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Mr. Sparkle

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Everything posted by Mr. Sparkle

  1. Overall, it was a surprisingly good season of TV, much better than expected, and certainly the best this universe has been for a long time. Great performances from most of the cast. I'm a bit more pessimistic for next season. I'm not really interested in Drama Lady fighting Head Marshall for control of the methane - I feel that could go on forever, without me caring who wins. Why would Negan care about Hershel's toe? Also, how much of a douche was Hershel? He could have at least said thank you for rescuing him from a psycho.
  2. How many times do you think they'll change the title before it airs?
  3. Assuming the strike is settled, of course. Is that supposed to be Louis in the suit?
  4. Me too! They always work badly. And I'd probably misplace mine if it didn't have a cord.
  5. It was always a bit vague where Doc Baker and the various teachers who weren't married lived. I'm watching on Hallmark and they're right at the start of season 9, which means I'll be skipping most of them. Schlong of Healing was on last night, but I missed it. Victor French really sells it in this episode.
  6. That was one of the worst episodes of this crap I've seen, and that's saying something. To be fair, I was particularly exhausted yesterday, but I fell asleep at least 3 times. Next week is "Simon's Most Memorable Auditions," or "how to stretch this crap out another week."
  7. They are planning to squeeze every drop of milk out of this they can, and then they're going to squeeze it some more. Look for a Hershel and Judith variety show in 2030.
  8. Seventh round of auditions airs Tuesday, July 18th, 8:00 PM EDT.
  9. Nah, it wasn't that much. It was just open at weird times that I could never coordinate with my schedule.
  10. Where the hell is that? BTW, I never got to the WD exhibit near me. The hours were just too silly.
  11. I agree with this. I don't agree with this. It's gotten progressively better, but I don't see this episode being that much of a leap ahead. Story-wise, the Maggie double-cross with Ginny finding out was a cool touch. I sincerely hope not, it'll be totally lame if they're like "we killed the Croat, rescued Hershel and went back to the Winchester for a pint!" I'm not sad to see the cast of Rent go. They didn't really add anything and were just plot points. This is the first time I really noticed they were NOT in Manhattan. I hope Theater Boss lives up to her promise.
  12. The Orlando group is so much more entertaining. I know they're all scripted, but the other teams are just so ordinary, and can be any flipping show.
  13. I agree, it's a limited schtick. I kind of feel that way about the Guide, too. That said, I really enjoyed these two episodes. I didn't like the last 2 seasons as much as the first 2, but this felt like a return to form. I just want to see the gang doing stupid things, the longer story arcs don't do it for me personally.
  14. So, he landed in France just in time to storm the beach at Normandy, or to save Joan of Arc as the flames rose?
  15. I met my wife on eharmony in the 2000s. I found out later that they have some values that I don't agree with; I wouldn't have signed up with them if I knew. I don't remember any questions about religion or anything like that. My wife and I are of different religions, but neither of us is remotely religious at all. Funny story: after dating a bit, we decided things were going a bit too fast and we broke up. I went on match.com to try to meet someone new. And apparently, so did she. I got an email to the effect of "Is it fate? We've found the perfect match for you!" And of course, it was my future wife, and through better and worse and pandemics, we are still together.
  16. That pissed me off. He was fantastic in that role. (Diego Luna was great, too.)
  17. That was a little better than it's been the last few weeks. Maybe skipping last week helped. Young dancer - I'm not a dance fan, and it started off slow, but got more interesting. Kind of cool performance. Military singers - first time I'm going to Hell - they weren't really good. Lead singers had mediocre voices. Uncle Fester - same old card tricks, but he brought personality to it. Showmanship really is everything. I wish we saw more of the act. Japanese brass - LOVED THEM! Original and fun to watch. Finger dancer - dumb. Entertaining for about 2 seconds. Failed marriage singer - actually not a bad singer, but so contrived and obviously set up. Puppet show - definitely picked up when the Simon puppet came out. Aerial couple - good looking naked people spinning around. Never saw that before on this show. Country singers - agree with the judges that it had a bar band feel to it. I also agree that we've seen much worse acts go through. Sword swallower - he actually brought some originality to sword swallowing! I liked it. Lavender - second time I'm going to Hell - mediocre singer at best. Got through on her backstory.
  18. We all know how predictable this series is, so if they killed Hershel in the middle of the first season, that would really be shocking.
  19. Sixth round of auditions airs Tuesday, July 11th, 8:00 PM EDT.
  20. I'm sorry for your loss. My condolences to you at this difficult time. But seriously though, I didn't watch 6, 7 was absolutely awful, and 8 was a tiny bit better, but still pretty bad.
  21. I agree that it's necessary to steal to survive, but to risk everything with the new gang over cocoa butter? Negan must really hate dry skin.
  22. If I gave it a little thought, I'm sure I could up with more, but no, I really don't like this guy.
  23. Thank you, @Sailorgirl26. Shows how much attention I've been paying! Kind of stupid of Negan to take something that belonged to someone he killed. #plotpoints
  24. I would've been shocked if that didn't happen. Negan was right - that sheriff is a dick. I was surprised when they seemed to kill him off so early, so I wasn't surprised that he survived. I saw that going into the cage for protection thing coming from a mile away. I figured the Croat would've trapped them in there as the cliffhanger. No idea, I was waiting for someone here to let me know. Same thing with Negan's matches, they made a big deal about them for some reason.
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