up by: "it's time for something new." Here you are, millennial geniuses. Are you not entertained? You'll get your free college on the GI Bill after you're drafted into the Army
  15. Her face is pained by that schtick. She's obviously insulted by it. It's uncomfortable to watch. Mika might as well tousle Kasie's hair and comment on how much she's grown. Mika's a passive aggressive bitch.
  16. "So u r right!" That just set afire my last nerve. Way to break down the legalese while knowing your worth, genius. I wish I hadn't read the comments beneath her post. Yes, I'm aware of the irony, but Twitter and Facebook comments are the least productive, potentially most destructive, use of any sort of communication. They're scary, they're alarming, they're deeply discouraging. There is nothing informative, just attempts to take pot shots and win the snarkiest or meanest comment. Mean often succeeds, humorous almost never. It's this mentality that causes CNN not to do deep pieces on global news. No major news outlet's goal is to solely inform, it's also to maintain a level of friction so the network is more entertaining.
  17. Wait a minute. The beginning of that segment had that economics dude here in Charleston at the port. What was he saying?? I bet he thought he'd get away for some awesome spring weather, no such luck bro.
  18. I watched for 35 seconds or so. There was some mealy, obsequious asshole with a pledge pin on his lapel describing what a genius Trump is with his trade policies. Something about casting a net and seeing what he pulls back. As a metaphor it doesn't hold up in a casual discussion, as global economic policy it's awesomely stupid. But the panel just let him get away with it. Changed the channel and didn't return. China holds all the cards. Trump is not going to institute his tariffs, and even if he relents and walks back his stupid threats, China ought to continue increasing their embargoes and tariffs against the US to bend Trump even further to their will. I'm out of vulgar pejoratives to use against Trump.
  19. Joe: So, Oakville, what is your favorite moment of mine from the show? Mika: Pfff, I don't even own a computer. What is a "b l o g, or, you know, whatever?" The segment with the former President of Mexico was great. He was like "fuck you, Trump. We'll spend our $50 billion yearly on corn with Argentina."
  20. yes yes yes yes yeeeesssss!!! Oh yes. Man, I guiltily love political news coverage that is interchangeable with gossipy cat fighting.
  21. I wonder if the panel on set can actually hear Joe's hard-on for Stormy's attorney throb? His irrational... jealousy? Hate? Envy? of Stormy's attorney is bizarre. (I've written "is bizarre" on this board about 43,000 times) His aggressive smackdown of Ignatius was rude and - yep - bizarre. Ignatius is correct. It IS a big deal that the President openly affirmed he is totally unaware of the Stormy Daniels NDA. His blank signature and positive affirmation that he's unaware of it means there is no contract in place. Simple. Even if Trump is lying, it gives Stormy's attorney fodder to nullify the agreement and get her PAID to be quiet. For this particular scandal, it's a huge deal. But Joe would have none of it. He snapped at Ignatius who rolled his eyes, and Joe kicked it to some other woman. Ignatius' face looked like he was thinking, "Why the fuck do I do this show?" In the earlier segment, Joe asked the guy to his right a 2 minute question that became a story that became a Mika interruption that became a question again. Earlier than that in the same segment, Mika pretended to take notes on Trump's scandals as Joe rattled off things. I HATE Mika when she tries to be cute and involved and one of the guys and in on the joke. It actually makes me squirm. Not a good squirm. Super bad, uncomfortable squirm. ("Squirm" is fun to write.)
  22. What was the name of the author and book Mika hyped at one point? She said to remember to buy it and check out their blockbuster interview with the author. It sounded interesting to me but I can't remember details. I used to use this show to fill out my summer pool and plane flight reading material. They had so many interesting authors on. I guess authors don't generate enough hate-watching Trump-slamming ratings.
  23. Shows like today cause me to pause to check my biases. I almost always agree with Podhoretz, and when I don't I see his perspective I still get where he's coming from. But his take on "Roseanne" doesn't jive with my prejudices, so I recoiled a bit. The show never appealed to me, it was obviously crassly pandering to lifestyles I am purposefully unfamiliar with. As a comedian, her stand up is relatively funny and she's quick, but the show I didn't like. He loved it, and every cast member said they did too. Did any of you see it? And when Podhoretz said it was a bellwether for Trump, I was screaming at him that it wasn't. Then happily Donnie (he and I are in the same line of work, generally) popped his bubble and described why the premier was popular with those regions and demos.
  24. Ha, Joe called those Trump voter panelists "willingly ignorant." Oof, hate agreeing within Scarborough. Aaand, I'm off the hook, because he immediately follows that up with the invented: "they're just like all those democrats who believe Bush planned 911." Phew. I almost sided with Scarborough, and then he goes full nonsense. All is right with the world.
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