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Everything posted by MorbidPet

  1. This episode made me realize what I've missed this season - the interaction. Not the communicating kind obviously but just scenes with more than two n two. The pool scene was great. Makes me kinda sad that Janet & Daniel will take a road trip as I would love to see them interact as a family. I know it's probably my lack of like for the character but I just don't see the point of Tawney and her backstory. I would much rather take the Holden family backstory & learn more about their past just to get (or try and get) a better grip of them all. With Tawney & Daniel being more or less a non-issue this season I just feel the Tawney scenes are wasting precious time from the actual story. I much rather take more of Janet in the diner reminiscing over her long lost husband than Tawney at her fostermom's. When it was about Daniel & her marriage to Teddy then I could deal with it but this just feels like such a waste. And no Amantha in the promo for the finale. How dare you. Lol. But Jon Stern threatening the senator made up for that. Go Jon.
  2. Well I love this season as much as previous. I love the camera work, the intimate frames and the non-dialogue, they do it all so darn good. And then the brilliant, subtle acting & the actual, the few times we get it *lol*, dialogue it is spot on and real. I accidentally spoiled myself and read the episode summary for ep5 over at tv.com where it said "Daniel attempts to repair the pool that he damaged" so I read too much in to Daniels behavior and was like waiting for him to explode, to totally wreck the pool, go bonkers on it but all he does is... tip a paint can over *lmao* I must've forgotten momentarily that it was Rectify I was watching. Just like Janet blowing up on Ted Sr is a mosquito bite compered to the way my parents fought *lol* The Teddy & Tawney scene just made me think of what Teddy "confessed" to two episodes ago. I took it like she kissed him but then when he tried to hurry things along she backed off or regretted it or whatever was going on in her mind. I don't get Tawney at all so I can't even imagine where her head was at. I'd like to think I would never ever fall for a guy like Teddy, he's super creepy. Okay, Trey might beat him in creepiness but Teddy is not far behind. I'm not at a place yet where I can say I feel pity for the senator but I figure he kinda wished he'd died when even the waitress bailed on him :/ Amantha & Jon have to get back together. They just have to. & I hope Daniel gets to stay in Paulie just for the fact I want the decision to leave to be his and not in the hands of someone else. & because Paulie is a big part of Rectify and I like this version of Rectify even though its fucked up and flawed and generally miserable.
  3. Congrats to Kelli, Ice & Peter. All parents-to-be. I'm keeping my fingers crossed no more babies will be on the show though. I cringe at the SpecialNurseryUnit hashtags going around Twitter, don't even joke about that pls :( I obviously wish Kelli takes all the time she wants/needs with her newborn but at the same time hope she won't miss too many episodes, it's bad enough Pino is gone. As for Coco being a mom I can't stop thinking about that time on "Ice Loves Coco" when she spilled red wine all over that baby's face *lmao* I laughed so hard at that, baby not so much :D
  4. It's looking so good & the key art is just really gorgeous
  5. I got a little worried reading a pre S3 interview with the creator (Abigail Spencer was also interviewed) and it seems like they might not even know, like that's not important, it's more the emotions and actions surrounding the "what if" that's more the goal of the show, or the drive of it. I don't necessarily dislike open endings but I would lie if I didn't admit I want to get proof Daniel didn't do it. I want him to be innocent. I think I need him to be innocent for the sake of his family.
  6. Another great episode. I've always loved flawed character so obviously I like all the characters on Rectify but more or less. I love to hate on Teddy. I feel sad for Tawney but I just can't with her, she's so boring to me. The rest of them I love though. I think the family has pretty much been in prison all while Daniel was in there. I can get that Amantha thought life would be just so much different when Daniel got out, that was all her focus, to get him out. Then when he's out it's just not that simple but I don't think she's ever paid that a single thought since all she's done her entire adult life is fought to get him out. And not with much help from her mom I guess. I don't hold that against Janet though, she's gone through her own shit obviously. They are just all so dysfunctional and I love that as I can relate to a family like that. It is frustrating though. The lack of communication. However Janet made a big breakthrough in this ep. With Jon Stern. She actually shed tears in front of him and she acknowledged the "Holden gene", I think she's cracking a little. Now if only Janet and Ted Sr could lean on each other a little more. Jared is a good kid. I think there is actually hope for him yet. This show cracks me up sometimes. Peanut in Thrifty Town. Man I was laughing at the awkwardness. Daniel and the guy with the dead turtles (can't remember his name, something with M). In between all the tension it's really good to be able to let out a chuckle. Nothing about the senator eh?
