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Everything posted by C76

  1. I found that video via my usual spoiler spot earlier. I've posted it in the Canadian Y&R thread. Does anyone know the name of the featured song? In addition to what others have said, I don't think TPTB would be so honest about a ruse. From what I've heard about ratings, they know people are tuning in. Meanwhile, although certain viewers are disgusted, they can't afford to tick off the fans whose faith is hanging by a thread. I realize it may sound odd, but I see that promo almost as an act of good faith. It's like they're saying,"We know you've been waiting. Payday is coming." Nevertheless, I understand your skepticism. If they're lying about this, it'll be the last straw for a lot of people.
  2. So I just watched the video below. It contains SPOILERS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVwZo_le1vI Maybe I don't watch enough soap promos. Is it normal to announce ? I'll say one thing for Pratt and his minions: In spite of all the things they do to annoy me, as far as marketing and (some of) their writing goes, they're actually quite skilled.
  3. I'd wondered about that also. When Marisa addressed Gabe, my first thought was, "How'd she know his name?" I don't remember a proper introduction.
  4. Exactly. I'm actually curious about how she'll do. After Gabe's promotion, Vicki and others managed to imply that Abby isn't up for the job. I hope she remembers who her Daddy is and shows 'em a little something. Hell, show me something. I have a feeling there's a lot of wasted talent on this show. I wonder what Abby and the actor who plays her will bring to the table as a business woman. Edited for superficial content: Is Burgess Jenkins naturally a redhead? (Yes, I've Googled his pics. Still...) I can't help but notice the colour of his stubble vs the hair on his head.
  5. ^Jason and Molly also have a podcast called This Is Reality with Jason and Molly Mesnick. I've only listened to a snippet, but their show seems like a reliable source for information on the show. Topic? I thought this week's 1-on-1 with Cupcake was pretty awful.
  6. Thanks to UnREAL, when I watched, I couldn't help but wonder what sort of shenanigans the producers pulled to get him to react that way. At the same time, I imagine that being on The Bachelor(ette) is stressful and annoying as hell in the first place. Also, the circumstances surrounding Kaitlyn's rejection turned me off. You're going to dump someone, so you take them out on a date--a picnic in of the world's loveliest natural settings? Geez. Maybe this show does that sort of thing all the time. I can't remember. Nevertheless, I thought it was sickening. Couldn't she have just had a chat with Cupcake in a back room somewhere? Speaking of what I do and don't remember about this show (I've skipped certain seasons), I can't get over the number of times this season that I've said,"Do these people not remember which show they're on?" I don't think it was wise for Kaitlyn to have been intimate with Nick. (FWIW, I'd feel the same if the genders were reversed.) That said, if you're going to have concerns about your partner not being monogamous, this ain't the place for you!
  7. 1. *maniacal laughter* My Dear Bannana, you think folks who run this show care about immigration? *pauses and pretends to ignore a current storyline on B&B* Marisa's status may be problematic later on, though. Who knows. I mean...We know she's illegal. I don't think Nick and his family do. ;) Who knows what they'll decide in the future. 2. I'm really glad that Jack is waking up, though. I wonder how conscious he will be in the days to come. The main thing that concerns me right now is that Victor thinks he's Marco. Do I want him to figure out he's wrong? I'm not sure.
  8. How much longer before this whole thing unravels? One month, or two? Either way, I can't wait!
  9. Pratt and have minions have done that too many times--given us hope for something via a preview that's turned out to be a dream. Knowing this, I shouldn't be surprised if you're right. Dear Mr. Pratt: Cut the dream sequences featuring characters' worst fears. It's a predictable plot device that is highly unnecessary. Sincerely, C76 *crosses fingers 'til tomorrow* On the other hand, I could see Jack outing Gabe. By the time the scene in the hospital takes place, he may not have figured out that Jack isn't Farco. I don't know how to describe what I'm imagining, but I anticipate some sort of misunderstanding on Gabe's part regarding who Jack is or isn't. Perhaps they have an argument before Jack's family arrives, etc. Wishful thinking, I know. We'll see. ;)
  10. I'm looking forward to this. The reveal of his identity is coming in a way I didn't expect. These few bright spots are the only thing keeping me from being angry enough to complain to TPTB at CBS.
  11. No kidding. Yes! I love Jack/Farco, and am left wondering what the hell is happening elsewhere. But in some ways, like you, I know it could be worse. The action in today and yesterday's episodes could take a week to go down. And in the hands of other writers, it probably would. This^...This entire post has to be the best description of Summer Madness, bar none.
  12. You know, all this time I've been trying to think of who would have attacked her. As someone else said, if it was Joe, that would be too obvious. Although I don't want to touch the storyline with a 10 foot pole, I'd buy Marco as Avery's attacker...I guess. [ETA: bannana brought up a good point. There are only so many people who could have assaulted Avery. The other day I thought someone would try to tie things to Sharon, but honestly...I have no idea who did it.] On a more positive note, I'm still interested in Marco's storyline. When it comes to devious doppelgängers on soaps, I'm used to seeing a few scenes involving Person A contrasted with Person B. Eventually, there's a climactic episode that involves a big confrontation where the doubles are surrounded by onlookers who can't tell who's who. A very familiar pattern unfolds that I've grown tired of. Yet with Marco and Jack--even with its touches of predictability--I feel like there are a few interesting twists that have yet to unfold. Goodness knows, I can't say the same for the rest of the show. I don't see Avery or Sharon's stories ending well at all.
