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*BIG weave of wind blows dust off thread* Hello! It’s been a minute! I scanned thru comments last year and thought I’d crank up the thread again after seeing the first 11 minutes of S3 in the Media thread. Gorgeous visuals. First, my POV: yes, I like the books better - but this series is an interpretation I appreciate. And you can’t beat the visuals Book to show forecast: 1. Woah - nice Battle of The White Tower (11 min sneak peek). We didn’t get that in the book. Very different. Although not seen - I’m wondering if Suian is stilled (accidentally) in the fight or deposed later. 2. Rhuidean - seems to focus on Moraine’s visions. Consistent with Moraine as main POV of TV show. 3. Definitely get the Battle of Edmunds Field and Perrin as leader. Glad for that. 4. Rand as Car’a’carn - definitely get but I’m not sure how much. I hope we see the Wise Ones. I hope we get Rand and Mat into Rhuidean but it sure feels they’ve dropped the Snakes and Foxes. Mat’s my favorite character in the books but he’s not getting a much development in the show. 5. I don’t know WHAT they are doing with Min. Could go anywhere. I just reread series up thru Shadow Rising so memory is fresh for S3.
This gave me the giggles. But I kind of like the blind spot in that area and instead Loki pinchesoff every error. ‘Don’t plan t it down! It rolls off!’ ‘The button is a little sticky!’ I found this episode EXTREMELY satisfying. Loki is a Big Damn Hero. I wanted that. I need that. And if you realize that Yggdrasil‘a center is at Midguard, it makes him very close to Earth 616 (our Avengers timeline). I think Loki sees all and takes delight in watching his friends (loved ones really … they became his family). And he got his Glorious Purpose. He protects the flow of Time. What I want now is for Thor to see him in this position. For Thor to know there WAS always good in him. And I believe I’ll get my wish. I think Loki is ‘Avenger Prime’ (I think that’s the comic book name. I imagine he can astral project himself about to do what needs to be done. If you consider Thor was able to focus the power of a sun through a lens and his own body to get the forge restarted in ‘Infinity War’, I think Loki can pull off this task he has set for himself. I expect him back for Kang Wars. Yes, I’m verklempt. Loki may have made a sacrifice but in the end he WON. He was not destined to lose. He has people who love him an a glorious purpose. And Tom Huddleston, Own Wilson, and the cast all deserve awards. I hope they get some attention come award season.
I think it raises the stakes for our characters because I think they will be given a choice to be part of the TVA or not. And a free will choice ti stay in the TVA is better than taken without a choice. Casey - TVA is better than jewel thief. He’ll stay OB - this is his fantasy come true. He’s all in. B-15: she was a doctor so she may choose ti stay because it’s to help mankind Mobius - he’s a Dad who wants to go home. If he stays, it’s a tremendous sacrifice. He’s Loki’s best friend, we’ll see Loki offer to sacrifice his relationship with his best friend rather than be able to see him. So Mobius might go. I think the entire season IS an ouriboris and we are supposed to start the TVA and the sacred timeline again. The wrinkle is Renslayer and Victor Timely/Kang/He Who Remains. Will Renslayer/Timely be back or will Loki be in charge. Not sure.
New to this forum (Loki, I’m on plenty of other Primetime forums). Rewatching this morning and picked up a TON of clues from just this one episodes: 1)As others have said, I believe it IS Loki popping about the timeline and likely the one to rebuild the TVA (or what comes after?). Evidence that someone (Loki maybe vs Victor) is ‘paving the way’ again may be the little bits from at least 3 timeline that seem to go missing or get spaghetti’d — the TVA book is conveniently there for Loki to pick up — The coffee press goes missing (and an ‘invisible something’ opens & shuts the door from the 1982 Oklahoma Record Store - OB’s ‘tempad’ (from 1994 or 19 month later … not sure) goes missing - Maybe the McDonald’s Slyvie had 2) ‘It IS Fiction’ - OB and ‘… not why but who…’ -Loki. These two quotes plus Loki’s realization that he can control the timeline are what drive me to think Loki is the one controlling things (now). Facts: — Loki is immune to Temporal Radiation. Sylvie isn’t (she spaghettifies) but Loki does not. Loki automatically time jumps away from ‘the end’. And he can hear the spaghetti (now there’s a phrase I would never expect to say) and touch it (scene in hanger). — I think Loki knows only HE can expand the temporal loom because he is immune to temporal radiation. 3) I think OB, Casey, and maybe Victor Timely build the actual TVA. The technology is all from Casey’s era (late 50’s … Frank Morris arrived at Alcatraz in Jan ‘60) and he was the brains of the escape. So if OB is the temporal mechanic (along with Victor), then Casey is the builder. That’s where the 1950’s vibe comes from (the phones, the line lie automat), etc…. There’s also later tech but that probably comes from OB. I think OB wrote the fictional story about 3 aliens (modeled after himself, Casey, and Victor) who control the timeline. I don’t know when they pick Victor back up again but somehow OB/Victor interact before the brain wipe. Casey as well. I think OB has the longest memory. I think Victor builds Miss Minutes. Bottom Line: S2EP5 had a ton of clues.
