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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. I also think there will be a time jump. I think that Jesus will be off to boarding school. The show wouldn't kill another of Stef and Lena's children after Frankie. If the fatality is not the other driver or some other red shirt, I think it will be Ana, who has been redeemed and has now served her purpose on the show. While I would prefer for Ana to stick around, her death would propel a lot of possible storylines - especially if the baby survives.
  2. I really cannot believe how bad this show is. Patricia Arquette has no affect at all. I was hoping that the guy would shoot her after she laid down her gun and approached him. Nick Stokes better plan on coming back to Las Vegas from San Diego because original CSI may not be canceled after all.
  3. I loved it. Thought it was a perfect finale. Cried though most of it - starting with Finn and Don't Stop Believing. Loved the last number; great to see all of the faces again. (Could have done without Sue being the Vice President but that is another story.) Well done!
  4. I really enjoyed seeing Tasha again and learning that she is off to college. Loved the Barry Frost scholarship. I hope that we get to see Tasha again in the future. She has a nice rapport with Jane and Maura. Nice to see Jane still thinking about Frost. More Suzie, as usual...and Kiki!
  5. I loved Callie finally getting a win versus Liam. I don't care how unrealistic it was - it felt very satisfying. Also loved Callie and Stef working together. Particularly loved when Stef identified herself to Liam as "Callie Jacob's mom". Thought it was a great idea to complicate the story with Sarah's involvement. This show does continuity well. Loved Mariana pushing to meet the grandparents. I wasn't surprised by the Christmas present reveal because I figured it was from them. Judging from the woodwork on the walls, there are either cousins or aunts/uncles too. Love the supremely uncomfortable situation with Ana in the Foster home. Good for Mike for leading Stef with the prenatal vitamins a la breadcrumbs to that hellhole. Great scene with Jude reading Connor's texts on Taylor's cell phone. I can see the Monte/Lena scene unfolding exactly as it did. We finally found out that her ex was a man. I really liked this episode -- particularly because there was a respite from the Quinn custody drama.
  6. Binge watched all of the episodes over 2 days to get ready for the finale. Am in love with this show. Cookie is just wonderful; I love how she says exactly what she is thinking. Love Jamal and particularly loved the duet he did with Delphine .Can't wait for the Bunky secret to come out because you know that it will.
  7. I didn't get the sense that Lee kidnapped Claire. She appeared to be too large for him to easily carry plus it all happened so quickly. Either she went with him willingly and is an innocent or she is somehow involved in the girls' deaths. Not sure why Jocelyn didn't object more forcefully to the confession being thrown out but perhaps that is why she didn't want to take the case: she isn't the same tremendous attorney that she once was? I'm ready for Ellie to stop being such a pushover and to stand up to Beth and the others who think that she is somehow responsible for Danny's death.
  8. I had to FF through all of the Sue scenes (except the one with Becky finally blowing her off) because they were horrible. Enough already. I like Jane Lynch but this whole arc is making me dislike her as an actress. No way in hell I'm spending a second on Geraldo Rivera. As a huge Carol Burnett fan, have to admit that I liked the duet she did with Sue -- even though I only focused on Carol. I did like how they resolved the blazer issue. The show moves really quickly when you FF through most of it.
  9. I thought this was better than the first episode but it was still awful. I didn't see Boyhood but I don't get all the hype over Patricia Arquette. I get nothing from her character here at all. Avery is very bland, no facial expressions, nothing. I agree with the comments upthread about the stupid parts of the train plot -- and cracked up at only the two Cyber FBI folks running into the station to save the day. At this rate, Nick Stokes is going to come back from San Diego pretty quickly.
  10. I absolutely do not see either Lena or Stef cheating regardless of the lack of communication. I wonder if Monte makes a move on Lena - who then shuts it down? Really liked seeing the bond between Mariana and Callie continue to develop. Loved Callie showing up for dance tryouts to support Mariana. Glad that Brandon is choosing the music school over the band tour and remembering how much classical music means to him. Once again, Jesus seems to be dropped into one or two scenes just so that his face can be shown. I feel badly for Jill that Robert is cheating on her.
  11. I couldn't sit through the episode but watched the last few minutes to see the goodbye tribute to Nick. I thought it was very well done. Nice to see the Season 1 picture with the originals as well as the photos with Grissom. Cracked up at the photos with Nick's various hair styles. A real reminder of the long history of this show. I thought that CSI:Cyber was horrible - dull, boring and too one-note. Arquette, Van Der Beek and MacNicol must not come cheap either. I'm betting that the original CSI will be back for another 13 episodes.
  12. Thrilled that Season 2 is now airing in the US. Loved seeing Marianne Jean-Baptiste from Without a Trace as the defense attorney. I keep wondering if Joe is actually innocent despite his confession? Seeing Mark watching videos with Tom creeped me out. Hardy and Millah(!) have such great chemistry - wonderful acting team. Was surprised by the Vicar and Becca. This season is off to an explosive start.
  13. My favorite part of the show continues to be Xo and Rogelio. Absolutely loved when Jane sat them down and had them spill out their feelings for each other.
