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Everything posted by Clanstarling

  1. Same here. I'm sure there are many gaps, but it's the only one entrenched in my head.
  2. I might have gotten BAK (heavy on the maybe), but though I know Yerevan, I just couldn't connect it with EVN. Sometimes I can get it - but I consoled myself that I don't even do well with US airport codes unless I've been there. Me too, only on Sporcle. I mean, there are a lot of capitals, especially in Eurasia. I'm coming around, and though I'm still pulling for Ben, I think I'll be fine with whoever wins. He did seem tired. JCS didn't enter my mind, I even said "A musical about Jesus?" - when it's one of my favorite musicals in the world, when I have several strong high school memories related to it, and when I used to play it ever year at Easter (because I'm weird). Sigh....
  3. Thank you for this! I was just going to go look for it when I scrolled down and there it was! And thanks to @laredhead for letting us know about it.
  4. I comfort myself in the thought that this is the TOC, and it's supposed to be harder than regular games. No way I'd get any score with any one of these contestants. So I'm happy (sort of) to get one when I can.
  5. I do remember him standing, but I also seem to remember him sitting at some point.
  6. Ooohhh, so sorry. No. That would be an entirely different game - and many of us (myself included) would probably do a lot better at it! 😄 This week I got 1* - barely pulled realpolitik out of my mind in time. Thankfully I didn't let down the German speaking side of my family.
  7. I think it wasn't the non-exclusivity that was the problem, it was honesty. From what Buck got out of him, it seemed Christopher made each girl think they were special to him, which read as exclusive to the girls.
  8. So sorry, totally forgot about this. Week 27 – March 11 – TOC Week Three – One Asterisk 131. *WORD ORIGINS - A radical in an 1833 failed uprising in Germany, Ludwig von Rochau coined this term for acts taken for practical reasons not ethics (Realpolitik) 132. WORLD THEATER- This 1867 play has a reindeer hunt & a king dwelling in snowy mountains but its title character also spends time in Morocco & Egypt (Peer Gynt) 133. BOOKS OF THE BIBLE - This book is named for a tribe of Israel that carried out judgment of the idolaters of the golden calf (Leviticus) 134. THE UNITED NATIONS - Of the 9 countries that have produced a U.N. Secretary-General, this nation is the only one from its hemisphere (Peru) 135. HISTORIC AMERICANS - Near Kirkbean on Solway Firth, U.S. Vice Admiral Jerauld Wright presented a memorial plaque honoring this man (John Paul Jones)
  9. I'd be willing to bet that a lot of people who study psychology are people who have difficulty socially and want to understand themselves and figure out the people around them. Since they both fit, I think they would. I think Yogesh is trying. I applaud his effort even if some of it doesn't quite hit the mark. I, myself, have made a joke or two that fell flat in the company I was in, but killed for a specific group of people who understood me.
  10. Yay! Colby, I always liked Colby. And I'm never unhappy to see Sam Buttrey again.
  11. I didn't get Adam, myself, but I was stunned that no one got the crescent moon - I mean, it's on nine different countries' flags. (had to look the number up, but I knew for sure it was on Turkey's) 🤣 I thought the random name joke was pretty much the same as his other jokes, an attempt that fell kind of flat. I think he was himself in his earlier performances, and got excoriated for it, so he seems to be trying to please the fans. Sadly, it's not working for him. I don't hate him, but I am rooting for Ben, who's always been my favorite. Not for me...I'm in your league. 😁
  12. Which is why I decided I'd stay confused and see what happens! 🤣
  13. Since we've been in tournaments the whole season (right?) I just let it wash over me, because I can't be bothered to remember where we are in a tournament. The best of seven thing threw me a bit and my husband and I argued whether two people could get three - whereupon (ooh, fancy) I threw up my hands and said I would just watch it and let it wash over me and not worry about how many games there would or could be. I've always been for Ben, but Troy would be perfectly fine. I've also prepared myself for Yogesh. Whose main issue (imo) is that his people skills leave a lot to be desired. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. LOL
  14. I'm not much of a hugger. When we went to a church that had a hugging circle, I would always stand between my husband and kids so I didn't have to hug the people I didn't know very well. 😄
  15. That knowledge was in you somewhere, you just didn't know it. Last week almost half of us had 0/5, the ones pushed us over the halfway mark. So hang in there. I had 0 this week too. But hey - donuts! Who doesn't love donuts.
  16. It never occurred to me that Fire or Mind Blown would be interpreted that way. But then I looked up Fire to see what it meant, and mind blown seemed perfectly understandable to me. On other sites that use the Anger emoji, I never use it because I'm not sure it will be read as that I'm angry about the subject, or angry at the poster. Yep, it was me. I wasn't sure whether to chime in and take credit. 😁
  17. More disappointed than angry. Seems perfectly normal to me, as that's what I do very often (and it's always true, for me anyway). I'd be more suspicious in Celebrity Jeopardy where there are professional actors. I enjoy a good quip. That was pretty funny, and he made some other humorous remark that I forget. And his thanking Emily for the bracelets seemed kind of (don't hate me) sweet. Still would have preferred Emily winning, but them's the breaks.
  18. Week 26 – March 4 – TOC Week Two – Two Asterisks 126. POETS OF ANCIENT ROME - Far from Rome, this first century poet wrote, "The leader's anger done, grant me the right to die in my native country" (Ovid) 127. *CHEMICAL ELEMENTS - Isolated in 1945 during uranium fission research, it was named for an ancient deity to suggest humans gaining a new power (Promethium) 128. AMERICAN LITERARY HISTORY - "The country is celebrating 100 years of freedom 100 years too soon", says "The Fire Next Time", published in this year (1963) 129. *ANCIENT DRAMA - From the 470s B.C., Aeschylus' earliest surviving work has this title; he'd fought them repeatedly in the preceding years (The Persians) 130. LITERATURE & RELIGION - This city now in Turkey is the addressee of one of the New Testament epistles & the setting for "The Comedy of Errors" (Ephesus)
  19. I do look at my notifications - but apparently I dismissed it because it wasn't show related? Oh well.
  20. I didn't hate it, and I actually kind of liked all the different cameras - and I normally hate that kind of stuff. And, I don't remember when, there was a moment or two when they felt like a real couple. Which hasn't really happened before imo. I'm not that familiar, but she didn't fail, she came in 17th. Which means every other person who took that test would be promoted ahead of her. The turnover isn't that great - so it'd be years before she'd even be considered. I'm not sure if you can take it again. Maybe after a certain time period? To be fair, that's very Nolan. I think he booked it, since he was continually apologizing.
  21. I didn't notice the announcement, I would have responded. Oh well. That would be perfect! I'd also like a "yummy" icon (or something like that) but that's mostly for the Jeopardy Contest forum, so I don't think it'd be a winner (though maybe the cooking show forums followers would help).
  22. Yeah, that was kind of a non-apology, wasn't it? I was pulling for Deb, but Troy was a cheerful powerhouse - so I'm not disappointed. So we have two new reaction emojis now - a new Thank You and an Anger one. Not sure I like adding anger. That seems counter to the new changes on the site. But I suppose I can be angry about something - and not at someone.
  23. Sporcle has some: List of Sporcle "Mountains around the world" games Come to think of it, I should add one to the games I do regularly.
  24. Given that we decided to be married by a judge in his chambers, and had a party in our backyard later, I'm with you. We thought we could put our money to better use. But then, we're pretty frugal people.
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