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Everything posted by wovenloaf

  1. Utah... Were those in-ground trampolines? At all three houses? I didn't even know those existed... Or that society still cared about trampolines enough that there would be one at all three homes, ha! The guy seems kind of douchey. He seems too into having every trapping he thinks "rich people" should have in a house... Oh well, if he can afford it, more power to him. And he definitely married up... She looks fantastic after five kids. Kudos to her! As big as those houses were overall, I thought many of the individual rooms they showed weren't as big as I would have expected. Like that dining room they showed in the one they picked - huh? It looked like a nook that was filled up by that six person table. And the master was nice, but didn't really look much bigger than ones you could find in houses a third the size. Plenty large, just not as extravagant as I might have expected in a house that extravagantly large overall.
  2. I just saw this and came here to post about it! Bizarre. Did she not tell her mother she was leaving to film the show? And/or use "going to work on a pot farm" as the excuse? Huh?
  3. My boss has been complaining for the past couple years about how he wants to sell his 11,000 square foot house, but can't get a decent price for it because the demand for homes that massive has gone down so much. (Boo hoo, right...) That's a more extreme example, but yeah in general I think the demand for "bigger, bigger, bigger!" has already gone down quite a bit. Having said that, I think for the most part millenials in 15-20 years will be looking for space to raise a family, like generations before them. They may not want monstrosities, but I don't think they'll be looking for communal living either.
  4. I think that was him, yeah. I guess he was blond. Mr. Wovenloaf is like that - when he was a kid his hair was light blonde, but now it's dark brown. It got darker over his middle school years.
  5. It was nice that the people moving to Valencia weren't too demanding, but I thought it was weird how the lady seemed so unconcerned with the three kids, when it came to finding a home. The guy was worried about having enough living space, etc. But she didn't seem to give the kids' comfort a second thought. A smaller house/apartment is one thing, but she was content to stuff them two deep into those "bedrooms" at the first apartment that were literally the width of a hallway! She kind of acted like they were just extra luggage to tote around on her latest Spanish *adventure!*, but maybe it was just edited that way to play up the cramped-in-the-city-center vs. spacious-but-farther-out narrative HHI loves... I found the "We don't foresee retirement happening for us anyway, so screw it, let's move to Spain" explanation to be a little bizarre too.
  6. Thanks for posting. One of the comments on that article is supposedly Josh. Trying to refute her cheating denials. Interesting he made no attempt to refute the deadbeat dad accusations...
  7. I thought Andrei looked smoking in his tux...damn. I've liked his personality a lot, and have considered him on the better side of decent looking. But he cleans up well, and hair swept to the side was a drastic improvement.
  8. Yeah I think they still have to prove they're actually together for the 2 years (or however long it is). Them being married helps him not be immediately deportable at the end of the 90 days I guess. But it's not like he just gets to go on his merry way in NJ and never see her again... At least in theory.
  9. Ha! Father "How are you going to support my daughter?!" Libby arrested for unpaid child support - I love it. What a jackass.
  10. Just now watching the Memphis episode... "Scary woods people"? Wtf is wrong with this friend? Does she think this behavior is cute? I can't imagine valuing her opinion on anything. I'm guessing the drag racer lady doesn't - they just needed someone to come be dramatic for the show.
  11. San Diego guy had a bit of a burned out surfer vibe, but also seemed really young. It's a good thing he's an ER doctor, because I can't really imagine many people putting their faith in him as their doctor willingly. (I have no doubts he's a fine doctor, but he just seemed so off in the ozone.) That first "modern" house they looked at should just be promptly taken back down. Whoever designed that thing made a terrible mistake. The shower was nice...that's all I got. The third house was lovely. The one they picked was blah on the outside, but I liked the inside. The people in Spokane - what on earth was that third house?? A massive storage shed with some haphazard walls inserted? That thing was a mess. I thought their house back in Colorado looked a lot nicer (at least from the outside) than anything they looked at in Spokane - I was kind of surprised at that. I would think if they thought his job opportunity was so good, it would have been one that enabled them to get something at least comparable to what they had in Colorado, especially since they hadn't had that house long and had done lots of work to it.
  12. I agree. Makes no sense to me. I had a friend in high school that was adamant about not wanting to lose her virginity, but then also had no problem telling us how she had been doing anal with her 20-something year old boyfriend. It was ridiculous. I definitely don't think all, or even most, people who care about waiting until they are married are like that. But some certainly are. Also, not all Christians who think waiting until marriage is important compare non-virgins to "chewed gum" or garbage or whatever. The Duggars and their ilk aren't a representation of how average Christians think or behave. Not by a long shot.
