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Everything posted by Racj82

  1. Mild is not the word I would use to describe that beating. Yes, it could have been worse. It still wasn't mild. He looked like he just got his ass kicked by Mike Tyson.
  2. I feel like Owen Hunt on Grey's Anatomy is their equivalent to Luka on ER. Right on down to the inconsistent writing and the why are you still here of it all. Good Lord Mark's death dragged. That's partly the point. We see clips of ongoing issues some patients go through but we saw all of it with Mark and it was a lot.
  3. Racj82

    S04.E14: False Face

    Being with of the leads in real life (Andre) may be giving her staying power. Also, I don't disagree with you guys but nighttime soaps are filled with those types of characters that just live on and on to be a thorn in characters sides.
  4. She's already been there. So this episode. Multiple women clamour over dudes that are proven cheaters that don't even seem like they want to change. A whole house of people cheered because a woman was proven to not have banged her exes uncle. The massive dirt on Derrick is he's banging girls while single that Angela was worried about months ago. No texts from them. Just current ones. The black women are just there for gossip or being used for numbers. Part if this is on the show. Both of the black women and dude with a black female ex are saved for last? Why? Gucci's ex looks like she may have once been male and is try hard as fuck. What is the end goal of this show? Why fight to stay to the end? You can bang these people afterwards. Oh and a guy has underwear with a fucking dogs face on the crotch that he asks women to pet? I fucking can't. These dudes have no game or substance. None if them do but it's just a bunch if the most shallow people in the house. Which I guess is most MTV people in a house shows now But, this is super sad. At least the challenge and are you the one have more than a few genuine people in the house.
  5. Racj82

