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Everything posted by SueB

  1. . Much of what I said was how they should have done it better. I hope i didn't confuse you.
  2. Alaina Hoffman tweeted a pic of her in a harness for this upcoming episode: http://instagram.com/p/naqt61IZTX/#S So clearly Abaddon goes flying at some point in "King of the Damned". Now who has that kind of juice to make that happen? Crowley? Cas? Enquiring minds want to know.
  3. Apparently my litmus test for whether or not I like an episode is how many times I rewatch within the first 12 hrs. This one only got once. But it needed it because I was pretty distracted by the "is this a good potential spinoff or not" question to really pay attention to the episode the first time. My verdict: - As an episode -- nope. It didn't advance Sam and Dean's line AT ALL. Mild interest in seeing them in Chicago but not enough to warrant the time. But my expectations were non-existence for Sam & Dean so that's okay. - As a pilot: two good leads with chemistry but serious re-tooling needed. They need to de-CW the thing. My loyalty is to the SPN universe, not the CW model of society being made up of pretty people with power. What they did right: - As mentioned, the two leads. Nate B. was stronger by far but Lucien L. showed promise IMO. Lucien was burdened with the heavy drama and the silly fridge fiancé. His performance benefited from a second viewing. - Tie in the police, avoided vampires being one of the five families. What they could have fixed (i.e. NOT the network's fault): - Less would have been more. The last 7 mins were 5 mins too much of pilot set-up. Drop the Violet/David wrap up. Drop the visit to David's dad. Have Ennis be David's inspiration for going back to straighten out his sister. Shorten that scene to the glove drop and "I'm coming back" announcement. - Drop everything after the boys left EXCEPT put in Ennis saying (as the car drives away) "no I won't be dropping this, this is MY home." - Add in the boys talking about the hunter life and a little shit from them about killing a human (silence was not good, no matter what is happening with MoC). - They completely dropped the ball on Ennis being a cop-in-training. It was in the premise write-up but we were left with NO idea how Ennis earned his income. They needed that to explain how he knew to hold a gun and moved a little like a pro. - They shouldn't have fridged the fiancé. - Have the boys comment on David's lack of shedding and have David say "Country Mouse, City Mouse -- you guys are not as smart as you think. We come in different flavors." That's enough confusion to say there 's backstory to explain the canon changes. What the Network should do: - Let them add older power players. The poor actress who was given Margo got a terrible character. Sam with Julian guy (although he had a few better lines). - Shove Romeo/Juliet to backstory for a full year - Risk a 13 episode run and try to wok out the kinks. Bottom line: I think they ought to retool a bit and try for 13 to see if they can make a better product with better characterizations and less CW-ness. BTW, Tippi B from TWOP has an EXCELLENT weecap: http://tippitv.tumblr.com/post/84315567402/tippitv-supernatural-recap-bloodlines
  4. The extended promo for next week is pretty damn good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcPF6F_QW28&feature=youtu.be
  5. Dabb's a good writer. I bet it's a fascinating episode. It'll be interesting to see how Sam represents the Hunting life to Ennis as I'm sure both boys will try to talk him out of it. So I think they'll be insight. Of course, there will be blood. And I'd like to see Dean go MoC on someone just to impress the hell out of the Monsters that Hunters are real and to be feared. If you're into that kind of a thing.....
  6. Andrew Dabb says the season wrap up kicks off at the end of tonight's' episode. I may or may not be able to concentrate until that time!
  7. Home ++ Salvation -- Bloody Mary -- 39 - Scarecrow 33 - Pilot 31 - The Benders 27 - Faith 27 - Skin 23 - Dead in the Water 23 - Something Wicked 19 - Devil's Trap 17 - Phantom Traveler 09 - Shadow 07 - Salvation 07 - Home 05 - Bloody Mary GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House
  8. It's not an ability to cure a demon so much as a fancy exorcism. So all Sam has to do is go back to confession, give his blood to Dean 8 times (once per hour) and finish with the "bloody fisted sandwich". Closing the Gates of Hell was 3 trials (hellhound, rescue innocent from hell, 'cure' a demon). So Sam can still 'cure' a demon. Now the question I was raising was ... since he backed away from completing the third trial, is there a statue of limitations on those trials. Like they have to be done successfully on the first try each time. Could Dean turn around and try to shut the Gates of Hell by starting from the beginning by ganking a hellhound? In short, the boys know how to cure a demon. If Dean turns into one, Sam could cure him. A side benefit COULD be that the Gates of Hell would close but I imagine that it might kill Sam in the process.