The whole Moraine Family subplot is both very different and I find very welcome. I think it goes a great deal in explaining the Aes Sedei culture: lleaving who you were and becoming dedicated to a family of ‘sisters’ and a mission. The insight from the family perspective is really nice IMO. As for plot implications: - The civil war in Cairhein is not vital to the overall plot. - Elayne having both the Rose and Sun throne is less important than her being out in charge of all the armies (which I assume will happen anyway). At this point, aI just want Moraine not to screw over her family anymore - she may not be able to protect them but I don’t want her to take action against them.
Loved: - Lanfear is better in the series (for me) than the books. The way she killed Liandrin’s(who I love to hate) son was brrrrrrrr. - The breaking of Egwene was so powerfully done - The show has done a fabulous job of building up the Seanchan as a threat - The hug with Mat/Rand Liked: - I’m assuming Barthanes is a good guy vs book character. I like that whole family dynamic - Rand going to Logaine for training is smart - Elayne/Nynaeve FTW Worried about: - Min’s vision of May killing Rand. It’s because ‘Min’s visions always come true’ that the poly relationship with Rand/Min/Elayne/Aviendha is marginally acceptable.’ I need that fixed - Lan bringing in the Amyrlin Hmmm - Moraine cannot go a week without sleep. She has GOT to take that stick out of her bum
I could watch Natasha O'Keeffe chew scenery all day. She’s such a master manipulator. Smart of Rand to check on Egwene. Of course it has to be a trap. That’s why Liandrin took Egwene there. I loved seeing the Mat/Rand greeting. Io need them to team up. I like the tension between Ishy and Lanfear. Surouth is wretched. Elayne and Nynaeve are a terrific team-up. And the yellow who helped? Awesome. That battle against the Seanchan was brutal. Finally, Egwene versus Renna - WOW. Brutal and effective scene. The actress playing Renna was spectacular, as was Madeleine Madden. So well done.
Addressing some precious comments: Mat WAS held in the tower post his BIG healing. And he learned he had luck when he escaped with the help of the Amirlyn’s letter (borrowed from on of the girls). I can’t tell if that story is still to come or over. Mat doesn’t have his luck so I don’t know where we are. I agree, slitting throat and coming back were for demonstration of immortality. my question: WHO is the Queen of a Cairhein that Lindsay Duncan is marrying her son to? Cairhein had a King (killed by Thom) and was the rust into civil war. I’m confused. I can see the crowd ending up at Falmec but that is only The Great Hunt. How do we fit that AND the Stone of Tear in remaining episodes???
Seems there is no limit on book plot va show so here’s my review of the changes thus far (note, including looking at the bonus content as it helps a lot). Obvious they have to skip much to progress thru within a reasonable time and money budget. So, I assume these changes are to hit certain ‘beats’ but not because they have a different visions. Rand story changes: - Sleeping with Selene - tracks with the age-up and the emotional connection - New story to show he is trying to learn and seeks Logain for that. Works for me. And showed the corruption in Cairhein. Rand is already at the plotting stage of character but I’ll accept it. Loved his look in Red Perrin story changes: - Happy so far. He’s carrying the original main plot. - They killed Uno (you bastard!) to make us terrified of the Seanchan. Well, it worked. Mat story changes: - Is he cured or not? I’m going to guess yes because that moment when Liandrin walks into his bed chamber is reminiscent of the Amyrlin doing so. - Where is his LUCK?!?! That was a key plot point for him departing the tower. I’m unhappy that hasn’t manifested. Perrin and Rand have, but not Mat. - Pairing with Min is good. Vision of him killing Rand is bad. Egwene & Nynaeve & Elayne - Most consistent with the book. Happy so far. Lan & Moraine: - I cannot tell where they are going. It feels way to early for her to be without powers and sending Lan away. - This is the story I’m most frustrated with as her losing power is about 8 books early. - I hope she catches up with Rand soon. - Lan is just ‘lost’ to me. He’s such a great character - where is his teaching of the sword to Rand? I miss that terribly. Bottom line: okay so far but I need three things pinned down quickly: 1) Mat’s luck and tie to the Horn 2) How Moraine connects back to Rand 3) Lan’s path - who is he going to team with?!!?! I worry they will undermine Mat and Lan - two favorite characters. I’m hoping that resolves soon.
