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Everything posted by Phoebe70

  1. First Ron Howard guest stars. Next week it's Sylvester Stallone....why? The show already has great ratings. It's like they're using Kevin's acting career as an excuse to bring in celebrities. I hope this show isn't "jumping the shark" after only one season.
  2. I'm in the minority here, but so far Season Two just isn't working for me. I haven't cried once in either episode. I'm liking Kate less and less. Beth is abrasive. Kevin is boring. I still like Randall, Jack and Rebecca but at this point I don't really care how Jack died.
  3. Regarding "Scorned," just what exactly was the appeal with this guy? He looked like a nerdy, bug-eyed guy with arm tats who had zero personality. How anyone could murder and stalk for years over this guy is mind-blowing.
  4. Big letdown. Wayyyy too political. I don’t recall any shows bashing Obama or Clinton the way this show bashes Trump. Stale jokes and loud, canned laughter. Won’t waste another minute watching this crap.
  5. Watched most of yesterday's show with the crazy lady who was normal until she ate a bad hamburger. WTH. I thought the dad (stepdad?) was a real a$$. He constantly interrupted everyone and acted like he was an expert. Dr. Phil finally told him to shut up. I admit I couldn't finish watching it. The lady was clearly crazy-- talking about auras, destroying the RV, etc. I couldn't handle how everything she said was in a loud, shouting tone of voice. The mom would mail her 6 cigarettes a day? I felt sorry for the sister.
  6. Re: the two entitled, druggie daughters...the parents are just as much a problem as the children. The mother wanted to bribe her daughter to be on the show with a tattoo and a Hollywood Walk of Fame afternoon? WTH is she thinking?! Re: the mother-in-law who couldn't see her grandkids...I agree that she had issues (such as firing off the gun), but did anyone else think that the Marine son-in-law gave off a "loose cannon" vibe? To me his calm demeanor on the show seemed like an act. The way he yelled at his kids in the video...I could see him being a real a$$ with some serious anger issues. The daughter/wife defended him, but it seemed like it could have been out of fear.
  7. Yep. That's how I feel too. Jack is dead, and at this point I'm almost past the point of caring HOW he died. I think they've dragged the mystery of his death on wayyyyy too long.
  8. Random thoughts... -Once again Toby annoys me. Kate's brother rents out a nice restaurant just being a nice guy, and Toby flips out on him? Go away, Toby. Not even the beard can make me like you. -I am so glad that Kate did not get the singing gig. Honestly her singing voice is not that great, and if she got the job I would've been pissed. -Why is Ron Howard on? I mean, I know why, but I don't think he adds anything to the show. -I was bothered by Beth's behavior in front of the adoption specialist/social worker. Couldn't she have discussed her doubts with Randall in private beforehand? It was a decent episode, but maybe I was expecting too much. This is one of the only episodes in which I didn't cry.
  9. If you're talking about the one from this week, the guy was supposedly in Egypt. She bought him an iPhone but he told her that the internet was spotty and that's why they weren't able to FaceTime or talk. Dr. Phil debunked that when he had one of his correspondents in Egypt who Facetimed him on-air with no issues at all. At the end of the episode the lady claimed she believed Dr. Phil and that she was done with "John Crush" but I doubt it. If she's that dumb, honestly she deserves what she gets.
  10. I too love the catfishing shows. I feel sorry for the woman to a certain extent, but at some point you just have to shake your head and let her dig her own grave.
  11. I saw the recent episode of the teenage girl who quit school (after failing sixth grade 3 times), hates her mother and spends her time smoking and going to the skate park. I understand that the mother had mental issues, but I thought Dr. Phil was too lenient on the teen. Who was the talk show host that used to send unruly, entitled brats to a boot camp? That's what Dr. Phil needed to do with this girl. Have her go to a boot camp where a big, angry Marine yells at her and teaches her how to respect others.
