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Everything posted by SueB

  1. Yes, but desperate times... deputize some of these dudes!
  2. Ciara and Ben need to read ‘Prison Breaks 4 Dummies”. You do NOT lounge in bed at your temporary safe house until your unwilling landlord pounds on your door. You leave in the dark of night!! And then Ciara kept stalling!!! Grow the f*ck up. Romeo and Juliet are theorized to have been 13 years old. They have an excuse for being stupid and dawdling. And yet Romeo left before the dawn. *shakes head* Those two don’t deserve the risk Chad took. Yay for the bone marrow match! Loved the Wilson conversation. Is Rafe the only detective in the Salem PD? Chasing Ben, building a case against his sister, trying to find a kidnapped Kayla. ehy don’t you call Lani & Eli Cabo to take some of the load. I enjoyed Bristen and Xarah today. Nice couple chemistry in both stories.
  3. It IS a perfect 'ex' dress. Even better, 'woman scorned' dress. But it didn't fit what Lani was doing. It was a 'revenge against Gabi' dress -- which was NOT the f*cking point. She needed to wear the "save Eli, trap Gabi" dress. It needed to be the "I'm the hero, the mother of our lost child, the truth teller." Think Megan Markle green shift dress: The "Woman of integrity, smart, hero" dress. But, IMO, there are three categories of stupid when it comes to DOOL: - Stupid: just... the character is totally in character and foolish - Plot stupid: the character is out of character but had to make this mistake for plot's sake - Soap-plot stupid: the character is making a classic soap-opera mistake but one that they wouldn't make otherwise if it wasn't a soap-opera (i.e. 'meh', it comes with the genre) So, using Lani as my guide: - Stupid: making the reveal about HER pain and not Eli's - Plot stupid: not confronting Gabi a year ago or at least seeking a trusted ally - Soap-plot stupid: Overreacting to Gabi/JJ and sleeping with Eli So... I have NO sympathy for Lani in her conversation with Eli. If she loved the guy, she would have made her position clear: - I love you, you are the love of my life, and will wait as long as it takes. - I've unwillingly hurt you twice, I own that. I honestly believed at the time that this was the only way to handle it. I was alone, vulnerable, and freaked last year. This year I had my wits about me that I could start to formulate a plan. Timing sucked but the wedding date forced my hand. Instead she was all about a victory celebration when Eli was mid-devastation. TONE DEAF. In other news: - HOW MUCH DO I LOVE KAYLA! Just everything about her conversation with Stevano. Now personally I think she was plot stupid not to punch him in the bullet wound area and skeedadle but she's was being plot stupid there. Stevano needs to drop in a hole. - Heaven help me, I'm Team Kate. It's wrong on so many levels but I am. I loved her entire conversation with Gabi. And where are your millions Kate? How can you not have seven different bank accounts.? - Gabriella Hernandez Dimera: you were evil. You need therapy. You need to go to jail for attempted murder. There's a new DA though, so maybe you'll get the jury to buy 'attempted second degree murder' because it was a heat-of-the-moment decision to try and kill Julie in front of half of Salem. And the original pacemaker was a 'not in your right mind' choice. BUT the biggest sticking point was continuing the pacemaker rigging. Which brings blackmail as a crime as well. You are very lucky to have Rafe and Kate who have soft spots for you. - Roman! What ARE you doing? Hattie is lovestruck. And you gave her a big dose of hope there. Don't be toying with her feelings.
  4. When Julie started in on Nick, I so wanted Gabi to say “BItch, please.”
  5. I cried when JJ left. That one last look. I really liked him. And he was a Big Damn Hero today. I hope Casey Moss gets a new gig soon. I need a break from Julie’s voice/attitude. Let’s put her back to one-liners. The tirade was enough for me to starting hunting for that app on MY phone. On the other hand, Gabi. Gabi’s dialog today was just so textbook narcissist. She’s the victim? I’m ready to start a GoFundMe for Ariana’s emancipation. Daddy Sonny has been stable (except for being sleazy with the Manny) but she needs to avoid her mother. Lani lost all sympathy from me with the way she laid expectations and a kiss on Eli. Eli needs to peace out for a while. My greatest wish: Doug & Julie go on a cruise again (watch out for that coronavirus you crazy kids!)
  6. Because Free Will. It really DOES exist. He violated Eileen’s Free Will and she was a crude instrument for him. That’s not what Chuck wants. He likes to be a puppet master but more by creating circumstances, not direct control.
  7. Bingo. It undercut Lani’s character — unless they were going for a pun on ‘revealing’. *rimshot* ... I’ll show myself out now....
