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Everything posted by Kenz

  1. I'm really curious to see what Cait's life will be like in a few years when she isn't awarded all these accolades. Being on the front cover and getting raves for her Vanity Fair piece, named Sportsperson of the Year by Sports Illustrated, and Glamour's Woman of the Year must make her feel very special. I'm sure she is reveling in all of the attention, but when she gets off of this fame train and doesn't have a TV show, I suspect that she will still be this shallow person. I don't see her being open to the ladies on her trip because other than being transgender, she doesn't seem to have anything in common with them and really doesn't seem to even try relate to them or their struggles. I suppose she'll still be able to afford her makeup and hair team in the years ahead though, because looking pretty is what it's all about.
  2. Come on, Claire keeps her very high high heels on even when she takes a nap on the loveseat?
  3. I'm annoyed at the hazy scenes, usually very noticeable in the indoor scenes. What happened to high definition? Are they putting a haze filter on the cameras?
  4. It's so nice not to have Whoopie pontificating this week in every discussion, lording herself as the expert on every single issue. Raven thinks she represents all of the younger generation, even at age 30. She is such an airhead who embarrasses herself every day. I absolutely love Bonnie Raitt.
  5. I am really liking Sunny. She seems sincere and stands her ground, plus she's actually intelligent and well informed. I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't stand Steve Harvey.
  6. Wow, Red Pines, Maine is quite a metropolitan city, complete with a busy, modern downtown, mall, and huge, impressive town hall. Something tells me it looks more like Vancouver, B.C. Why would the mother decide to run for governor when her traumatized son and troubled family should maybe be a priority? Her husband seemed surprised at her announcement. I feel that we are in for a long slog with this show, and I'm not sure I'm up for it.
  7. I gave it a try. The dialogue had f*** and f****ing in practically every sentence. That's boring and lazy writing. The sex scenes were stupid. The characters were unlikable. Yuck.
  8. That's exactly what I thought too, and I was sad that I didn't remember that incident. That's a good point about Chris Kyle, too. If a renowned armed sharpshooter is shot along with his armed friend at a shooting range full of "good guys", what hope is there for an inexperienced student?
  9. Jeb Bush posted this on his Facebook and Twitter accounts. It shows how much power the NRA has when a so called moderate candidate thinks this is a great image of America. That's the caption on it - America. https://www.facebook.com/jebbush/photos/a.298834276912289.1073741825.210257445769973/825732314222480/?type=3&theater I wonder if Jeb would be proud to share this with all the school children in America so that they can rally around the gun culture he is promoting.
  10. Ari333, I can appreciate your frustration at being a sitting duck, but I don't think most of these unstable shooters would be afraid if some people started fumbling around for their guns. I think their purpose is to kill as many people as quickly as possible, and they are prepared to die by the police after the event or they kill themselves.
  11. Unfortunately ari333, we are all sitting ducks when it comes to a person who wants to shoot up a place with a high powered automatic gun. Can you imagine the additional carnage that would have ensued during the Colorado movie theater shootings when the guy was shooting in a dark theater if a bunch of people whipped out their guns and started firing all over the place? It's sad that we live in a society where there are mentally ill people who have such easy access to guns. Also I think about the two girls in the Arizona school who were victims of murder suicide. Even though the discussion is about colleges and universities, is it a good idea to have so many guns readily available if a young, emotional student is depressed about their boyfriend or girlfriend or maybe angry about getting flunking grades? I just don't see how any good can come from this.
  12. As many people have pointed out before, in times of crisis and panic, it would be very unusual for a "good guy" to take out a "bad guy" without possibly shooting other people. You can have a license and training, but that doesn't mean you'll be an excellent marksman in an extremely agitated state. Add that to the fact that the police who arrive at the scene would be apt to take out anyone who is displaying a gun in an active shooter situation. There is no way I would be comfortable with my children in a school with guns all over the place. And as Joy pointed out, a teacher would have no say so in keeping them out of the classroom. I don't know what we have come to in this country thinking that more guns is a good thing. Thank goodness I moved out of Texas many years ago, although many other states are just as crazy.
  13. This is true, CattyTiger. Remember the group PromiseKeepers? They would fill stadiums with Godly, righteous men who would pound their chests and would expound upon how to be the leader in their family and be responsible for being the alpha male who would show them all the right way? They are still around, but probably not as popular, thank goodness. I'll bet the husbands of Candace and Paula belong to that group. (I have nothing against religious men, but when they use their religion to suppress women, that's bull****.)
