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Everything posted by kmayo44

  1. I don't have an issue with wanting to know the gender before birth. That's not really the problem, IMO. Personally, I think this whole obnoxious "gender reveal party" crap is indicative of this generation having been raised to over-celebrate EVERYTHING. The "special snowflake" syndrome is alive and well, with many of these young people being taught that every little thing they do is awesome, unique, and worthy of constant documentation. I adamantly refuse to go to any of these narcissistic events.
  2. Paris is my favorite place on earth. I've been there 4 times. I love French everything, including the food. Frog's legs? YUM! You still aren't getting me to try escargot, though. Sorry, not going there. So I'm giving Jess a pass here. Sometimes things just don't appeal to you, no matter how adventurous you are. Granted, Jess' palate is more limited- no TT casserole in Paris. But hey- at least these two seemed to not act like the typical idiot Americans I find my self apologizing for when I go there, lol.
  3. Not gonna lie, I totally read that in the voice of Karl from "Slingblade".
  4. I know that as a professional singer and conductor I tend to be harsher than most, so I'm trying to keep that in mind. But he had no business singing in that situation. It was a classic rookie mistake. I don't know how much singing in public he had done before that, and I'm gonna guess not much (if at all). While I think with some training he might be pretty good- he chose the most nerve-wracking filled day of his life to SING in public? What the hell? It was awful, amateur hour singing and I had to put it on mute. But again, it's a classic Duggar, out of touch, narcissist move. What idiots. As if that terrible slobbery kiss wasn't enough to be embarrassed about, now we had to sit through that warbling? UGH! LOL!
  5. See, this is part of the hypocrisy of JimBoob and the whole Gothard movement re: "work for yourself and not someone else". Both Derick AND Ben are working for JimBoob! They are depending on him for their housing, they work for the whole TLC production. TLC might be cutting the check, but I guarantee JimBoob makes it clear they need to be on board if they want a cut. I think this is one of the ways I respect Josh a bit more now. No, I don't agree with his politics and I still think he is pretty smug at times. But this guy was raised to think he was a special Gothard snowflake and frankly, his parents put a TON of pressure on him to marry early and "pave the way" for his siblings to follow suit. Really, when you think about it- I can see why he would be so smug. He was raised to be! I know he is still working for TLC. But he moved pretty far away from the family and seems to like it this way. He seems to be experiencing the world apart from his father breathing down his neck for every choice he makes. In a way, I think it was pretty brave. I still want to buy him a box of condoms and give his idiotic wife a reality check but hey, that's not really my business.
  6. I agree that it seems insane Derrick is allowed that much time off. He just had a honeymoon not long ago, and instead of saving days (like so many fathers to be do in this country) to spend with his wife and new baby, they are traipsing off to El Salvador? Nice priorities there, young man. EL Salvador is primarily a Catholic country, but Christians like the Duggars don't think Catholics are Christians. I am Catholic and don't feel that way about other denominations in general. I don't get that perspective, we just have different particulars we disagree on, kwim? That said-I never realized how pervasive the Duggars' line of thought is until I moved to the South. I was never confronted with people like this and within my first week I was berated for wearing a pendant with Mary on it (it's called a Miraculous Medal)...in the children's section of the library, for crying out loud! After she tried to "save" me, I told her that my personal relationship with Jesus is real and IMO He didn't take too kindly to people slamming his mother. :) (I'm not trying to proselytize here- just explaining the mindset these tools have about their "faith")
  7. Ok, I agree with about 90% of your perspective :) What I respectfully disagree with is the idea that anyone is owed ANYTHING from their parents' estates upon their deaths. I have repeatedly told my parents that while I appreciate their generosity in their wills, I hope they don't deprive themselves of anything while they are alive just to leave me and my brothers some $$. I don't EXPECT anything, KWIM? They worked hard for their $, saved diligently and have retired in style. They travel extensively and I hope they do so as long as they are able. It is not their job to provide me with a payout when they die. I get why they are doing it- they love us :) Lest you think I am some kind of Scrooge, I have kids and hope to do as my parents are doing for us for them many years from now, but I don't believe I'm owed anything and my kids aren't owed an inheritance, either. It's a nice "bonus", lol. On that note- this idea that Tre and Joe will be leaving them with "little more than a pot to pee in" upon their deaths as a terrible thing isn't even in my scope of what is wrong with those tools. The fact that no matter what happens in the rest of the girls' lives, they have seen their parents go to jail over greed and selfishness, ripping their whole family apart for many years (if not a lifetime) is what makes me furious. And it was for literally ALL the world to see on this show. Forever documented. They will always be the daughters of "disgraced RHONJ cast members Teresa and Joe Guidice". That's a legacy no amount of $ will ever erase. I can feel my blood pressure rising, lol. I need a drink!!
