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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. I totally see John as a pillow princess. And Alexis over eager to please her man. Im just saying, she probably has to fake it a lot because I don't see John As the type to put the work in required to reciprocate once let alone 4 times a day.
  2. I Loved the coloring on Gina’s dog. Beautiful pup
  3. Ill always flash on Alexis ripping the sleeves off a dress while her 'business partner/designer' gasped in horror. Voila! Alexis Couture!
  4. I actually don’t think Gina uses people, but I was surprised to hear she’s still with Travis, as it definitely felt like she wanted to be free of his baggage without looking like the bad guy. Or keeping him in reach, but still be free somewhat. But I could be wrong, of course! She kind of glommed onto Heather for a bit there and wouldn’t stop asking her to adopt her and let her live in her mansion lol Id advise Shannon to act like she couldn’t care less about Alexis and Jim. But I’d honestly be asking my friends about them on the sly, too. He was a big part of her life for years. And the whole relationship with Alexis is so showy and grandstanding for someone who made Shannon cry at the thought of the cast discussing him at all on camera. It’s hilarious that he threw a fit about the trainer (?) making a dig at Alexis. Shannon got what she wanted-them out of her gym lol
  5. Poor Shane, Emily’s turning into one of those sanctimonious exercisers who thinks everyone should workout as much as she does. They’re worse than super religious people. Of course, him having chest pains and not seeing a doctor is scary. He probably has GERD from all that soda. Is it just me, or was Alexis talking a bit like Shannon and gesturing like she does when she’s trying to be funny, when she was leaving the football game? Or maybe they’re all just morphing into the same blonde woman to me. Best sightings-Archie and that duck hopping into the water.
  6. I get why Gina wanted to separate from Travis' problematic ex, but what a painful thing for his kids. Its a bit like, you're too much hassle, so, get out. I mean, how do you explain this move to the kids? And like she said-without them, she can afford to take her kids on vacations, but only if she excludes his kids that she's been living with like their stepmom. I couldn't do that unless I broke up with him altogether. She wants it both ways and when kids are involved, yikes.
  7. How nice to live to her age never having to worry about bills or money! I can’t imagine! Of course, it’s hurting her now, but not really because she could still live a very comfortable life if she didn’t want to stay in such a pricey area.
  8. Shannon totally told her trainer about Alexis bragging about sex with John. Stop denying it, Shannon, everyone knows it was you! It was You! 🤣. However, Alexis is being creepy with her copying everything Shannon does. And I laughed out loud at the montage of John taking Alexis everywhere he’s already taken Shannon. I’ve never seen women touch each others boobs as much as this show. If any of my friends came at me, I’d be smacking their hands away. That’s just so weird to me. Emily looks great. She needs to stick, and not get anymore procedures. I feel for her about the fear of backsliding. Maintaining that figure when you’re naturally thick is no easy task. Your body will fight you every step of the way.
  9. ““I don’t like to be around toxic people that just talk behind everybody’s back all the time,” she added hahahahahaha. Ok Tamra is the Queen at taking some truth and blowing it up while leaving her hands clean. I bet she kept encouraging Shannon to talk and agreed about Alexis etc knowing she could use it later. Shannon’s a mess, but Tamra is vicious about using people’s vulnerabilities against them.
  10. Her family seems nice and all, but it was more fun when it was predominantly the friends.
  11. Australian realtor is a real pissah. Nice couple, pretty homes.
  12. Wow, she wanted spousal support from Ryan?! The balls. I knew she wouldn’t take that poor puppy, but if Ryan grows to love her, she’s better off!!
