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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Everything comes full circle on the day of Whitney's wedding. Original air date 2019.11.03
  2. Seriously, what is Treem paid for this crap?? First Whitney is all happy with her Dad shopping for a wedding gown and going out to eat and then she does not want him at her wedding? This is some serious sick twisted characterization that was never developed and makes no sense unless Whitney is bipolar or passive/aggressive.
  3. I loved the ending. And I know the song "Sidewalks of NY" because I am old. And because I am old, I know how it feels to have so many friends die and the years pass and most of them are gone. I was sad to see Eileen died. The entire ending made me cry.
  4. Never mind.... the show is very confusing for me so most of my participation will go to the questions thread.
  5. Thank-you for the excellent explanation Chicago Redshirt and thank-you for that question rmontro. I have not read the comics or seen the 2009 film. While I think it is possible to watch and enjoy this series as a separate piece from the comics, I think that so much happened in the comics (as explained above) that this series may not be as enjoyable or as easily understood as it will be for those who are familiar with this plot and the characters. I think the characters are directly from the comics but the plot in the series is brand new. Am I correct on that?
  6. Who is the Jeremy Irons character? He is batshit crazy.
  7. I don't think they are going to spend too much time on Joanie. All of her segments thus far have been silly and contrived. And old Ben was a total joke. They shoehorned his segment in like some Hitchcock show from 1962. Did Joanie sign "Joanie" or "Gabrielle" which would make those papers totally invalid. And so many could verify she was never his patient. Is Treem's head warm?
  8. The series might end in 2020 with Noah and Helen getting back together but maybe when Joanie visits 30 years later she finds out their reconciliation lasted only a short time. I think Joanie will bump into Trevor and his husband and it will be Trevor who brings her up to date on the Solloways. As for Joanie, I think her story will end with a cliffhanger.
  9. It was an acting tour de force. But the plot suffered. Too much is left hanging: Sierra's movie role and Helen's drive through the smoke. This climb down the mountain was filler and a device for Helen and Noah to have a conversation. And there was so much confusion with all of them changing how they feel about each other: Whitney does not want Noah at her wedding, Helen tells Noah to burn... it is wacky. I needed Joanie. I needed to see Joanie and more Joanie.
  10. OMG, in episode 9 weren't Helen and Trevor and Stacie at the end of their segment driving somewhere on a road with the smoke so thick Helen could hardly see the road? Where were they going and why was that dropped? I am sorry, I laughed when Helen was bitten by that snake. It was too contrived and melodramatic for me. The acting was beyond great, but there is too much topical stuff inserted into these episodes like the #MeToo and the LA fires. I would rather they have stayed with the older plots and resolved them with only one episode left. I am just not interested in Whitney's wedding either because I just do not care about her. And of course, no Joanie.
  11. I agree totally. I am just not getting why so many people think this season is "fun" and so terrific. It is so amateurish. It is not even a good parody. Some are saying it is the best episode ever. I am so lost with regard to that opinion. Previous seasons have held my interest. This is so boring for me. And the inclusion of the 80s music does not make the season enjoyable for me. This season is a hot mess of all that has been done before.
  12. I tried to read the posts to see if this was addressed. I cannot find anything. So...... Cassidy's husband was on his phone and Kevin was pissed. Her husband explained why he was on the phone to Kevin and it had something to do with their son. What did he say to Kevin? Thanks.
  13. Everyone seems to be coming to a crossroads as everything comes to a head. original air date: October 21, 2019 Well, that was a shock! There is a lot of sadness in this show and in those years in NYC.
  14. That as exactly what happened in season 2 of True Detective. It is just lousy writing. Plus, I think Treem shoehorned in the #MeToo plot and the LA fires to make the season relevant but it is a fail. Why introduce new plot lines in the final season? Why waste time bringing back Furkat? Why spend time on Sierra? Why spend so much time on Whitney? Who cares about her, she is not important to the show. the entire season should have been resolving the past... or not resolving it but showing us attempts to resolve it. That whole speech was Treem talking. She just had to insert her politics into the show.
  15. Who is the character Jeremy Irons plays? Oh and the man in the wheelchair asked if he could lift 200 pounds and that was a foreshadowing?
  16. With only 2 more episodes to go I do not think anything new will be happening with regard to Joanie. It could be that we never even see her again. So what was the point of these Joanie segments?
  17. It is a long episode. I was bored. This series is just trudging to the final episode. They dropped Joanie like a hot potato. I hated the Ben monologue crap, but at least it was something new. Now they shoe horned in the LA fires. This all now just seems tired and old and stale. It veered so far off the track. It seems the shelf life for this series is over.
  18. And come to think of it, how were Noah's hallucinations from his jail experience in season 3 resolved?
  19. Great news. I am still laughing at how last season we never knew why those two were murdered by the kid in episode 1.
  20. Seriously, how does Treem introduce new plots about Noah and sexual misconduct in the last season with only 3 episodes to go? How did the Joanie thing get wrapped up so fast with a Ben monologue and a Hitchcockian trap? Why divert the whole show to be about Sierra? Who cares about Whitney and her life? What a waste of a season. I suppose Treem wants to leave many plots open and dangling. This show should have been three seasons: 1, 2 and 4.
  21. So what's the point of the season? It's all been done before in crappy and corny ways. What's new about this parody? For me, after all is said and done it is just boring.
  22. I did not laugh at that. I rolled my eyes. This season cannot make up it's mind. Is it horror or comedy or a blend or both? it just deteriorates to a place of stupid for me. Other seasons may have been a blend, but never as corny as this season. And as far as the 80s music, it does nothing for me.
  23. This is not "camp" it is just awful. Seriously awful. It has all been done before but this makes no sense. It is just soooooooo tedious. Will there be a shocking punchline? Some twist? Maybe it is time for AHS The End.
  24. I think there will be a lot dangling because the writers forget half of what they have created in story lines. I would not be surprised if we do not even see Joanie again.
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