    S04.E14: False Face

    Shout out to the great 90s film Set It Off with that love scene. The exact same song playing when Jada Pinkett and Blair Underwood were getting it on.
  6. On rewatched, I just saw Benton and Corday's first night out where they played darts and Benton got tipsy for the first time. I love it. Benton is so happy. Even before he drank anything. I also admit there dancing was pretty sexy. I hate Carol sabotaging the engagement. I mean if she wasn't ready she wasn't ready and Doug was moving pretty fast. But, her acting like he had no right to be mad at the kiss because of his past is bullshit. That's why you don't get back with cheaters. Because if you are going to throw it back in their face then you really shouldn't be back with them.
  7. The word constantly doesn't apply here imo. He shouldn't have brought it up at all because that past history has nothing to do with the present in general terms. I know what he was really trying to point out that she had a threesome with a complete stranger and she can't even generate a holding of the hand with him. Still it wasn't all the time. Molly has never even implied that herself.
  8. The show was always consistent with show that Carter's heart was always with the patients. Missing his graduation to help ease a scared patient is just more of that. Just watched Ramano's first episode. Of course his first real lines are about Chris Rock being able to say the n word over and over when he can't. Of course he is THAT guy.
  9. I'm not really one for pointing out mistakes or nitpicking but something really stuck out to me. I swear in season 4 episode 4 when the bough breaks at a little after 7 minutes, Kerry enters the scene to address Doug but she doesn't call him Doug. She calls him Mark. I had to rewind it a few times to make sure i wasn't crazy. Anyway, rewatch thoughts. I into season four right now. I had no memory of how long Mark's post attack meltdown lasted. It's going on for a while. I thought he would be making more steps forward after throwing the gun away. I felt bad for the guy Jeannie basically dumped to get back at Al. In my mind, he left because he couldn't fully let go of his fear with aids but he was all in. She just bailed. I understand it's probably easier to be with someone going through what you are going through but it still sucked. I love the Kerry/Jeannie friendship. Just really sweet and Kerry was so protective of her. It's funny to me that we spent a whole year of Carol trying to be a doctor only for her to realize she was great where she was. That was a lot of work to come to that conclusion. I also cracked up at how much Doug looked like House from the show with the long coat and his limp with the aide of a cane in season 3 for a couple of episode. Kerry's dry "that's not funny" when she thought he was mocking her limp next to her made me chuckle.
  10. None of these people should be allowed to breed. I'm only 35 but these people they get for these shows make me feel old as fuck.
  11. My grandmother had a toilet with a small toilet hole so damn near anything over a average size was getting clogged and you had to break it down to get it through. Equally gross and a pain in the was even if didn'thappen all the time.
  12. I'm going to end up way behind in my current streaming practices but ER has got me hooked again. Thanks Hulu. I'm currently in the middle of season 3. The Gant arc is concluding and it's hard to watch. Carter, in particular, was such weasel in this arc. Leaving Gant hanging during the holiday to spend more fucking time with Keaton somehow pissed me off more than him leaving him hanging with Anspaugh. I expect nothing different from Benton. Susan leaves and the show is literally not missing her at all. I still have a uber crush on Stringfield and her voice is one of the sexiest things ever but I still don't miss her. It still bugs me that she randomly bounced from the show twice. I didn't know she had only signed like a three year contract when she came back. But, if I'm remembering correctly, she promoted to chief attending and then left right after that. I was like, just leave, after that. Chuny and Mark...i don't hate it this time around. I'm happy to see Mark smiling for a change. I'v seen some comments about not buying into the Mark and Doug friendship. I do but I see it differently now in that Mark being Doug's boss and Doug being a rule breaker and kind of a fuck up were always going to put them at odds. But, the underlying love is always there. Why does Carol have such shitty interactions with other women? Especially with Jeannie. I don't get why she had such a bug up her butt about about Boulet.
  13. Sure. I get what you are saying. It just didn't bother me or garner much thought on my end.
  14. I honestly never cared that Doug and Carol weren't at the funeral. I never understood the analyzing of it either. I never gave it a second thought. Everyone at the funeral were already in cast of just left that season. So, that's as much thought as I put into it. We as tv viewers often don't get the character returns that make sense or character resolutions we want because various reasons. I don't get upset about it. That's just tv.
  15. All I want this show or any show regardless of the genre is be to be true to itself. This show has always been true to itself. It hasn't suddenly gone dramatic. There is no change. They've always had the goal of tackling the hard issues. To not just be a sitcom. To not just be anything. None of this bothers me. I just want good writing. The writing within this episode was really good. Dre in particular, has his flaws but the issue in this episode cones from a real place with him. He over worries. He thinks too far into the future. This has always been a issue between them. I'm glad they are attacking it instead of continually brushing it under the rug.
  16. Ughh, this episode. I don't like any animals and never want them in my presence. So, I just couldn't stand this episode. Super pet people drive me nuts too. And I was laid off of a job and forced to work full time as a courier which was my second job where I was in the warehouse all the time. So, now I have to worry about dogs way too often. Everyone needs a damn dog these days. Drives me nuts. Even in businesses. I took my route to avoid pets but gamily friendly offices made that an issue. Needless to say, I side with Dre in all aspects.
  17. They are letting you know who's on and how the show will operate. Far from the first time this has been done. But, if you are already in the bag for the show, it doesn't matter. Let the shitshow begin.
  18. You didn't miss anything. You were not supposed to know they were together until he called her.
  19. I'll be honest in that I'm not understanding all the negativity towards. He's no more silly or childish than Pauly but that dude always gets a pass. The pizza eating. He was drunk and picking at his food. This is being deemed as creepy. Don't get it. Everything involving him and snooki. Yeah, at a certain point he should have let it go. But, he was trying to defuse the tension between them with humor. No malice was intended there. Then, he tried to have a honest combo about what's going on or what are boundaries and that's not okay either? He's not actually worried about being up on her. He's wondering why he can't even be next to her. If Snooki is feeling some way for whatever reason, say it. Being this defensive actual makes it look worse and her marriage is garbage if any of this is "ruining" anything. I know the prior sex they had makes things murky but just don't come here then. All the whining can fuck off. The toilet thing is not misogynist. They worried order to do anything. It was bet proposed that they didn't have to take and was there for comedy. It warms my heart to see Mike and Jenni so close now.
  20. I have to laugh at all the soda talk since my favorite youtube channel talked about that topic this past weekend.
  21. Regarding your first question. He probably thought it was a trap. I know I did. Although, Negan got what he wanted both ways.
  22. Whether or not anyone believed in the amazing success of black panther, it was poised to make 150 million opening weekend a month out from it's release opening weekend. Oh and it's a marvel movie. So, it was always going to be big. There is no reason for them not to book the star of the movie in that regard. But, he was probably to busy to settle in for a week long investment like this. He's still having to run around doing stuff now for the movie. And He's one of focal points for infinity war now which comes out in a few weeks. So they got the star of the biggest films this year right in between their openings. Not even really a bad strategy. Also, damn near everyone took time off for the Olympics which is when the movie opened. Oh and after reading critics in China talk about black panther, people were not wrong about China's issues with black people and black panther made basically the same international and domestic which is rare for a billion dollar open. It has to make more here to compensate for certain other countries. It should still stop people from saying black people can't sell overseas. But, there is something to saying it's harder. At least, in some places.
  23. There has never been a moment where she doesn't talk like that. Even when she was just Instagram famous.
  24. I get the point of the sketch but it was also a excuse to trot out her usual shtick. At least Cardi B reacting to it was humorous.
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