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Everything posted by C76

  1. movinon and ParadoxLost, thanks for the recap of the romance that never was. I shudder at the thought of Victor being connected to every woman in town. Today we had another hot ending--Nikki was drinking, and unashamed. Long live Drinki!! And as Nikki's children looked on in horror, a disheveled Victor appeared at the house and asked her to pour one for him. But the killer happened shortly before that. I've got to hand it to the woman who plays Kelly. She can make CrazyFace like no other!! I won't even get into why she went over the edge. Forget Hex--I'm convinced that she drugged Jack.
  2. Cricket...and Victor were almost an item? You know, I like to say that I've watched this soap since childhood, but I forget that there were certain eras when I didn't have the time. I have no recollection of Christine and Victor circling each other. I suppose I should be thankful.
  3. I'm glad you're able to laugh. All I want is for someone to shove her off of her high horse. ;) I'm watching today's show. The last I saw of Lily, she was sparring with Jill and Devon, spouting gems like,"Cane lied, blah, blah, blah." Meanwhile, in the real world, I know someone who thinks that people who lie deserve to burn in hell--and even she thinks Lily ought to pick her battles.
  4. I just saw Sean--I'm watching today's Canadian episode. To me, he looks the same, except his hair's shorter.
  5. I'll say one thing. I actually like the fact that over the last few days, things have actually happened on the show. It beats the past while, where if someone asked me what went on The Y & R, I'd probably have said something like, "Um...Well...Uh...Actually...Not that much."
  6. Hmmm. I will keep your warning in mind. ;) My earlier optimism over things actually happening on my show has been replaced with a bit of caution. I'd hate for anything to happen to the Y & R. I've watched it for most of my life.
  7. Actually, that's the amount of people that she's following.
  8. Another Jack? Please, no. And I say that as someone who doesn't hate him. Until we know otherwise, I'm going with the other theory from this thread: Kelly used Hex. Something is afoot, but I don't want to think about it being a doppelgänger.* bananna, catalogrrr, and others, thank you for your wit and wisdom. This thread makes the show seem even better than it actually is! ;) *Mind you, I'm re-watching, and he seems a little clueless.
  9. Well. I came home just in time to watch the kids decide to play How to Get Away With Murder. I can't tell if I feel like what TPTB have done is a homage or a rip-off, and I don't know if I'm in the mood for their shenanigans--or anyone else's. Question: Is there a reason that this week's shows haven't come with any previews? I miss hearing "Next, on The Young and The Restless..."
  10. 1. That's what I'm counting on. Jack may not have meant to push Kelly, but I believe that in the days to come she's going to be overly-confident and start to make some serious mistakes. 2. LMAO. If we were in the old days, I'd think that we'd find her sometime next week with a case of amnesia. And I wasn't too surprised about Neil's briefcase. I just wish he had the chance to make Hevon suffer for a longer period of time. As I watched today, I felt nothing for Hilary. Spoilers made it seem as though the plane crash will change everyone's lives. Right now, I'm wondering how. Also, your comment on who hit Avery almost made me want to do a re-watch. I guess TPTB figure there's more benefit to them having Dylan brood while Joe chats up Avery.
  11. You know what gets me? It's taken me forever to figure out why people might not like Dylan. I finally clued in a week or two ago when Avery was in a scene with Joe Clark. Since Avery and Joe were married, why do TPTB have it seem as though Joe is the one who is trying to ruin what Avery and Dylan have? Isn't Dylan the one that she cheated on Joe with? I mean, I believe the writers may have their reasons. But as far as I'm concerned, they make no sense. As for today's show, there's so much to ponder and snark about. Lily's still missing. In a brawl at Nick's joint, Dylan meant to punch Joe, but hit Avery instead. Jack got it on with Kelly--a move that I think he's going to wind up regretting. And the kids...I have doubts about Summer's fuzzy memory. Her hubby may be dead, but I don't think she's the one who did it. (I believe we were supposed to conclude this based on her recollection of hiding a bloodied object in the couch.) Something tells me there's much more to the story.
  12. Perhaps. Although the actor who plays him is good looking, it didn't immediately occur to me that Austin is who that description was referring to. (Maybe because he's too young for me.) But you never know.
  13. ​radish cake, thank you for that reminder re: spoilers. I love that bunny. Something about the show is changing. Is it the writing? Every now and then I see comments about Chuck Pratt. If this is what the show is going to be like under his authority, then I'm pleased. Everyone is already expressing what I feel about the Hevon reveal. I'd like to take a moment for Phyllis. The way Jack and Avery are treating (perceiving) her disgusts me. Purposely trying to get her to go off so that she'll seem to be crazy? Upsetting her, and then saying that she's unstable? Are those two high? A short fuse does not automatically equal mental instability. Sometimes it means a person has a low tolerance for BS. On a more positive note, I thought that GT looked gorgeous today. I love her portrayal of Phyllis.
