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Everything posted by zulualpha

  1. I too think there's more to the house story than has come to light so far. Kim may have gotten screwed and I sorta think that if only because Mauricio is King Shit of LA real estate and Kim was at the time an actively drinking alcoholic. Nobody should have engaged her in any contractual business knowing how messed up she was and certainly not someone as highly skilled and self interested as Mauricio and Kyle. Maybe Kathy didn't care about the PS house but Kim clearly did. Lisar should not have told Kyle that Brandi thought Kim needed an intervention because that was not what Brandi said. Lisar said to Brandi "do you think Kim needs an intervention" and Brandi said "don't we all" or something like that. Then Lisar brought up the intervention idea again with Lisav. What a nosy biotch she is. Kyle's house in PS looks like a major pain in the ass to me. Too big, too much stone and sharp angles; tasteless. Based on what we've seen of Kim's house I don't think it's Kim's taste either and I don't think Kim was jealous, just pissed at Kyle for other reasons.
  2. Lisa is finishing Brandi off and Brandi probably deserves it. She shouldn't have slapped Lisa (or anyone) in the face or before that tried to stop Lisa from leaving the boat after the dinner. Lisa has every right to completely cut Brandi out of her life. That said, does it make me like Lisa or Kyle any better? No, it makes me sad. This reminds me of the NY franchise, the last season with Jill Zarin where the show just got so ugly it was unwatchable and so many of the women were so mean and horrible that some of us, me included, lost all interest in ever watching them again. After last night I think I'm almost there with BH. At the dinner on the boat, Kyle, Lisa, Lisar and Eileen were so obviously ready to gang up on Brandy (and Kim probably) that anything Brandy said or did was going to be taken out of context and misconstrued. A comment that might have illicited an eyeroll earlier in the season now was grounds for hurling the f word and getting pissed off. The women couldn't even sit together and slowly started leaving the table. I think Kyle went first over to the bar area joined by Lisav so everyone could see where the lines were drawn. The whole thing just sucked. As far as Eileen and Lisar go, I like both of them but they are not in any position to make this franshise more interesting, especially Eileen who as a veteren of Hollywood and Beverly Hills/Malibu knows well how to play the game and get fans to like her. (She also has survived the behind the scenes shenanigans of The Young and the Restless for at least 20 years which as a fan of the show I can tell you is impressive.) Based on the part of last night's epi with Eileen and Kyle touring the Rembrandt museum and seeing the city sights of Amsterdam, well, let's just say it was less than compelling tv. I also don't find Eileen's scenes with her husband Vince to be particularly interesting, he seems to be acutely aware of the camera and acts accordingly by not saying much. Either that or he is just dull.
  3. Do you think she'd give us the recipe for the hazelnut cake she and her mom served the women? Then we can all have some Amster-damnthat'sdelicious and something good will have come from all this.
  4. Kim has never said that's she's fine in her sobriety. At the reading at Eileen's house she stated that sometimes she feels like withdrawing to her room and holing up with the tv and that frightens her, to go to that place, inplying that that's where she could go off the wagon. At the wine tasting that her lovely sister arranged for everyone, Kim attended for a few minutes, made a joke and then stepped out. She didn't go to the pot shop. She's fragile and has never stated otherwise and I think that's why when people delve deeply into her business she feels the need to protect herself. She acknowledged to Kyle the night of the poker party that she had taken a pain pill, she never tried to hide that, not for a minute. In the car Lisar asked her if she was drinking and she said no and I believe her. She had taken medication that she shouldn't have, it was a relapse and she has always owned it. BTW, imo it is a huge accomplishment for an alcoholic to give up alcohol. I've seen the struggle up close and personal in my family and it's a personal triumph when an alcoholic can stop using. So Kim does have something to protect in her alcohol free sobriety.
  5. Co sign your well written post, Sincerely Yours. FWIW, I think Kim is the most clear headed and coherent I've ever seen her. In her one on one with Lisar after the fight she was calm and reiterated her desire for Lisar to but out of her life and keep her opinions/questions/concerns to herself. I applaud Kim on how far she's come and wish her nothing but the best. I also totally get where she's coming from in staking out her boundaries with the other women and any other woman who comes on the show and wants to use Kim as a convenient plot device. Kim has shown she'll talk about her recovery but she's not going to be the headline in some new hw's storyline.