  7. Usually when my expectations runs this high I get disappointed but nope. Definitely not disappointed with the S3 opener. I'm not a fan of Tawney though, she just bores me to death, but obviously it is sad what she's going through. I was kinda hoping she had sailed off in to happier times though but I guess I have to deal with her sticking around. Daniel is just oozing melancholy he gets me through the screen every time. Aden Young is just amazing. I get Ted Sr and where he is coming from but knowing what an ass Teddy is I just feel sad that his dad has to stick up for him and get dragged down with him so to speak. Ted Sr & mama Holden deserves some happier times in their life. I'm gonna keep hoping Jon & Amantha get back together. I find Amantha hilarious. That look around the room when the manager at Thrifty Town said there are worse places to end up *lmao* I was thinking just the same, no their ain't. I can't believe we're only getting 6 episodes. Why does this feel like when Mad Men split their last season in two? :(
  8. I can't with Harvey and Donna fighting. I get it makes for good television but I guess it's my inner-child-of-divorce that just doesn't handle it well. And I swear to whatever is out there if Harvey boinks his shrink instead of Donna I will be utterly pissed.
  9. So super happy about this! As L&O SVU let me down so much during S16 Rectify has now passed it & is officially my new #1 show!! This made my night!! & tomorrow night it will be the start of the new season. Couldn't be happier! :)
  10. I've made it no secret I am very disappointed with S16. The constant focus on Olivia (don't mind the character but the writing for her this season, Benoah being most boring) and rotating out the squad/cast (losing continuity with it) two major factors. My biggest complaint though is completely disregarding Amanda's rape. I take personal offense to that. I can't understand why they wrote it in if they weren't going to even acknowledge it. They wouldn't have to have made her a rape victim if they knew they weren't going to go anywhere with it. It was in character for Amanda to skip therapy but they should've showed us that she at least struggled with being forced to come clean about it. For someone who never before had put it in to words that she was actually raped, that must've been traumatizing and nothing 2 weeks at a retreat would heal. And I find it ridiculous that the writers can't even answer to the critique coming their way but instead they block the posters on Twitter that try to get answers. Both Rollins & Amaro were the creation of Warren Leight. I adore him for it but can't understand how he miss use them so much. He only seem to care about Benson and that's not even his creation. I will continue to hope it was a mutual decision to let DP/Amaro go but for WL to say they had written him in to a corner, and that he went out like a hero? Hell no. He went out a crippled man w failed relationships & no career. Nothing heroic about that. So all an all not a great season. Was Fin even present & in a pre-S17 article WL even forgot to mention him. W/o DP I find it hard to see I'll be able to enjoy this show again. And if they start on Liv's love life from get-go this viewer is no more.
  11. I say nay to both Barba and Tucker. Well I say nay to any love life for Liv so I shouldn't really get in to the discussion at all. Liv + Noah bonding off-screen that will be just fine. As for Barba I really hope they'll bring a boyfriend in for him. I think that would be cool & a smart choice of the show. I've seen a few posts around social media that says they want to see Amanda's 'changes' to be her being bi or gay, my personal opinion is no to that. I don't want to offend anyone, and I wouldn't have minded if they'd gone there from the very start, but they didn't so to 'make' her gay now, after we learned she's been raped, wouldn't sit well with me. I want to see her with a man, wish that would be Nick but obviously that will be a little tricky now.