  8. THIS. I don’t know Julie’s history but it seems like everyone in Salem has killed (or attempted to) someone. But their vindictiveness? Two sides of the same coin. Three days of catch-up: bold for skimmers. Waiting until the wedding: Lani was praying about ‘going through with it’. I think she went for the drama to force a confession. Stupid. Unrealistic. But soap opera 101. But let’s talk about the important stuff: Lani - The hat and coat had a cute vibe. The dress?!?! What the hell was THAT? Black negligee parading around as a cocktail dress. I know we’ve seen the see-thru corset look in high fashion but it was just not the right look. She’s the aggrieved party. WHY dress like the ‘scarlet woman’ if she’s trying to get sympathy. And the slit in the back? Nope. ITA, someone has a fetish for stripping nuns. SSH: woah, tone it down honey. Gabi: I BELIEVE YOU have come to love Julie & Eli. I’m not happy with you leaving Stephan’s necklace behind — too soon. And then you go full-on Mad Queen. You are way too easily provoked. You were standing in front of a crowd and you are just going to KILL JULIE IN PUBLIC? Rafe (Rafe!) actually was making sense: “Think of Arianna”. Now, I will confess, Julie shrieking at you IS pretty compelling. She needed to hush (no sense of self-preservation on Julie’s part!). But nope. You just made the DA’s case with a handful of witnesses. You confessed to controlling Julie’s heart and you clearly intend to kill her by using your phone. TECHNICAL NOTE: The phone has ALL the evidence the DA needs. Records of getting data. Records of commands sent, records of you racing Julie’s heart. You are toast Gabi. Eli: Single malt scotch. Just you, a bottle, and a gallon of chocolate fudge ice cream. I think that’s your best option for a while. You’re young. Run it off in the morning. You have been wronged on SO MANY LEVELS. Ben/Ciara/Chad- I know they are trying to make them the new “Bo/Hope” but Chad was right, her father is rolling in his grave. I think Chad has made his peace with Ben (in his mind) or he wouldn’t have had him in the gatehouse. I don’t think he will ever be friends with Ben but I can see, after the Gabby incident, that it’s hypocritical to ignore his wife murdering his brother because of a mental condition and still hold Ben culpable when he was mentally ill. NOT THAT THIS IS RIGHT. I’m just saying there’s a consistency there. And Ciara’s point that he would protect Abby was the right argument. Biggest WTF: Abigail was the MATRON OF HONOR?????? Seriously? Gabi’s past mortal enemy helps out? And Gabi, you’re life sucks if you have literally no one else to stand up for you. They should have gone with paid helpers and Arianna (except Ari’s presence would have stopped Gabi from initiating the kill command). Wilson: A distraction. Which is sad. Because it was a good storyline but it can’t compete with a Salem wedding. I literally FF through it and then went back to watch it separately. That was a better approach. Wilson FTW! Bristen: Someone needs to put saltpeter in Brady’s coffee. I swear, he’s a sex addict for Kristen. And Kristen, eat a sandwich. With mayo. Thurs: I hope Kayla grabs Stevano’s testes and crushes them while she tells him to STFU. I don’t care if he’s wearing the Steve-suit. He needs to feel crippling pain. Seriously, he’s got a bullet wound. Tell him you’re giving him an antibiotic, drug his ass and go check on Justin. You COULD just walk out of the room but I kind of like the notion of Kayla laughing at him as he falls asleep. And I want Steveno out of commission. Shawn/Gina: Non compos mentis. You’ve got a dozen witnesses that know she’s been claiming to be Hope Brady and now claiming to be Gina. Get Justin to file an order and get a psych evaluation. A non-invasive medical examine will find the neck scar for the implant. THEN get an order to MRI her butt. Problem solved. BUT, if YOU think you’ve got 72 hrs to solve it, by all means, move it along.
  9. What happens to Arianna? If Gabi stays, does Ari stay with her or go off with my two dads? If Ari isn't a arsonists by the age of 14 I'll be shocked.
  10. Kathyrn Newton has a new film. https://variety.com/2020/film/news/map-of-tiny-perfect-things-amazon-studios-akiva-goldsman-filmnation-1203502837/#comment-6229375
  11. I would think the first two questions are: 1) does Jack have his soul or a mechanism that guides him and 2) what was Chuck's role in Jack killing Mary? The second question ties in with the entire season - Chuck controlling their lives. And even at the time of Mary's death, Jack hears this loud buzzing noise before he tells her to shut up. They may not even talk about this, which would be disappointing, but if Chuck somehow had a influence there, I think that would be a mitigator for their feelings on Jack's culpability. And then the soul question. Is that why he's eating Grigori hearts? Sam's not just bummed because Jack didn't come back (it would seem), he's also slightly suspicious that there's more to the story than what Jack says. If they can't fully trust Jack, that's really a bad thing. So... I hope they hash it out some. Jack's loyalty HAS to be to TFW. If he's being manipulated by Death or has his own agenda, then with his power-level, he could be more harm than good. Of course there's the whole "surrogate son" complicating factor as well. So... I can see Cas being totally Team Jack with Sam and Dean assaulted by a complexity of emotions and questions.