  6. You're right, her status was changed to "friend of housewives" but she's still on the show. I do think something similar should happen to lisar for the attack she made on Kim which was worse than what Porsha did imo. Porsha dragged Kenya around by her hair but Lisa actually smashed a wine glass, sent glass flying everywhere and had at that point a potentially deadly weapon. Not cool.
  7. To quote Pink "I'm not here for your entertainment". Kim has said in THs that she's been around a long time, has been struggling for a long time and doesn't owe anyone any explanations. Lisar and to a certain extent Eileen are coming off very narcissistic to me, forcing their "help" and "concern" on someone who clearly doesn't want it in order to appear to be good people on tv. I think Lisar's and Eileen's behaviour is borderline abusive and stalkerish towards Kim. As far as the restaurant blow up goes, Lisar is the one that lunged for Kim's throat and then armed herself by breaking a wine glass. Lisar was violent and out of control and if anyone should be off the show it should be Lisar, ala Porsha from RHoAtl. I think Kim adds reality to this show that it wouldn't have otherwise and I also think the show has been good for her. She's come a long way from the hot mess she was in S1 -S3 and hopefully she'll continue on her recovery journey. Not only do I not want Kim off the show, I would love to have Kathy join!
  8. I think when Kim told the table of women that she had been sober for 3 years she meant she has not been drinking. She made a point twice of saying that she does not take drugs "that she is not supposed to" or abuse perscription drugs. She also admitted to taking a pill before Eileen's poker party, so she admitted to that lapse but I do think she takes perscription drugs for anxiety and other psychological issues. She doesn't seem to deny this. Giving up drinking probably was difficult for her and I applaud her for it. Lisar needs to get it through her thick hair extensions that Kim does not want to be her friend or be clucked over by her. Funny how Lisav managed to get that message the first time Kim reacted badly to her butting in. When Lisar turned her big kohl ringed eyes on Kim at the table and started expressing her "concern" for Kim based on what has happened in her Lisar's life I thought, wow woman do you not remeber what JUST happened on the plane when you tried this topic with Kim? Was Kim too subtle for you? Because Kim put Lisa on blast for the whole plane to see, to the point where poor delicate Kyle was shocked and horrified! Which brings me to Kyle's pearl clutching which I'm not buying any more than Kim is. Sorry Kyle but I've seen every BH HW show and you are no stranger to delivering the smackdown. You're the queen bee of bitchy so watching Kim take Lisa down a notch is not going to be cause for blinking an eyelash, again just based on past history. IMO Kyle is putting on the horrified act to protect her family and by her family I mean Mauricio's business. In other words, Lisav was right.
  9. I vascillate between believing Kim and Kyle are really at each other's throats and believing the whole thing is cooked up by Bravo and acted out by the sisters. Often they seem upset with each other and then at the screenplay read thru at Eileens they were snuggled up together on the couch. Their body language was very cozy. And Kyle's gay mixer fight looked very scripted to me.
  10. Fair enough but to use words like "whack a doodle", "crazy", off her rocker and the other stuff Lisar had said over and over again in her THs? She knows perfectly well that Kim is a supposedly recovering addict and that Kim's behavior was almost certainly because she was under the influence of some substance. So I just wonder why Lisar has to be so unkind. Why not say something like, wow, I think Kim may have relapsed or KIm was behaving in a way that was concerning or some such thing. I just don't like the name calling and I think that kind of labeling is a reason Kim is unwilling to discuss her sobriety or lack there of with people that are not her friends or family. Eileen is up in Kim's business as well but at least she tried to be constructive with arranging the lunch between Kim and Kyle even though it didn't go well.
  11. Here's what I don't like about Lisar. She characterized Kim as out of control and whack a doodle in the limo but imo she encouraged Kim by asking her to do an acting scene about how she felt and otherwise baiting her. And thta was after she asked Kim if she had been drinking. I think Lisar is a judgmental person who gets on her high horse around Kim using Harry's family problems as an excuse. She really has no right to butt in to Kim's business. It's not like as Brandi stated in her lunch with Lisar that everybody doesn't already know. what Kim's problems are. Confronting Kim on camera is just a cheap stunt to make Lisar look like a good person while getting herself story and airtime. IMO Kim was completely within her rights to tell Lisar to fuck off. Lisar's blog is more of the same Kim bashing. Fuck off Lisa! Kyle's looking fantastic this season, really all the women are. And that is why they need ten suitcases. It's not easy being fabulous. The Foster's raising 8.2 million for patients undergoing organ transplants and their families is just all kinds of awesome. I wonder how David came to support this particular charity, it's not one that gets a lot of press normally. At any rate, good on him and Yolanda for working so hard for this cause. I'm really impressed expecially since Yolanda doesn't feel well.
