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Everything posted by Angel12d

  1. I know. When I think of it that way, it really is more of the same. But the EP's have made it pretty clear that Laurel is going to be BC and will be taking steps towards that, so I just think it's weird to continue that precedent set with Sara if they're really going there this season. It makes even less sense now. I can't help but think that they never intended or expected Sara to be so popular and accepted as the Canary and now they want to continue with that popularity which is great but it does Laurel's rise to BC no favors.
  2. I can see how a flashback to Sara's time with the LoA would link nicely to Ra's al Ghul (and I'm all for it, don't get me wrong) but I just think if they're so determined to turn Laurel into BC they need to focus less on Sara's incarnation of the Canary. I already think Sara is a better BC because she has the history, motivation and the training and showing that is not going to make me feel differently. I guess I just don't understand. I need to stop thinking about this and wait and see what they do.
  3. What I don't understand is that they're talking about maybe doing a flashback of Sara and how she met Nyssa and her time training with the LoA. But why go to all that trouble if they intend for Laurel to be the Black Canary? Surely they're just giving the audience more reason to like Sara as BC because we'll be seeing her evolution to the person we saw in s2. What does Laurel get? Oh, yeah, Laurel just wants to be her sister. Huh?! I'm really confused as to where they are going with this.
  4. Yeah, ditto to what everyone else has said. No way did I ever think Oliver was addicted to killing. WTF. I just saw that killing had become almost normal to him because it was ingrained as a means of survival for five years. You don't shake that instantly. And killing the Count had nothing to do with 'slipping up' and everything to do with the person who was in danger.
  5. I don't understand that at all. Am I to assume they mean that Laurel is the best person for Oliver because she knows true loneliness? How does Sara not know loneliness? She also lost her family for five years. And also, was Oliver ever truly alone? I know we have more flashbacks to come yet but for the first two years on the island he always had someone with him. So I don't understand what point they're trying to make tbh. Most importantly though, why does Oliver need to be fixed? Surely it's what Digg was talking about - finding the person who is already the right fit for him. That is definitely not Laurel.
  6. Omg you're talking about that tumblr post, right? I saw that and wanted to rage too. My dislike of Laurel has ZERO to do with Felicity/Olicity. I had problems with her character and how KC portrayed her long before Felicity was even on my radar. I didn't like her in the PILOT. There was a harshness about her that I found instantly off-putting. The way they wrote her as this saintly do-gooder was so heavy handed, as was the constant O/L one true love thing which I couldn't get to grips with because their backstory was so disgusting and toxic. And when Laurel was so back and forth with her feelings for Oliver and Tommy I just ended up so frustrated and angry because she had a guy who loved and adored her and wanted to prove himself to her and she broke his heart to go back with a guy who broke hers by sleeping with her sister. How could I possibly be sympathetic to that?! I really hate when people assume that just because we like Olicity we automatically hate Laurel. One is not synonymous with the other. People are more than capable of separating their likes and dislikes. It's insulting to our intelligence by suggesting otherwise.
  7. Ugh. That's exactly what they're going to do, isn't it? I can see that happening. I mean, as I said, I can totally understand Roy being upset with Felicity because he outright asked her but if he still doesn't know the truth when s3 comes round, then they all lied to him so they should all be blamed. Do we know for sure that Laurel will be involved or is this speculation? I'm a little fuzzy on spoilers tbh so I'm not sure.
  8. I agree. I haven't seen/heard any spoilers about this so if they do revisit it and Felicity still hasn't told him, then absolutely there should be consequences for her. But at the same time, they all knew what Roy did so I don't think it should be on her completely. But I do understand why people will think that, given that it was Felicity who Roy asked first.
  9. I have so much that I love(d) about Arrow! 1. Diggle. He was the first who didn't take any of Oliver's shit. And I love how assured he is in himself. I remember how David Ramsey said that he's already had a similar journey to Oliver so he knows what he's going through but he's already come out on the other side. I love that connection too. 2. Olicity. These two surprised me though. I liked them but didn't realize how much until late s2. Love their friendship, the trust between them. The loyalty. And their chemistry is off the charts. I'm rooting for them all the way but I'm more than happy to wait. I'm all about the journey and build up. 3. Quentin Lance. He grew on me so much. I'm looking forward to seeing how he copes being desk-bound as Captain. I imagine he's gonna struggle and I'm interested to see how that plays out. 4. Team Arrow. I know it will expand and that's fine but I am all about the original three. Their dynamic is on fire. 5. The salmon ladder. Obviously. 6. The stunts. I'm in awe pretty much always. I rewind a lot of the stunts just so I can rewatch. Outside of Slade and Oliver's finale fight which intercut between past/present, my favorite was the one where Oliver and Sara had to fight with each other's weapons and then switched back at the end. That was awesome. 7. The soundtrack adds something else to the show. Blake Neely is incredible. 8. Moira Queen. I was pretty surprised by how much I loved her and was so sad when she died. She did some seriously questionable things but there's no doubt she loved her children. Susanna Thompson blew me away with her scenes. What an actress! 9. Felicity. I love everything about her and I'm not ashamed to admit that when she arrived on the show I sat up and took notice and was like 'um, this is who I've been waiting for.' And when people hate on her I will just love and support her even more. 10. BARROWMAN. Love him. Can't wait to see what happens with Malcolm and Thea. I'm actually pretty excited for their storyline and how Oliver will react to what they've been doing for how many months.