  14. Kudos to the poster in the previous week's episode thread who predicted that Herman would survive but be blind. The actress playing Amelia is terribly miscast in a role where the character is supposed to be a world-class neurosurgeon. She looks like a kid playing dress up. No gravitas at all. When Cristina went into a one of a kind surgery, she had an aura around her of greatness. Not so in this case. Completely unbelievable that many other top surgeons turned down Herman's case and that Little Amelia had the ability to save her life. Question for the doctors among us: would Herman have been blind but for the stroke? I was completely invested in the Herman/Robbins storyline and thought that both actresses did a terrific job. I hope that TPTB keep Geena Davis around to mentor Robbins because she brings the kind of gravitas to the position that Amelia was lacking. As a non-medical person, it seems completely unbelievable to me that they would only have one major neurosurgeon working on an 18 hour surgery. Isn't there usually a similarly qualified backup to handle part of the load? What if Amelia collapsed midway? Who else - besides Derek - had the knowledge and advanced skill to continue? Ridiculous.
  15. One of my favorite episodes due to the Stef/Callie scene and the Callie/Mariana sister moments. I also thought that the Jude/Conner kissing scene was very well done. The two young actors are quite good -- in contrast to the actor who plays Jesus, who continues to be beyond wooden. Please let him go to boarding school in Colorado! I loved seeing smart Mariana figure out how to hack the e-reader. So nice to see a teenaged girl praised for being smart. Have to admit that I teared up at the final Rita/Kiara moment. So glad that Callie called Rita and Stef - real character growth for her; the old Callie would have tried to handle it on her own resulting in a debacle or worse. I also liked how we are seeing the next step in the Lena/Monte friendship - sharing personal and difficult details. I noticed that Monte still hasn't mentioned if the person she was getting divorced from was male or female. I think that their growing closeness is very natural - at school, it seems as if it is the two of them versus everyone else so it makes sense that they are sticking close together. The Stef/Callie scene is why I watch this show. Terrific.
  16. I liked most of this episode even though I missed Jude. The Stef/Lena scenes were groundbreaking for an 8 pm show. When was the last time that you heard lesbian bed death, faking orgasms and satisfaction discussed between two naked women spooning in bed on a family show at 8? I thought they were very well done and was pleased that nothing happened with the kids to interrupt them. Stef and Lena are the Coach and Tami Taylor of television right now. I'm sure that there will be drama and tension between them regarding the baby and Monty but I don't think that TPTB will do anything serious to mess them up. Speaking of the baby, it becomes a much harder choice given the bio relationship to the twins. I think that TPTB set up Daphne/Tasha/Foster Mom to parallel Robert/Callie/Stef and Lena (minus the attempted kidnapping, of course). Glad that Robert called his attorney ASAP to deal with the cops. I love Callie but I am starting to get bored with the Quinn/Adams Foster custody battle. I wonder whether they are going to have both Daphne and Robert allow their birth children to be adopted by the respective foster parents because it is either in the child's best interests (in Tasha's case) or because it is what the child wants (Callie)? In any event, I hope they wrap it up soon. I really am not looking forward to a few episodes where Callie is living with Robert because the fallout on characters I care about will be significant. Mariana has come so far throughout the course of the series thus far. Loved how she kept her cool and saved the girl in the storage locker. I do understand her concern for her baby sister. If the moms do not adopt the baby, it will be interesting to see if there is tension between them and Mariana. I thought that this was the best episode for Jesus in a long time. I liked how he described himself and his family situation to the recruiter. I hope that he is allowed to go to boarding school and to only be seen on holidays. I also liked Brandon - particularly his pill discussion with Lou. I still don't understand the parents agreeing to the whole "I'm 16 and going on tour with no structure". I'm doubtful that the tour will occur and think that Brandon will end up at the classical music program. I don't see a romantic relationship between Callie and the foster center guy considering the age difference.
  17. I recall being sure that the wife had done it at the end of the last episode. I agree that Korsak will hire Angela to run the bar. I still think that the two of them will get together. I like Suzie - I hope that she and Maura have more scenes together.
  18. Oh yes....all I could think about was the parallel that they have drawn between Daphne/Tasha/Foster Mom and Robert/Callie/Stef and Lena. Very clear.
  19. Since they need 12 members to perform, why aren't they going after Unique to rejoin?
  20. Binge watching and just reached this episode. Strange but in the Season Five finale, Baby Aida was blonde and had much paler skin than now. That really threw me. Glad to see Haddie and Amber bonding over Steve. So glad that Amber finally told Sarah about the baby.
  21. Have been binge watching my way though Parenthood and just finished the Season 5 finale. Have to admit that I teared up at Victor's speech and then again through the entire closing "Times They Are A-Changing". Thankfully the show was renewed but this worked as a series finale. I will miss the Bravermans when the show is finally over.
  22. LisaM

    S03.E13: Canaries

    Yup On topic, I forgot to mention that I am pleased that poor Quentin finally knows that Sara is dead. I was a bit surprised that he didn't react more forcefully against the idea of Laurel running around and putting herself in danger.
  23. LisaM

    S03.E13: Canaries

    I liked the Oliver/Thea reveal and particularly liked Thea's reaction. Roy is growing on me too. Also liked seeing Maseo in the flashback. Cracked up at Laurel fighting at the courthouse steps but that didn't bother me. Did not like the entire Laurel/Sara flashback/hallucination plot nor the obvious propping of Laurel as hero. Ugh.
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