  13. It was really interesting to me to see a version of what you predicted begin to unfold today. Mind you, I didn't watch properly--I kept leaving the room, etc. What I need to do now is re-watch, and see if I can figure out who Victor's victim is.
  14. Really? They can't afford to be sloppy. Not now! This storyline is the One True Hope that I have when it comes to this entire show.
  15. You know, I saw the point of Lily wanting to change her clothes. But her finding a dress of Avery's that happened to be a perfect fit? HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I enjoyed today's show. Jack's back. Farco...He really thinks he can frame Victor. I don't know where Pratt thinks he's going with that, but we'll see.
  16. This^ made the episode worthwhile, IMO. One pretender recognizes another. It's also given me reason to pay attention to a spoiler site that I'd assumed was trash. When I read this business regarding Gabe learning about Farco, I thought, "I wish..." I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring. My usual spoiler site
  17. ^But in a good way, of course. ;) I loved Farko's smug face. LOVED IT!! Everything that PB gets to do as Jack's alter-ego is just..If I had that role, I'd be partying every day. As for Jack, I love seeing him grow. I know all good things must come to an end, but I can't wait to see what's next in The Great Escape (Return).
  18. I was just looking at Joe the other day, thinking,"All that potential gone to waste." Mind you, they could pull a Michael and redeem him. Who knows? And speaking of potential, others have mentioned vintage Sharon. Like you, I miss her. Can't they cure her and just write her the way they used to be? It's not like what we've seen the past year or so can be used as a PSA for mental illness.
  19. Sadly, the Fack-n-Jack storyline is the only thing keeping me interested these days. (But who knows. Maybe something interesting will happen to Drinki..?) When I saw Avery call Dylan in yesterday's preview, I rolled my eyes.
  20. UnREAL's ruined The Bachelor(ette) a bit for me--but in a good way. I can't help but feel like the audience is being manipulated. Maybe he doesn't want to continue his relationship with the franchise. If I ever was [God only knows what] enough to make it onto this show, I might play along at first--but I wouldn't go out of my way to stay.
  21. A part of me feels like re-watching yesterday's episode because I'm already forgetting the episode's details. That said... Regardless of what he may have been reacting to, I think Farco should've kept his head in the game. Phyllis is the (current) love of Jack's life. IMO, Jack (probably) wouldn't be rhapsodizing about anyone else. Not as far as Kyle's concerned.
  22. You know what I'd like to know? What sort of bootleg Jack-training did Victor give Farco? Really. What--if anything--did he teach him? Today Kyle mentioned Phyllis' coma, and Farco looked utterly perplexed. I've wanted Farco to screw up for a while, but this isn't what I had in mind. To me, the fact that Phyllis spent time in a coma is basic information. I thought Victor had been training Farco for eons. *cue annoyed expression* Speaking of today's episode, I got a kick out of Farco nearly tearing Kyle to pieces. And I'm still waiting for Michael to come to his senses.
  23. I had a far less serious procedure once, and even I took some time to just relax. This instant disease/instant recovery thing is pathetic. What was the point of putting Ashley in jeopardy? And Summer? I don't even know where to begin. I'm glad to see that Farco's going to be yelling at Kyle on Monday. He deserves it.
  24. In another thread, I've commented more than once about how I believe shows such as The Bachelor(ette) are shot*. I figured this is a more appropriate thread to share my ideas. One or two people keep mentioning that the whole show is planned from beginning to end and implied that the show-by-show methodology explored on UnREAL is unrealistic. However, I partially disagree. I thought that the production practices that are presented on UnREAL aren't a misrepresentation of what happens on the real Bachelor(ette) series. I had the impression that they assemble the show on a weekly basis, and of course, as HotForBacon mention, it's completed before it's aired. BUT...All along the show is shot with the producers' objectives in mind. Or in other words, one way of shooting doesn't invalidate the other. TPTB only have a limited time to shoot (and shape) the show. The producers can manipulate what we see all they want, but I thought for the sake of the production schedule, they have to shoot and assemble as they go. *My knowledge based on a brief experience I had with my country's version of an American reality show. (And no, it wasn't The Bachelor.)
  25. I enjoyed this week's episode. The scenes featuring the woman whose father died opened my eyes regarding editing. I know that when we watch The Bachelor(ette), we're being manipulated. However, I've never considered that when someone loses it on the show deception may have taken place behind the scenes. I usually wind up shocked, thinking,"You can't make this up...So-'n-so really is mad about XYZ." Enter this episode. The idea of producers shooting someone when they were legitimately upset, and depicting him or her as going off just for the hell of it? I know I've been naive, but I didn't think they were that low.
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