Tough episode (in terms of twists and turns) Uno! What a horrible way to die. Thank you Elyas for saving Perrin. Rand in red - yes, that works. (Sorry, stepped into the shallow end of the pool for a moment). He really is playing a very dangerous game. He’s lucky Selene doesn’t seem to judge him. And screw you Logain for not helping Rand. Mat deciding not to go to Egwene! Why!!! Made me sad. And I LIKE Min. Her working for Liandrin is gross. But she seems unhappy about it so okay. Egwene & Elayne: nice team up. So glad they were there for Nynaeve. Nynaeve: what a great life, til it wasn’t. Only Nynaeve could do the impossible and come out after being in there for so long. And how do get over losing a child!? I am ready for more!
Wow. A lot to process. Rand: Shaved head DOES look good on Rand. But sleeping with Selene so soon! He’s being pretty naughty. Perrin’s plot was good. And I like that Elyas and he are connected. Those Seanchan are freaking scary! Mat & Min were fun. Min is all kinds of adorable. NOT happy with that vision of Mat stabbing Rand. Egwene & Elayne were perfect. I love that Elayne took the punishment to protect her source. Shows character. Liandrin - a touch of sympathy from me with her trying to heal what is undoubtedly her own son (which brings home the agelessness of the Aes Sedei Nynaeve - more courage than sense sometimes. But I think she found her calling (healing). She is NOT ready. Moraine & Lan: I’m Team Lan. Moraine, you’re riding my nerves with this attitude. The exposition was excellent but her mad insistence on going alone is pissing me off. *sigh*. Lan deserves better.
Quick review: Yay Verin! I love every scene at the Moraine/Lan connection. I don’t like Moraine being powerless. I hope that changes. Egwene & Nynaeve are perfect. I know Alanna is hedonistic but the whole lot of Aes Sedei seem like a collection of people who just go their own way. Where is the Amyrlin? There feels like a lack of discipline. Perrin bring the heart. I’m feeling his pain. Mat as a prisoner. I hiss every time Liandrin walks in. Rand! Hanging a Beltine lamp That use of Beltine was spot on. The Forsaken were perfect. I didn’t realize until I used XRay that they were in Tel’Aran’Rhiod. Of course they were, but I didn’t think of it at the time. Also Ishamael is f*cking scary. I worried that he was going to feed the little girl to the Trolloc. And the way the Fades moved was really fabulous. Th k goodness for Verin!
I started watching The Rings is Power but couldn’t give it my full attention so I just finished my binge watch of S1. It was spectacular. My POV on ‘canon’ for ‘The Rings of Power’: this series is ‘canon consistent’ but not always ‘canon compliant.’ I’m cool with it. Canon compliant is frankly difficult to achieve for any story-teller. It depends on the import of the canon details. Example: We never even saw Glorfindel in Jackson’s trilogy, he gave the chase to the ford to Arwen. An Alternate Universe is where Aragon marries Eowyn (for example). This series is not an AU IMO. Elements I loved: - S1 did a good job of of making Sauron sympathetic til he was revealed. I did not suspect until he was talking with Celebrimbor about how to make the rings of power. THEN, and only then, was I suspicious. And I like Galadriel’s culpability. - How Mordor was made. (Caveat: Mt Doom is not geologically correct - but then the world starting out flat is also a stretch). Loved the toxic fume and ash pouring out as a logical backstory. - Gandalf being first found by Halflings. - Foretelling of Numenor’s destruction. Epic. - Durin & Disa and Elrond’s friendship. It shows Elrond was always more I don’t care there are no beards. Liked: - Galadriel starting off not so wise. She’s got a long journey ahead to being the regal queen. - Creation of Arondil/Browyn/Theo and the family they form. I enjoyed the noticeable difference between Silven and Nordor Elves. - Muriel turning into a wise leader. Dislikes: - Isildur is a brat. Realistic, but a brat none-the- less - Gil-Galad being so sketchy. His ego is a good issue to explore but his motives too vague. - Meeting of Galadriel and Halbeand at sea. Seems to too convenient