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Everything posted by Temperance

  1. Those glassware sets were reasonably priced. I'm always surprised by how many expensive items people register for these days. This girl I know registered for many expensive items, but then I only know her because she was dating a mutual fundie-lite acquaintance.
  2. These recipes seem old to me, like thirty-forty years ago this was hip. These days almost everyone seems obsessed with healthy eating. Of course back in the day, when they were still in long skirts all the time and none of the girls were married or courting, the Duggars toured the country selling their books. The Duggars would get invited to dinner at fans' houses and eat with them. Their fans were so excited to have these wonderful people over for dinner, and of course to celebrate they would make Tater Tot Casserole for dinner. Almost all of their devoted fans made TTC for dinner. No wonder Jill thinks everyone wants to try her mother's old recipes.
  3. He may not have updated his website/bio since his move to AR.
  4. Yes Lauren's father moved the family to Arkansas. Even if they were from GA still, it would probably be easier to let the Duggars handle the details since they're used to it by now, and they have more money and resources than Lauren's family. Lauren's father isn't exactly a pastor, he owns some sort of landscaping business and a correspondence ministry.
  5. Sarah is the only Maxwell daughter in her 30s (36). The other two are in their early twenties.
  6. @ChiCricket I know someone who got their knee replaced and the first week they felt like hell. But within two months later they were as good as new. I hope you have as a good recovery as they did. Best wishes and Good Health to everyone else!
  7. Aquaria was my least favorite in the beginning, but she's really grown on me. At first she was so seemed too into herself, but she's softened a bit and she's grown on me to the point where I like her. I thought she should be in the bottom this time, but nothing personal about it. One of the most interesting parts of Untucked was how Aquaria, Kameron, and Monet thought about themselves. Monet and Kameron were both happy about their performance and said so. Aquaria actually had the earbuds in her ears listening to the song. I respect that. It proves she's capable of either being unhappy with the perfomance she gave or realising the judges weren't happy.
  8. I enjoyed Cracker's critique of the makeover Eureka gave her partner. Aquaria's partner is a gay man from a red state and didn't have the confidence of some of the others. I wish Eureka hadn't shared her strategy. SMH. I will really miss Monet. I didn't like the sponge dress, but her commentary and humor was on-point and her snatch game perfomance was wonderful.
  9. Well, I know who Frankie Grande is. (I also remember Lizzo from her soul-restoring performance of Good as Hell! on Sam Bee's show post-election.) I loved that Aquaria was not phased at all by her partner. Eureka thinks this will be hard and Aquaria's like I got this. Good as hell!
  10. Okay seriously I never heard of Liquid-smoke until like a week ago when someone posted a recipe for coconut bacon. I thought it was someone here, but maybe not. And this coconut-vegan-bacon-substitute would also be Kosher. I'm surprised so many people like the taste of communion wafers. We used to have gluten-free wafers, and those may be the last ones I had.
  11. He was literally born on television. He's been around microphones his whole life.
  12. One that wants his tuition money. Seriously getting into law school is eaiser than finishing said law school or passing the bar or the ethics portion.
  13. I also remember now in college he dreamed of joining the FBI. A law degree might help with that.
  14. Another thing to consider: he could get into law school, and graduate. But then to be admited as a lawyer to the bar, he would need to pass the bar and an ethics evaluation. There are lots of people who go to law school, rack up debt, and then never pass either one.
  15. My problem with this season is I can't tell how it fit in with the real world. I'm hoping it's how and not if, because if this season was just a fantasy then it's waste. Last season, Archer was PI searching for who killed Woodhouse which made some sense since Archer has issues surrounding death and Woodhouse. This season might seem better when we see what's going on in the real world and what Archer is trying to do. One thing I liked about this show in general is the way it turns certain cliches upside down, but this season seems less satire of adventure/mysterious island scenario and more just adventure story. Still I hope they'rebuilding to something and next season we'll see parallels to the real world and danger island. And I enjoy watching it, but YMMV.
  16. I don't know how I missed it, but I just realized ..... Jeremy's parents are Charles and Diana!
  17. I hope her parents get at least one set of glasses. They seem like they might actually use them more than the Duggars. I think you might be right. I wonder if that's why the weddings are get less and less attended. I see the Duggars as the kind of people who register for more expensive items and then show up at other people's weddings with cheap gifts. JB and Michelle have more money than a lot of fundies and also more children. If they want their friends to continue to spring for gifts at the weddings and also attend the weddings, they should buy the pricier items on other people's registries so that their friends don't feel used.
  18. Finally catching up with the trends huh? Beige was big in the 90s/2000s and gray is the color of this decade 2010s.
  19. Here's the text of his tweet: "We wanted a midwife at home for first birth. Many people do this. Since it ended up being C-section birth (non-emergency), we planned on having a hospital birth all along for the second birth, which was our only emergency C-section." We wanted a midwife at home for first birth. Many people do this. Since it ended up being C-section birth (non-emergency), This portion pertains to Israel. He's saying that wanted a home birth, and it ended up being a c-section that wasn't an emergency (maybe). we planned on having a hospital birth all along for the second birth, which was our only emergency C-section. This is Samuel and I have heard another story like this . A woman youtuber I've watched for years did the same thing. She had a c-section (emergency) with her first kid and was incredibly disappointed that she didn't have a natural* birth. (She did however let the doctors make decisions with her first L/D and didn't try a homebirth like Jill.) The second baby she labored at home for as long as possible and then went to the hospital and delivered the baby VBAC. She really wanted a VBAC and didn't want a c-section, so she waited at home until she was far enough along that it made more sense to continue with a VBAC rather than doing a second cesarean. Basically these women think the doctors will want them to have a second c-section so they're trying to get their way and have a VBAC. By being in position to have a VBAC when they get to the hospital, they think it will go the way they want. It worked for the atheist lady on youtube, but not Jill. Maybe because the youtuber didn't go 40 hours at home? *I think women should have whatever type of birth is healthiest for them and their babies. I have had many friends and family who've had c-sections and it makes me furious to think that they are some how lesser to women who push out their babies. The important thing is not the process, but the results healthy mother and child/ren.
  20. Meghan Markle is a beautiful woman and her dress looked beautiful on her. It looks good on her, because she's so beautiful and slender. I'm not sure it works on all body types. As for her collar bones, Jessa had small scoop neck for her wedding dress, so it should be fine. Anyway that doesn't matter, the wedding is likely too soon for Lauren to be wearing something inspired by Meghan's dress. I'm sure she already ordered/bought her wedding dress probably from Miss Renee. @Sew Sumi thinks the wedding is next Friday and she may be right. If not Friday, then probably before the Fourth of July. And usually people buy the dress as soon as possible to have it in time.
  21. @Mindthinkr @MyPeopleAreNordic and @Arwen Evenstar have cancer and the surgery is the result of that.
  22. Thursday was Jill's birthday, Friday was Lauren's birthday, today is Ben's birthday... At this rate, everyday will be some Duggar's birthday. Nice photo of Ben and his kids though.
  23. I agree JB probably knew that the Royal wedding was today. He wants whatever media coverage he scrounge up for the big event. It wouldn't surprise me if he reads People, US Weekly, etc. to know how and when to get stuff for his family. I have no idea when the wedding was. If the wedding was yesterday, we would know by now. So I went to FJ to see what they thought. They don't when the wedding is, but Josiah and Lauren re-enacted Joe's and Kendra's engagement pose where he shows off his butt.
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