  12. Oh no I jinxed it, I just mentioned Liv + love life in another thread and the next page I visit http://www.ew.com/article/2015/05/22/spoiler-room-scoop-outlander-svu-graceland-and-more- so yeah you can shoot me now :/ Pls don't go there Warren. Let her just be happy with Noah now for a while & focus back on the special victims (Amanda obviously being one of them as she is a rape victim which it seems we need to remind the writers off) Well they are doing the transgender teen story in ep3. And Yates was back for the table read for ep1. From what I understand they are starting up with two co-joint episodes chasing down a bad guy. Not Yates again right? Cause surely CPD would want to be in on that and I don't want our SVU cast to guest star on their own show again, the regular cast kinda did that the entire season so... no. But Barba was at the table read too so yay. I want S17 here tomorrow so I can forget all about that miserable S16 :(
  13. So S16 will definitely go down in my book as the weakest of SVU.02. I spent most of the season being disappointed and feeling robbed. SVU has always been good at blending in tidbits of personal drama in to the cases the squad currently worked on but this season they just went totally overboard, the Lewis arch started it and the Benoah drama ruined S16. I get that Liv is the star of the show but that doesn't mean she has to be the center of everything. This! & what others have mentioned as well. It was Nick's goodbye scene, it was his moment but still they turned it in to Liv's. Had they at least given Rollaro a proper goodbye scene they could've focused it on Nick. He deserved that moment. I'm so sad to see DP go but I wish him well. SVU gave him crumbs to work with this season, he deserves more than that. It does seem as though they did actually can him. They made him in to Stabler lite and then felt as though they painted him in to a corner so they thanked him by sending him off. Way to go show. I say lazy writing. He was a great father. Have his son move in with him instead of going with his mom. Actually explore the Rollaro relationship that you only teased about and left on the cutting room floor. So much potential and all wasted because Liv has to be the constant focus. Sigh. I can't believe Mariska called this their best finale ever. It was bleak just as the entire season. I did smile a few times at the Benoah scenes but there was never any doubt she would get to adopt him so they could've just ended that half way through the season and made this finale about Nick instead and given him a proper sendoff. It would've been nice to have given the other characters something to do as well seeing how it was the finale but that was too much to ask of this season obviously. I've learn not to trust whatever Warren says (he said Rollaro would factor in to the finale. Where exactly did we get any Rollaro? The pat on the arm? Hate to be Warren's wife *hmpf*) but I really hope he stands by what he said in an article about the adoption being a closed chapter and Noah only showing up from time to time in S17. I swear to... if they go all in on Liv's love life instead in S17 they will have to check me in to an asylum. It's time SVU goes back to what they do best, cases about special victims with a hint of personal drama & character development. There's still life left in this show and they have important messages and stories to share with the audience but they can't do that if Liv has to be front and center constantly. Warren needs to stop fangirling over Mariska and value that he has (had, I'll be bitter over DP for a while you have to excuse me) a great cast that he should use. He said in another article Rollins will be going through changes - I can only hope that means they will finally deal with her rape recovery, Barba would get some focus and we'd start to get to know Carisi better. Funny enough he even forgot to mention Fin/Ice but then again he's mostly been in the back making googly eyes or falling asleep this season so yeah whatever. As for the command in the squad room I wish someone else could come in and take over but I guess there isn't any doubt Liv will fast track to Lt. No one but Carisi wants to be Sergeant so that might mean they bring in someone new for a few eps, maybe rotate some different ppl in and out, as long as they don't rotate out the regular cast I'm fine with it. A lot of Barba would be nice. And pls bring back evil Tucker, he's so much better than whatever softie you've replaced him with. Goodbye Nick Amaro/Danny Pino! You'll be missed! Pls come back as a guest star sometime soon, and if you'd like to sweep Rollins off her feet and take her with you to Cali for a spin-off I'll gladly jump on board that! (hear that Dick Wolf? Time to head further west maybe?)