  14. Thanks for the encouragement, guys. I should know better than to be shy in here. And when it comes to today's show, it's not just that Neil revealed himself. It's the details of how things went down that got me. ** At the plane's bar, Neil poured himself a drink. He wasn't even pretending to be blind in the way he was holding the glasses and bottle. It's like he was standing there saying,"I am SO done." The family was sitting around, talking. Lily had her back to her father. Suddenly she turned and said (paraphrasing), "Dad don't! That's alcohol." In reply, Neil said something like,"Not only is it alcohol, it's 80-proof [blah blah blah...]" He read the label word for word. I tell you, I clapped. I snapped my fingers. I yelled at my TV. I think that's when Cane jumped in with,"You can see?" (I noticed that--from what I remember--as Neil was reading the bottle, Cane put his head in his hand, as he realized the implications of Neil reading. I don't know if that was the actor or director's choice, but I liked it.) In return, Neil said more than once, in a very precise tone, that he could see--all the while looking at Hilary and Devon. I hope he has time to rip them a new one before anything else happens.
  15. I know, right!?! *jumps up and down* *coughs* As I type, I'm fighting the urge not to spoil today's ending. It was The Best Ending Ever. Or at least, the best I've seen in a long while. ;) There's an exchange of lines that I absolutely loved. Not quoting anyone is hard. LOL *bites tongue*
  16. My Y & R Buddy said, "That's an interesting massage parlour." More goodies from today's show: "If I'm honest with you, which I always am..." - Neil to Hilary. As she continues to lie through her teeth, Neil keeps up his own charade. I love it, yet I'm disgusted...By Hilary and Devon. I can't wait to see what happens. "Oh, look...Sissie." - Nikki to Phyllis, announcing Avery's arrival. She is pissed off, and I am loving it! Meanwhile, bit by bit, Kelly keeps revealing herself. But Victor's visit to her was weird. I think that he knows that she's nuts, and he's going to play her like a violin. (That theory wasn't revealed today. It's just my own idea.)
  17. Today's show put a huge smile on my face. Neil KNOWS, and he isn't telling his so-called family that he can see. Yet. Bwahahaha! All I want is for him to humiliate his son and wife. Preferably in public. Maybe there'll be a Valentine's Day party at The Athletic Club. :)
  18. i like Faith. The girl(s) who plays her never fails to surprise me with the way she delivers her lines. (When Faith was on the witness stand the other day and Avery asked her if she could ask her some questions, she replied, "I guess." Her voice said everything--that she was annoyed, that she was reluctant, that she hated that this woman had to even talk to her. In my head I screamed,"YES!!!". I thought she did a brilliant job.)
  19. I loved everything about that moment. In the Quotes thread someone mentioned the Narrator's "I'm just as surprised as you..." It's all too much. I think I need to watch it again!
  20. Canadian, if we get "Phictor", I'll eat my own socks, I swear. Today's ending gave me The Highest of Hopes. However, accompanied by the preview for tomorrow's show, I am curious about what's really going on. From the look of things, Neil gets his sight back on his own and sees Hilary and Devon in bed together at the club. However, Cane is seen in the preview warning Devon about effing up his family. I have the feeling that Neil is going to play blind for a while. Perhaps he's concerned about his eyes deceiving him. On one hand I want him to get on with his meltdown. On the other, Hilary and Devon deserve to sweat a little.
  21. C76


    “You can’t have The Passions Of Santos without Santos! Then it’s just Passions. And that show failed!” - Rogelio
  22. I loved his reaction to the reveal of Sin Rostro. I know the writers are responsible for the dialogue, but the his voice really sold it to me.
  23. Man. I had high hopes when Neil punched Devon in yesterday's preview. Now I see that Hilary was only fantasizing. I'm truly disappointed.
  24. miamama, everything you said made sense to me. Thanks for the excellent breakdown of why Kelly can't be trusted. Today's ep took the cake. "Yes, Phyllis poisoned me. Nooo. Don't tell the police!!" Chica, you don't want the police to know because if they investigate Phyllis, then they'll investigate you as well. And I feel for Phyllis. "The only thing that matters right now is getting [Jack] away from [Phyllis]..."Bit by bit Kelly is revealing herself. I'm going to use Google* to see when the next ratings sweeps season is due. I want Kelly to get caught, ditto for Hilary, and as fine as he is, I'm tired of Joe Clark's shenanigans. Hell, I just saw the preview for tomorrow's show. I think I'm tired of everyone. *Apparently the next sweeps dates are the 29th of January until February the 25th. I guess the show's going to get a lot more annoying in the days to come.
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