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Everything posted by C76

  1. LMAO I can't imagine who's crashing the party. A wee part of me wishes it was Jack, but he's only recently escaped Kelly's lair. He still has to get off the island. Plus, all the spoilers I've read about would be null and void. And thus far, the hints I've picked up about other things have been accurate, so I'm not expecting any mishaps.
  2. Throughout today's show I was shocked. Rick's not going to call Maya because his mom told him not to? Good grief.
  3. *slow clap* I don't know Hope that well, but that's some solid, Grade A shade. So. How long are we going to have to wait before Two weeks? Three? The reveal of Maya's status moved at a snail's pace. I know I need to be patient, but it's hard. *tries to remember past comments about the show's pacing*
  4. Eh. I don't think he's that bad. And I kinda/sorta remember what Paul looked like back in the day. See what I did just now^? I thought I'd respond to the description of Paul as "unrecognizable". Then, suddenly I saw the photo Margamo posted, and my brain was flooded with ohmygodwherethehelldidthatcomefrom? LOL You know what, miamama? Right now I don't care if Jack killed Kelly or not. I'm just glad she's gone. The thoughts I have about these characters. I swear, if I thought the same way about real people, I'd be going to hell. ;)
  5. I've just started to watch this show's pilot. I'm interested in Younger because the premise takes a page from my life. The protagonist's life isn't exactly like mine. However, a while ago, I went back to school with the intention of switching careers. I also get regularly mistaken for being a 20-something when in fact I'm much older. I'm going to answer your first question. As far as I'm concerned, that's not the issue. Knowledge gaps occur. But I'm not looking forward to the portrayal of what people in this thread have described. What gets me is the idea that out of all the ways to represent a 40 year old's response to technology, the writers/producers decided to make her clueless. From the sound of things, it's like they're perpetuating a stereotype, rather than representing an individual. "Of course a 40-something doesn't know about social media. OF COURSE..."
  6. I see that I was wrong. (And yet I admit that cautiously, as I have yet to see the rest of today's show.) I've just watched the teaser for today's episode. Thus far, Rick's angry with Maya. I'm actually enjoying seeing him frustrated with her. But he seems more upset about his reputation in the company more than anything else. Edited to say that IMO his reaction is understandable. Mind you, Rick's just grabbed his phone. He needs to make room in that pan for a bigger fish.
  7. Shira, I understand what you're saying. Forget I said "fire and brimstone". What I was referring to was a righteous anger that came about due to intentional betrayal. And although Maya's been dishonest all along, the issue I was responding to was the matter of how everyone found out, compared to Rick. My point is this: Given Rick's reaction in yesterday's episode, I doubt that he will become (very) angry with Maya once he discerns who has learned what, and how.
  8. I noticed. I believe I mentioned it earlier. "Billy-Boy" is a nickname that only Victor uses. I was concerned about Billy being one of the first people to notice that One of These Jacks is Not Like The Other. In fact, I still am. During yesterday's show, before Billy made a truce with Fack I thought, "You're going to be his next (murder) victim." Knowing that Fack isn't someone folks should cross is giving me a reason to pay attention to this program. That, and Reason #2: anvils are falling re
  9. On one hand, I see your point. On the other, I don't think Rick should be fire-and-brimstone levels of angry. $Bill and his family only know because Nicole was foolish enough to tell Wyatt. Everyone else knows because of Carter's chat with Ridge, or they otherwise found out in a sneaky manner. This isn't a matter of Maya willfully informing everyone at Forrester except Rick. I mean sure, the loading dock guy knows her secret by now. But he probably found out because of gossip, not because Maya sent everyone a memo.
  10. I saw today's show. One thing I want to comment on is Nick. According to his lines in his discussion with Ridge, I gather that Nick firmly believes that transgender people don't have to be honest with their partners about their identity. Who told TPTB that this line of thinking is a good idea? I'm not transphobic, but I sure as hell am liarphobic. I realize the writers may be thinking about the people who have been prosecuted and murdered. Yet I can't agree with the idea that people who are trans shouldn't be honest with their loved ones about who they are. Hell. Why wouldn't they want to be? If someone can't love you for who you really are, then as far as I'm concerned, they don't truly love you. Period.