  12. @Danielg342 I don't think it's a reboot of the Chuck Norris character. Iconic characters can never be replicated. It's taking the setup of the previous series and making a variant on that in this decade. So... features of the first series included high moral code/fairness of the main character, use of martial arts vice guns as weapon of choice, celebration of Texas lifestyle? If the only premise of the show was watch Chuck Norris fighting within a procedural then no, this is could NEVER be that show. I think they are lifting the scenario, the moral code, and perhaps the preference for using martial arts or fists rather than guns.
  13. Didn't see this TV line Scoop posted in this thread: Yay! Amara! I'm looking forward to that conversation between she and Dean. And Yay! Eileen! I hope they have a torrid weekend every month or so. Hey, she has needs!
  14. From Dayscafe: Also Means the chip is coming out! Seems too early to be honest - maybe that's just an opinion? So... if you SMASH the chip, does it 'kill' Gina? Do you have to put it in a vat of acid and throw it in a volcano too? DaysCafe Putting 1 + 1 together -- as expected, it's likely Tate. Plus 2 weeks out, Maggie gets her memory back. So: - Maggie was setup, and I'm guessing she remembers. It's likely Summer. So maybe Summer drugged the bottle because the timing suggests Maggie, a professional alcoholic, was super drunk very quickly? But how did Summer know to come right at THAT moment? Did she have a spy in the house? Unbelievably good fortune? IDK. Maybe she was going to have her drunk drive and Sarah's baby was just the icing on the cake? Horrible.
  15. This is Salem. Weddings generally feature an average of 1.3 murders, 4 cat fights, and 2 emergency room visits. #PassThePopcorn.
  16. @boes I honestly found a bit of pathos in Kristen's "You're my best friend. You're my ONLY friend." Wednesday: Nookie Nookie everywhere. Baby Mackenzie is adorbs. SUCH a good baby. And the actor are very comfortable with her. Xarah and Mickey. Sigh. Happy times while it lasts. And Xander feels it. Ericole gets the romantic music montage for reunion sex. Kudos to Arianna Z for wearing just fancy underwear on the TV screen. Takes courage over 40. (Note: JLo setting that bar petty damn high for age 50). I liked Brady and Maggie. I can see why Victor thinks she wont survive finding out she killed her own grandchild. She won't IMO. The only way she stays sober is in jail. Thursday: - I'm seeing more "Hattie" in the Marlena performance now. And really, Stevano - "Here's a grisly fake picture of your dead husband!' THAT's gonna help? - John & Hope/Gina/thinks-it's-Doc -- you know, Deidra Hall looks awesome for 72. But no way she does the deed on a warehouse floor. - I'm happier with Ciara's new idea (go after Evan --- the baby Daddy).
  17. The first two seasons really plumbed American 'legends'. Thanks for the link. SO. GROSS.
  18. BTS for I think EP15.14, it's the SHIRT OF BAD DECISIONS or MURDER SHIRT ... all I know is shit's going dowm.
  19. This is where context matters regarding my comment. I think "The Gambler" was a good Dean-positive episode. It wasn't a "OMG Dean IS THE BEST" episode, but both Sam and Dean played well off each other and both emerged as Big Damn Heroes as proclaimed by the Roman Goddess of Luck. I don't think an episode has to be Dean-centric to be Dean-positive. In that context, I think there's a reasonable chance that the actual series ending is more Dean-positive than by my standards.
  20. I think Nicole IS the love of Eric's life but the reverse can't be said. However I think Eric brings Nicole back to who SHE believes is her authentic self. It was her fear of being poor that took her down a bad path and away from Eric all those many years ago. Nicole hasn't worried about money for years. She works, but even when she was working at the parish office, she didn't have the same life focus. And now that she has Holly, a big hole in her heart has been filled. And Eric is just the kind of Dad she wants for Holly and Nicole does love him. Eric just needs to accept Nicole is going to be a normal human being, not a nun with benefits. He HAS to stop the immature judgmental attitude. I don't know if it was meant to be 'truth' or a throw away line, but at least yesterday he acknowledged his own stupidity almost lost him Nicole. And I'm glad he confessed kissing Sarah. He needed Nicole to know that happened because secrets are BAD. And she clearly has had insecurity regarding Sarah. Speaking of Sarah, I loved her little speech to Xander. His choice of cologne is HORRIBLE. That's just -- priceless. She should go ahead and fix that. They were really cute together. When the baby drama plays out, however, I think that's a bridge too far for her. And Xander's days of being the 'good guy' in her eyes are numbered I think. Not if she loses Mickey from her arms. I hope I'm wrong but I kinda doubt it. Victor, OTOH, will get off scot-free. Oh they'll be condemnation and curmudgeonry but he won't be ostracized like Xander. Tuesday felt like the 'happy before the storm'. All the couples are re-established (Xarah, Ericole, Bristen). Just waiting for that DNA-grenade to go off.
