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Everything posted by Kenz

  1. maryis1, I agree with you. When Whoopi began her defense of Bill Cosby again today, I saw Michelle Collins tense up and kind of roll her eyes, but I think she was truly afraid to say anything. To her credit, yesterday she spoke up about the fact that so many women had told the same stories about Cosby, and now he had admitted giving drugs to have sex with a woman in court records, that there was good evidence that those women were telling the truth. Today I think she was really afraid to say anything because Whoopi was seething. What good is a panel of hosts if everyone is afraid of Whoopi?
  2. If all they can come up with is Stacey London and Molly Simms, they are truly desperate. Michelle Collins hasn't shown much in the way of comedy, but maybe that's difficult to do with Whoopi lording over the table. Raven needs to grow up and mature. She acts like a snobby, pretentious teenager who thinks acting wacky is cute. I guess Whoopi is relieved that the show is sticking around another season so she can collect another $5 million.
  3. I agree with almost all of the postings here about Whoopi. She believes she is invincible because of her star status, but she's gone too far this time and I think she will suffer for it, especially when non-viewers of The View see clips of her angry tirades. I thought that Rosie was still scheduled to be on the show until August 6. This was certainly an over the top goodbye. I like her, but come on, it's not that big of a deal to leave this dumb show, and does this mean she won't be back now, because what will they do on August 6 to top this tearfest? I'm no fan of Paula Deen, but I think the reaction to an 2011 Halloween costume photo ( they dressed like that on their show for Halloween) is pretty extreme. Rosie acted like that was the most degrading thing that a Latino could ever face. I understand the aversion to black minstrel shows, but this didn't seem to be the same issue to me.
  4. Here's an article from Yahoo about the View: https://www.yahoo.com/tv/the-view-whoopi-ratings-variety-rosie-perez-123378597060.html I hope Nicolle leaves because I can't stand her, and I hope Rosie leaves, because she isn't cut out for the show and it can't be making her happy, and I want her to be happy because I like her. I can't imagine who they will get to co-host this show, because anyone who has any self respect and talent would probably want to avoid it like the plague. Sure, they can get bland Molly Simms on or syrupy sweet Candace Bure, but wow, how boring. I think no one wants to take on Whoopi, so their choices are very limited.
  5. Do you ever get the impression that Morgan Freeman begrudgingly tolerates the fawning that he gets? I saw him on the Today Show and they fawned there too, but the View ladies take it over the top with the sexiness routine, etc. I love the guy, but he must get tired of this stuff. What a shock, Molly Simms didn't know he was a pilot! How did she not know that? Shouldn't everyone know every fact about Morgan Freeman? She acted upset with herself that she didn't know that. What fantastic interviewing skills these ladies have! (Sarcasm intended)
  6. Wow, I was almost blinded by all the white teeth on this show! I was impressed by Gunnar and his wife because they seem down to earth. I hope Rain isn't counting on marriage, because I don't think Vince is ready for wife #5.
  7. Some observations from todays show: Rosie is really not enjoying Raven, considering the looks that she gives after Raven speaks. Molly Simms adds nothing to the panel. She is a "mama-bear" though. She said that twice. Nicolle loves to pat Whoopi on the back every chance that she gets. I was happy to see that Whoopie made some good points today about the P. Diddy thing, and she also talked about the fact that the US did not like to be diplomatic with other countries during the Bush administration, which is true. Take that, Nicolle!
  8. Roger, now that public pressure is on these usually spineless politicians, they are calling for the Confederate flag to be removed. Mitt Romney was at least brave enough to say that it should be removed several days ago and was fiercely criticized by many Republicans. Now some of these Republican governors and state legislators are acting only because the general public is demanding it, not because they are principled people. I agree with you about John McCain. It's really lame to admit that you pandered to get votes and now you're sorry about it, but actually that is the situation that every Republican candidate is in. They either tow the party line, or they have no chance of being even nominated.
  9. I have to give it to Nicolle (maybe for the first time) for hiding under the desk after Trump's speech. Trump has become even more crazy than before. He needs to have some therapy-STAT! Edited to say I mean he should be committed- STAT!
  10. I found it hard to believe that Tami devours junk food and doesn't work out. Did you see her body? Her daughter looked very fit too.
  11. Yes, GiveMeSpace, Republicans keep us safe by wanting more wars and promoting more anti-American sentiment. It's too bad Joy wasn't there to counter Nicolle. As others have stated, it's only going to get worse as the elections draw nearer and Nicolle is free to spout her Republican talking points. Republicans try to latch on to some issue and repeat it over and over, like how they can keep us safe from ISIS. I remember in 2004, the Republicans were on an anti-gay agenda during the election. Now it's not too popular for them to be as anti-gay, but now they can be anti gay marriage, against abortions, and pretend that ISIS will be knocking at our doors to take over soon. What positive issues do they ever bring up, like improving our infrastructure or our educational system? (Sorry for the rant!)
  12. I understand what you are saying, maggiemae. I have the show on while I work at home, but at some point I'll have to quit watching, because my blood pressure rises and I get mad, and although I like coming to this board to commiserate, I feel as though I have an unhealthy hate watch going on. I agree completely with what you wrote. I don't feel that there is anyone on the panel who is really competent, professional, or interesting. To add Raven because she is a "self-assured lunatic" just shows how desperate they have become in trying to save the show.