  11. miamama, I was just coming in here to post something along the lines of what you wrote and quoted. In all honesty, I wish the writers/producers would retcon the notion of Sharon being mentally ill. A number of the fans (including me as Exhibit A) aren't taking it that way and think she's just your run of the mill soap villain. If not that, then step up and do a better writing job. IMO there's something that needs to be different. I can't put my finger on it, but right now I hate Sharon. And I don't think that's what they were going for.
  12. In my comments that I'd drafted on yesterday's show, I erased a section that included a sentence that said,"I have the feeling that Fack's temper is worse than Victor's." And now, to know that he's a drug lord/murderer? Ooooh, baby! *rubbing hands together in glee* And to think, on Monday, Kyle's going straight to Papa to tell him about the Scooby Gang's latest discovery? I swear. This is the only storyline I'm rooting for. Hopefully the writers won't ruin it. As for Lauren and Michael, Thumper82003...ITA with the idea that the writers missed a prime opportunity to show how a loving couple can bond by fighting a serious illness. How are they (the writers) going to bounce back from this and have everything make sense? The thought of Lauren winding up in AFFAIRville with Cane is sickening. LMAO I'l be serious for a moment. I'm tired of Victor getting away with everything. Was he raising hell and ruining lives when he was first running around, chasing Nikki? I was a wee little thing back then, and I can't remember.
  13. Since she's already started, I say by the first half of the show Maya will have clarified her identity. Ideally, within the first minute or two. Of course, at this rate, who knows? I tell ya. This show has me doing research on sex reassignment surgery. I don't mind, but it's interesting to see whether or not what the show's offering viewers is accurate. Was Maya ever wealthy? Did a relative pay for her procedure(s)? Perhaps these are details that have yet to be revealed. Back during one of my earlier periods of watching, Rick met Maya when she was working at cafe. From what I just read, if she had her surgery done in the US, she would have needed more than tips from serving lattes to pay for it. Edited for the billionth time because spelling counts.
  14. I agree with you about Maya. She's taking her sweet time. It drove me nuts. Like you, I jumped into today's episode late. "They raised me as a boy" isn't adequate. I've heard of kids who were raised as the opposite gender, and this is not that. I'm trying to be patient and keep in mind that this is just. a. show. But good grief! *exhales and waits on Monday*
  15. I'm back. Can anyone tell me why Phyllis called Victor, of all people, to help her understand what's going on with Jack?!? (That's a rhetorical question. I think I really just came in here to complain.) Long story short, Fack had another nightmare today. In said bad dream, he and Victor met in...Where was it? Peru? Cuba? I can't remember. Anyhow... They were speaking through the window of Fack's prison cell. (And wouldn't you know it, The Bilingual Mumbler was at it again. Note to Victor: It's "Como te llamas," not "COMM te llamas."** But I digress.) At the end of his nightmare, Fack awoke, calling out to Victor. Red took a video of him on her phone. He awoke, grabbing her arm harder than he should've. Phyllis confronted Fack about his weird dream and his mention of Victor. He denied everything and basically said it's not worth worrying about. Fack went to take a shower, and that's when Phyllis called someone. And that someone, as mentioned, was Victor. I'm torn. On one hand, I get it. The writers were intentionally driving me crazy with this one. They have methods behind their madness. On the other hand, I wanted to smack Phyllis upside her pretty li'l head. **Sorry for not using the letters with the proper accents. I'm typing this in a bit of a hurry.
  16. So they say the show's going off the rails. And I'll admit it. I've been spending too much time in love with Fack to notice or care. But then it happened. In today's show, Dylan and Sharon slept together. He's not mad at her for what she did to eff up his relationship. Oh, mercy, NO!!! I mean, yes, initially he was bummed. But then he thought about it and realized that Avery was right about her assertion--that he had feelings for Sharon. I could write an essay about why this new "relationship" is not acceptable to me, but I don't think I have the patience. On the flip side of the Bermuda Quadrangle, Avery went back to keep an eye on Joe. After spying her through the blinds in the therapy room, Joe pretended not to be progressing with his therapy--contrary to what happened earlier on in the episode. Not aware of her ex's ruse, Avery told Phyllis that she has to stay in Chicago--or wherever the hell she is with Joe--because he "needs" her. Ugh. Why do I watch this show again?