  21. I’ve suspected this for a while. If the end was shitty for him but good for Jared, he wouldn’t publicly admit initial doubts. Much more likely it’s the opposite IMO.
  22. Good post, as always, @boes but THIS stopped me in my tracks. How did I not know this? Did she REALLY used to babysit Brady? Oooookay, fine. Goose, gander. I get it. Still. Squick territory for me. *sigh* Moving on (bolding for the skimmers): When Stevano first appeared, I could buy Marlena as actually Hattie. But Hattie sure felt like Marlena on Monday. It's definitely inconsistent. When she's pure 'Hattie', she doesn't have enough sense to be that good of an 'actress'. But if it IS Hattie, I'll ignore the slip because I like the twist. I found the Abigail/Chad conversation DELIGHTFUL. Their total WTF-faces when seeing the Steveno portrait were perfect. And if I lived in Salem, I'd make the leap to "evil Stefano plot with a mask" after the Kristen incident. Shit gets weird with Stefano and his mad scientist Dr. Rolfe. You gotta roll with it in Salem. I cannot believe Rafe and Roman didn't go the three extra feet to check the loft apartment for clues before trying to head to Prague. Yeesh. I was also surprised at the number of story-threads on Tuesday. I really enjoyed the entire episode. Yes, I said that. Onto the other side of town. I need to find the support group for people who woobify the bad guys. Because that's me. I'm a sucker for the 'I just want to be loved' bad guy, especially when they are repentant (see embarrassing list below). So Xander, who I used to loathe, is my latest 'cause'. I love that he's running around town in a panic looking for donors. He honestly loves that child. He will most likely be reviled and hated by everyone for what he did later but I feel for the guy. So it's bittersweet to see him momentarily get the girl who he adores. First, he really HAS changed. His 'I don't need the details!' kicked puppy as he was legitimately walking out the door to leave was both kinda funny and telling. Old Xander would NOT have accepted the situation. Better Xander actually respected that Sarah had chosen Eric and was leaving. Growth! (Why yes, I'll be defending this hill for a little while). And then there's Eric. When did HE turn into the 'fall in bed easy' guy? He's always been the angsty guy who has to be SURE before he sleeps with someone. Not Monday! Nope, he was raring to go. Eric punkin, get your butt to Confession. That was Brady-class randy. There was no buildup to suddenly in love with Sarah again. In fact, your actual thoughts are still with Nicole and your jealousy that she's 'with' Brady. Now I would absolutely welcome this relaxation on your part if it came with a dose of humble pie. Your rationale for being pissed at Nicole is that she was selfish. Your actions with Sarah were pretty selfish right then. Your heart still belongs to Nicole and you were looking for physical comfort. Nope nope nopity nope. And then Kristen looks sympathetic! Again! Did we enter an Alternate Universe? Although I do like Nicole retaining her claws a bit while still being in love with Eric. They need to have her retain that 'bite' and have Eric accept that. I think she suppresses that too much with Eric. Brady is SOOOO going right back to bed with Kristen BTW. No spoilers, just... obvious. Moth to flame. Moth to flame. I don't get it and yet I do. I THINK it's better than alcoholism. Maybe. For the curious... List of characters I have no business being sweet on (feel free to judge me - I deserve it): Anakin - no shit. He should have lost me at the younglings but I still see a manipulated child who was poorly raised by ObiWan. Connor Angel - He should have lost me with his teenage whine-fest and sticking Angle in a box at the bottom of the ocean but he was raised in a literal Hell dimension and his Dad's mortal enemy. Pete Campell - It may be residual Connor feels but I was glad he wound up with Trudy. Although I was a huge Peggy & Pete fan. Lex (Smallville) - He actually DID lose me eventually but it was pretty hard to let him go. Like I said - I need a support group. 'Hi! My name is SueB and I'm a soft touch for evil losers.'
  23. I don't think so. I think "Billie" is Billie. I think Billie is likely offended by how much Chuck is breaking is OWN rules. Billie wants to keep her hands clean but can't because Chuck is cheating. But I don't think that means Billie is completely trustworthy. I think she's getting past her dislike of Sam and Dean but she's not beyond using them (or Jack) to get what she wants. Until we are confident in Billie's motivations, we don't know if she and the Boy's objectives are the same. Eating bad-angel hearts is hella sketchy. She's got some 'splaining to do. As for the Empty, I was talking more about it's nature than motivation. I think The Empty is the inevitable resting place of the universe when there is no Chuck nor Amara. I don't think the Empty is a good guy. He's definitely grouchy when woke.
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