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  1. I'm noticing that women affecting nasal tones is the new vocal fry. It's certainly not charming.
  2. As a Nebraskan, I knew in my heart that we'd see nothing but bales and countryside during Chock's hometown - never mind that the Wichita metro has 650,000 people. I think Chock's coming on too strong and will burn out. My money's on Guy. People rag on Joan's looks and how she dresses - I'm 62 and have reached the point in my life where I'll dress exactly as I want and really couldn't care less what anyone else thinks. Go Joan - be happy.
  3. Oh Netflix, you sly minx, slipping in a Harris campaign speech through Marissa's lips.
  4. My children are long grown and on their own, but I would have for sure accompanied my 18-year old high schooler to New Zealand for at least a year if they were pursuing a goal. And after seeing my son's bathroom in his college apartment, I wouldn't have wanted to share with him, either. If nothing else, what a grand adventure for both this mom and son. Hopefully dad gets to have some long visits there, too.
  5. FINALLY a normal challenge and episode. Top Chef, you had me worried there for awhile. My love for Danny only grew larger when he side-eyed Laura and had a few well-chosen words about how shopping was going to go.
  6. Did they even introduce the female guest judge? Soo in the mix elevates the competition - hope he wins it all.
  7. Maybe I'm cranky because I tore my calf muscle this morning and am in pain, but I am IRKED with what is happening to my favorite show. Are we watching The History Channel or Top Chef? Are they overcompensating for less than exciting chefs and blah food with a Wisconsin tourism plug? Note: I'm from the Midwest so am not dogging on Wisconsin per se. Bring back the watchability of the Season 4 or 6 good old days - heck, I'd even take Pea Puree Gate again if it means the show I know and love is back. That said, I heart Kristen.
  8. 1000% this. He's clearly more talented than half the chefs in that kitchen.
  9. Sarah Ann still doesn't get it, does she? She and Jeramy deserve each other. Clay is one good looking man. I'm glad he's working through his issues. AD still seems so wounded, though, which made me sad. Still detest Micah Mean Girl. Oh Trevor. So so busted. I laughed out loud when Nick said, "Trevor, you can leave now" and he scuttled away. I was embarrassed for the fool.
  10. I love how supportive and emotional all the women were during the wedding dress segment. They all teared up when each woman appeared - I wish Laura and <I can't remember her name> could have experienced this with the right man.
  11. I wonder how old are those of you here who are making fun of the wedding and dissing Theresa and Gerry? God willing, my sweet husband and I will celebrate our 40th anniversary in a few months. We both have gone through cancer and have celebrated the highest of highs and the lowest of lows together - my goodness, life is so short. Embrace happiness where you can. I'm so happy for them.
  12. Here's my guess for the most 'shocking finale ever.' He picks Teresa then realizes it's Leslie he wants, so he dumps Teresa and chooses Leslie.
  13. These ladies take themselves way too seriously. Lighten up.
  14. John and Deb in NC- what a sweet couple. Prayers for her healing in their beautiful new home. Don't love the tattoos but David is such a caring, kind man.
  15. Helen needs to get over herself, and TBH, that low whisper talk she's now doing almost exclusively is getting on my last nerve. And Dana Sue? You're kind of a two-faced little thing - not sure what Maddie's said that's so horrific. Both Helen and Dana Sue had plenty of bossy words of advice for her during the course of this show. Team Maddie! And Bill? You're a horndog. And a dork.
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