  12. From Brandi's blog and I have to agree. Especially Lisa R who sits back and name calls for the whole show. Like calling Kim "whackadoodle", completely crazy and the like. She's very judgmental imo. Eileen doesn't do that but she is a pearl clutcher, "I would never!" kind of person so far. We'll see. Nobody gets out of this show unscathed. Brandi goes for the jugular no doubt about it. In this case though, Kyle started the confrontation.
  13. Eileen is on Y&R now and absolutely killing it. I've been a Y&R fan for 15 years now, (yikes), and she has always been stellar on the show. She's a good actress. Anyway, a couple weeks ago she did a shower sex scene with one of the hot guys on the show and just nailed it. She was semi clothed but she looked great and projected more passion than actors half her age manage on that soap. As far as Portia goes, I've always loved that kid and kids in general on these Bravo shows so I don't comment negatively on them. That being the case I will quote my own 12 year old kid when we watched the scene where Kyle, Mauricio and Portia were shopping for the Meditteranean cruise they were taking. As Portia was throwing piles of clothes on the floor and demanding "buy me this!", Kyle's talking head said -I don't want to raise a spoiled child, and my daughter said "too late".
  14. To me if you have an adult party that starts at 8:30 pm and includes drinks, good solid food needs to be served not just appetizers. Reminds me of game night when Dana served chips and dip along with the gallon jugs of wine and the shit hit the fan big time. So I agree with Brandy's assessment of the refreshments. Even Vince said the food was "skimpy" when he first saw it. I rewatched "House of Cards" and when Eileen is talking to Vince after the women leave she says that she found a bra in her driveway.lol. I wonder who's that was. Because Brandi (and everybody else) knew that Kim was fucked up and needed to go home and not be filmed anymore. I think Kim felt like Kyle was calling attention to the fact that she might be high while in reality everybody had come to that conclusion all by themselves. Also I noticed that clearly Kyle put her hands on Brandi first and forcefully too. Brandi's getting a bad edit for sure.
  15. Eileen's a smart cookie and is playing the game very well, but she's no victim in all this she's a participant. If she wasn't aware that her poker night didn't have a 99% probability of devolving into a screaming profanity laced shit fest then that's on her. There's tons of footage of exactly that behavior happening in exactly that circumstance with exactly those same people. So yeah, have your kid sleep over at Grandma's house or don't complain about your kid being exposed that crap. At Lisa R's jewelry party Eileen walked over to Brandi to supposedly clear the air or in Bravo terms attmpt fo resurrect the problem and rehash it. Didn't work because Brandi wasn't playing but nice try. I like Eileen for the most part but she can keep her condescending "I'm better than you because I know what a bilini is" bullshit. Brandi was on The Apprentice and this week she was in charge of the task and absolutley nailed it. She's been great on the show and most of the cast and Trump seem to really like her. As far as dropping her into the Atlanta cast, she's been dealing with Kenya very effectively on Apprentice and I'm sure could handle herself on RHoA. All I have to say about Kim and Kyle is that I like both of them. Also, it takes two to tango even if one of the two is drunk, stoned or in recovery most of the time.
  16. Kim definitely fell off the wagon but I'm hopeful she got right back on. She's about 100x better this season where she actually has been sober the majority of the time than she has been any other season. I checked her twitter link that someone posted and it seems perfectly appropriate and lucid. She has a guest star gig coming up on Revenge. You fall down, you get up dust yourself off and try again. She appears to be trying.
