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Everything posted by Wynne88

  1. Wynne88

    S01.E14: Trips

    Road trip? Devastating news? What did I miss? I thought a lot of the filming while they were supposedly riding was really poorly done. In the first scene on horseback, I'd swear that the actor playing Augie wasn't even on a horse. Also the scene where Stella has trouble with her horse going down the hill, really? A ranch girl can't ride a horse down a hill, even a steep one, without help? I want to like this show, and in most episodes there are scenes I can appreciate. Can't think of any for this one though.
  2. Wynne88

    S01.E10: Encore

    He really is. I personally wish they'd tone the gooberism down a little bit. Most adults I know who work jobs with as much weight as a Texas Rangers have a lot more self-control. It's kind of necessary. Walker exhibits very little, except for maybe when he was undercover. I'm with everybody else who is tired of Stella making such stupid choices. I was surprised at how much I liked the character in the beginning when she was angry and fed up with her father. Now I just want Walker to lock her in her room until she's 21.
  3. While I like the way this show showcases women and their capabilities, I wish Walker was occasionally allowed to be good at something. Micki does the heavy lifting in taking down the bad guys, with the exception of the time Walker lost his temper and is now in trouble for. His wife has/had the cool car and could drive stick (does the ranch have no tractors?), and she apparently was also the one who was the competent handyman, while Walker nails his hand to a board and breaks more than he fixes. Oh, and the womenfolk are also the mechanics. I mean, yay, women! But just because a woman is competent at something, doesn't mean that the man can't be as well. It's not like there's only so much competency to go around, it's not a pie.
  4. Wynne88

    S01.E05: Duke

    This is the first time I have really liked Micki. It was great how she backed Walker up, and watched out for him in the bar. When she's in her uniform, she just seems so prim and proper. I do wish that flashback undercover Walker had had slightly different hair or more scruff or something, to make it easier to figure out immediately that it was a flashback. It took me a minute, especially in the karaoke bar scene with Liam to figure out if this was present day or past. Maybe I'm just slow, though.
  5. I want to like this show. I really, really do. But - I wish they wouldn't feel obligated to have every character do something in every episode. Bouncing from Micki and Trey, to Stella and the stable guy, and August and the camera, and Abilene and the letters, and Liam and the Emily case, etc. is frustrating. If a storyline matters, then it should be given the majority of the hour, with perhaps one other storyline that intersects somehow getting the rest. What they're doing keeps EVERY storyline superficial. The only real through-line was Micki's middle name. Really? Because that's so important? I still had a hard time understanding some of the lines in this episode. They've toned down the music, thank goodness, but maybe my ears just aren't tuned to the Texas accent. In my opinion, the absolute best acting Jared did in Supernatural was when he played evil Sam (like in Born Under a Bad Sign, which he did superbly) and soulless Sam. Walker started off a man who was so tortured by the death of his wife (11 months previously) that he couldn't even stand to face his family and couldn't quite find his place with them when he did. Four episodes later, except for one line, he's apparently all over that. Now he just has breakout moments of being a jerk like when he grabbed the car radio microphone out of Micki's hand and when he called her boyfriend to get information about her when she didn't want to share. Otherwise, he's pretty unmemorable. Some of the action reads like something straight out of a young teen novel, like Stella wanting to jump on the horse to chase after the escaped mare, and the stable manager letting her do it without any firsthand knowledge of her capabilities. The whole thing seemed like a waste of minutes. I'll keep watching awhile longer in the hope that things get better, but the current format just isn't working for me.
  6. The best episode out of the three, in my opinion.
  7. It's possible that he did give his parents some form of legal authority. After all, his mother was apparently able to enroll them in the Catholic school, and the school had Liam down as an emergency contact.
  8. I'm betting Liam gave August the poker set to give to Walker. Maybe August said something to Liam about wanting his Dad to focus on his living kids instead of his dead wife and Liam offered a way to help make that happen. If that just happened to be convenient for Liam, who knows? I just watched it again, and most of it is okay except for pretty much anything to do with horses. They badly need somebody horse savvy to make sure they don't say and do stupid things, although you'd really think that anybody with any common sense would question a script that had a vet say a horse might have a fracture in his leg, and then have someone galloping him all over heck and back. That's too dumb to give a pass. They also specifically said that he was a Thoroughbred, and the fastest one has ever been clocked is 44 mph. So even if this horse is sound and is the fastest in the world, how is he going to catch up with a vehicle that has a good head start and is carrying people who want to get out of there fast? That kind of crap irritates me to death.
  9. Wynne88

    S01.E01: Pilot

    They could have made him a nephew or something to the original one and thrown in a line somewhere that nowadays kicking people around isn't as acceptable in policing. I wonder why they didn't go that route? It was obvious they knew that watchers of the original show wouldn't be impressed.
  10. If she was with Emily, why can't she tell Walker what happened? If she did, I missed it. I felt bad for the substitute horse. I'm used to people dying on TV, but they don't usually kill off the animals. Of course, with Texas Nightshade's leg injury, I would guess that galloping on a concrete runway plus whatever traveling they did from downtown probably didn't do him any favors either. It was funny - Jared is so tall, he made him look like a pony when he was putting the bridle on. Do Texas Rangers really have to be able to ride? That seems kind of quaint.
  11. Wynne88