  9. Well Sam knows how to cure a demon. And it just might kill him -- is there a time-limit on closing the Gates of Hell? And it would be Supernatural and of course make what Dean said was true (that Sam would do anything for Dean).
  10. This one really sent me buzzing. I was more generic in my list and when he says "a situation they've never faced before" I'm thinking ALL 195 episodes. Dean, Sam, and Cas have all died. So, I'm going to say -- they are alive. I'm throwing Cas in there out of desperation and hope. Sam and Cas have gone darkside so Dean going darkside .... IDK. I think Dabb is quibbling if he says that is "new" IA that Sam potentially having to kill Dean is new but it's a parallel/a repeat. My first thought - Dean's eyes turn black and he's a demon. We've never had a character ACTUALLY be a demon before. They've been possessed and gone darkside (usually based on good intentions) but this would be a first. It's a cliffhanger so someone or something is in jeopardy - or Dabb doesn't understand the definition of cliffhanger. I'm still voting for Deansil in Distress but more of his soul being an issue than physical harm. It's true neither of the boys have killed the other so that COULD be the cliffhanger. Ack. I just know it's going to be EPIC and I can't wait.
  11. Faith ++ Home ++ Devil's Trap ++ 37 - Scarecrow 33 - Pilot 29 - Faith 27 - The Benders 27 - Skin 23 - Dead in the Water 21 - Something Wicked 19 - Devil's Trap 17 - Phantom Traveler 09 - Salvation 09 - Shadow 07 - Bloody Mary 05 - Home GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House
  12. Home ++ Salvation -- Bloody Mary -- 33 - Scarecrow 33 - Pilot 27 - Faith 25 - The Benders 23 - Dead in the Water 25 - Skin 19 - Something Wicked 17 - Devil's Trap 17 - Phantom Traveler 07 - Bloody Mary 07 - Salvation 07 - Shadow 05 - Home GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House
  13. -- Wendigo -- Hell House ++ Home 33 - Scarecrow 31 - Pilot 27 - The Benders 27 - Faith 23 - Dead in the Water 23 - Skin 19 - Something Wicked 17 - Devil's Trap 17 - Phantom Traveler 09 - Bloody Mary 09 - Salvation 07 - Shadow 05 - Home 03 - Wendigo 03 - Hell House GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum
  14. **A moment of silence for Route 666** The pretty sex scene and Dean emotional vulnerability could just NOT compensate for 'Racist Ghost Truck'. I couldn't vote for or against it due to my ambivalence. Back to our regularly scheduled game: ++ Home ++ Shadow -- Hell House 33 - Scarecrow 31 - Pilot 27 - The Benders 27 - Faith 25 - Dead in the Water 21 - Skin 21 - Something Wicked 17 - Devil's Trap 17 - Phantom Traveler 09 - Bloody Mary 09 - Shadow 09 - Home 07 - Salvation 07 - Wendigo 03 - Hell House GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum
  15. Stairway to Heaven .... summary has implied spoilers from King of the Damned source: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1s1h3mu Holy moly. So Dean HAS THE FIRST BLADE. Which obviously happened in King of the Damned. And we know Crowley is still alive because we have BTS shots of him filming the finale. So... Is Abaddon kaput? Why would Crowley be around if Abaddon was dead? Why wouldn't Dean have killed Crowley yet if he has the First Blade? Enquiring mind want to know. Other tidbits: Tessa is in on a plot AGAINST Cas? Please don't have Dean torture her. I don't want that. I kinda ship Dean/Tessa. Since when did she become political? *whimper*. GNB is one of my favorite directors and I love Andrew Dabb's writing so I'm expecting a great episode. I'm just a wee bit freaked at this summary. And I can't believe they spoiled that Dean has the Blade. I personally LOVE spoilers but not everyone does.