  8. #parentingdoneright #priorities LOL!! Personally, I will be teaching my chorus class at that time. "Um...sopranos, take it from measure 8 of the Handel and just keep going until you get to the homophonic section!!" I could probably check my phone in that amount of time, lol.... God, I need help.
  9. YES!! This shit just got real. Oh well, Teresa, at least you can have your own version of "Orange is the New Black", with that stupid orange spray tan. I still feel horrible for their daughters who deserve better than these knuckle dragging mouth breathers for parents. At least they have lots of family tohelp them through it.
  10. I was born and raised Catholic, still am (to a certain extent, lol- I'm more the "cafeteria style" Catholic at this point). I was born in Brooklyn and raised in Staten Island- just over the bridge from these lunatics. There is a very strong cultural Catholic "pull" in the Italian American community in Jersey and NY. In other words, even if you just go to church enough to register your kids for CCD (you know, so you can throw stupidly huge First Communion parties that are as large as most weddings, for example) you DO know how to make the sign of the cross. I cannot stress how ridiculous it is that they don't have a clue what they are doing! They are NOT Orthodox, and there is no reason for them to do it with the right shoulder first. Amber and Jim are posers- they managed to be the only Italian Americans in NJ to not be able to even FAKE being Catholic.That is no small feat. IME even those who consider themselves to be "nominally" Catholic know that basic shit. I don't really care if they (or anyone else, for that matter) are practicing or not- it's none of my business or concern. I do, however, have a problem when they present themselves as practicing and they don't know the first thing about the faith (literally the FIRST prayer we teach the kids is the Sign of the Cross, lol). Don't get me started on "Lentil Season".
  11. This. I'm getting the damned Fabellini and the pastries. The money from the wine isn't going into Teresa's pocket- the government is going to get it! So screw you, Teresa! And of course Kathy's cannolis just to spite Teresa? Well, that's just a bonus. Excuse me while I go bedazzle my handbasket to hell. You know, that in and of itself is somewhat of a feat....being "coo-coo for cocoa puffs" insane and yet a complete snoozefest.
  12. I have been watching these "HW" shows since they started- all of them. So I have seen a lot of nasty, stupid behavior. And I also know that many of the situations are prodded by production to get film-worthy reactions, so I get that aspect, too. Not all of this is real, we know that. But this Teresa and Joe Guidice situation IS real, painfully real and has me RAGING inside whenever I see them talking about it- I actually had to turn off the TV at some point. I've never had that happen while watching any of these shows. Watching Gia cry on TV felt so intrusive, and Teresa for allowing it onscreen should be throat punched to the moon. What a horrible mother. It's not bad enough making yourself out to be a victim in the illegal mess YOU created, attempting to garner sympathy for you and your troll of a husband...but you subject Gia to onscreen discussions of it? I understand that Gia is 14 and old enough to comprehend what she is hearing about the situation...and they should be preparing her for the worst case scenario. But in PRIVATE. These people have NO conscience. They have NO shame. You signed up for this shit show- the kids did not. Ok, rant over. I can't even bother to comment on the other nonsense because it pales in comparison IMO.
  13. I'm going to say that I LOATHE Heather and her condescending attitude, which makes this even funnier because she said it WRONG! The word "timbre" is properly pronounced the "Lipton" way. I use this term with my voice students, and my fellow classically trained musicians use that term "timbre" in reference to the "color", or the sound of a particular instrument or someone's voice (I'm a classically trained singer, so we hear this term all the time). There's your music nerd "fun fact" for the day, lol! Heather just wants to be "right" that she doesn't pay attention to the details. If you can't even get the pronunciation right, then you've got no business giving Lizzie the side-eye for saying something wrong, either!
  14. ME TOO!!! Oh Lord, I can't stop watching it! So trashy, so insane. And entertaining as hell, lol.
  15. I agree. I was in Paris, Salzburg, Berchtesgaden (Germany) and Vienna last month with my husband and two kids. And the most obnoxious travelers in each place were not always the Americans. They were Chinese, every time. So frustrating. It's worse when they are in groups- they literally will run you off the street. When a few of them almost knocked my 10 year old son off the side of the mountain when we went to the Kehlsteinhaus (The Eagle's Nest, Hitler's "retreat" in the German Alps) just so they could take a freaking picture, you're damned right I got "ugly American" on them! Ok, it was more Mama Bear, but I'm just saying. And don't get me started on their iPad photography and 'selfie sticks" that they slam into everyone around them, lol. IME traveling abroad these past few years, I have spoken to many Americans who are keenly aware of how Americans are perceived, and go out of their way to not be obnoxious. I'm not saying there aren't those who don't care to learn any local customs and act like fools. But they aren't always the worst offenders anymore, and bad manners is, unfortunately, a universal language. My issue with Vicki and Tamara is that they do not seem to be in any way curious about the world around them- outside of the OC! Do you think either of those two nitwits bothered to even open a travel book or visit a travel site, etc to see what it might be like? I seriously doubt it. They are both losing out on incredible opportunities when all they do is pine for their California existence. They are being given a wonderful opportunity to explore a place many can't because of the cost, etc and they are essentially shitting on it. Or are getting wasted to get through it. It's embarrassing to watch.