  17. Ninja, did you know that as soon as I saw your screen name I braced myself 'cause I knew there'd be laughs ahead? LOL It's interesting that you should say that. I'm more concerned about those circumstances being considered safe. If I were Maya, I'd want my clothes to be on. You never know what his reaction could be to such serious news.
  18. It's frustrating. In my head, I'm trying to be kind and balance soap pacing, vs real-life-pacing, vs the fact that it's a 1/2 hour show. I thought Maya would've spilled the beans by Wednesday, however at this rate, I figure the truth will come out*...Eh...of Maya's mouth...By tomorrow, or Monday. *As we all know, everyone but Rick already knows.
  19. I couldn't help noticing that today, Fack referred to Billy as "Billy-Boy". That's a nickname that Victor uses. I know folks (both here and on the show) will probably say that what happened is just a byproduct of Fack and Victor being BFFs. But I enjoyed Billy's reaction. IMO, he seemed a little thrown off, yet he didn't pursue it. Probably because he was thinking what I mentioned in this paragraph's first sentence. Still, I love the way this storyline is unfolding. Lately Fack has been the only character that hasn't make me cringe. And yet...I want something to happen so that someone will get a clue.
  20. I have some questions. I don't understand the Sharon/Dylan cellphone business. I know Sharon sent a message to Avery on Dylan's phone, but...Something's missing. (Or maybe I missed it because I don't always pay attention to their storyline.) 1. Why is Dylan falling for Sharon's shtick so easily? Did she erase her message to Avery from his phone? (I'm assuming that's what happened.) She disgusts me. 2. Secondly, with all of this text business, I can't believe the people who run this show expect us to believe that Avery and Dylan haven't tried to speak to each other. If my One True Love sent me an out of character message, I'd call him up and say,"Bae, what the hell...?" Or whatever it is kids say these days*. ;) Did I miss something, or have Dylan and Avery actually not called each other to clarify things? I hope I'm overreacting. As for the rest of today's show, Fack cracked me up big time with the way he confessed to his faux amnesia. Also, for the first time in a long while, I found myself wondering if Victor's always mumbled. I have about an intermediate-level understanding of Spanish, and I could only make out about 50% of what he said. (He uses a wee bit of Spanish in one of his scenes with Fack.) "Puerto numero tres," indeed. *I'm probably nearly as old as the actors in this storyline. I just don't take their characters very seriously.
  21. I re-watched Friday's episode today. I should correct the line that I quoted earlier. Nick* told Maya that there's no "timeline" when it comes to informing your SO. Her silence is going to bite her in the ass. *Whose idea was it to have Maya's friend's name rhyme with her boyfriend's? I realize that sort of thing can happen in real life, but I can't help but wonder whether or not it was intentional.
  22. When Maya's friends told her "there are no rules" I nearly yelled at the TV. If I were Maya, I'd be concerned about exactly what you mentioned--her safety. Also, I see a person revealing the fact that they're trans as a matter of trust. In other words, all of the nonsense they mention on the show--blah blah integrity, blah blah honour, blah blah honesty--actually means something to me. If my partner kept something this important from me, I'd have questions about how much they respected me, let alone loved me. I don't want to think about the show taking a turn with Rick having a violent response. (I don't know B & B very well.) Sure, he annoys me, but I had no idea he had a screw loose.
  23. Dear God. This thread--I'm dying! LOL I finally did it. After days of setting my PVR to tape B & B episodes one by one, I took the plunge. That sucker is now set to tape every show, from here to eternity. I tell you. If Maya hasn't spilled everything by Wednesday... Oh, who am I kidding? Somehow, I have the feeling they're gonna make us wait 'til Friday.
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