  16. ++ Shadow -- Hell House ++ Home 33 - Scarecrow 31 - Pilot 25 - The Benders 25 - Faith 23 - Dead in the Water 21 - Skin 21 - Something Wicked 17 - Devil's Trap 17 - Phantom Traveler 11 - Wendigo 09 - Bloody Mary 09 - Salvation 09 - Home 09 - Shadow 03 - Hell House 01 - Route 666 GANKED: Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum
  17. Outing my OCD on this: - He had it still. In the shower scene the camera doesn't pan down far enough (dammit!) -- although at that angle, pulling back a little when Dean's head was facing up would have put this show on HBO. At the mirror scene, the mirror is foggy but you can kind of see the blue/grey tinge in the mirror on his chest. In the promo where the camera is APPROPRIATELY PULLED BACK (thankyouverymuch....ahem), he's clearly got it on.
  18. That's my take too. It doesn't seem reasonable to me to judge Sam for being unconcerned and then judge Sam for being judgey when he's showing concern. I may have preferred he phrase it a different way -- like LESS oblique Sam, how about more to the point like "since the MoC you seem to be a bit more bloodthirsty Dean, I'm concerned." But this was Sam concerned IMO. Well said Mcolleague on your whole analysis. I think it was spot on. I REALLY like Bob Berens' writing in this episode.
  19. Couldn't stay up so late anymore - shifting to mid-morning posting: Note: Ms Taken - I presume you really meant to downvote Home and am working off your totals as posted. Home ++ Hell House -- Shadow ++ 35 - Scarecrow 31 - Pilot 27 - The Benders 25 - Faith 23 - Dead in the Water 21 - Skin 21 - Something Wicked 17 - Devil's Trap 17 - Phantom Traveler 13 - Wendigo 09 - Bloody Mary 09 - Shadow 07 - Salvation 05 - Hell House 05 - Home 03 - Route 666 GANKED: Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum
  20. It was a little jarring to switch gears back to MOTW, but as MOTW episodes go, I thought this was a winner. I did an immediate rewatch and feel like the episode was much better when my expectations were aligned. Kim Rhodes has really made a complete and complex character in her had a dozen or so episodes.
  21. Home ++ Hell House -- Bloody Mary -- 33 - Scarecrow 31 - Pilot 27 - The Benders 25 - Faith 23 - Dead in the Water 21 - Skin 21 - Something Wicked 19 - Devil's Trap 17 - Phantom Traveler 13 - Wendigo 11 - Shadow 11 - Salvation 09 - Bloody Mary 05 - Hell House 05 - Route 666 05 - Home 03 - Asylum GANKED: Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare
  22. http://tippitv.tumblr.com/post/83339640202/recap-supernatural-meta-fiction Tippi's recap for refugees
  23. Home ++ Hell House -- Bloody Mary -- 33 - Scarecrow 29 - Pilot 27 - The Benders 25 - Faith 23 - Dead in the Water 21 - Skin 21 - Something Wicked 19 - Devil's Trap 17 - Phantom Traveler 11- Bloody Mary 11 - Shadow 11 - Salvation 13 - Wendigo 07 - Hell House 07 - Route 666 07 - Asylum 05 - Home GANKED: Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare
  24. Yes but King of the Damned is pre-Stairway to Heaven. Plus if Crowley could wrongly take Bobby to hell + Abaddon is harvesting living people's souls, I'm thinking she could pull it off. Of course she'd have to know about Kevin and they talked on the phone but he never gave him his name. Plus she's have to know Crowley gives a shit. Maybe he sobbed about poor dead Kevin to Lola. Again, really long shot here.
  25. I was kind of hoping that was what the title "King of the Damned" was about. Now, not so sure. Going to throw a random thought out there: Kevin? What if Abaddon nabs Kevin's ghost and uses it as leverage? Now it only works if Crowley is still on the human blood and feels remorse over Kevin. I give it verrrrrrry long odds. But this whole "force Crowley to kill the boys" twist surprises me because I figured the brothers being dead was Crowley's end game (after all, they made him a junkie and lost him his kingdom). So, I'm trying to rethink what motivation -- at ALL -- Crowley has to want to protect Sam and Dean. Obviously he wants Dean to kill Abaddon first but that's a temporary alliance. So... still pondering but I thought I'd throw "Kevin" into the pool of possible leverage.
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