  14. Okay I don't think Nick will be on that TVline list after all, just realized The Following has two episodes left. Surely they will have both 'fatality' and 'possible fatality', let's face it they kill everyone sooner or later. And we can probably also agree on the fact that SVU S16 just don't have that time to spend on him, him dying would surely take valuable time away from the Benoah drama and SVU S16 just can't let that happen right... *insert eyeroll* I'm trying to stay positive and just think about the fact we'll get shirtlessAmaro on Wednesday, if he's leaving that's not such a bad last image of him to get ;)
  15. Thanks for that link Lebanna even if it's kinda heartbreaking to think of Nick dying. As he's been seen on a gurney though I'm still clinging on to hope he's not the one dying. Noah's dad has to die though, and with it - hopefully - the Benoah drama. I'd like to say RIP Benoah drama but I actually don't hope you rest in peace as you ruined S16 for many of us. They really dropped the ball on the entire squad this season, so many missed opportunities for character development that wouldn't have to have occupied entire episodes. Such a disappointing season for those of us not invested in the Noah arch. I like the entire cast, I want to keep them all, new guy and all. But I do have a sneaky suspicion DP knew he was leaving as S16 started. He's been mostly MIA from Twitter this past season. They've let the Rollaro relationship live only in cut scenes. They sorta came full closure on the daddy issues in one single episode and they've weaved in his kids moving away in less-than-a-minute-clips. And they brought in Carisi to patch the void. The only positive with this might be that they stop with this frustrating rotation of squad/cast but if it was between that and DP staying I'll suffer through the rotation as it will break my heart to see Nick leave the squad. If they kill him off then I'll go livid.
  16. I think him not being at the upfronts settles it for me. He's not returning for season 17 & I have to face it even if it makes me really, really sad :( It won't be the same without Danny and why does my ships always turn to wrecks!? Darn it. I'll know we'll see shirtlessAmaro in the finale (& it might be the only reason to tune in) but I actually would've rather taken him dressed for S17 than that :(
  17. Do we know if Juliette Lewis will be in season 2 though? If they are doing the True Detective way I guess there could be a new lead detective as well. I hope we'll see Cornell again though. I loved the pilot of Wayward Pines and don't want JL pulled from that, hopefully she'll be able to do both. They need to stop with the Cornell Confidential though, not fair that us living abroad can't see such a vital part of the story :/
  18. I also agree that this was a good episode however I just can't with the show right now. I'm starting to fully grasp that they are really not going to even touch on the fact one of their own was raped & I find it actually offensive that a show that's supposed to be about special victims don't deal with it, like doesn't even acknowledge it, we haven't gotten a single second of what happened to Rollins since that episode. Like why even go there if they weren't going to use it? Like I don't expect much, just something that could show her dealing with it in some minor way. No instead they've devoted this entire season to Benoah drama & with the cast rotation this has been the worst season since SVU.02 started for me and if they don't somehow fix it next season this diehard had enough of this crap. Rollins won't even be in the next ep so I don't have to watch it and then there will be a finale with just Benoah drama & and that's it for crap season 16 They are basically telling survivors just go to a yoga retreat in Puerto Rico for 2 weeks and you're cured. You can go on about your business after that. This is not the SVU I've loved for many, many years. Sorry, rant over. Seeing Cragen just reminded me how much I miss him and SVU.02. He ran a good squad and he cared for his men/women. I miss the compassion this show used to have.
  19. @DotCom - well what do you say about Mariska's salary then? In comparance to that it's for sure 'only' and she makes the least of them, even less than Danny so Patricia Arquette was on point (I know she wasn't talking about actors/actress' but still)
  20. Kelli only makes like 70-80,000 an episode, Danny just a ltl more so they are certainly not overpaid. Mariska gets 500,000 per episode and that was before she was named producer so maybe even more now. Let her sit out 5 episodes a season and the show would be in the clear. Yeah I know, won't happen but a girl can dream...
  21. I think I'm done with the show. Archie used to be the highlight but even with her this season's been kinda blah. Now that she's gone I think I'm gone too. Whatever is going on between Julianna/Archie it did ruin the show. I'm siding with Archie as I've heard many actors saying she's awesome to work with (Gillian Anderson's & Kelli Giddish's praise weighing most as I adore them both). Where's Robin? I'll miss Diane the most. Adios.