  12. I'm getting caught up on the episodes, so forgive me if this is an older one.... Yesterday I saw the episode with the older lady plantiff who's troubled grandson went to live with the defendants (who I think were step- or half-siblings of the grandson??). The old lady paid the defendants $250 a month for rent but the grandson moved out early. The old lady was suing for the rent, and stuff she bought him like a microwave, coffeepot, crockpot, etc. Judge Judy was a real b*tch to the plaintiff. The old lady brought her husband along and at one point the husband mentioned that there was also a 32" tv that the defendants kept. Judge Judy snapped at him, "Why are you speaking? Did I ask you to speak?" She told the plaintiff that she could get all the stuff back (no rent though) if she paid the defendants $525 to ship the items (because the defendants didn't want her on their property). $200 of the $525 was just for the tv....hello, it doesn't cost $200 to ship a 32" tv!! The plaintiff mentioned the HDMI cables for the tv and Blu-ray player and JJ said something like, "What are HDMI cables? I'm not giving you anything for those!" Those cables aren't cheap...the ones I have for my devices are $20-30 each. I can't understand why JJ was so crappy to the plaintiff. I can understand her not awarding rent, because the grandson lived there 18 days...but why does the plaintiff have to pay $200 to get the tv shipped, when they could just meet up at the police station and make the exchange?
  13. I agree, Jaded. I watched the show last night for the first time and was disappointed. It's NOTHING like the original Love Connection. I don't like how the person goes on a date with all 3 people. I also don't like how it's all "beautiful" people, not regular people. The $10,000 part is stupid, IMO. If you've only been on one date with someone, why would you forfeit $10,000 just to go on another date? I dislike the large studio audience and all the flash.
  14. I'm still reeling from last week's episode about the guy losing his limbs. Wow. How heartbreaking to be so sick all of a sudden and to lose your limbs. I'm so used to murder stories, it was nice to have a break from that. I'm glad he survived and is doing well.
  15. $25 for a onesie?! Is she insane? And it's a white onesie, which will get stained with food, puke, etc. And what is the point of the Jesus + Oils + Mama one? WTF is that all about?
  16. Ok, so what is a "seestor?" Is that like a non-related friend that you consider like a sister? Weird....
  17. I was surprised that JJ thought it was crazy that the defendant filed a restraining order on the plaintiff. The defendant mentioned that she lived in a rural area and that several people were coming onto her property. It sounded like there was more to that story but JJ didn't want to hear it. I didn't get the impression that the defendant was doing it out of retaliation.
  18. Is it just me, or is Judge Judy getting crankier? I taped about 40 episodes and have been binge-watching. I've watched JJ off and on for years, but wow, she is getting worse. A few times she told the person, "You're lying" when quite frankly it didn't seem like they were lying. I'm sure JJ has seen and heard a lot but in recent episodes it appears that she pretty much makes up her mind without letting the person speak.
  19. Here's what confuses me: Any time a plaintiff or defendant is talking about a 3rd party, Judge Judy yells out, "Stop! You can't talk about that. That person is not here. It's hearsay!" Yet on all the Judge Alex, People's Court, Divorce Court shows, the judges allow it. I was watching a JJ episode yesterday and JJ asked the defendant for his side of the story. Every time the guy tried to explain, she'd interrupt him with that hearsay crap. He had difficulty explaining because his side of the story involved what someone told him.
  20. I was wrong...it was 2 years, but it sounds like he did actively pursue her: "Jeremy pursued me faithfully and diligently for two years before we started dating. I know… I was stubborn…"
  21. I recall reading on Auj's blog that Jeremy pursued her for THREE YEARS before she finally agreed to date him. THREE YEARS! I can understand a few months, maybe a year....but by that time wouldn't you know if he was who you wanted to date? That seemed strange to me. Plus, I can't imagine Jer pursuing anything for 3 years. Maybe he just liked the challenge?
  22. "Wait for a man who you'd want to be the father of your children instead of a man who's still acting like a child...." ROFL!!!!! From the woman who is married to an unemployed man-child. ETA: And what the heck is wrong with watching Netflix with your spouse? I'd much rather watch Netflix with my hubby than getting eaten alive by mosquitos in front of a campfire.
  23. I just went to the Aujpoj website for the first time. If you want a chuckle, read her blog. This woman is a narcissist. Do we really need 10 photos of her wearing the same outfit but with different poses? How many photos do we need of her staring forlornly off in the distance? How many photos can we handle of Jer with his skinny jeans and man bun? For $4.99 a month you can get her devotional...what a bargain! :) ETA: I especially loved her blog post about giving up make-up for Lent. She puts in a disclaimer: if she has a zit or is doing an interview she'll wear make-up. So, if I give up chocolate and I'm PMS-ing, is it ok to break down and eat a Hershey bar?
  24. I tried to watch this show. I really did. I thought Danielle was relaxed, and Adam was cool. But I cannot stand Mimi! She has made the show unbearable to watch. How about no Mimi? Can't stand that woman.
  25. He tripped (supposedly)...big whup. Matt's always been a drama queen. If I was Amy I would've just let him lay there.
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