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Everything posted by magdalene

  1. Yeah, I looked up the ratings and it sure looks to be a goner. To compare, it's doing worse than Halt and Catch Fire did and that show only survived for four seasons because somebody in power at AMC obviously really liked it and it also wasn't that expensive to produce. McMafia looks expensive, it's a co-production between the BBC and AMC and there is no way this will go on on if AMC pulls out.
  2. Why is AMC airing this show at 11 PM? Do they no longer care about the ratings? I guess I am not holding my breath for the second series the BBC wanted to do. You would think a smart criminal like Vadim would realize that his own daughter is a dead woman walking now that he tried to kill Rebecca.
  3. I thought Antonio was setting up Semiyon at first to finally get the business connection he wants. I believe Semiyon made a mistake not letting Lyudmilla go - and kudos to her for trying to free herself. It looks like Josef may break with Semiyon over this and join Alex when he inevitably crosses that line and stops being "just a banker" with some criminal connections. Rebecca confiding in the dangerous Antonio about Alex was so ironic. And she was coming on to him while Antonio pulled back there at the end.
  4. They are saying on cable news that Stephen Hawking has died.
  5. I was glad to see Griffin back and working. While I never found her all that funny I hated what was done to her. I don't mind Navarro, at least she isn't a coward like so many of her political party these days. She puts her true feelings out there for all to see. On a shallow note I did not like her make-up and her hair style last night. Whenever Maher gets to attacking certain liberal factions he always goes off the rails. He should focus on our worse problems and leave the extra special snow flakes in their extra special fantasy world. The rest of us have to live in the real world and I am pretty much frightened for the future every day now. I can't be bothered with those who think most people - including me - are not politically "pure" enough.
  6. I didn't see the whole episode - is the David Strathairn character behind the human trafficking of these poor girls or is he "just" a buyer? I know human trafficking happens just like this every day and this is why that part of the show is the hardest to watch for me.
  7. I like the self-confidence of these kids. I don't mind that they clearly have no deference towards certain of the elected officials. They are going to need every bit of back bone they have to avoid being bullied and manipulated by those who want to silence them.
  8. I am glad Leopold sabotaged Ernst's cruel to be kind gallantry but I doubt it had much to do with kindness towards Harriet. Leopold was always against Ernst marrying Harriet because as a "mere" duchess she is not an appropriate match for the royal line to his thinking. I believe he thought that if he told Harriet the truth about Ernst's illness she would never give Ernst the time of day again. But Harriet truly loves Ernst and was not deterred. As for Albert and Sarah - maybe his thinking is a combination of picking up that Sarah was miserable but also not being comfortable with having Sarah in the royal household permanently?
  9. I didn't agree with the judging tonight, I thought Abby should have gone home, not Bryn. And last week Abby was borderline and should probably have gone home then. If she manages to win this next week I won't feel good about it even though I thought she had winning potential for quite a while. This is starting to smell like the teachers pet being advanced at all cost. I will also say I felt that there were some weeks earlier where Alex was being advanced more on personality than his actual baking. But he has really improved lately while Abby's bakes have gone down in skill and quality. I am now rooting for Lindsey to win. Those cookies of hers last week were stunning.
  10. I am trying to pretend I am watching a fictional story and not a historical drama because otherwise things just get very frustrating and I would constantly be going - but....but....but. For example I wasn't expecting to have Ernst of all people grow on me so much over these two seasons. I certainly couldn't have expected it being familiar with the real persons bio. I have enjoyed this Christmas special but it would have been nicer to have it air during the Christmas holiday. I wish PBS would air the show closer to when it broadcasts in the UK. I am surprised the Albert falling through the ice thing happened in real life - I thought at first Victoria was having a nightmare.
  11. For once I was glad that Uncle Leopold blabbed again, this time to Harriet. So much is embellished and changed chronologically on this show I too found myself saying, "who cares that antibiotics hadn't been discovered yet - just give Ernst some treatment that works!" I thought it was pretty clear from the beginning that the adorable Sarah had formed an attachment to Mrs .Forbes and vice versa and I was just waiting for Victoria to catch on. I will just have to hope that Nancy's noble deed led to a good life for the slaves she freed. I liked Mr. Pence this episode and I had started to warm to him during his good bye to Lehzen in the last episode.
  12. Oddly I wasn't into this event as much as I thought I was going to be. I was very into the pairs skating, and the men's, and the ice dancing was beautiful to watch. But here I really don't care who wins. And I can't really explain why that is.
  13. Well, I wanted the French to win the Gold. I don't like Virtue and Moir, Especially him. He rubs me the wrong way.
  14. I can buy that Miss Coke would have sympathy for Lord Alfred but not that old battle ax played by Diana Rigg, she hasn't exactly been portrayed as a fountain of tolerance.
  15. Is this series specifically about younger Victoria or are they continuing until long after Albert's death?
  16. Miss Coke has grown on me. I especially liked her this episode. I wish Ernst could tell Harriet the truth. Not that the truth would make her at all happy, but personally I would prefer the truth to what I assume will be him distancing himself from her. Well, this episode was a barrel of laughs. The only positive thing was the Skerritt/Francatelli courtship.
  17. I can sort of see where Albert was coming from but the way he went about separating Victoria from her life long mother figure Lehzen showed very poor character. He behaved like a passive-aggressive ass. What is going to happen to Lehzen now? I fear the worst for her.
  18. This made me smile... https://www.google.com/search?q=david+oakes+instagram&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS751US751&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi0ieaQ_6_ZAhVGx2MKHYLbCqwQ7AkIQw&biw=1440&bih=769#imgrc=pKrY3hDAtJzZKM: Look at the grumpy face of "Francatelli". Anyways, I finally realized where I know "Mrs. Skerritt" from by looking at this picture - the first season of Outlander. Her role there wasn't nearly as nice as on Victoria.
  19. I don't even remember any of his program besides those flashy quads. Where was the artistic component that should be a big part of a medal winning program?To me he showed no personality on the ice. And his short program was bad. That is a fact. He just did not deserve a medal and the three guys who did win medals deserved those medals for their complete performances over those two days, which included keeping it together and not falling apart.
  20. I don't agree with that, the two Japanese guys and Javier Fernandez were better than Nathan artistically IMO. I don't believe quads should count for everything in ice skating. I am glad Javier got a medal. He has the sweetest smile.
  21. I loved watching Javier Fernandez skate. He was both so charming and technically impressive. I am rooting for him to hold on to the chance at silver.
  22. Are they showing the medal ceremony at some point?
  23. I am so happy for the Germans. She has been trying for so long and it was a stunning performance by them. Truly Gold Medal worthy!
  24. Mrs. Skerrett has to be extra careful guarding her reputation. I doubt writing as an unmarried woman to a male who is not a family member would do that reputation much good. Plus, what does she - and we - really know about the Scots hottie other than that he is good-looking and made pretty brazen sexual advances towards her? For all she knows he could be spoken for or already married with lots of children. Also, even if this holiday fling went anywhere - would she really give up her career and move to Scotland for him? With Francatelli at least there is the possibility - since they both work in the same household - that if the relationship got to the point of marriage they could ask for the queens permission to marry. Maybe Victoria would permit it to hang on to the both of them?
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