  10. I know Roy needs to be told the truth about what he did during his mirakuru-induced rage but I actually thought it wasn't the appropriate time for him to find out when he asked. So I think Felicity did the right thing in that moment. If, however, he's continued to ask over the months and she (they) still hasn't told him, that's the mistake. But when they were trying to save the city? Not the right time at all. I don't think Felicity should be placed at blame for that.
  11. I'm having trouble thinking of intentional character flaws too. I honestly can't think of any right now, apart from her being completely indecisive in the way she acted with Oliver in s1 (first she hated him, then she wanted him, then she hated him…ugh the back and forth was tedious and made me completely unsympathetic towards her). I think that's part of the problem though, especially in s1, because she was written as this saintly do-gooder who was fighting for those in need but the way KC played it just didn't come across. How are we supposed to relate to a character who is presumably flawless? It just doesn't work. I know they tried to fix that in s2 with the addiction storyline (even saints have problems!) but again, the way they half-assed it just didn't make me warm to her. They really had a lot of chances to fix Laurel (maybe have her happy her sister was alive instead of accusing her of stealing her life... etc…) but they squandered them all. I honestly have no idea what they were thinking. I just hope they can pull it back but I'm doubtful.
  12. Wow. If SA can go back on Oliver being jealous of Barry (dude clearly was, come on), then he can probably go back on his statement of there being only one woman in his life. I really hope not but I can suddenly see why some people don't exactly trust what's been said. I'm finding out so much from this forum. I had no idea. I agree though. 2x14 was really OOC for Oliver, especially in light of his actions with Felicity the previous episode. That's why it was all plot driven rather than character driven which made it awkward. They needed Oliver to be clueless otherwise the whole episode would have fallen apart. If he had noticed Felicity's discomfort/problem then there wouldn't have been an issue in the first place and no episode lol. Same with Sara wanting Oliver to go to the family dinner. I refuse to believe someone who knows she's hurt her sister with her past actions would willingly want to do that to her again by inviting Oliver to dinner. But Oliver needed to be there so he could have that fight with Laurel in the hallway. None of it made sense but they had to change the characters to get there and that's bad.
  13. Yikes. Yeah, um, personally I don't think she was at rock bottom long enough. They should have had her spiral the whole season and maybe start to come out the other side going into s3. The addiction storyline didn't really come across as her island tbh even though I appreciated what they were trying to do.
  14. CLAPS. Yeah, I've never understood that argument either. I've said before that EBR has taken what little she's been given and made her completely three dimensional. That's why I was never bothered that we hadn't had any backstory yet because I never felt like something was missing. Obviously I want to know more and it's time to learn more about her now but not once did I ever think Felicity wasn't a fully realized character.
  15. I think it was both. He didn't want her to know and he didn't want her to think badly of him because it's Isabel and they hadn't had the best relationship up to that point and suddenly he's sleeping with her? And I think he did have sexual/romantic feelings for Felicity but I don't think he was fully aware of it at that moment. To me that realization came much much later in s2.
  16. Yeah maybe 'upset' is the wrong word here. But he definitely didn't want her to find out.
  17. Yeah, Oliver really did make some questionable choices in the mid to late s2 episodes. I could have excused his thing with Sara if it had just been a one night stand because they both needed comfort or whatever but a full blown relationship was just weird and wrong. I mean, they both felt so guilty about what they did to Laurel in the past and then just repeated it but it was even worse because not even a year before Oliver had slept with Laurel again. Ew. Just wrong on so many levels. I'm still not over Sara inviting him to a family dinner. Who does that? I also found Oliver quite stand-offish to Felicity in ToD which I thought was OOC of him tbh but they were really just trying to halt the progress that they'd made earlier in the season just so S/O seemed more palatable/made more sense. Of course it didn't but I think that's what they were trying to do.
  18. omg I laughed out loud at the poster with a tiny Ray Palmer on lol.
  19. Ouch. I get where he's coming from. People can alter the poster for themselves on tumblr or whatever but it's unnecessary on his page. But still. A little harsh, dude.
  20. Get ready because Laurel Lance is gonna be all up on our screens, saving the world and running florist shops. Seriously though. Isn't the florist thing too obvious? I wouldn't be surprised if it's related to that Cupid in some way.
  21. I had no idea about the connection between Sherwood Florist and BC/GA but I just googled it and lol. Ok.
  22. LOL I find even the insinuation of O/L being something in a future we won't have to watch really off-putting! Ugh. No! Sara being dead doesn't change that for me. I remember seeing some comments about how it would be ok for O/L to get together again a couple of years down the line, you know, after his thing with Sara is over and I'm like EW. He still slept with her sister. Time doesn't change that. But yeah. I like the idea of her going evil. I actually think that's what they should have done in s2. Really break her down, rock-bottom, tear everything apart. She had the motivation for it with Tommy's death and the guilt. Then they could have spent time building her back up. They went wrong on so many levels! They really half-assed it. Agreed. Even before I started to like Olicity (that came later for me) I assumed they'd go back to Lauriver eventually but I HATED the idea. I find it seriously off-putting. That's multiplied now that Oliver is clearly in love with Felicity. I just don't see a way back there. Not a believable one anyway. And yes, that's what I'm looking for too. Motivation. If they get that right then I might be able to buy her becoming BC. It all depends on that though and I'm not convinced the writers have it in them. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt though, for now.
  23. Wow, that is an action packed episode!
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