    S01.E01: Pilot

    Absolutely agree with this. I liked it okay for a pilot. I was impressed with how distinct Walker was from Sam Winchester. I didn't see any character bleed at all. Walker is messed up, and I'm all right with that as long as there is gradual improvement and change. I thought Walker's mother was interesting; it was impressive to see her effortlessly shutting down her husband's mild criticism of Walker's daughter ("You'd better put a bell on her.") She seems to dictate what happens in that household. The one thing I really didn't care for was the character of Geri. Hopefully she grows on me or goes away. I can live with either.
  12. Addressing the complete show as opposed to a few lines out of thousands - given the reception the final few episodes got as a whole, after how much they put into it, I wouldn't blame either of them for just walking away. At one point or another, I think that both said they thought people would like the ending. They can't change anything; it's done. And I definitely wouldn't expect them to apologise for what I expect they consider some of their best work on the show. After giving so much of their lives to Supernatural, it's just a shame it ends so ugly.
  13. I am too. I have nothing but respect for the actors and the love and effort they put into bringing it to a good end. Even if the way they got there didn't satisfy everybody, who can be unhappy that in the final shot the brothers are finally together and at peace forever. Not me.
  14. I thought angels were sexless? Although Castiel always kept the same vessel, a couple of the others changed from men to women or vice versa.
  15. I didn't post that Castiel's Cat did. I don't agree with that opinion at all. I know, it was unfortunate placing of the comment on my part. I'll go back and see if it will let me fix it. Apologies!
  16. I thought Jared did a super job with this episode. I think they both did. I'm speaking specifically and solely about the acting; what was in the script and how the director chose to shoot it is a different topic, although I don't have as many problems with it as most. Why they chose to do a shirtless scene, I have no idea, but I seriously doubt that it was something Jared lobbied for. Casseiopeia is probably right when she said: In regard to Castiels Cat's comment above, I don't think I ever heard the 'rumors' about Jared complaining about not being the star. Since I don't see Jensen as a doormat for Jared to walk all over, I doubt their friendship would have survived this. I do agree that Dean's story lines were shortchanged in recent years; I just don't see him as 'poor Jensen'. He is a great actor and a savvy businessman; he could have ended the show a lot earlier than this if it bothered him enough. I'm personally looking forward to Walker. I expect that Jared will enjoy developing an entirely new character, just as Jensen will in his new role on The Boys. It's got to be nice to do something entirely new. Bringing it back to the episode, I really liked the early parts showing them at home in the bunker. Loved Miracle the dog; casting (?) did a great job there. I would have personally preferred it if nobody had died; if at the end, they had just shut the trunk with the standard 'We've got work to do" and driven off into the sunset. Since for whatever possibly nefarious reason, the decision was made to put a definitive end to the series, it made sense to me that it was Dean who died since I think he would have had a harder time giving up hunting and might not have leaned on his self-preservation instincts the way he should have. I could just as easily argue that it should have been Sam, though. I don't think it mattered; one had to go and one had to stay given the storyline. As far as the manner of death, I'm glad that it was simple chance that killed him instead of some monster out-fighting him; I wouldn't have wanted him to go out as a loser. They've done a lot of dying lying down; I guess this provided a different visual aspect. I was glad they just glossed over Sam's life afterwards since it wasn't what the episode was supposed to be about, but I'll admit it bugged me when his grown son just walked over to the bed and told him it was okay to go, and then just sat there when he did. It seemed so emotionless, but maybe that was part of the glossing. Agree with everyone about the awful old man makeup. Last of all, I'm really glad that Dean didn't have to wait long for Sam to join him. It was a nice reunion. I've spent 15 years with this show, and I will miss it . . . but I'm glad it's done.
  17. The thing that bothered me in that interview was when Jensen said they sat down with the writers, but it turned out not to be a brain storming session at all. Instead they were told 'here's what we have, take it or leave it'. Based on what Jared and Jensen had said at the end of last season about getting to sit down with the writers, I'm pretty sure they expected to be part of the discussion. If I were Jensen, that right there would have made me less than enthusiastic about the ending.
  18. I thought Jared said repeatedly that he thought they should die in the end?
  19. Obviously I'm way in the minority here, but I liked it. Everything folks have said above is true enough, but I guess I was watching it on a more superficial level. Although the show started out being just about the Winchester brothers, it gradually became more of an ensemble show as Jensen and Jared pulled back on the hours they were willing to work and be away from their families. Because of that, it didn't really bother me than so many characters had their fingers in the pie. I would have had a hard time believing that human Sam and Dean could beat God themselves. I also liked Jake Abel much better than back in Season 5; he's matured and his performance held a lot more weight. I also thought Alex Calvert did a nice job tonight. I'm looking forward to next week.
  20. To me, that looks more like Jensen and Jared than Dean and Sam.
  21. Jensen said he broke character while filming on the last day and Jared said "We both did". I'm guessing that's what Jared was talking about.
  22. I thought Jensen was quite sincere about saying he thought the end was fantastic. A lot of time our first impressions do evolve as we give them more consideration.
  23. Can somebody remind me why Death wants God to die? What does she care about what he does to the world? On another tangent, I miss the old Death.
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