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English Teacher

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Everything posted by English Teacher

  1. Hypocrite, thy name is Gabriel. I hope his fate is worse than Noah's. While Deanna is clearly nervous about the shifting of power, what difference does it make if Abe is named leader of the construction crew? Does he get a raise? More health benefits? A bigger and better stock option? In reality, Deanna is seen as the governing body and her people would be loyal to her. I tried to read her face as the defrocked asshole spoke to her. He was more than a little crazy-eyed and with him spewing comments about Satan ( look in the mirror, you sniveling pariah!!!) she seemed to be looking at him as if he was a little nuts. I hope so.
  2. I also looked askew at the aftermath of Sasha's meltdown. The two teenage boys were more understanding and thoughtful of Carl's feelings and discomfort than the adults. And regarding the videos? Nothing and I mean NOTHING was better than Daryl pacing back and forth with that possum hanging from his belt. Hilarious.
  3. If our group was being bugged during the "recruiting" / seducing stage --admittedly by Aaron -- then I absofreakinlutely believe their homes are bugged. It's all in the name of transparency, right?
  4. I wonder if the A stamp is meant to be a contrast / foreshadowing of conflict with the Ws.
  5. The song at the end is Spic and Specs by the BeeGees. Lyrics are very interesting both for Rick and the episodes title. http://www.metrolyrics.com/spicks-and-specks-lyrics-bee-gees.html
  6. The scary thing is, I think Daryl HAS taken a shower...his skin is not as grimy. But I don't know if he knows what shampoo is. Just put my dog down, so my tolerance for watching animals killed is at a -2,090,000. That scene was impossible to watch and triggered another epic breakdown. Thanks, writers. Carol? Damn. She is using what she knows. Abusers use fear to keep their victims quiet. I'm sure "love able" Ed used that on her and her daughter plenty. She goes with what she knows and she has proven over and over that she will do anything for the good off the group. Love the juxtaposition of Donna Reed Carol and Freddy Krueger Carol. Brilliant and chilling. And Rick? He's a long burning fuse. This will prove interesting. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feared drunk Abe would hit on Michonne. I grimaced all through that scene. I can't remember...who saw the Avalanche of walker heads with W's on them....Rick or Daryl? I was surprised they didn't make a connection yet.
  7. Being on the outside gave Daryl value and purpose. He knew how to track, to hunt, to shoot with a bow, and was obviously as badass as they come. When Merle was left behind...and then killed....he found his purpose by protecting and serving the group...especially at the prison. Although the group does respect him, I don't think he has enough social confidence in himself to believe they will want him if he doesn't serve a valuable service anymore -- and this is questionable in a seemingly safe community.
  8. Thank you for sharing that site. Hilarious!
  9. I know I'd be the first to die in my friend group if there ever was a ZA, but I need to stay optimistic. When Aaron showed up last week, my first thought was, he didn't ambush them. Maybe there is good news after all. There have GOT to be good people left in this world. this cannot be the remains of morality too. I'm with Michonne...but I also agree with carol. Even though Rick was wrong, he's right.
  10. Calamity Jane, I'm right there with you! This NEVER happens!!
  11. The family dysfunction was indelibly set in stone when Mama Richards, on her death bed, charged Kyle to watch over her sister (IIRC). That is an albatross she will not remove from her neck without significant therapy from a great professional....and that would be a dr, or therapist that would NOT agree to be filmed on this show. She loves her sister and wants her healthy and happy. But she has a family of her own and a business. So maybe she can't be at Kim's beck and call. Brandi is a toxic snake who would be more than happy to see Kim give into the addictive demons again...shed be easier to manipulate and be more pliable. Imagine how many more of lyles sectets she would share to be used as WOMD later in the show or the press. Any one who is a good friend of a recovering addict would not get inebriated every time they are together.l.land I'm pretty sure brandi admitted yeti doing just that. I wish that brandi would just slither back under her rock.
  12. Helen of Cry returneth. And I call a big sparkly heap of poop on that runway that she cried over the fact that she was going to have to destroy the hard work of her former fellow designers. She is a catty hag in every talking head. She sobbed because she didn't think she deserved to be in the bottom....but, like Michelke...she is trying to do damage control for how much of a whiney bitch she showed herself to be in her season.
