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Everything posted by cardigirl

  1. It's also a very cruel way to kill an animal.
  2. Just musing along. With the idea that Ben is actually Loretta's child, and Dickie was the miracle baby born afterwards, Ben would have to play younger than he was, which was mentioned when he talked about playing his role in Girl Cop, he was 31 playing 17, supposedly. So ... if Ben was adopted and named Richard initially, but later became the actor with a future, it's possible that his name was switched, to protect the family from ... his bio parents from showing up? Maybe that's what Loretta meant by she was too far into this? The date discrepancies, the thought that the "big city director" that was implicated as Loretta's child's father looks a lot like Ben, and the oinking noises Loretta AND Ben made. Also the meta joke that Paul Rudd is ageless. And wondering why Ben told Loretta he knew a snake when he saw one. (Oh, that was probably because she was convincing Dickie to leave him. That happened before the poisoning.) With regards to the photo in the letter update, it's just the mother and the two boys, one a toddler and one an infant, and honestly, I wouldn't recognize either adult Ben or adult Dickie from that picture. And we were only told of the one update. Possibly there were more. She knew the name of the family so when a Glenroy started getting famous, possibly her antennae was attuned. And then she assumed that Dickie was the son she gave up, because the family had made that the story. LONGSHOT, I know. And I'm never right about anything. I didn't even guess that Jan was the killer in series 1 as I was so wrapped up in thinking Tim's murder had something to do with his backstory with the "Hardy Boys" group. Thanks for reading. LOL.
  3. Loretta made a bunch of similar pig noises during her dinner date with Oliver.
  4. Don't have time to re-watch right now, but things I'm wondering about: Charles telling Ben, "I know what you did." And mentioning that he did so while the trio was establishing the timeline. Loretta saying, "I'm in so deep now" after Charles tells her they've cleared Dickie. What the heck did that mean? Picture of Dickie as CoBro, is it really him? What's going to happen next episode? 😱
  5. I thought the detective said they thought it was murder because he was poisoned in the theatre before he died. He apparently recovered from that, so not sure why the death by falling down an elevator shaft would have to be murder. Apparently they're thinking someone was out to get Ben.
  6. Poor Ben! Wish his sewing circle had made it to the theater. 😢 Great episode!!!
  7. I doubt it's a prop error. Also why show Loretta on a bus looking at a couple with and infant in their arms indicating she was leaving her child with them, yet show a bus ticket with that date? It might not mean anything at all. "No Strings," the musical Loretta was watching as a child (possibly 7-8 years old), debuted on Broadway in March 1962 and ran til August 1963, if she was watching it in New York. If the baby happened during her senior year, she could have been 18-19 in 1973, which is coordinated with the date on Ben's poster. If she had the baby in 1976, and left for New York then, I don't know what it means. It may never be explained.
  8. On Ben's poster for his funeral it said 1973 through 2023. Loretta's bus ticket, shown at the end of episode 8, says 1976.
  9. We only know what Dickie told us. We know that Loretta gave up a son for adoption, and that the family let her know that they had conceived and had another child. But we really don't know for certain. We'd have to trust that Dickie is telling the full truth, that Loretta was certain which child was which. I think there is room for a reveal or two left. 😁
  10. Rewatched this one recently and enjoyed it much much more the second time around. Also, is there a clue in the aquarium of some kind? Joy sure had a lot of stuff in there.
  11. I walk my cat on a leash and she goes forward ahead of me. She loves it!
  12. The more I think about this idea, the more I love it. Donna said they were literally lighting money on fire for every moment they were in production. It is quite possible that she decided to "help" Cliff by over-selling shares of the show in the hopes it would fail. And it would be just like this show to bring in Mel Brooks and Matthew Broderick to kind of point the way, but in our star-struck eyes (or at least, mine) we overlooked The Producers angle and just watched them interact with Oliver. LOL. Clever.
  13. Quoting someone replying to the Vulture recap of the episode: Which is a thought I had after seeing her return this episode. I can't imagine what her motive would be, but since so much of the cast does theatre, making the theatre critic a murderer would be very satisfying. LOL I think I've accused just about everyone in the show except for the three leads. Really enjoyed this episode, although it felt a bit too on the nose is spots. For me, the best episode of the series will always be The Boy from 6B, because of the storyline, the acting and the way it was cut together. Brilliant. But I liked this episode fine. 😁
  14. Oliver!! 😩 And Mabel had to tell us she's staying with Theo, why couldn't that be a scene? Now I think that maybe Ben was talking to Cliff in his dressing room opening night, instead of cookies.
