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Rachel should talk about how she was able to retrieve the idol in front of everyone and that she got the advantage to stop Sam/Genevieve from getting it. She worked for the advantages.
That fake idol may help Gen coast into final 4. They may not have thought of that.
It expired at final 6, so yeah, she had to play it (or waste it).
Rachel is starting to sound too confident, I hope that isn't a bad sign.
OMG, they might actually do her having twins with two different fathers. Why do a threesome if you aren't going to do that? But on the other hand, wouldn't her being pregnant and everyone being a parent make it hard for them to be cruise ship medical people on call 24/7? So she will probably find out it is twins with two fathers and then miscarry by the end of the season.
I really liked the leads on Leah's Perfect Christmas Gift, which made it enjoyable to watch. I appreciated that they were a pretty solid couple. But I thought it was ridiculous that the mother was being such a bitch to her and no one really said anything. Who doesn't at least pretend to like a Christmas gift from a guest in their home? Then at the end she's just all, "I'm sorry, I really do like you" and it all worked out?
Yes, there was a point where the mother told Gabi that Lacey had called and told her what she did.
I actually liked Caroline, but that was a good move by Andy. They should go after him next.
Yes, I get that. But didn't the robber say there was only $40 in the register? That seems lower than most stores would leave available.
When is the last time Rachel can use her idol? Final 6 or final 5?
I thought that was dumb of Adams too. When he started moving towards the register he didn't even know there was nothing in it. He should have waited for her to hand over the money and leave. Even if he was worried about the cashier's safety, what did he think he was going to do against a guy with a gun. I think it is weird there was no cash and the only employee didn't know how to access the safe. Had the owner just been there and emptied the register? What was she going to do if someone came in and needed change for their purchase?
I think she definitely knew because she said how she had looked her up and knew she didn't have the same last name as her husband. She was pretending not to know to mess with her, I guess. I thought the intern should have known not to tell a patient the doctor had been talking about her and helping track her down.
I thought the same thing. They definitely shouldn't have kept him alive just for a study, but giving the guy running the study a heads up wouldn't have taken away anything from Roman. I agree Roman would have been willing to meet with the investors before dying, it isn't like he insisted it happen immediately.
When did they do that? It wasn't at the start of the episode. The interns said Yasuda had been recovering for 6 weeks. I think if 6 months had passed, Jo would be a lot more visibly pregnant.
Depending on the location, you may be better off waiting until the next port. I actually passed out on an excursion during a Mediterranean cruise. Ambulance ride and hospital visit (where they insisted on a bunch of x-rays and tests) was completely free. Someone I was traveling with went to the ship infirmary and had to pay a couple hundred dollars to be told they had a cold. I also know someone who's family member got really sick on a cruise and they were battling with the insurance company and the cruise line over bills for months.