  13. Why is her story so amazing? She is not the only widow in the group and Juliet (I can't remember her name) was far more sympathetic -- and she was sent home. Why would Crazy Kelsey think sharing this would ensure her a golden ticket...or Rose?
  14. There should have been no winner declared. And then I want to see a season of the designer judges jump through these hoops in this insane amount of time on no sleep. These 24 hour challenges are ridiculous. Each one of them knew they had unfinished garments...but unless they allow them to literally stay up all night to work, I don't understand how much more they can do. Simple is bad; unfinished is bad...so how can we see quality if all resources are tapped out?
  15. Now I know I'm slipping into the mode of overanalyzing, but I'm wondering if Salty wasn't there because he died of natural causes. Of course it could simply be we didn't see him, but it appears that that final segment was carefully crafted and the camera panned to show pretty much everyone who had died (with the obvious exception of Dell, Dandy, Maggie). Damned RM. I have given this ending more time than I think it actually deserves....
  16. Re: Salty Meep did run by. It wasn't salty.
  17. I think for all the others this WAS their Heaven. They got to be among those who loved and understood them. They were accepted and had a purpose. This is their family. And I thought I saw Salty run by. For Elsa this would be Purgatory at best.
  18. OK...Driving to work I had a rethink of the Elsa storyline and I've moved a little beyond my WTF reading of it. The first time EM showed up (and please don't judge but with his style and accent at least the front side of him makes me swoon -- or maybe I've just taught Jekyll and Hyde too many times) the first time, he was prepared to take Elsa for her black heart -- until he heard Dandy and Twisty having their little sociopaths-unite party up the road...and he took Twisty. Which made absolute sense. ....so now with both Dandy and Twisty dead (along with almost every other "freak"), why wasn't Elsa bad enough for him. I think her last luncheon with her true love explained it. She finally achieved what she thought she wanted (and this part, I still have no idea how that could happen since she was past-her-prime and a non-talent) and realized it wasn't what she needed. The one place she felt at home and loved was with her "monsters." But she didn't appreciate them until they were gone -- and that is the difference between EM Halloween appearance #1 and #2. He granted her wish of suicide by demon, but she was no longer the unrepentant, heart-hearted monster she was before. She changed -- and her afterlife was the closest thing she was getting to Heaven. She was given what she most desired - a family with those who loved her in her Cabinet of Curiosities and those who adored her (again, still shaking my head on this part) in the audience. But in a way, it's stagnant like Groundhog's Day. She's never going to do more - it's the same show, same thing throughout eternity. I think Hades or Dante could have actually thought this one up. ....or maybe it was just being on 3 hours sleep without coffee as I was commuting to work today. In any case, it's all over. I am glad that Bette/Dot & Jimmy had their happy endings as did Desiree. I'm still devastated over Amazon Eve, Paul, and some of the others but they are back with Ethel and Ma Petit (<3 <3) and even Meep so not bad. I love horror so I don't expect the happy endings; however, I've viewed AHS as an extended version of the stories of the likes of Tales from the Crypt where there is some poetic justice in what happens to true villains, so I did hope and expect that Dandy would be dispatched horribly -- this wasn't horrible enough for me. And did he shoot Stanley? I don't remember seeing that body.
  19. Btw....Brandi snarking that Eddie couldn't get through an episode of his new reality show without bringing up her name...? Seriously? Look up the word hypocrite, my dear. You will find your picture.
  20. I truly thought dandy would be deemed the ultimate freak and doomed to spend eternity with Mordrake. This? I repeat. W.T.F..?
  21. I actually came away with more respect for Kyle. When she was alone in the kitchen away from Kim and drunken Brandy, she was talking about being embarrassed and I cringed....until I realized she was speaking about her ability to count and poker and not her sister. Her reaction to Kim seemed real and heartfelt. IMHO Brandi "threw the first punch" by physically barricading Kim and blocking Kyle from talking to her.
  22. Regarding next season, the top hat made me immediately think of magic....and then a magic show gets thrown into two episodes of the freak show. Hmmmm.... Too close to this season's theme probably.
  23. Jin the opening scene the referenced the movie , The Sign of the Cross...wasn't that Sr. Jude's favorite film?
  24. If they stay true to the original, Norma needs a long term boyfriend before Head Norma dispatches her. I thought George would have been it. And the town needs a new sheriff...I think his name is chambers in the movie....
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