  13. Extra Fabulous - face timing Jamie during the family photoshoot. Took a picture with her on the phone. Jamie mad they took the picture without her and said she hopes they come out terrible. extra scene in the arcade. Whitney vs Lizzie at the hoops game. 43-24 Lizzie. Whitney wasn't obnoxious about losing. Frying the turkey. They talked about someone Glenn knows burned his whole body when he fell on a frying turkey that tipped over. Jamie shows up and calls Whitney her favorite aunt. Said she shouldn't say that out loud cuz she has many aunts. They compete over who Madeline will go to and she chooses Whitney and wouldn't give Jamie a kiss. They've really got nothing this year lol
  14. Ayan's outfits don't bother me because I'm only watching. I like to see what she'll show up in. (Lion head dress is hilarious.) But, In real life, I'm sure she'd be too much for me. The glimpse into her home showed huge pictures of her everywhere. Reminded me of Sigourney Weaver's Katherine's apartment from Working Girl. She can be funny, but its enough already with 'I'm so beautiful & fabulous' act. Lesa's husband is cute. Love the accent. She's in the mix now, sharing that voice note. But I'm glad it's out because I never saw a genuine connection between Sara and Brooks. Sara seems like she could be fun, but is too aware of how she's supposed to behave. Stanbury is still a favorite to watch because she just says whatever she wants.
  15. Yeah, not much to say about this one. Felt like an hour of Hunter saying he's nervous and not much else. Liked Glen trying all the jackets. I would've chosen the black one with the most subtle accents. Did Angie get her eyes done? She looked a bit different in her talking heads. Didn't need to see Angie shaving Whitney's armpits. I don't care what women choose to do with their body hair. (Your body, your choice!). But I feel too sweaty with armpit hair, especially as a women with a heavier arm. But to each their own! Karen seemed like she knew everyone already.
  16. I Loved Stanbury calling bullshit to her face. Brooks just wanted to make a grand entrance. And It was annoying how many of them squealed for her. She got what she wanted. Being her friend must be exhausting with an ego that needs such constant feeding. Sergio’s joke about coming on the trip was funny. Not sure they expected the negative reaction to be that severe tho.
  17. It’s so funny how money is relative. I’d be rich as hell where I live if I got that much $ a month!
  18. I agree. Kristie telling Rod that it was basically his fault Gypsy married Ryan was just mean. I hope it’s just production getting in her ear, but considering she stayed phone besties with Ken, I think she’s just messy. Good points all about Ryan interacting with Pixie. I hope he continues to build a good bond with her. Such a cute and affectionate puppy❤️ Ken didn’t say much. So, no idea what kind of man he is. But I’ll never believe that ‘broke up with Gypsy to set her free’ bullshit. Rod should just start adding a nursery to his house now.
  19. Ryan and Gypsy are both assholes. He let that puppy fall between the table and the couch and didn’t even jump to grab her or see if she was ok. Then, when he was crying, Pixie tried to comfort him and he ignored her. And Gypsy ditched that dog and will probably get a Husky with Ken. She was so cruel to send that picture of her and Ken to Ryan. What does she expect him to say? Then, she tells him she still loves him? That’s just nasty. Good for her sister calling her mom out. I like her.
  20. Jenn’s parents are most likely doing it for the grandkids. I see it all the time. The grandparents constantly stepping in to bail their kid out because if they didn’t, where would their grandkids be? And Jenn’s got a handful of them.
  21. Jenn doesn't bring much to the table except being Tamra's punching bag last season, and I guess, Gina's this season. (A little justified, but I don't want to hear Gina's Screeching for Justice every week.). She seems nice, but kind of bland and a bit vacant. Can't they find fun women for these shows? And I don't mean Vickie screaming woohoo and trying too hard to look outrageous. or constant penis talk. Just genuinely witty women with good senses of humor. New girl shows promise. Gina and Emily used to be fun together, but Gina drank a vat of self-importance juice.
  22. I think she expected Taleen to be mad at Stansbury or commiserate with her like close friends tend to do, but instead, Taleen accused Brooks of stirring the pot and causing problems, and told all of this to Stansbury while cozing up to her. Its childish, but I understand why that would bother Brooks.
  23. I watch these screeching harpies with the subtitles on, always. The blondes are all starting too look alike- same hairstyle , same surgeries, same outfits.
  24. Let me guess, Shannon and Alexis will be on opposite flag football teams. Shannon's a better sport than I am (& doesn't want to give up the paycheck) cuz I'd be avoiding any event Alexis participates in. She could have been classy (haha, I know) and given polite answers to the women digging about her ring and relationship, but she had to loudly brag and be all 'nyah nyah I won!' Which is so high school. And this is how you know these women don't like each other because even with a casual friend, I wouldn't allow them to be subjected to that. I certainly wouldn't be asking about her ring and sex life. Ew.
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