  14. GHScorpiosRule, I enjoyed your post! I especially liked the part where sweet little Candace is so concerned about Democrats adding to the deficit. How come we never hear a concern about the deficit when her party rallies around expanding our military spending and embarking on more wars? How about the cost of rounding up all of the illegal immigrants and shipping them out? How about building a huge wall covering the Mexican border, even though Trump believes Mexico will generously pay for it? Yet, when liberals propose a program that will help the poor or middle class, they are blowing up the deficit? I don't believe free college is attainable, but working to make it more affordable is an admirable cause. (Of course it wouldn't enrich the military industrial complex, so conservatives hate the idea.)
  15. Yes, as I remember Frank was set up by that flight attendant and did have at least two sexual encounters with her. I remember feeling sorry for Kathie Lee, but I also remember being sick of hearing about her perfect husband, adorable children, and two little white dogs, Chablis and Chardonnay, who lived in their gorgeous mansion on the water. She loved to brag about it all, which made it so much harder when Frank "betrayed" her. I'm always suspicious when people can't seem to stop talking about their immense love for their perfect spouse. Edited to add this from People Magazine: She and Frank, a "human love machine" with a great behind, as she has told viewers in her daily give-and-take with cohost Regis Philbin and her bestselling 1992 autobiography, I Can't Believe I Said That! are the parents of two beautiful children, Cody, 7 (who was just weeks old when he made his first appearance on air), and Cassidy, 3. The couple round out each day at their sprawling, seaside mansion in Greenwich, Conn., where, Kathie Lee has said, they pray and sit before a roaring fire, regardless of the season.
  16. Paula and Candace just love to gloat about their marriages and sex life with their husbands who are their "leaders". I would be embarrassed to admit that anyone was my leader. I've been married for thirty eight years, and thanks to the liberation of women, I'm not a follower of my husband. Thank goodness Joy is there to inject some reality into the discussion.
  17. So true! She makes me have a toothache with all that sweetness and perfection. When she said today that she wanted to look good for her man all of the time, I winced. I wonder how she tears herself away from her wonderful husband and adorable children who are so far away in California.
  18. I hope that Candace and the other kids on Full House were protected from Bob Saget, who is one of the dirtiest comics around, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has a big collection of porn. Maybe that's the porn that she saw when she was twelve. I think Joy even jokingly suggested it. He gives me the creeps.
  19. Gee Whiz, Candace took the subway all by herself and she even took a cutesy video of it! Gosh darn, she's so brave, and it was just so fascinating to see them take a chunk of time describing it!
  20. They have to be desperate to bring befuddled, arrogant S.O.B. Donald Rumsfeld on this show. Do they have Cheney booked next? "I can't tell you if the use of force in Iraq today will last five days, five weeks or five months, but it won't last any longer than that." Donald Rumsfeld "There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know." Donald Rumsfeld
  21. Thanks, backformore, for the hilarious Dumb and Dumber photo.I needed a good chuckle today. My only complaint about it is that they gave Trump's hairline too much frontal definition. His combover comes from way back further than that!
  22. That question that Whoopi posed to Paula was really unfair. She could have phrased it, "Paula, did the schools you attended give you much information about black history?" Instead she demanded to know what Paula knew about black history, putting Paula on the spot. She really does have it out for Paula. Why didn't she ask that of Sarah or Joy, who are also white?
  23. Thanks for the link, backformore. I'm pretty sure that if my son were arrested on these charges and reportedly was threatening TO KILL HIMSELF with his gun (one of many stored in the Palin home, yes, it was Sarah Palin's home where this took place with maybe other family members inside), I would high tail it back to Alaska. Of course if she prefers attention and grandstanding while spouting off completely bizarre words rather than being with her family, well then, we know what kind of great mother she is.
  24. Whoopi's rampages were over the top today. I'm glad that Sunni tried to stand her ground against the big bully. My question about the Oscars is next year, if a black, hispanic, or asian actor or actress is nominated, will they feel that they are now being nominated because of their race? Wasn't Twelve Years a Slave the big winner a couple of years ago with several black actors as nominees and it also won best movie? What about Selma, last year? It was given lots of nominations. When a black, hispanic, or asian actor wins an award, it pains me for them to point out their race. They should be proud of their outstanding acting performance instead. Jada Pinkett Smith is ticked off that her husband wasn't nominated, and perhaps he gave a great performance, but he doesn't seem to lack for acting jobs and is paid very well for them.
  25. Second episode featured more extreme closeups, and boring, meandering scenes. I gave it a try, but this show seems like a waste of time. My sympathy goes to the fine actors who signed on to this mess.
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