  13. What was her family required to do when David spent all of dinner trashing where they live? Say "gee, you're right, what a dump, thanks for enlightening us!"? Come on. I don't like Evelyn, but from what I've seen her parents and brother have been nothing but gracious to David since he arrived. And I personally have no desire to live in Claremont, but people from there having an affection for it doesn't automatically indicate some kind of moral failing on their part or a "stupid, xenophobic worldview." Evelyn's main failings are that she is annoying and bratty.
  14. "My tacos aren't burning. Your tacos are burning. And that's why she's crying." might be my favorite piece of television.
  15. Have we actually seen anything to suggest he does have a temper or drinking problems? Other than just Libby claiming he gets mad easily? The way she describes him, I was expecting something awful. But I don't think he's been awful at all. He kept his cool just fine with those two jackasses Brother and Father Elizabeth. I'm not sure I would have.
  16. Ugh, Father and Brother Elizabeth standing there guffawing like a couple of buffoons about "Why would you ever go to Moldova, unless you're marrying the king of Moldova?" Well yeah, I mean - you can always come to Tampa and be told what to do by these fat fucks instead! American dream right here, baby!
  17. Soooo glad Kentaro won! He deserved it. And his parents were absolutely adorable. Ayana seems like a lovely person, and I did like the finale dress, but otherwise yuck - so many dowdy mud-colored frocks. I was going to be pissed if she won. Margarita's was gaudy, but otherwise, whatever. She wasn't going to win. Glad her family is okay. I like Brandon, and while I wouldn't wear his stuff (I couldn't pull it off even if I wanted to...) I do like some of it, and I like that it's distinct. But yeesh, that collection was a snooze. I could hardly tell most of them apart. I thought his comment about what real designers do, w 60 looks, revealed the problem. He just wanted to jump forward to that, but in doing so he kind of missed the 10-look challenge at hand. Oh well, he'll do well. He would have with or without this show.
  18. I don't really see it as entitlement or failure to think outside the box. I think when people grow up in a certain kind of house, that style of house often has a homier, more comfortable feeling to it even once you're older. So if it's between a house that style and one in a different style, I don't find a natural gravitation towards the type you grew up in to be odd. (Within reason, of course... I recall an older episode where some people from the east coast were moving to some desert-like area in California, and were saying they wanted a brick colonial. Ha, good luck with that!)
  19. Maybe he gets paid under the table. Plenty of bars/clubs in this country with staff such as bouncers that aren't on the books, it wouldn't surprise me if it's the same over there.
  20. I kind of like her too. She seems to have a decent personality. She needs less trashy clothes and is too done up but I think she is kind of pretty under all that - if she had more normal makeup and lost the crazy contacts I think she'd look fine. And I like that she isn't claiming to be 24 like every other random woman on this show. She may just want money (unclear why she believes that guy has any, but whatever...), but she's not as miserable and nasty about everything like Anfisa. Seems like you could actually have a fun time hanging out with her. From what we've seen anyway. And she didn't throw an insane pouting/shouting temper tantrum about the roommate-house like Anfisa probably undoubtedly would have.
  21. He is a real doctor. I think he is an ear, nose, and throat doctor.
  22. Yikes, watching Jesse and Darcey actually made me uncomfortable. God I hope she ditches him, and fast. Patrick. What in the hell. In addition to insisting Myriam had romantic feelings for him (despite her being on Skype right there and having just said for the 48573 time she didn't), he was also trying to say that his baby mama (I forgot her name. She was pretty though.) still did too. Which seemed questionable to me... in that conversation we saw them having, she was asking him about Myriam in much the way I might ask my coworker how their date last night went. I didn't get a "jealousy" vibe from her at all. That guy exhausts me on television, I shudder to think how exhausting he is in real life. I noticed that too. He really had to explain that people can come to America on...vacation? Wow! Who knew!
  23. There is a guy on 90 Day Fiance right now that is from Moldova! I'm sorry to report he seems like a bit of a jerk though =(
  24. Yeah, I seem to recall early on (first episode?) he said he was in the process of fixing that house up, while living in it. It looks kind of depressing at the moment... But I think it is a work in progress, not like he's just holed up in a quasi-abandoned shack.
  25. Yes he said that several times in the first few episodes. Before "she has a boyfriend?!" was the big deal, "she's Muslim and I'm not" was the thing Patrick was worried about, with respect to their "relationship."
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