  13. Oh my, I'm not sure I can take it much longer. The conversation about Carly Fiorina and getting feedback about issues from voters like American Idol does was so ridiculous, I wanted to throw something at the TV. Nicolle, no surprise, thinks it's a brilliant idea, and the ensuing conversation made no sense whatsoever. Again, Whoopie, rages about the surcharge on airplane tickets, but that's ok, because she can take her bus. What a fool. The rages are so out of control.
  14. I wanted to write something about what Nicolle said about Caitlyn Jenner and the Republican party including her, but I can't formulate my thoughts too well. I don't see how a LGBT member could vote for a Republican, but then I remember that Bruce Jenner in his interview with Diane Sawyer said that he was a Republican because he believed in the Constitution, so maybe he's not too savvy about political issues. Maybe he just wants to keep a bunch of AK47's and that's his tie to the Republican party. ( Sorry to offend any Republicans who read this! ) Like Dissy,I wasn't paying much attention to the rest of this show. I did notice that Taye Diggs always thinks highly of himself wherever he is interviewed.
  15. I just saw an ad on TV for Brian Wilson's concert at a midsize casino here in Oregon next month. I was kind of shocked that he would be able to do that, then I saw that he has a whole bunch of tour dates this summer in different cities and then goes to the UK for concerts in September. I hope they take good care of him with all of that traveling. He looked in bad shape, but maybe he has more stamina than we know.
  16. Nicolle could learn a few lessons from the Fox lady who was on today. Although she is on Fox News, she was eloquent and explained her viewpoint very well. I'm glad that Joy was there to get a few zingers in though. ( George Bush's favorability rating at 52%, Joy said that it must be amnesia!)
  17. I think Nicolle thinks that by acting "dumb" about certain events and people that she will appeal to the "common people". She doesn't want to give the impression that she's smart, because maybe those people won't relate to her. She has taken on this role to play in the panel. It's not a wise move, because most of the viewing public is probably seeing through this feigned ignorance. The other alternative is that she is genuinely out of the loop on many subjects. ( Of course, she is a huge fan of Pitbull and has his music on Pandora, so that gives her some hipness, har, har...I doubt that she had ever listened to him before he came on the show that day. She says she's a huge fan of almost every guest!)
  18. Yes, Molly Simms adds nothing to the panel. I can't think of one thing that she's said that has been relevant or interesting. I guess they feel they have to have five people on the panel, even if the fifth one is useless. The other four are pretty useless too, so why should I care? Even with the snark that I enjoy on this board, I don't know how much longer I can subject myself to this lame show. I really get a laugh at the end of the show when Whoopie reminds us how she appreciates the viewers of the show. It's coerced by the producers, I'm sure. As long as she can cash her checks, I'm sure she doesn't care one whit about the viewers out there, as she often reminds us earlier in the show.
  19. Edited because it was a dumb post :)
  20. I see your point, Roger. I just think that there are so many distractions that a person does have to do their research and seek out the relevant news. I agreed with Rosie on that point. At least Raven said that she's now reading The Huffington Post and BBC News since she's been on The View. I hope she does some serious studying, because she is really lacking in basic information.
  21. I've been thinking about the discussion about young people getting the news. I'm pretty old, and I was interested in current events and politics even from an early age, so I listened to the news on TV (on one of our three stations), and I read the local paper. Now there is such a bombardment of information coming from all directions, and some of it is all mixed up with legitimate, serious news and then useless stuff like the latest Kardashian crap, and it's so easy to get distracted from the serious news ( yes, I was very distracted by the Caitlyn Jenner story, and I'm still clicking on stories about it), that I feel for younger people in updating their knowledge on the important news. Add to that the ever growing disdain for our politicians and their inaction on issues that matter, and it's easy to see why a lot of the younger generation might be apathetic. Let's not label them all that way though, because I'm hoping some of them are paying attention.
  22. Susieq147, I believe that the quote from Hillary Clinton was made when she was interviewed and stated that she and her husband were "flat broke" when they exited the White House in 2000. At the time I know that they had huge legal bills piled up from all of the years of defending themselves, so that's what I think she was referring to. Of course, everyone jumped on that remark and uses it to this day out of context, like she just said it recently about her economic status ( Nicolle).
  23. Nicolle yet again demonstrates her BS by telling Raven what a role model she is for younger women. The other day she gushed over Whoopie's beautiful clothes and when she was reminded by Whoopie herself that it was mainly white shirts, Nicolle said that the creases were so sharp and perfect!
  24. Roger, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that was strange with the chef. Let's cheer for his emotional breakdown, WOO WOO!!!
  25. Poor Henry Wang. Nicolle just dissed him on national TV because she went to her prom with him, instead of the "love of her life". Did you have to give his name? She has done this before, telling the world how her first boyfriend was horrendous. Classy, Nicolle. Yes, Raven, let's teach 14 and 15 year olds how to drink alcohol before they start driving at 16. Does she ever think before she spouts off her nonsense?
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