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  1. No, he died in 2017. The family didn't know about the 'fundraisers' until journos told them. Never saw a cent of it
  2. I did not know the cast was so awesome - I only saw Margot and Gosling and thought it was just them. But Emma Mackey (her and Margot could pass for sisters I swear so hilarious choice) Ncuti Gatwa Claire from Derry Girls Helen Mirren, Issa Rae, America.....so excited now. I'll definately make an effort (more than I would have when thought it was just Margot and Gosling)
  3. I cannot agree more strongly with the above. Worst characters in the whole show! Julia totally lost me with her whining that Charlie didn't tell her about his cancer - she acted like he GAVE her cancer instead! The number of "GOD [insert name here]!" Eyeroll, head tilt cannot be counted (and would give you alcohol poisoning if it was included in a drinking game). Bailey has very rare moments of decency but overall is incredibly patronising, misogynistic and has his head so far up his own behind. He uses every woman who comes into contact with him - Sarah to Callie to Annie. Charlie generally suffers some repercussions and a bit of "growth" which means I can tolerate his frequent bouts of selfishness. He was the only one who tried with Claudia after his hospital stay in season 4 to get down to what was bothering her in an appropriate way. Bailey and Julia seemed content with blaming her for ditching school and that was the end of it. But what gets me watching it as not a 9 year old is just how cruel the "adults" are to Claudia and Owen. Knowing the importance of attachment theory and growth stages, it is awful how the kids are treated. Claudia having a tent in the lounge for 2 seasons was "quirky" but also sad messaging. As was her clothes being in Julia's room and her having to ask permission. There is no way that would happen if the parents were alive. Copping the blame for social services coming because Julia and Bailey couldn't/wouldn't care for her. Letting her isolate herself. Getting a burst appendix when Julia ignored her for the roofer (for which there was no apology. It's unsurprising but sad she would rather stay home than go to the snow with the "adult" siblings, 2 of which are just dismissive when they aren't being hateful. As for Owen, Julia talks at him, dismissively. Doesn't know what food he wants or whines when he only wants white food when Charlie is sick. Feeds him popcorn rather than actual food. Bailey uses him as a prop. It is harder where the kid actor can't be in a lot of scenes but still. Kirsten is more of a parent/sibling/friend to Claudia and Owen than Bailey/Julia (at times, Charlie too). She even makes an effort to set boundaries for the kids. Claudia and Owen should have gone to her.
  4. Yes!!!!!!!!! Hilarious Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Better than movies 3 & 4
  5. Agree totally on the different character thing but in that particular episode it is different - it isn't a whole new character but Xena pretending to be Miss Amphipolis. With Diana, Meg and the Hestian Priestess, they were wholly separate characters from Xena. Totally agree, Lucy Lawless was great as them all. And I think there was also Ted Raimi as all three Joxer twins, Michael Hurst played a few others on Xena, Aphrodite did too. Karl Urban as Cesaer and Cupid. I think it is nice that they kept it in house with the people that really liked or loved the show. I wasn't a great fan of the Christian-lite episodes but liked the Dahak stuff. Although I love the show so I watch it all anyway.
  6. I can get that. It's just I am finding the tone from after the first season gets so hypocritically sanctamonious with Bobby and Berluti the worst with Lindsay a close second. Every client from season 3 onwards is innocent, as is Bobby when he breaches privilege, has a friend for a client, has someone killed and without ever considering he is wrong. Plus what self respecting adult calls himself Bobby in court? There is always the framing of "defence lawyers are doing great unappreciated work" but this representation is wholly offputting. The tone is wildly different but I think Boston Legal can get away with the Court theatrics and the last minute rabbits because it has more of the irreverent tone that The Practice lacks because it takes itself too seriously. Lindsay having an immediate birth with no warning in a Courtroom while Bobby is useless would work on BL or Ally McBeal but not The Practice. It's like trying to have cake and eat it too but it can't.
  7. Started watching this on Disney+ and I don't know why I keep watching it. They are all awful, all unethical, all morons. Except Helen although she has her moments. Bobby and Lindsay are terrible people and I would pay money if Bobby Donnell would talk above a whisper just so we know he "really really means it". And Berluti comes across as the guy who would believe that ivermectin cures Covid-19. The only people who stay relatively the same and less objectionable seems to be Helen and Eugene. And Lucy. I'm very surprised this show was so well lauded back in the day.
  8. I rewatched that scene and I really didn't interpret it in any way like that. I agree Anne forced the doctor on her - likely a class attitude of 'we know best' and Cordingley didn't want that whatsoever. I think there was enough in Cordingley's reaction that she's not seen a good doctor in her living memory given her reaction. From then in large part the tension is from the "can't lie in bed all day' comment which Cordingley thought would be taken as a dig against Aunt Ann when I don't think it was at all. Anne telling her to check in with her sister was more her way of giving a lower class the likely accepted treatment of the time - rest and a warmer climate. When Cordingley asks who will cook, Anne says she will find someone, "temporarily" and dips down so she is eye level when she says it which to me is as close to kind Anne really gets with a servant. Her voice is not as harsh as usual and while is slightly rapidfire not to the same level as her usual Anne. I think it was more her way of trying to be nice to an sore servant and making it a bit clearer she wasn't truly offended by the bed comment. I'm not saying everyone has to see things the same way that was just how I took that scene. I think Anne's behavior with Cordingley was a hell of a lot nicer than the young servant girl at Mariana's place.