  15. Re-watching from the beginning and I just noticed that Ben's stalker has the drawing of CoBro that was supposedly the original idea for the franchise. What if he stole the original? And figured out that Dickie was the originator? Don't know if it means anything, just hadn't noticed it before.
  16. "Counterpoint, you have no integrity!" Donna gets some great lines!
  17. Here's a bad screen capture of the hooded person at the silent auction. Maybe it was Uma trying to flog her hankie, but when I first watched the episode, the fact that the person carefully avoided being seen, stood out to me.
  18. Here's a bad screen capture of the hooded person at the silent auction. Maybe it was Uma trying to flog her hankie, but when I first watched the episode, the fact that the person carefully avoided being seen, stood out to me.
  19. I love Theo, and even I would have to handwave away a lot of stuff for Mabel and Theo to fall in love. Theo was responsible for her friend's death, intentional or accident, and then allowed her other friend, Oscar, to sit in jail for 10 years for something Oscar didn't do. I haven't really seen Theo try to make amends for that. I wonder if Mabel has moved into Teddy Dimas's place for the time being, if he is in jail. Maybe Theo offered it to her.
  20. Bunny!!! 🥰 And Uma! 🥰 Not as great at The Boy from 6B, but still a good episode. And kudos to whoever thought that Dickie was Ben's older adopted brother. Who was the hooded guy at the auction? Clearly someone we should suspect. And possibly the one who paid Uma $7 grand for the death rattle hankie. Glad to see that Mabel still talks to Theo with her back turned to him, and he understands her. 🤷‍♂️ That drives me crazy in her scenes with him. But at least she's signing a bit more. Loved Theo's line about Tobert's eyes. Ha ha!! Matthew Broderick was hilarious and I loved the cameo from Mel Brooks. Will re-watch this one several times.
  21. Many of us suspected Mabel's love interest last season, as she was secretive and underhanded and betrayed Mabel's trust. I'm just going to say that last season, a lot of the pieces didn't seem to lead the viewer anywhere. First season was the same, in that I didn't really know who the murderer was (lots of people claimed they did) and once the show made it clear that she was the murderer, we didn't know the WHY until the last episode. Same with season 2, and I could have never guessed in a million years the motive for killing Bunny. This show gives us so many misdirects, that we are all running around in circles. What do we actually know? There are few facts given us. 1. Loretta and Ben had an altercation. Fact. But was she the aggressor or was Ben? We've heard it both ways (In between the lines there's a lot of obscurity ... 🍍). 2. A Ben collapsed on stage with blood (looked like blood) trickling out of his mouth. 3. A Ben returned triumphant to Oliver's opening night party, where he proceeded to fake apologize to everyone BUT Loretta, inferring that she was a snake (a treacherous person, especially one who feigns friendship—a concealed danger). 4. A lifeless Ben falls through the elevator shaft. We don't if they were all the SAME Ben, or twins or triplets but nothing concrete has been said in the show to support that. 5. Charles punched Ben. He also told him to "stay away from her" and "I know what you did." We don't know what Charles is referring to specifically, was it the altercation on the lighthouse with Loretta, or something else? 6. Ben was talking to someone in his dressing room that night. That's the fact, it's on the video we saw. But we don't yet know who or what, we can guess that maybe he was talking to cookies, his biggest temptation. 7. Tobert knew about the video. Whether or not his story about Ben taking the camera and running off with it is true, we don't know. But Tobert knew that the video was in Ben's apartment. How did he know the police hadn't confiscated it yet? 8. Harold says that KT's office door was locked opening night. KT says she never locks that door. So something happened that we won't find out about until the reveal. 9. Fact, Dickie is now repping Loretta. Loretta called him sweet. 10. Someone wrote F*cking Pig on Ben's mirror with Joy's lipstick. 11. Handwriting will be key? like it was in series 1? And will our unanswered questions from season 1 ever get answered? (Who left note for Jan? Who poisoned Winnie? Who was the big engagement ring for that went to Bunnie's instead of Tim's?) That's it, feel free to add facts to the list.
  22. I loved that scene and thought it showed what a great director Oliver could be. I didn't really think it revealed a "different" Ben, just showed Ben learning from Oliver. But I want MORE scenes like that. And like the scene of Mabel imagining her conversation with Ben. Very strong, beautiful scenes.
  23. The highlighting comment is interesting because during the first read-thru, Loretta messed up because she hadn't highlighted one of her lines. Just a call back to that first episode. I mean, I know that actors do that with their scripts to more easily find their lines, and I imagine a stage director is highlighting stage directions, for lighting cues, etc. But interesting nonetheless.
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