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Everything posted by ichbin

  1. Seriously! Just as ridiculous is Lydia, she of the innuendos and that scene of her in her bra while clothes shopping with her step-son or grabbing Jackie's boobs, being oh so offended. They clearly needed a reason for making Gina the target and pulled at any available strings, regardless of how small and inconsequential.
  2. I hope Ben's rock star career is as popular as Jackie make it out to be. When they're discussing monetary matters on this show keep in mind that the Australian dollar is equal to approximately the same amount in US$ minus 10%. For instance, he's dropping the equivalent of $900 on one teddy at the lingerie store (or so we're led to to believe). I imagine the production people behind this show were eager to drum up some drama, but targeting Gina seems so forced with really lame reason. Wouldn't Andrea have been a better focus? There seems to be an awful lot that could have been picked on there. Bruce...is interesting,
  3. The clothes, the clothes! What was that dress Susanna was wearing in town, during the day, to go diamond shopping? Meanwhile her husband looked like he was ready for a picnic. The meeting with the pageant directors was over the top shiny too. Sequins, glitter, metallics....SOLD...particularly among the Rhode Island ladies on this show. Shelley saying Susanna was looking like a "total friggin' chooch". OMG that brought me back to hanging with my Connecticut friends. When Dina from RHoNJ was recently on Watch What Happens Live she mentioned that Jim Marchese is Lori's husband's cousin. I had forgotten about that. Probably because Lori's husband hasn't been shown causing any drama. Not much to this episode. In case Vanessa's having had breast cancer was driven home enough during the season it was a focus here...again. I wouldn't mind a second season though but I won't hold my breath.
  4. Some have wondered if she is coming off in a particular way due to cultural differences. I think not. She seems to me to be a self-important, self-involved, pain in the ass with zero self-awareness. Another example...when she was speaking to Tim and described sewing different color stripes off fabric as having made her own fabric as though she performed some interesting and innovative manipulation of materials. She does have a bit of a whimsy going on, and that along with the attraction to bright colors had me thinking she should either go into costuming or children's wear...then they showed the clip for next week which seems to discount the latter. Looks like she'll be having another "poor me" meltdown too. Far too many special thoughts from Amanda. The focus upon her is inexplicable to me. I could understand if this was a show about her particular journey in the fashion world, but it's odd during a competition with a number of contestants. It's not only the decisions of the judges that seems off, editing oddly off as well.
  5. So it was okay for Amanda's mess to fall apart while her model walked. Honestly, to me it looked like a few of these jointed, wiggly snake toys http://www.ziggos.com/products/jointed-snakes?gclid=CjwKEAjwkMWgBRCJ1L_wypbX0wkSJAC3Xio2Qjazdq-vP4YhQd5ADNYubY51YJC71cST8UURYi2yvhoCF5Hw_wcB
  6. Nooooooooooooooo! I kept hoping for the judges to finally acknowledge him,...but not like this. Nooooooooooooooo! I kept hoping for the judges to finally acknowledge him,...but not like this.
  7. After having watched the first two episodes I can only wonder how many more episodes of this before it's canceled once the fall season is in full swing. My guess is that it continues until the World Series and then it gets replaced after that. Too many in the cast are too over the top. I think that's always going to be an issue on these reality shows that last for extended periods of time. How many rational, well-functioning adults in good, steady jobs would be able to take off the kind of time these shows require? Look at the majority of the type of contestants a show like the Amazing Race gets compared to something like Big Brother. The former tapes over about a one month period while the latter tapes for something like three months. Here we have a show requiring a commitment of a year.