  17. ryebread, I love your name and I am also firmly on Brandi's side on this one even though last season she made Lisa cry and smoke cigarettes and I thought I would never like her again! First of all, Kyle should NEVER have had a spa day that she organized with Kim as a guest where alcohol was included. And a wine tasting even one Kyle said she wasn't aware of was way out of line. If Kyle wants to help protect Kim's sobriety she needs to walk the walk not just talk the talk. At the poker party where everyone knew Kim was fucked up, Brandi clearly gave the finger across the neck, stop filming sign and she was the only one that made any attempt to help Kim by stopping the filming. Kyle OTOH tried to keep the filming going! She tried to keep Kim at the party while Brandi was trying to get Kim into the limo and out of the potentially embarrassing situation. I don't think Brandi was going home with Kim, she said she was walking Kim out to her car, trying to escort her out of the filming. Kyle should have backed off and let Kim go instead of having the situation escalate as according to the previews it did.
  18. There was no evidence that I could see that Brandy was flirting with Babyface. She was seated next to him at the table and was talking to him that 's all I saw. Also in all of Brandi's airtime and books, the one I read anyway, there has never been any mention of her dating or having sex with a married man. Did I miss something? If anything, especially this season, she's stated how proud she is to finally be making enough money to support herself in the style to which she would like to become accustomed.
  19. She wasn't. Her crime was having the camera focused on her and Babyface instead of King David and Queen Yo at the other end of the table. David's snarky "He's married Brandy!" yelled from his end of the table was super rude and uncalled for. Babyface's wife, Nikki, was sitting right next to Baby and Brandy and looked unperturbed and even mildy amused by drunken Brandy chewing her husband's ear off. Brandi's the party's drunken bimbo and a lot of people find that entertaining. I thought it was hilarious when she sat on David's lap. And he probably loved it. Later on when the sacred music portion of the evening was getting started she saved it for me with her lewd suggestion to Babyface. I really don't think I could have kept the tv on for a bunch of millionaires gathered around singing "I love my life". As far as the wine throw at Eileen, I have to wonder if Eileen's been living under a rock for the last few years. If not she might have heard that Brandi's husband dumped her for LeeAnn Rimes and the battle has been epic ever since. I couldn't believe my ears when Eileen started rattling off the romantic tale of how she and Vince were married to other people when they found each other and decided their marriage vows didn't mean squat. I mean okay, whatever, not judging here but don't just lay it out there in front of Brandy. It's like waving a red flag in front of a bull.
  20. lol. This is exactly what I thought and I assumed it was just because I live in Seattle where trying to be green is big. Her excuse that sometimes wine glasses smell bad is complete and utter bullshit. Wine is my adult beverage of choice and I have never encountered this problem, maybe because I have, you know, a dishwasher? I think the more likely reason for a solo cup is so that she can pour half the bottle in there and nobody will notice. Nothing like a 16 oz glass of wine to take the edge off!
  21. As far as the expensive handbags and luggage go I think Kim gets those for free or close to it. Theresa Giudice who by all accounts is pretty much broke still carries new designer bags on a regular basis and makes sure they get photographed. I think it's part of the deal and Bravo lets them do it as part of the perks of having a show. Last game ATL absolutely killed TB and Kroy had a good game. He's a good DE and AtL has a great QB, they are contenders this year if they keep playing well. I'm rooting for them, like I said, until they play the 'hawks. I can't believe they don't have a business manager or accountant they confer with on a regular basis. Neither one of them has any real business or accounting experience so hopefully they have someone trustworthy helping them with their finances. Like Brittney Spears Dad does for her, takes care of business. Maybe Kroy's mom or dad could do that for them, his parents seemed like pretty together people althought I don't know what their educational backgrounds are.
  22. Day-um - Kroy is getting hotter and hotter as this season goes on. Can't tell whether it's because he's getting in football shape or that he's often attached to a super cute baby but he's looking real good to me and he's not even my type!
  23. I found that link too and I have to say if that's the way they support their team when they win I'd hate to see what happens when they lose! In fairness there were a lot of positve comments as well about Kroy. I watched the game against the Saints and it was a fantastic game. Both teams have so much heart and played their asses off. Kroy actually had a pretty good day. He didn't get a sack but he made some key tackles and helped in many others. For the first game of the season he did well and I think if you ask any player they would tell you there's room for improvement after the first game. So I'm rooting for the Falcons if and until they play the Seahawks and then I'm sorry, they have to go down. As a Housewives fan, Kroy is imo one of the best husbands. In fact I can't think of a husband that has more discipline or integrity, is more hardworking or more loving to his family. It makes me like Kim more because I think she's really trying with him, trying to make the marriage work and be a good wife and partner.
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