  22. @Suzy123 - yes it was in an article over at Entertainment Weekly posted April 22th. Here's a quote from it; I was really spiteful after they killed off Shay and didn't restrain myself from airing my opinion of the writers but then decided to just stay clear of the show to respect the fans. This I couldn't keep from commenting on though. "The next pairing" and "romantic entaglements" had me fuming. He can put out fires & save lives w/o a pairing or romantic entaglement. Geesh. To write off a character/actor, like in the case of Lauren German, who doesn't want to leave the show is just stupid. I read another article related to the crossover (sorry can't remember where) that quoted Warren saying he didn't like to kill off characters so I'll make him eat that if he does kill off someone in the finale. I don't think he will though. Getting shot can work as a wake-up call to what is important in life so it can make for lifechanging decisions w/o the character having to die. I don't think I could handle one of our own dying :(
  23. We still don't know the faith of either Nick or Amanda on this show as it hasn't leaked if Danny or Kelli have signed on for S17. There's another pic of Kelli BTS at the courthouse and she looks unscratched but who knows really? She might be the one dying while they manage to rescue Nick? If DP is out I hope they don't kill him off though - leave killing off their actors to CPD and Fire - but instead "just" have him shot and realizing he needs his kids in his life & he transferres to the west coast once he's patched up. It would be devastating to me if he dies & it would completely seal the deal of S16 being the worst of SVU.02 :( As they are filming ep1 of S17 soon I'm crossing my fingers there will be some pics leaked of them both on set.
  24. Well I'm not a fan of the crossovers as I don't watch Fire (since they killed off Shay, stupid writers!) & the pilot of PD was just so bad I never got in to that one either, & I agree with some posts I've read on other forums that the SVU cast gueststared in their own show, but despite all that it was an intense 2 hours (I did watch PD, refused Fire though because reasons). Dallas Roberts was outstanding. I've never seen him do anything bad though. The courtscenes were the highlight for me. Great. If I were a fan of PD and/or Nadia though I would be livid. That was brutal. I knew the Fire writers were bad (Shay #1 reason, and I read the article over at EW about their reasoning to releasing Barnett/Mills from the show, another actor not wanting to leave the show but apparently the writes didn't see any romantic pairings for him so they wrote him off, like WTF are you thinking? He can put out the important kind of fires still and/or save ppl, get a grip writers) and now I'm doubting the PD writers, I did in the pilot as well as the blonde one was a goner from scene one but I thought they had gotten better as they seem to have a large fan base. On a bright note this makes me value the SVU writers a bit, something I haven't done for this entire season. Can't wait to see Cragen next episode!! But then it's only an episode missing Kelli (valid reason to skip it in my book) left & a finale that seems to be all Benoah drama (& someone on a gurney, not mentioning names because of *spoilers*) so there's not much to look forward too. I really hope S17 will be worth watching as this season has been a real letdown for me :(
  25. @wknt3 - yeah I read that article too & was very disappointed that it's all about Olivia in S17. Not that that's any different from any other season but still it would've been nice to get a hint where things are going for the rest of them. Like they haven't even touched on Rollins' rape which is such a major disappointment for me, and it's too late for them to redeem that now. Sounds a bit like we might lose someone in the squad room, know they are hinting to Amaro (might leave for Cali) but with SVU you'll never know. It will be a big loss for me if they cut Danny or Kelli, maybe even too big for me to turn up for S17. Ice has signed on for S17 at least so it will be something to be back for. But just the thought of them hooking up Liv with Tucker. Died a ltl. Ewww. @Suzy123 - I agree that the first crossover sucked (not really a crossover either imo). I do think #2 was a ltl better but I'm not a fan of the crossovers either. To me it's like we have to deal with two Olivias for an episode and it seems this time around Mini-me-Olivia will be even more in the spotlight as she's abducted or something like it. I will be watching this one though cause of Dallas Roberts, I like him. I'm boycotting Fire since they killed off Shay so I won't be watching that one at all, thankfully you can read up on what happened on social medias, with the added bonus of mockery, jabs & hysteric fangirling ;)
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