  16. Here is my problem with this perspective- Ramona has made an entire "career", if you will, of attacking the marriages and children of several other HW's (specifically, LuAnn). She has demonstrated a pattern of behavior where she says things about others' kids (which IMO is so much worse than saying things about another's marriage- they are kids, they are not people on the show of their own choices) and others' marriages, almost to the point of reveling in the pain of others just to make hay and to make "points" with the viewers. And then she would try to excuse her vitriol with "I'm just telling the truth!" Please. She LOVED the schadenfreude- she just never figured she would ever be the focus of it, and she was smug as hell. If Ramona had ever conducted herself with compassion and understanding and -to use your word, sympathy- she might have gotten some. You reap what you sow, bitch. So with that in mind, and remembering that these people are on a show that follows their lives, she does NOT get to change the rules now. She does NOT get to use Avery as a shield. She does NOT get to sit there and act like nothing happened to her marriage. She could have come up with something to say that acknowledged the turmoil but then say "We are working through this and we are trying our best to learn from it." Or some shit like that. While it still would have been copping out on some level, at least it wouldn't have insulted the intelligence of the viewers who KNOW what went on and act like she is in some parallel universe! I personally think Andy is an asshole, but no one, including Andy, makes this woman (or any of them, for that matter) go on a reality show about her life. Don't be so fucking surprised when people ask you about your life, idiot!!!
  17. As if the whole LV luggage scenario was not indicative enough of how out-of-control Kim's spending is, then she admits to losing $250,000 at some point gambling...and THEN drops $1200 on freaking scratch-off tickets? WHO DOES THAT?? Someone who doesn't truly value what they earn. I've got no problem with people spending on nice things if they really have the $ and are wise the rest of the time with it. But does anyone really think she is being savvy with her $ for the long term? Please. Buying LV luggage for infants? Give me a freaking break. That said, Kim makes me laugh at times, and those 4 babies are freaking adorable! Kroy seems like a nice enough guy. But man is he the dullest tool in the shed to not see what is coming in a few years! They will have NO $$ left. Even though Kim is still somewhat popular now, that will change soon. I give this show one more season at most. And then what will she do? What will HE do when he can't play football anymore? And then they have 6 kids to support. The level of fiscal stupidity is astounding.
  18. This. It's pretty much dead on how I feel about her. Ramona has ALWAYS mocked other housewives for their marriages, not giving a crap that many had kids as well to think about. But suddenly Avery might hear that her father is a cheating scumbag and NOW Ramona calls for silence? Screw her. I wouldn't ever wish marital woes on anyone- including Ramona. But you cannot do and say the things you do over the course of years, establish a pattern of horrible behavior, and then demand your own misfortunes be ignored and not discussed. It's hypocritical and laughable to say the least. You reap what you sow, bitch. Bullies like Ramona don't learn anything unless they are smacked back with similar behavior. And I, for one, cannot wait to see that hateful, horrible hag squirm.
  19. There are so many things I'm outraged about...between the bratty kids Teresa has spawned, Melissa's shit-stirring re:Amber, Nicole and Theresa acting like the Bobsie twins from hell....but those things are actually par for the course around RHNJ. What REALLY has me steamed is this nonsense that Teresa and Joe are perpetuating- that THEY are victims. Look, I get that family needs to support family. And when this was filmed, the Guidices had not pled out yet, so that's probably where much of the support and towing the party line is coming from in regards to Melissa, JoeGo and Dina- it was up in the air. But both Teresa and Joe committed crimes. They pled guilty because they knew the evidence was so great they had no real choice. A trial would have sent them both away for much longer than a guilty plea at sentencing. THEY are not victims. The people they scammed are victims. Their daughters are victims. And sitting watching those two act like they have done nothing wrong is as heinous as the crimes they committed. All so they can have a life of luxury they were not entitled to, because they didn't earn it. They are pathological in their lies, and I want to throat punch both of them every time they sanctimoniously try to tell everyone that their "troubles" aren't of their own doing. I understand that much of what "reality" shows present are producer driven manipulation for our entertainment. I accept that as part of watching this stuff. But this crap? It's real. Those 4 innocent girls (yes, even the bratty one, lol) are the ones who will pay for their parents' crimes for the rest of their lives. And that is heartbreaking to me. Rant over, sorry.
  20. I did, and I said "hypocrite" when it happened...Melissa's "singing career" would NEVER had gotten any attention without this show. So if Melissa can play that game, so can Amber. I am not a fan of Amber in general from what I can see, but Melissa needs to have several seats IMO>
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