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Everything posted by Box305

  1. That hashtag was created in response to the shitty ratings. It was a lot of fun coming up with things to tweet and not at all difficult because of how bad RC is at his job.
  2. I had fun with that hashtag last night.
  3. So can we call Tamra "Jesus Jugs" now or...?
  4. I tried watching and I was annoyed within 30 seconds. The dialogue is just so bad.
  5. Glad they changed the article because they had Lucy Coe instead of Lynn Herring when it first went up.
  6. I'm distracted by Meghan's giraffe neck. It kind of freaks me out.
  7. He wanted to but Monica wouldn't let him but he snuck into the operating room when they removed BJ's heart and stayed with her as they placed the heart into Maxie in the next OR over. He watched through the window.
  8. Ah, okay. I shouldn't post before I've had my coffee.
  9. Who the hell said this and what drugs are they on?
  10. I'd like to knock Carlivati and Valentini's heads together.
  11. I jokingly tweeted that I wanted to Dorinda to adopt me so I could live in her house in the Berkshires. I added that I would also clean the house if she needed me to. She marked it as a favorite. Haha.
  12. Looks like Blackie will be going back to jail!
  13. My reaction: TPTB = the Cubs' pitching coach Me = Derek Jeter
  14. True. I'm not ill in the same way - I have bipolar disorder/panic/anxiety disorders - but I've gotten rid of toxic, judgey friends.
  15. Part of me agrees with dubbel zout but the other part of me thinks, "Yes, I did," is sufficient.
  16. Kristen's husband and his douchey hats make me laugh.
  17. You guys are making me realize that I made the right decision not watching this horse shit. So thanks for that!
  18. This would be awesome so it's definitely not possible ;)
  19. GH from 1993 - 1996 was a big ol' sobfest. My God. I cried my eyes out during so many of these storylines.
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