  8. Chyka. The name kept reminding me of something. Today it finally came to me...and oh, my, it has more than one connection. Chyka, style by Chaka https://www.google.com/search?q=chaka+land+of+the+lost+tv+show&client=firefox-a&hs=C9p&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&biw=800&bih=370&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6bEQVKCcHsS1yASR9IDQBQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=5QEgwHnAEJ2tnM%253A%3BrLwpSbLr4z_VIM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.feelnumb.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2009%252F11%252Fchaka.gif%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.feelnumb.com%252F2009%252F11%252F03%252Fchaka-tagged-on-dave-grohls-drums-in-smells-like-teen-spirit-video%252F%3B325%3B335
  9. Yes! No matter which way one looks at it, its bad!!!
  10. Reminded me of Vanessa from Game of Crowns with her lip gloss of dismissal. Gina with her, "Well, don't look at me, darling." She makes this show! Seriously! Yet another episode where she tells Gina how aggressive she is when she is the only one actually acting aggressive. It seems some of the Housewives have the standard Bravo Housewives playbook. The pile up on Gina is too much like the things I don't like about the American Housewife shows. The scenery around that seemingly deserted resort was wonderful though
  11. It's interesting watching a show that has already aired several months ago because a lot of the dirt has already come out. For what it's worth: http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/tv-and-radio/why-life-is-hell-for-the-real-housewives-of-melbourne-20140328-35mc1.html "Two Brain Cells and a Vagina"...oh, that Gina!
  12. I was thinking the exact same thing about Chyka/Caroline! As for the 2nd season, they are already filming. Someone shook out during a cast shake-up. . http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/real-housewives-of-melbourne-season-2-gamble-breaux-and-pettifleur-berenger-join-the-cast/story-fn8yvfst-1227031781665S There is a reunion show!!! Some of the details here....sounds like it went the same as we have come to expect from the US versions. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2625538/Things-savage-Real-Housewives-Of-Melbourne-reunion-special-truth-Gina-Liano-revealed.html
  13. Has Bravo done a lot of promotion for this show? I haven't seen much and I don't think it has been on a repeat cycle like some other Bravo shows. That doesn't bode well for renewal. I hope I'm wrong. I don't for one minute believe all of the over the top drama and events, but for some reason I don't care. These women crack me up! I hope we get another season. Susanna and her daughter actually came off decently during their talk on bullying. I was surprised by that. These ladies have to do some traveling when they get together. Lori and Shelley live fairly close to each other, but they're close to an hour drive from Vanessa and further than that from the Rhode Island women. Leha's husband reminds me of Ray Liotta.
  14. I only found out about this show by accident....thankfully! It only got better episode by episode. So good despite the WTF moments Portia mentioned above.! I forced myself drag this one out instead of binge watching it in a day or two. So many English actors are really versatile. Siobahn Finnernan and Steve Pemberton have both been on Benidorm for years playing husband and wife. It's a UK comedy that can be found on youtube that is really funny. I wonder if Siobahn's part in Happy Valley was the reason she wasn't on the last series of Downton Abbey.
  15. Did you see the couple laughing in the audience? I know that would have been my husband and me. TLC needs to get in on these adult pageants. The kids on Toddlers and Tiaras can be blamed on their families, but these adult women are totally on their own.
  16. Who's to say she wound up with a human?
  17. That is exactly who I thought the new man looked like too!
  18. Are we to believe that Sookie attended the wedding, came home and went to the graveyard to dig a perfectly neat rectangular grave by herself with that spade, and then go freshen up and change into her funeral garb before meeting Bill back in the cemetery after sundown?
  19. She is playing Amy Poehler the way Matt LeBlanc plays Matt LeBlanc on Episodes spoofing his real life persona as a character. It looks like I'm in the minority here but I really enjoy this show. I'm glad NBC is picking up the 2nd series too. It reminds me of some British series, like Worst Week of My Life. It's kind of like Curb Your Enthusiasm too in the way the main characters are somewhat jerks. I thought Björn Ulvaeus always wearing an Abba costume and hanging around the museum was really funny. Unfortunately there were storms in the area and the weather alert crawler stayed on the screen for the entire episode which blocked out a lot of the English translation sub-titles. Its definitely not a typical sit-com.
  20. I want to know about the pink clad dancer at about the 1:40 mark who appears to be enticing the contestants in evening gowns to come on stage.
  21. This is the best comedy on TV at the moment! The upcoming Legends of the Crown pageant? I can only find one mention of it and that was on the Facebook page of some salon in Rhode Island that was going to be involved backstage. That post said the pageant would be featuring contestants from CT and RI, had free admission, and would be televised.
  22. I finally reallized who Lynn's husband reminds me of. He looks like Barry Livingston when he played Ernie on My Three Sons way back in the late 60's-early 70's.
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