  9. I didn't think that she was threatening her at all. I think it was a rare time she was trying to be kind to someone of the "lower" class than she was and was actually trying to show she cares on some level - by getting the doctor to look at her first and then resorting to the more humid climate medicine of those times. Anne isnt gonna be someone who calls her staff by their first names but will help a cripple boy go to school, teach physics and maths in a Sunday school and send a cook for rest. Anne has/had bad traits but there is some good sides, like everyone.
  10. I love this show. I love that they are teenagers and aren't solving murders or being stalked or getting married or anything "deep" like any teen show Eg Dawson's Creek or PLL. I love the drama is getting a job or their favourite teacher leaving or trying to land a massive ride, even in the troubles. I don't even care that Clare coming out barely batted an eyelid (no way would a teen come out in 1990's Northern Ireland, let alone wearing gay rainbow pins) because I love it so much. I love their parents are in their 30s but they got 50 year olds to play them because that's what your parents look like when you are dumb and young. I am sad it is done but it went out well I also felt that the actress playing Jenny Joyce needs a shout out. Jenny was perfection - the out of tune performances particularly are amazing.
  11. I liked Spencer & Caleb on PLL and I liked Hannah and Caleb on PLL. Both worked for me. I would have also accepted Mona & Hannah if Mona didn't run Hannah over. And I hated Emily & Alison and had no feelings about Emily & Paige. I liked Stef & Lena on The Fosters as a couple but not necessarily as parents. Roseanne & Dan on Roseanne were 40s couple goals - as a couple and as parents. The wives on Big Love were better together than with Bill. Xena & Gabrielle were the most beautiful unofficial couple of the 90s. Couple goal.
  12. I think Hollywood magnifies the normal teen experience of not fitting in by the metaphors, the one episode special event or the three-episode arc of lesbianism (looking at you The OC) but it doesn't really get the real life teen drama right IMO. For example, the foster kid who turns around when they are told they aren't disposable and grows up into a lawyer who rights the system (Neighbbours, Home & Away, The Fosters, The OC, Dawson's Creek etc). I work in youth justice law and even when you believe in the kids and know exactly why they are doing what they do, the mess that child protection "authorities" leaves them in renders them without a chance and more likely to be institutionalised in jail or mental health before you can blink and they never get the opportunity for "the love of a good family" to "fix them". I really hate to say it but The Trial of Gabriel Fernandez is more realistic for kids in trouble than any teen drama Hollywood produces and I wish it were different. I thought differently, thanks TV.
  13. I wonder if the reason that the trial has lost the original focus and turned into this ridiculous circus - original being Depp's civil suit re: defamation - with Heard's counter suit for damages and whether the counter suit was a tactical mistake. I would like to hear from any Yankee lawyers about this. I'm a lawyer in Australia and we just had an actor (not on Depp's stage but still) pull a defamation proceeding because it wasn't going his way (legally and in the media, where reps were being massively damaged) and this was after he was aquitted of sexual offences against the same actress (the defamation claim involved journos too of course but was able his sexually inappropriate behaviour - and yes he claimed a #metoo witchhunt but that is done). Most legal practitioners I have spoken to expected a withdrawal of that claim because of the difficulty in defamation cases - but I accept Australia is more in line with England when it comes to defamation and perhaps we are very different than America? Was it a tactical mistake from Heard's lawyer to countersue for damages which has had the unintended perhaps consequences of making her look like a "liar" where her team wasn't necessarily ready for that and where Depp's lawyers & publicist were more....savvy in making it seem like if Amber "lied" about the abuse then she by default is guilty of the defamation where there is no actual evidence that the op-ed lead to the consequences Depp alleged? It seems almost like Heard's lawyers didn't prep enough for this circus that has erupted in the Court and the media from all this.
  14. I wonder if the more comfortable Ann W is getting at Shibden, the more comfortable she is allowing herself to be smart. She has totally clocked the Mariana-shagging of last episode and felt comfortable enough to toe around it with Anne. She also clocked her B-I-L's plan to destabilise her by the 'distressings' and evictions requested by her sister before Anne did and is fully over how controlling of her sister he is. She was also slightly quicker on what the possible consequences of the mob could mean for Shibden than Anne was. I like the development and that her assertiveness is the only thing holding her back really. Anne...she was brutal with Marion and just cruel. I got the initial distaste for the dude in the beginning when it was more that he dropped Marian like a sack of potatoes and I was all "aww sisters". But disowning her cause he is a wool stapler? Especially when she is living on the edge with Ann like that with the only grace being the idea of companions (until the marriage announcement at the end). Bit hypocritical. At least they aren't shying away from the less pleasant sides of Anne Lister to fall into the gay icon narrative I also loved the way Suranne Jones made "Wool Stapler" sound like "sheep shagger". But Marion needed a hug! And Anne needed to get into the corner. I also love Mrs Cordingley - and the eye roll after she caught the young ones eyeballing each other
  15. Oh Aunt Ann definately knows Ann is more than a companion. Also given the talk last season, she knows Anne loves women in all ways even if she doesn't know the ins and outs of her love life. After this episode, Marian at least verbalised it for herself
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